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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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Just been nominated this second.


Intend to do it cause y'know it's fun and hopefully the awareness carries on going. Not going to say whether I'm donating or not because if I say I am then I'm showing off and if I say I'm not then I'm a word removed :D

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Just been nominated this second.


Intend to do it cause y'know it's fun and hopefully the awareness carries on going. Not going to say whether I'm donating or not because if I say I am then I'm showing off and if I say I'm not then I'm a word removed :D


you should get somebody with a dumper truck to smack you on the head with a ton of water whilst you're sat on a horse fixing a toaster - then run down the garden and clearing in the woods yourself on some sort of random metal pole

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The fact that I had a little fun with my youknow what. It was dark and i was still kinda sleepy but really needed it. Turns out i used some anti dandruff shampoo&conditioner, now it burns.

Ha! Brilliant.
I need to pee but I'm scared because it's gonna burn like hell. Never felt a pain truly like this
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It's ALS anyway.

No it isn't, it's MND. At the risk of repeating myself, I have a friend who's recently been diagnosed with it. Just about everybody this guy knows has been fundraising and/or donating, me included. But the ice bucket thing is already into law of diminishing returns territory - people are getting sick of it and 'switching off'. Those who are going to donate will donate, those who aren't, won't. Me adding to the buffoonery would not make one iota of difference.
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It's ALS anyway.

No it isn't, it's MND. At the risk of repeating myself, I have a friend who's recently been diagnosed with it. Just about everybody this guy knows has been fundraising and/or donating, me included. But the ice bucket thing is already into law of diminishing returns territory - people are getting sick of it and 'switching off'. Those who are going to donate will donate, those who aren't, won't. Me adding to the buffoonery would not make one iota of difference.



About MND | MND and ALS

MND and ALS are different descriptions of the same disease.

The MND Association, which covers England, Wales and Northern Ireland, and the ALS Association, which operates in the USA, do the same type of work. The only real difference is what we call the disease.

In the UK we use MND – motor neurone disease – and in the USA they use ALS – amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Both refer to a fatal, progressive disease that can rob people of the ability to speak, move and breathe. There is no cure.

The reason there is a difference is that there are several forms of MND. ALS is the most common type.

MND is an umbrella term for all forms of the disease. In the USA, ALS is used as the umbrella term (they also sometimes refer to it as Lou Gehrig's disease).

The MND Association in the UK and The ALS Association in America work very closely together on numerous projects, especially around global research into a cause of MND / ALS, and we are delighted to be carrying on #IceBucketChallenge in the UK, following the ALS Association’s great work in America.

The MND Association helps people with or affected by MND in several ways. We work to improve care and support, fund research to find a cure and campaign to raise awareness of the needs of people with MND. We also fundraise to pay for this important work.

You can find out more about the different types of MND.

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It's ALS anyway.

No it isn't, it's MND. At the risk of repeating myself, I have a friend who's recently been diagnosed with it. Just about everybody this guy knows has been fundraising and/or donating, me included. But the ice bucket thing is already into law of diminishing returns territory - people are getting sick of it and 'switching off'. Those who are going to donate will donate, those who aren't, won't. Me adding to the buffoonery would not make one iota of difference.



and you can't afford to get cold Mike

not two months before the winter heating allowance kicks in







(cheeky little clearing in the woods only months behind you....)

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This article got to me.

The Worst Part of the Ice Bucket Challenge Is the People Criticising It

By Angelina Fanous | Aug 24 2014

Do you know what actually happens if you have ALS?

In the beginning, it’ll feel like old age—unless you’re 27, like Pete Frates was when he was diagnosed. Something will feel different, like you've slept in a bed the shape of a trapezoid the night before and that’s why your hands feel sluggish. It’ll feel like sore fingers, but you’ll question if it’s even possible for fingers to get sore. Then you’ll realize that soreness is actually weakness. You’ll go to open a door and despite how much your brain protests—“You can do this!"—you won’t be able to. Then, holding a knife and fork will become a chore. It’ll make you avoid ordering steak—yes, steak. You’ll start making fashion choices based on which clothes have fewer buckles and buttons. You’ll run out of breath shampooing your hair.

When the disease is in its early stages and has only claimed your fine motor skills, you won’t be out enjoying life or checking off a—forgive me—bucket list. No, you’ll be in the hospital, where neurologists will shock you with electricity and poke you with needles. Since ALS is a disease with no known cause, doctors have to exclude every other possibility in order to diagnose it. Even with our advanced medical system, doctors can’t just check your blood for ALS. No, they’ll run so many tests you’ll be convinced the doctors are trying to clone you. It’ll be exhausting, frustrating, and ultimately heartbreaking as you get your hopes up for any disease other than this one.

Meanwhile, you’ll watch your muscles become concave and disappear, completely adamant that you once knew how to use them but also like you never even learned in the first place. The disease will spread, each day claiming a little bit more of your ability to walk, speak, chew, and swallow until you reach the point of complete paralysis. Somewhere in the span of three to five years, the disease will spread to the lungs and breathing on your own won’t be an option anymore.

This shitty disease only affects about two to five people in every 100,000, but it’s equal parts a blessing and a curse that it’s so rare. Only a few have to suffer, which means that it’s largely ignored by big pharmaceutical companies. The average drug costs $5 billion from conception to initial tests on lab mice to the WebMD-driven retail market, so funding such a rare disease isn’t exactly the best return on investment. Federal funding is low—down from $59 million in 2010 to $40 million in 2014. Even the number of charities supporting ALS research is a decimal point compared with the number of charities for, say, cancer.

If the definition of depression is hopelessness, then this disease embodies it perfectly. Before July 29, when the Ice Bucket Challenge went viral, ALS wasn’t something people spoke about very often. It was that disease that claimed a friend’s uncle’s life, fuzzy and disconnected—not something that is prominently displayed in one of the world’s most visited websites. After the challenge, the ALS Association has raised $41.8 million, compared with $2.1 million in the same span of time as last year. The cause even spread across the Atlantic and reached the UK. At long last, ALS patients find themselves in the spotlight.

Enter the douche ex machina here to ruin the day: the self-righteous friend complaining via Facebook about people not following the rules, the person who texts you a meme about African children without water, or the journalist/media commentator who needs to find a way to call out "hashtag activism." We took something that by all accounts is a success and found a way to make it terrible.

The worst people aren’t the hashtag activists—they’re the ones sitting behind their computers and typing angry prose of disapproval. You know the type, the ones who point out how unrealistic something is when they’re watching a Seth Rogen movie. We know the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge isn’t perfect, just like we know that Seth Rogen couldn’t possibly launch into the ceiling if he sat on an airbag. But that doesn’t mean we need to frantically wave our hands in the air about how not everyone donated, that we should’ve donated the money we spent on ice instead, or that we’re “wasting” buckets of water on our heads.

Yes, people are spending money on ice to dump over their heads, but that’s an element of fundraising, like making team T-shirts for a charity or bringing cookies to a bake sale. All the cynics who want people to donate in humility and not post it on our social media feeds completely overlook the fundamental reality that humans are social animals. In the hierarchy of needs, we search for community and fulfill the urge to belong, so donating without dumping buckets of water on our heads disconnects us from a cause. It’s about being a part of something.

The hashtag activists actually create that community. Since when did fighting for something—whether a cure for a disease or gay rights—mean that you needed permission to sit with the cool kids at lunch? What's the harm of having them there, even the ones who ended up there by accident, the people dumping buckets of iced water on their heads with zero connection to the cause? They are the people who end up at a bar where the proceeds go to charity, and they’re only drinking for fun, but who the **** are you to kick them out of the party? They’re pumping up the crowds, having a fabulous time, and building momentum. Or are you that desperate for your Facebook feed to go back to engagement announcements and mediocre attempts at food photography?

Keep dumping buckets of iced water over your head and I’ll keep “liking” it. The Ice Bucket Challenge is one of the few things that's given me hope since I got diagnosed with early ALS six weeks ago, at age 29.

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I know about the whole MND/ALS business.

As do I. I was suspected of having MND when I was 21 years old. It was the scariest time of my life. I started getting twitches all over my body; not whole limb twitches, the small kind - similar to those you get in your eyelid when you're tired - but they were happening everywhere. I'd sit there and notice small twitches in random places, happening almost non-stop.

I went to the doctor and he solemnly warned me that I'd have to be tested

for muscle wasting. My mom had been in the medical field for years, and we had tons of medical books in the house, so I'd already self diagnosed and knew exactly what his concerns were.

As it happens, it turns out my regular university alcohol binges had damaged me in ways I didn't know was possible - it was the regular alcohol consumption that had damaged my nerve endings. Luckily it wasn't permanent and they've mainly subsided, but even as I write this I can feel a little twitch in my leg.

I just hope that those who take part at least educate themselves as to why they're doing it; what MND/ALS is; and what the relevance of the ice water is. Whether they donate or not.

Edited by Morley_crosses_to_Withe
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FFS. You can know everything there is to know about MND. It's awful. But to imply that you don't care, just because you choose to stay out of a particular meme stunt is ridiculous. Same as those that flood FB with those 'Click "like" if you care about {whatever}. I KNOW THOSE WHO WILL AND THOSE WHO WON'T' messages.

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What I can't stand are the sanctimonious arseholes who give to any charity de jour and look upon those that don't bother as if they kill kittens for a living.


Then they go on to live their lives of comparative luxury at the expense of half the world's population.



Edited by CarewsEyebrowDesigner
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Someone actually said this on a news discussion panel on television:


"Inclusivity as an intentionality is very problematic when you don't recognize the dynamics of power."


Piss off

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