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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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That **** bit of technology that SSN use now. OK so you have a touch screen, wooooo, so why oh why oh (spells YoYo) do you have to use it? It adds nothing, your crap presenters obviously have no idea how to use the f'ing thing and it looks crap. Just do your job, sit in front of the camera, smile and announce the facts, and also do not include "Sky sources are saying" - liars you have read the fooking internet like the rest of us
Totally agree, the guy yesterday was trying to get down to Everton and the scroller didn't work. Made for good laughs though.
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That recent BBC history series about everyday life in the Georgian era was really good EXCEPT for the fact that the presenter had an iPad and insisted on using it at every opportunity. So instead of just whacking (say) a Hogarth cartoon up on the TV screen and a voiceover talking about it, we had to have the camera panning in on the picture on her iPad, and her sliding it about and enlarging/shrinking sections, apparently randomly. Most irritating.

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I made a note of the work I had today...

9.00 Install CS5 onto a computer

9.45 Changed ink cartridge

11.30 Input serial number into another copy of CS5

13.00 Gave new computer to user

14.30 Installed webcam and headset

16.00 Gave a new computer to another user

I've started work on a set of mini Post-it note playing cards. Lemmy and Gene Hunt will be two of the kings. Now if I'm really bored I can lock myself in the toilet and play BlackJack :)

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People who listen to Heart or Magic.

Stop living in the **** past.

There is nowt wrong with listening to old music if it is good music. I'd take Led Zeppelin over My Chemical Romance any day of the week.

The problem with Heart or Magic isnt that they play old music, its that they play shite music.

This. It's hardly a secret that I listen to 90% "old" music. But I NEVER listen to "oldies radio". It's crap.

Some of it is good

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Leeds bus drivers. **** obnoxious jobsworths the lot of them.

Im struggling to work out how a bus driver can be a jobsworth Mike?

OK, try this. They aren't supposed to let people on and off the bus at anywhere except a proper bus stop. Fair enough, health and safety and all that. I can see that they don't want passengers hopping on and off in moving traffic, etc.

But this morning I dropped my car off at the garage for a service, and went for the bus. Saw one coming and ran for it. Didn't quite get to the stop in time, but literally two or three yards (max) beyond the bus stop he had to come to a grinding halt due to the long line of stationary traffic. I caught up and waved at him to open the doors. He simply smirked at me and pointed ahead to the NEXT stop.

So I walked up to the next stop while he sat in the traffic jam twiddling his thumbs. When he rolled up I got on and offered him my considered opinion on his helpfulness. Got another smirk/scowl combination.

This is ENTIRELY typical. I've lived here for nearly 40 years, and they've always been the same. Driving half-empty buses straight past shivering queues while laughing their heads off, not letting you put your bag next to you on the seat (even though the bus is otherwise empty), throwing old ladies off for not having the right change, you name it.

I've never come across behaviour like it on buses anywhere else in the country (or the world, for that matter). Twunts.

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Leeds bus drivers. **** obnoxious jobsworths the lot of them.

Im struggling to work out how a bus driver can be a jobsworth Mike?

OK, try this. They aren't supposed to let people on and off the bus at anywhere except a proper bus stop. Fair enough, health and safety and all that. I can see that they don't want passengers hopping on and off in moving traffic, etc.

But this morning I dropped my car off at the garage for a service, and went for the bus. Saw one coming and ran for it. Didn't quite get to the stop in time, but literally two or three yards (max) beyond the bus stop he had to come to a grinding halt due to the long line of stationary traffic. I caught up and waved at him to open the doors. He simply smirked at me and pointed ahead to the NEXT stop.

So I walked up to the next stop while he sat in the traffic jam twiddling his thumbs. When he rolled up I got on and offered him my considered opinion on his helpfulness. Got another smirk/scowl combination.

This is ENTIRELY typical. I've lived here for nearly 40 years, and they've always been the same. Driving half-empty buses straight past shivering queues while laughing their heads off, not letting you put your bag next to you on the seat (even though the bus is otherwise empty), throwing old ladies off for not having the right change, you name it.

I've never come across behaviour like it on buses anywhere else in the country (or the world, for that matter). Twunts.

I must say I expected similar behaviour when I first moved to London but besides the odd time I've arrived a second late and they've driven off I haven't had any sort of trouble with them.
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Leeds bus drivers. **** obnoxious jobsworths the lot of them.

Im struggling to work out how a bus driver can be a jobsworth Mike?

Anybody that has a job can in theory be a jobsworth, surely Wiggy? I've encountered jobsworth bus drivers, jobsworth train inspectors etc etc.

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Leeds bus drivers. **** obnoxious jobsworths the lot of them.

Im struggling to work out how a bus driver can be a jobsworth Mike?

Anybody that has a job can in theory be a jobsworth, surely Wiggy? I've encountered jobsworth bus drivers, jobsworth train inspectors etc etc.

I was on the train last year on the way to Gatwick and a young Scottish guy had booked an advance ticket, only scheduled engineering works/bad weather that morning had meant the timetables had changed and for some reason it meant he wasn't travelling on the right train. He told the inspector how he was 40 minutes late for his flight to America already, the inspector said 'no chance of you making that then' and then charged him double fare. No compassion in some people.
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On the flipside of this, passengers who are late for trains and expect you to wait for them.

This isn't a blanket thing I might add, it really does depend on where you are and what time of day it is. If it's late at night or pissing with rain and out in the sticks then, yeah, the train will probably wait. If it's at a busy station in the middle of the evening rush hour then it probably wont. Snow Hill station in Birmingham is a good example of this. There is always one person running down the stairs to the train as the doors are closing. Would it hurt to open the doors again and wait for them? Maybe not, but then the second they get on and you start to close the doors another person is at the top of the stairs with a panicked expression on their face as they run down pleading for you to wait. You essentially have an endless stream of people running for the train at 20 second intervals. If you did this for every person you would lose five or six minutes at some stops and of course, you are punishing the 250 people who were there in time by delaying their journey home.

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I've never come across behaviour like it on buses anywhere else in the country (or the world, for that matter). Twunts.

They're very similar ooop in Manchestoh, Mike, if that's any consolation!?

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On the flipside of this, passengers who are late for trains and expect you to wait for them.

I'd always expect and indeed hope a train would leave at the scheduled time, irrespective of "late" people trying to get on at the last minute, whether it was me or someone else.

As you say, you can't let everyone on.

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