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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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When I go to the barbers I go to get my hair cut, not to hear how the person who is cutting my hair has had a bad day or what they plan on doing later.


Just **** off and cut my hair.

Edited by Avfc96
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I don't disagree with you Rob, but the reason I keep Facebook is purely because if I didn't I would lose touch with a lot of people.


Twitter is much better. I don't follow any friends on that really, just some celebrities and websites/news I find interesting.

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I don't disagree with you Rob, but the reason I keep Facebook is purely because if I didn't I would lose touch with a lot of people.

Twitter is much better. I don't follow any friends on that really, just some celebrities and websites/news I find interesting.

Yeah, a large number of my fb friends are from overseas
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When I go to the barbers I go to get my hair cut, not to hear how the person who is cutting my hair has had a bad day or what they plan on doing later.

Just **** off and cut my hair.

You can't have it both ways kid!

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What annoys me about the barbers is that, no matter how much you stress how little you want taken off, you'll still come out of there with 90% less hair than before. 


What part of 'just a little tidy up' means cutting my hair as short as it'll possible go.

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What annoys me about the barbers is that, no matter how much you stress how little you want taken off, you'll still come out of there with 90% less hair than before.

What part of 'just a little tidy up' means cutting my hair as short as it'll possible go.

He wants to keep you there longer. It's a compliment!

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What annoys me about the barbers is that, no matter how much you stress how little you want taken off, you'll still come out of there with 90% less hair than before.

What part of 'just a little tidy up' means cutting my hair as short as it'll possible go.

He wants to keep you there longer. It's a compliment!



Fair shout.

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What annoys me about the barbers is that, no matter how much you stress how little you want taken off, you'll still come out of there with 90% less hair than before.

What part of 'just a little tidy up' means cutting my hair as short as it'll possible go.

One of the reasons I finally sacked my barber was that I could never get him to cut my hair short enough. I'd say: "Take LOADS off. Cut it REALLY short. Then he'd do an infinitessimal trim. "More than that" I'd say. He'd looked surprised and take off another millimetre. At that point, British embarrassment would kick in, and I'd go "Er, OK, that's fine", fork over twenty quid, and walk away resentful. This went on for about thirty years, until I bought a £20 set of clippers.
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What annoys me about the barbers is that, no matter how much you stress how little you want taken off, you'll still come out of there with 90% less hair than before. 


What part of 'just a little tidy up' means cutting my hair as short as it'll possible go.



You need to change your barbers.

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One thing I find awkward is for one reason or another you end up walking side by side along a pavement with a complete stranger but are walking at the exact same speed. Do you make the move and up the pace, slow down to let them go ahead, or stop to pretend to check your phone or tie your shoelace or something. It's weird when you walk along for about 10 seconds alongside them before deciding you'd better make the move.

Pick your weakest muscle/joint and ask it to decide for you. With me it's my knees, so I'll be like - "hey knees, how you feeling right now, think we could step it up a gear" and my knees will be like - "Nah, we've done too many flights of stairs today and you made us cycle 5000000000000000 miles yesterday because you told us that if CED can do it so can we..." So I'll be like - "OK, it's a team effort, the rest of me will slow it down so you can catch a break" and they'll be like - "yeah, nice one".

Of course, being a human and all, most of that conversation is subconscious. But whatever works for you, like.

Edited by dont_do_it_doug.
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