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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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The media coverage is just like an overenthusiastic first parent rubbing pictures in your face and demanding you say how **** wonderful their baby is.


It isn't. There have been billions of them. Most of them turn out shit.


Now **** off.



however one can also take the approach of saying nice things about the baby and generally being nice to people


Do I really care about what people who work for me did at the weekend  ..not particularly  , but I'll still ask , I'll still listen  and I'll still pretend to be interested .. yes I'd love to see pictures of their baby / cat / new car


and that's why the staff here will go that extra mile  , because quite simply I'm nice to them


some of the grumpy sods on VT  should try it some time :)



Kaizen rule #1863


Increase productivity by feigning interest in employees' social lives.

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It's not baby hate (in my case, anyway). I like babies. Those of my family and friends, anyway.


What annoys me are all those silly women (and they ARE mostly women), gathering around the hospital getting all Justin Bieber about someone they have never met, and never will  - and being whipped up to do it by the sycophantic media scum.


When you say 'getting all Justin Bieber' do you mean these women are saying "Baby, baby, baby oh"? Because in that case they're just pointing out the obvious.

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It isn't hate. I've nothing against babies. They just sit there and blub-blub their way through life.


What I hate is the culture surrounding them. They aren't special, or wonderful, or a 'miracle' (I really hate that one). It's just a baby. Well done, you **** someone and your reproductive organs worked. Good for you. You have done what billions of other people have managed to do. Sod that, you've done what just about every creature on this planet manages to do every single day. You've performed a basic function. Well bloody done.


I like this, very much. Even if it is a little harsh.


I intend to have children some day, but I cannot stand the thought that, one day, my purpose in life will be to make life better for someone else, rather than myself. I hate that so many people live their lives through the identity of their children, and the thought scares me massively. You only get one life, and some people seem hell bent on spending it caring for someone else. It is not necessarily the caring aspect that scares me so much, but the way in which some people's only achievement in life is in having children. And they're proud of that!


Maybe my opinion will change when I have children, but my other half is fully aware that there is a long list of things to be achieved before she can approach me on the subject.

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For a lot of people, living for someone else is just what they need/want. I get that. It's probably a neurological thing that a certain point in one's life, something clicks into 'reproduction mode', and everything one does from then on is to ensure the survival and well being of a child.


Hence you hear a lot of chaps in their 20s saying 'no kids, I'm never having kids!' only to go on and have kids.


I won't have them (really), for many reasons, but I don't begrudge people living for their kids, in fact I think it is a shame when parents aren't that way and live independently from their children.


Just don't go on about it, for goodness sake, because it just isn't that interesting.


A bit like cars.

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It isn't hate. I've nothing against babies. They just sit there and blub-blub their way through life.


What I hate is the culture surrounding them. They aren't special, or wonderful, or a 'miracle' (I really hate that one). It's just a baby. Well done, you **** someone and your reproductive organs worked. Good for you. You have done what billions of other people have managed to do. Sod that, you've done what just about every creature on this planet manages to do every single day. You've performed a basic function. Well bloody done.


I like this, very much. Even if it is a little harsh.


I intend to have children some day, but I cannot stand the thought that, one day, my purpose in life will be to make life better for someone else, rather than myself. I hate that so many people live their lives through the identity of their children, and the thought scares me massively. You only get one life, and some people seem hell bent on spending it caring for someone else. It is not necessarily the caring aspect that scares me so much, but the way in which some people's only achievement in life is in having children. And they're proud of that!


Maybe my opinion will change when I have children, but my other half is fully aware that there is a long list of things to be achieved before she can approach me on the subject.




but that isn't every parent  


I've moaned before about parents putting Rolling Stone or  Ramones t-shirts on their children  .. I find that a bit cringe worthy  .. I've moaned about veggie parents harming their children by making them be veggie  , I've moaned about God bothering parents forcing religion on their children



but ultimately , parents do have to take some responsibility and thus will mould their children's identity a little   ... My boy is a Villa fan for example , not because I've forced him  (  I assume locking him in the shed until he said yes isn't force ) but because he knows I watch villa and he wanted to be like Daddy  .. and watch some of the games with me  .... he's since been to villa Park and tbh he isn't that fussed about football ( he did meet Rob tbf  :) )  , but if he wants to go to another game then happily i'll take it but I wont force it on him

Edited by tonyh29
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It's not baby hate (in my case, anyway). I like babies. Those of my family and friends, anyway.


What annoys me are all those silly women (and they ARE mostly women), gathering around the hospital getting all Justin Bieber about someone they have never met, and never will  - and being whipped up to do it by the sycophantic media scum.


When you say 'getting all Justin Bieber' do you mean these women are saying "Baby, baby, baby oh"? Because in that case they're just pointing out the obvious.



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It isn't hate. I've nothing against babies. They just sit there and blub-blub their way through life.


What I hate is the culture surrounding them. They aren't special, or wonderful, or a 'miracle' (I really hate that one). It's just a baby. Well done, you **** someone and your reproductive organs worked. Good for you. You have done what billions of other people have managed to do. Sod that, you've done what just about every creature on this planet manages to do every single day. You've performed a basic function. Well bloody done.


I like this, very much. Even if it is a little harsh.


I intend to have children some day, but I cannot stand the thought that, one day, my purpose in life will be to make life better for someone else, rather than myself. I hate that so many people live their lives through the identity of their children, and the thought scares me massively. You only get one life, and some people seem hell bent on spending it caring for someone else. It is not necessarily the caring aspect that scares me so much, but the way in which some people's only achievement in life is in having children. And they're proud of that!


Maybe my opinion will change when I have children, but my other half is fully aware that there is a long list of things to be achieved before she can approach me on the subject.




but that isn't every parent  


I've moaned before about parents putting Rolling Stone or  Ramones t-shirts on their children  .. I find that a bit cringe worthy  .. I've moaned about veggie parents harming their children by making them be veggie  , I've moaned about God bothering parents forcing religion on their children



but ultimately , parents do have to take some responsibility and thus will mould their children's identity a little   ... My boy is a Villa fan for example , not because I've forced him  (  I assume locking him in the shed until he said yes isn't force ) but because he knows I watch villa and he wanted to be like Daddy  .. and watch some of the games with me  .... he's since been to villa Park and tbh he isn't that fussed about football ( he did meet Rob tbf  :) )  , but if he wants to go to another game then happily i'll take it but I wont force it on him



Forcing religion on your child is one thing, but that's just cruel!


My point, while not particularly well put, was more about people who haven't achieved anything with their lives apart from having kids. I understand that when they arrive, then they really should be the be all and end all. But it does sadden me when you see people who have done nothing else with their time. 

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I like to think that Folksi is, in fact, a tortoise, and has been typing that message constantly since the 10th of November 2010, at a rate of 0.6 letters per month.


He'd have been quicker but he kept making typos.


Internet was down in the office yesterday and I had to view VT on my phone, went to the first page for some reason :D

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Martin Bashir on MSNBC today- "William and Kate are both very happy, and today we are seeing the physical manifestation of that happiness." What a complete handjob this guy is.



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A local farmer has just fertilised a field and the whole village stinks of shit, just had to shut all the windows so now I'm boiling :bang:

you could always piss on your doorstep, put on loud music in the attic and pretend you lived in that London

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A local farmer has just fertilised a field and the whole village stinks of shit, just had to shut all the windows so now I'm boiling :bang:

The smell of manure will seem like roses compared to what's coming your way:


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