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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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That is one of the biggest myths spread about the French. I spent 2 weeks there this year and never spoke a word of French. Rarely did a restaurant not have an English menu and not once was anyone even close to rude.

It about as wrong a stereotype as Colombia being a very dangerous place.

It was my entire experience of the place so it's no myth IMV. I've also heard plenty of similar experiences from others to back it up. I don't doubt there must be some nice French people. There are about 50 million of them after all.



in my experience.....


We entered a back street Paris restaurant, grappled with an all French menu with enough french to understand what the main ingredients were. My new wife (honeymoon!), had a go at speaking some pidgin french. The waiter laughed, corrected it, laughed and we all happily spoke english for the rest of the time.


A short while later another Brit family came in, walked through the door and started talking english at the waiter asking if they had english food or an english menu. Unfortunately, this happened at exactly the same time as our wonderfully helpful and chatty french waiter completely lost his ability to understand or speak any english whatsoever.


They left.


He returned to speaking english.

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I can speak a bit of French and we did so while we were over there, so my experiences were not from the POV of someone who was only speaking English. Many of them also knew we were Irish so that removes the France v England element too.

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But it seems to be appreciated more if you converse in poor, broken spanish than in perfect English, even if they understand the english. I found myself on a number of occasions over the weekend being thanked for speaking Spanish, and all that involved was a couple of words here and there.

That's my experience too. Whereas in France you would be sneered at for your poor attempt at their language and ignored for speaking English.

This really isn't ever my experience of France. The problem with speaking French in the parts of France I've been to (which is most of it) is that no matter what you say in French nor how well you say it the buggers always reply in English because they want to practice their English and one of the reasons we go there is to practice speaking French

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I can speak a bit of French and we did so while we were over there, so my experiences were not from the POV of someone who was only speaking English. Many of them also knew we were Irish so that removes the France v England element too.

There isn't really a France v England thing, we saved their arses twice. Ireland on the other hand refused to join in... Make of that what you will ;)

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Brian Paris has changed. They have a strong understanding of tourism especially that from Asia. They have translators in big shopping centres for Chinese and Korean who will go around with groups. The whole place has changed from what it was due to the rise of China especially as they come to shop as much as anything and are happy to do whatever they can to get those Asians spending.

It's a world away from 2001 the last time I was there. So I think you'll find it quite a bit different in 2013 than it was in 2006. The effects of recession and the world turmoil can and does change a county. Just take a look at Ireland in those years 2006 and 2013 are world's apart

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They have translators in big shopping centres for Chinese and Korean who will go around with groups.


Thing that pisses me off that should not.


Tour groups.


The whole concept of it. You'd think that they'd bring you to the most interesting places but it's almost always the most touristy ones.

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I can speak a bit of French and we did so while we were over there, so my experiences were not from the POV of someone who was only speaking English. Many of them also knew we were Irish so that removes the France v England element too.

There isn't really a France v England thing, we saved their arses twice. Ireland on the other hand refused to join in... Make of that what you will ;)
Rather insulting comments in light of the thousands of Irish who went to war in France in 1914. We were at war with Germany to. ;) Edited by CVByrne
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I'm having to use the American Airlines lounge at Charles De Galle airport

Needless to say its full of Americans using their mobile phones to call home who haven't realised yet that you don't need to shout across the Atlantic , the phone will actually relay the message for you

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My experience of people in Paris during February of this year is how BOF described it - laughably stereotypical.

In fact, some of the French were almost a parody of themselves. I also echo BOF when he said about never returning. I certainly won't either.


Your loss. It's probably my favourite place. 


Anyway, that was Paris. As already discussed, it's like London. Interesting, but I prefer the southerners (unlike in England!) 

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OK, this is a MASSIVE generalisation, with loads of exceptions, but...

CVB is right about the younger generation French speaking English. At the other end of the spectrum, elderly people don't, but they DO appreciate you using your imperfect French. It's the generation in between that can sometimes come across a bit arsey. But given the number of unpleasant Brits they've experienced shouting at them in English, I don't entirely blame them.

I don't consider the French to be arrogant, but they can be a bit proud and awkward (in the sense of not socially comfortable) at times. We all have our quirks.

I'm in Paris right now , well ok I've left and I'm at the airport but my French client was nice ... they took me to lunch and insisted I drink beer with them ... All 3 of them spoke English and the 2 women even had shaved armpits

At the test I'm running there were 5 other French people who spoke a little English but still tried to converse and look after me

Of course I am paying the bill so they could just be nice for that reason , but they looked genuine enough

Annoyingly 3 French people stopped me on the metro and asked me for directions or something ( it was in French so I've no idea but they did all smile when I told them in French "I'm sorry I don't speak French" ) ... So I'm now paranoid I look French , not sure if it was the string of onions around my neck ??

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This talk of France has brought up something I hate.

The total preconceptions people have or countries they've never been to. Fair enough not liking the French based in experiences in France. But people saying I'd never go to X because it's very dangerous etc..

It really does my head in especially with relation to South and Central America. When I say I was in Colombia some people reply oh isn't that very dangerous. Instead of. Oh how was it, what is it like etc..

You'd expect ignorance from Americans but you'd hope people over here would not jump to such easy preconceptions that are usually based on one shred of outdated news.

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This talk of France has brought up something I hate.

The total preconceptions people have or countries they've never been to. Fair enough not liking the French based in experiences in France. But people saying I'd never go to X because it's very dangerous etc..

It really does my head in especially with relation to South and Central America. When I say I was in Colombia some people reply oh isn't that very dangerous. Instead of. Oh how was it, what is it like etc..

You'd expect ignorance from Americans but you'd hope people over here would not jump to such easy preconceptions that are usually based on one shred of outdated news.

Pre conceptions in general I could agree with you.


But the dangerous thing is different. If your perception of somewhere is that it's dangerous, whether you're right or wrong, you're not likely to choose to go there to find out for yourself are you? Not when there's so many other places to visit that you don't think are dangerous.

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This talk of France has brought up something I hate.

The total preconceptions people have or countries they've never been to. Fair enough not liking the French based in experiences in France. But people saying I'd never go to X because it's very dangerous etc..

It really does my head in especially with relation to South and Central America. When I say I was in Colombia some people reply oh isn't that very dangerous. Instead of. Oh how was it, what is it like etc..

You'd expect ignorance from Americans but you'd hope people over here would not jump to such easy preconceptions that are usually based on one shred of outdated news.


This is a really interesting topic.


People are allowed to gather together opinions based on third party information. How would you decide where you wanted to go on holiday / travelling otherwise? I think it's only natural to paint a picture of the world according to information you have at hand. You've kind of displayed your own pre-conception with regards to America in your own post, for example.

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I think Shillzz was probably referring to experiences from people who were there, when he mentioned gathering opinions from 3rd parties. I certainly don't see the point of listening to the opinion of someone who has never been to a certain place. It would be worse than pointless to do so.

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But can't your incorrect preconceptions be alleviated by some correct information and experiences from people who have actually been to those countries.

Or are preconceptions unalterable?


But what is correct? Would you take my opinion on France as gospel for example? We've already seen conflicting opinions in this thread alone, from people who have all been to the same places. I think you have to go and find out for yourself, and in the meantime, it's only natural that your brain gathers together information from various sources to paint a pre-conceived picture. The picture may end up being flawed, but unless your TonyH, then you probably haven't been to every corner of the world!

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