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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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Curry all day every day would be a perfectly acceptable diet for me.


I would literally rather die.


It's a major reason why I will never visit India.


I'm sure they would serve scampi and chips or omlette and chips like they do in the restaurants over here!

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The stupidity of the two girls caught drug smuggling in Peru. I'm scared enough of prison in this country, prison abroad is unthinkable.

reading in the paper today that all they were getting out of it was £8000 and a holiday to Peru. Hardly worth the risk
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EBay, a record on there I want got put up last week on a 9 day listing so I put a tenner on the first day (the maximum I will bid as its what its worth), since then at starting at 99p its gone to £1.24p, £1.88, £2.19p £2.69p and now its up to £3.24p, why up the bid by 50p? Not even a pound.

It's the way eBay works min next bid is a certain proportion of the price after certain stages of the bidding. To stop people bidding 1p over someone else at prices like £100 etc..

yeah I see the point in the rules of having to bid a minimum % of the current bid, but someone else obviously wants the item, but not enough to put a decent bid in for it

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The stupidity of the two girls caught drug smuggling in Peru. I'm scared enough of prison in this country, prison abroad is unthinkable.

reading in the paper today that all they were getting out of it was £8000 and a holiday to Peru. Hardly worth the risk



Haha. Love it. Serves them right.

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I can't understand the mentality. They are claiming innocence but it begs the question, what were they doing in Peru with £1.5m of drugs in their luggage, especially when they living in Spain! I doubt they had gone on holiday to do the Inca trail! 

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The stupidity of the two girls caught drug smuggling in Peru. I'm scared enough of prison in this country, prison abroad is unthinkable.

reading in the paper today that all they were getting out of it was £8000 and a holiday to Peru. Hardly worth the risk


Funny, they are now claiming they were forced to do it at gunpoint by Colombian gangsters and even, bizarrely, had a forced visit to Morocco as part of this kidnap/coercion scenario. :crylaugh:


I really hope the Peruvian court takes grave offence at being insulted by such bullshit and hammers them. The media are sucking up the "victim" crap and it is nauseating. Anyone who has been to Ibiza knows what these pair are, the island gets invaded by them every summer.


If it was a pair of 20 year old black lads from Aston the media and Government wouldn't give a **** about them. The certainly wouldn't have a bloody Archbishop sticking his beak in. Two supposedly respectable white girlies from good families, now, that's a whole different thing isn't it?


They may be thick as shit but they knew what they were doing. One thing is for sure, if they hadn't had their collar felt they would be laughing their tits off about their adventure whilst dancing until dawn in Ibiza. They wouldn't have fled home with a tale about how they were forced to be mules at gunpoint.

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I thought the report I read last night was that they had gone "missing " from Spain and and were even being looked for by the police


so they could have got themselves into some trouble that they couldn't get out of


or they just could be silly bints ....

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Sure they're silly bints, but I'm surprised how many of you lot seem only too happy to throw away the key.


You must have all been really sensible young 20-odd year olds.

I wasn't particularly sensible.

But by the same token, I never found myself popping to Peru with 2k of charlie up my chuffer. That, patently, is lobotomy stupid if you're not a pro.

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this article. specifically this bit.



Wembley: England v Scotland

Distance: 0

Flying time: 0

Time difference: 0

Jet lag rating: z



But you've got to have a start point for each of the points...you can't do a separate distance for every club! As the capital city, London is as good a place as any...?


Although maybe that's why it shouldn't piss you off, but it just does. In which case, fair enough!

Edited by isgill88
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We've had my other half's neice dumped on us for the night. She is an absolute shit bag, literally spends every waking minute trying to get into trouble. I effing hate kids.


Try 30 of them trying to get each other into trouble every day :D

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We've had my other half's neice dumped on us for the night. She is an absolute shit bag, literally spends every waking minute trying to get into trouble. I effing hate kids.

Try 30 of them trying to get each other into trouble every day :D

Fair play to you. Children really try my patience, which is a dangerous game because I don't really have any. Bloody kids, urgh.

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I'm back for more... The venting of my frustration is not complete.

Little bloody shit just seems to gain energy as the night goes on. The kid has got ADHD I'm sure of it, it's nearly 10, this kid is 3, and she's still going.

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Bribe her with something you know she likes.

Or pick up the phone and pretend to call her parents. That always **** me over :D

THAT is cracking advice. Though I've subbed in her evil uncle to play the role of the villain.

My Missus is gonna pack her off back to her parents if she doesn't pipe down soon. If we do a bad enough job, then we won't be asked again! I'm camped out on the sofa for the night. Not how I envisaged my evening going.

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