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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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I think any over-publicising of the Paralympics was down to 2 things:


1 - It was on Channel 4, and was therefore in their best interests to promote it as much as they possibly could.


2 - It was invented in Britain, so that seemed to resonate with the press on some level.

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What about if it isn't an injury, but they were born like that?

But isn't the guy who wants to be an Olympian, who puts his heart and soul and hard work in but just isn't good enough to ever make it to the Olympics. Isn't he not there because he was born like that?

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The Paralympics and Paralympians

Specifically the media attention to it and them.

Can you elaborate on this? Why? I find them inspiring?

The Olympics is about the absolute best at something in that field in the world. Only the absolute best can get to the Olympics and compete. So many Athletes put their lives into their sport and don't get to the Olympics because they aren't good enough.

But for Paralympians you just have to have some injury that stops you from competing in the Olympics, but an injury that still let's you compete. Then you get to compete in the paralympics.

But many people have tried as hard or harder to get to the ordinary Olympics and they don't get there. But just because you've lost a leg you get to go compete in paralympics with the same level of media attention.

I have no problem with the paralympics. I just don't see why it should have anywhere near the level of media attention it does get.

Cold as it may sound but I don't care about how fast a midget can swim in this competition. I know the media attention is only as big as it is because of people wanting to feel better about themselves by elevating the importance of people who've had some bad injury or disability in their life.

Kids die of starvation in Africa. They deserve more of the efforts of people than this media fawning over the paralympics.




I hope your issue is with the media rather than the para Olympians themselves .....



If I was handicapped or impaired in some way I doubt I would be brave enough to leave my house to go to Tesco yet alone show the guts and determination required to dedicate myself to training and then performing in front of people  .. so full respect to them

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I suppose that's it tony. I'm a pragmatist. I never dwell on anything that I cannot change. Some consider it cold when I'm not upset by some events that happen in life. So if I was ever badly disabled by an accident or something I hope and think I'd be able to accept it and get on with life. I'd never sit and feel sorry for myself, and think of why me.

But what would really be hard is how people would treat you different, take pity on you etc.. That in my eyes is the worst thing anyone can do.

So to see people elevating the paralympics into something higher than it should be is in my opinion done so people who are healthy can feel better about themselves.

I respect all athletes. So this isn't anything to do with the athletes. Just society making themselves feel better by being fake and treating people different. Like people who are extra nice to people of another race or nationality to "show" them they are not racist or bad.

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What if a paralympian decided to take all the discounted cakes in a supermarket for him/herself? Is that acceptable?

I think it's time I weighed in on cakegate.

It's rude of the woman to take all the cakes. You should leave one or two at least.

But if it was something I really needed (ie not a cheap cake) I would weigh up taking one of the items from her trolly if she took them all.

I wouldn't do this slyly while she wasn't looking, I'd politely ask her for one of them. If this failed I'd explain why she is wrong and I'm justified in taking one off her.

Again this would be for an item of need. Not a cake. Your life is pretty sad if you are desperate to get a cheap cake.

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What if a paralympian decided to take all the discounted cakes in a supermarket for him/herself? Is that acceptable?



depends if they did it like Andy from Little Britain or if they were guided up by a Labrador and then had to lift the cakes off the shelf into their basket via an obstacle course using touch alone

Edited by tonyh29
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What if a paralympian decided to take all the discounted cakes in a supermarket for him/herself? Is that acceptable?



depends if they did it like Andy from Little Britain or if they were guided up by a Labrador and then had to lift the cakes off the shelf into their basket via an obstacle course using touch alone



What if they had to train the Labrador to reach the shelf by constructing a tin can stepladder using its front paws, using eye movement to issue instructions on an electronic voice generator?

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Staged surprise public reunions of military fathers and their children at sporting events and the like. Deeply personal and emotional moments for these young children that should be private, but instead are put on public display for the fun of it, to get on TV, or whatever. I'm sick of it, sick of perpetual war, sick of sloganeering, sick of labeling every soldier who deploys a "hero", etc...

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What if a paralympian decided to take all the discounted cakes in a supermarket for him/herself? Is that acceptable?

depends if they did it like Andy from Little Britain or if they were guided up by a Labrador and then had to lift the cakes off the shelf into their basket via an obstacle course using touch alone

What if they had to train the Labrador to reach the shelf by constructing a tin can stepladder using its front paws, using eye movement to issue instructions on an electronic voice generator?

It was the Paralympics not a Japanese game show

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What if a paralympian decided to take all the discounted cakes in a supermarket for him/herself? Is that acceptable?

depends if they did it like Andy from Little Britain or if they were guided up by a Labrador and then had to lift the cakes off the shelf into their basket via an obstacle course using touch alone

What if they had to train the Labrador to reach the shelf by constructing a tin can stepladder using its front paws, using eye movement to issue instructions on an electronic voice generator?

It was the Paralympics not a Japanese game show



Who are we to belittle the methods of hungry paralympians?

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Staged surprise public reunions of military fathers and their children at sporting events and the like. Deeply personal and emotional moments for these young children that should be private, but instead are put on public display for the fun of it, to get on TV, or whatever. I'm sick of it, sick of perpetual war, sick of sloganeering, sick of labeling every soldier who deploys a "hero", etc...

They are IMO ... If I had my way anyone in uniform would get free travel , free beer , free Burger King , free willy and free Nelson Mandela for that matter

I do agree with your point about reunions etc being in private though .. Media sticking cameras under the noses of private moments really pisses me off

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My uncle was in Vietnam, and he'll be the first to tell you he was not a hero. A hero in war is someone who does something heroic in battle. Not sure that just donning fatigues and holding a rifle automatically win you that title.

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That said, they all deserve our respect, and here in the US, politicians talk the talk, but veterans get shafted every which way when they get home. 


One thing that I never understood was that an 18 year old is old enough to go fight and die for his country, but too young to order a beer at a bar when he gets home.

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That said, they all deserve our respect, and here in the US, politicians talk the talk, but veterans get shafted every which way when they get home. 


One thing that I never understood was that an 18 year old is old enough to go fight and die for his country, but too young to order a beer at a bar when he gets home.


In the same way, an 18 year old can legally carry a lethal weapon and a 16 year old can have enough responsibility to drive (15 in some states I think), yet 21 for alcohol. Mind boggles.

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