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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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Got stuck behind a fallen tree on Lee Bank middleway last night. Sat there not moving for over an hour. 


Then had to mount the kerb and drive over the pavement to get out like something out of GTA.


Missed my Spanish lesson and wasted a night. Annoying.


I suppose, given the weather, it could be worse but I'm entitled to a moan!

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Either me or my kid arent clear on the rules of fair game. Its like living in a student house. So I had some jaffa cakes, 2 boxes to be exact, I popped them in the cupboard and mentioned that they were fair game. Now to me that means you can have some but not sit down with your boyfriend and chow down on two entire packs of my jaffa cakes. It doesnt stop at jaffa cakes, its got to the point where I have hidden a pack of ferrero rocher from christmas, me and them **** are getting acquainted this weekend.


Also the trains to and from stafford, I appreciate it was bit blowy yesterday, but trains cancelled from stafford on monday, yesterday night and this morning, I have a bloody season ticket that isnt one company specific so its not like I can even claim it back. rocket polishers.

Edited by Seat68
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My **** housemates  :bang:


All three are dicks.


One of them constantly uses my toothpaste and keeps moving it around the bathroom, I don't know which one does it though, not a big issue but just the tip of the iceberg. One of the others is a complete pig, uses my plates and dishes, never washes up (to the point that there'll be no cutlery left, a pile of plates - usually caked with week old food, sometimes going mouldy - next to the washing up bowl, never cleans up after himself and generally leaves a disgusting mess wherever he goes in the house. Two of them are local and are mates from school too, so they constantly have about 5 people round who steal peoples food cause even more mess and are normally up until about 2-3 getting overly excited playing FIFA. Those two are also smokers (normal and weed) so there are hundreds of fag ends in the "garden" and the house constantly smells of weed whenever their mates come around.


The other is almost the complete opposite in terms of cleanliness, and he **** whines about it too. The tiniest mess (i.e. a pan or two soaking in a washing up bowl, or a plate that hasn't been put away straight away after washing) and throws a hissy, claims it's "**** disgusting" and doesn't shut up about it. And yes I see the contradiction/irony of this complaint, but my idea of what is disgusting is the right one :D. He's very much apart of the Lad culture too, which makes him a bellend on it's own. Worst of all he's on my course too but he never goes so the majority of our conversations tend to be "Did you got to lectures today? Oh right, I didn't, I couldn't be arsed ha! What was it like?" He also leaves notes around the house when he's not happy saying stuff like "I cleaned the bathroom 2 weeks ago, no one has since and it's **** disgusting!" instead of actually asking people to do that stuff.


I've not had great experiences sharing a house with people. I think I'm just gonna move into a house on my own next year, it's not worth the hassle.





That last guy sounds like the worst person ever.

My uni house was disgusting but we were all equally as bad, it was like the young ones.  The kitchen was a tip once, so my mate decided to put all the pots and pans into the bath to soak.  They remained there for about a month!

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People who "Reply All" to emails when there's absolutely no need

yeah, when someone's thanking someone else and decide to copy me in.

Piss off!!




we got an email yesterday. Someone used one of the huge mailing lists, but didn't BCC it.


So then you get a load of numpties replying all with pointless messages that I don't care about.

And then a load of other numpties replying all asking people not to reply all.

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People who "Reply All" to emails when there's absolutely no need

yeah, when someone's thanking someone else and decide to copy me in.

Piss off!!




we got an email yesterday. Someone used one of the huge mailing lists, but didn't BCC it.


So then you get a load of numpties replying all with pointless messages that I don't care about.

And then a load of other numpties replying all asking people not to reply all.


Haha, yes, I've had that a couple of times. The only people replying are the people asking others to stop replying. Idiotic.


p.s. in googlemail you can mute a conversation to avoid getting this spam.

Edited by Tamuff_Villa
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Websites where they say things like "We are currently looking to do x y z" or "We will be starting recruitment in the next few weeks"


With no date on the post. So how long has that been up then? An hour? Six years? I came to your website to get information and I can't. What a waste of my time and yours.

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people who have kids or people who generally are tollerable towards kids

**** hell some bint has come back off maternity leave and I swear to god the whole **** office is dominated with talk of babies.

That isn't my main rant but its **** annoying

anyway I my main rant is people who chat absolute shite about films and books, this bird that has just come back is talking to everyone about 'True Blood' and everyone is **** hooked on the coversation and one of the other brainless cum buckets has just said 'oohhh Amy you know so much about films and books your a proper geek' to which she replied 'Oh I know I'll watch or read anything'

At this I looked up and said 'so what's your favourite story by Edgar Allen Poe' she looked at me with a blank look on her face and said 'I don't know who he is...I ONLY READ BOOKS ABOUT VAMPIRES'

Well somehow I managed to restrain myself and didn't leap up onto the desk and volley her in her jaw although it was rather tempting then she proceded to talk about how Dallas Buyers Club was '**** terrible' and how she will stick to watching True Blood from now on

Now I don't want to come across all snobby here but surely the girl must have recieved a frontal lobe lobotamy at some point in her **** existence on this planet, I am sure that the only reason she is alive is to produce baby after baby and to irritate the **** out of me, **** clearing in the woods, worst thing is that she is sitting directly opposite me all **** day, I'm going to actually have to get my head down and do some work just to avoid listening to her inane ramblings, I would prefer to listen to Paul Lambert reading war and peace than putting up with the shit I have had to endure already this morning and I've only been in work for 1/2 hour

Leemond, I roared with laughter when i read the bolded bit,. I may well have ROFL'd but was having a poo at the time and it would have got as messy as one of Voiny's sexual fantasies.

Well done for making my day! :)

Leemond you really need a hug or something. I am genuinely concerned for you!!

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people who have kids or people who generally are tollerable towards kids

**** hell some bint has come back off maternity leave and I swear to god the whole **** office is dominated with talk of babies.

That isn't my main rant but its **** annoying

anyway I my main rant is people who chat absolute shite about films and books, this bird that has just come back is talking to everyone about 'True Blood' and everyone is **** hooked on the coversation and one of the other brainless cum buckets has just said 'oohhh Amy you know so much about films and books your a proper geek' to which she replied 'Oh I know I'll watch or read anything'

At this I looked up and said 'so what's your favourite story by Edgar Allen Poe' she looked at me with a blank look on her face and said 'I don't know who he is...I ONLY READ BOOKS ABOUT VAMPIRES'

Well somehow I managed to restrain myself and didn't leap up onto the desk and volley her in her jaw although it was rather tempting then she proceded to talk about how Dallas Buyers Club was '**** terrible' and how she will stick to watching True Blood from now on

Now I don't want to come across all snobby here but surely the girl must have recieved a frontal lobe lobotamy at some point in her **** existence on this planet, I am sure that the only reason she is alive is to produce baby after baby and to irritate the **** out of me, **** clearing in the woods, worst thing is that she is sitting directly opposite me all **** day, I'm going to actually have to get my head down and do some work just to avoid listening to her inane ramblings, I would prefer to listen to Paul Lambert reading war and peace than putting up with the shit I have had to endure already this morning and I've only been in work for 1/2 hour

Leemond, I roared with laughter when i read the bolded bit,. I may well have ROFL'd but was having a poo at the time and it would have got as messy as one of Voiny's sexual fantasies.

Well done for making my day! :)

Leemond you really need a hug or something. I am genuinely concerned for you!!



I'll let you give me a hug when you are back in the country, how does that sound?

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This does and probably should piss me off so not sure if this is the appropriate thread...

I'm not sleeping well at the minute, which is always a bummer. But on top of that once or twice a week I wake up with this weird feeling, like my blood hurts. Like a mild poisoning. My muscles tense up, akin to a flu symptom. It's a **** horrible start to the day.

Could be dehydration? I drink my fair share of fluids though and take a pint to bed with me (which is gone by morning).

Doesn't seem regular enough or extreme enough to take to a doctor.

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I've not had great experiences sharing a house with people. I think I'm just gonna move into a house on my own next year, it's not worth the hassle.


How did you meet these housemates? Did they already live in the house or did you choose to live with them?!



I applied for uni too late to get proper accommodation so they set me up with private accommodation with three other students in the same situation.

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This does and probably should piss me off so not sure if this is the appropriate thread...

I'm not sleeping well at the minute, which is always a bummer. But on top of that once or twice a week I wake up with this weird feeling, like my blood hurts. Like a mild poisoning. My muscles tense up, akin to a flu symptom. It's a **** horrible start to the day.

Could be dehydration? I drink my fair share of fluids though and take a pint to bed with me (which is gone by morning).

Doesn't seem regular enough or extreme enough to take to a doctor.


I see your problem. Essentially you have to replace the water with gin or, ideally, laudanum. All your problems will disappear.


Failing that I recommend phrenology.


Anybody else want a diagnosis from Victorian doctor Anthony?

Edited by Anthony
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This does and probably should piss me off so not sure if this is the appropriate thread...

I'm not sleeping well at the minute, which is always a bummer. But on top of that once or twice a week I wake up with this weird feeling, like my blood hurts. Like a mild poisoning. My muscles tense up, akin to a flu symptom. It's a **** horrible start to the day.

Could be dehydration? I drink my fair share of fluids though and take a pint to bed with me (which is gone by morning).

Doesn't seem regular enough or extreme enough to take to a doctor.


maybe you have that same weird sleep thing that Peter Griffin has



Edited by leemond2008
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Being forced to have "fun" at work. Especially when our operations manager has spent time making up a quiz during work time, which an infant school kid could complete. It really gets on my tits. Especially as I have good idea that she's coining in a fortune to come up with shit like this. Not just that though, they come around and give people certificates, and balloons! Balloons ffs!! We're one step away from being given gold stars on our reports, and being asked to write a side of paper about, "what we did on our Summer holidays"!!

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