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Documentaries you have to watch


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Another one on Netflix is Evil Genius.   Absolutely incredible look into the mind of a mentally ill woman who manipulated weaker people around her to try and pull off a bank heist.  Some shocking stuff.


Evil Genius

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7 minutes ago, dubbs said:

Another one on Netflix is Evil Genius.   Absolutely incredible look into the mind of a mentally ill woman who manipulated weaker people around her to try and pull off a bank heist.  Some shocking stuff.


Evil Genius

Yep, watched this one a while ago. Its just "WTF" after "WTF", jaw droppingly crazy story.

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17 hours ago, stuart_75 said:

The Challenger doc is very, very good. 10/10. Shows NASA up for what they really are. Cowboys.

finished it last night, very good, very sad at the end

im too young to remember it happening but I imagine watching it live was shocking

seems like everything else in America they made it a business and that dragged up all sorts of incompetence

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42 minutes ago, villa4europe said:

finished it last night, very good, very sad at the end

im too young to remember it happening but I imagine watching it live was shocking

seems like everything else in America they made it a business and that dragged up all sorts of incompetence

I remember exactly where I was, a small bar in the Students Union. Instantly my mate goes... "What does NASA stand for?" "Need another seven astronauts"

Followed by a joke about women drivers.

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9 minutes ago, villa89 said:

Very good documentary, bizarre story really. 

Read today that the guy had actually admitted he'd been planning it for weeks, and yet in court he denied it was premeditated. 

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11 hours ago, dubbs said:

Read today that the guy had actually admitted he'd been planning it for weeks, and yet in court he denied it was premeditated. 

I think he'd of got the death penalty if it could of been proven it was premeditated. 

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On 07/10/2020 at 22:37, dubbs said:

Read today that the guy had actually admitted he'd been planning it for weeks, and yet in court he denied it was premeditated. 

It begs the question why he agreed to do the polygraph test. There's alot more to it than we saw in the documentary. 

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This might be interesting. The Mole, about a Danish guy who infiltrated North Korea. 

It's on SVT-Play in Sweden and apparently on BBC-player in the UK.


A new documentary with a bizarre cast of characters claims to shed light on North Korea's efforts to evade international sanctions, by tricking members of Kim Jong-un's secretive regime into signing fake arms deals.

The film features an out-of-work Danish chef fascinated by communist dictatorships; a Spanish nobleman and North Korean propagandist with a penchant for military uniform; and a former French legionnaire and convicted cocaine dealer who plays the part of an international man of mystery.

But could it all be true? One former UN official told the BBC he found it "highly credible".

The film, titled The Mole, is the work of maverick Danish film maker Mads Brügger, who says he orchestrated a complex three-year sting operation to reveal how North Korea flouts international law.


Long article.

Edit: It's made by Mads Brügger who is a bit of a strange fellow and who also made a documentary about UN leader Dag Hammarsköld that was let's say speculative, but interesting. So take it for what it is.

Edited by sne
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On 28/09/2020 at 16:34, sne said:

There is a new 5 part documentary series out on Swedish telly about the Estonia ferry disaster called Estonia: Fyndet som ändrar allt. No idea what it will be called in English or if it will be available outside Scandinavia, Finland and Estonia but if it is I suggest you check it out.

Not seen it yet as it's out today but it's potentially really explosive stuff. For those who don't know Estonia sunk in 1994 and 989 people drowned. The explanation was that the bow visor (no idea if that's the right word) cane loose during bad weather and the ferry started to take on water. But there has always been reports that the ferry was hit by something, possibly a submarine. There are eye witness reports or something below the surface and of a loud bang and a scraping noise. And there are other reports that the ferry was carrying unregistered military material, and so on. It's a conspiracy nut dream story made even more strange after the Swedish government quickly changed their minds from the plan to salvage the ship to suddenly wanting to cover it with concrete. And now this new documentary shows a massive hole in the side of the ship that was previously not reported.

There has always been rumors of a cover up and naturally both Finnish and Estonian authorities are calling for a new investigation now while all the Swedish former ministers who where involved at the time are refusing to comment. Will be interesting to see what becomes of this.

 The damage is located one third aft on Estonia's starboard side and extends both above and below the waterline.  Here illustrated in a graphic.The damage in Estonia's hull is four meters high and 1.2 meters at the widest point.  Here illustrated in a graphic.

Bet things like this were so easy to cover up until about 2005 when everyone had a decent camcorder in their pocket all of a sudden.

Edited by Tomaszk
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On 09/10/2020 at 19:29, villa89 said:

It begs the question why he agreed to do the polygraph test. There's alot more to it than we saw in the documentary. 

I guess he either figured he could beat it, or realised if he said no then it would make him look incredibly suspicious.


My thing with it is



if it was premeditated, which it seems it was, how did he ever think he was going to get away with it? He must know that he's going to be suspected being the partner, and if you dump the bodies at your place of work when they eventually get found then the finger is obviously going to be pointed at you. Bizarre.


Also, if you want to leave that life behind why wouldn't you just leave? I understand people might not be able to bring themselves to do it because of how mcuh it would hurt your partner and kids, but surely that's better than murdering them :D 



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11 hours ago, Stevo985 said:

I guess he either figured he could beat it, or realised if he said no then it would make him look incredibly suspicious.


My thing with it is

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if it was premeditated, which it seems it was, how did he ever think he was going to get away with it? He must know that he's going to be suspected being the partner, and if you dump the bodies at your place of work when they eventually get found then the finger is obviously going to be pointed at you. Bizarre.


Also, if you want to leave that life behind why wouldn't you just leave? I understand people might not be able to bring themselves to do it because of how mcuh it would hurt your partner and kids, but surely that's better than murdering them :D 



Ultimately Ben, there are some really stupid people out there.

They don't get a decent education so they lack reasonable critical thinking skills. They watch trash TV, read appalling tabloid magazines full of intrigue, scandal, gossip and sensationalism. And a few of them are just stupid enough to think that they are the hero of their own movie and try something which in its twisted way they believe will give their life meaning. Which leaves you with that absolute dickwad numpty and his own Netflix doc.

I watched it and I really wish I hadn't - it was so depressing. I now have a kid myself and that guy makes me feel sick.  To be so depraved and value life so little - or at least compared to your own selfish impulses is just a depressing indictment of how little society/community we have in the West. 

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6 hours ago, TheAuthority said:

Ultimately Ben, there are some really stupid people out there.

They don't get a decent education so they lack reasonable critical thinking skills. They watch trash TV, read appalling tabloid magazines full of intrigue, scandal, gossip and sensationalism. And a few of them are just stupid enough to think that they are the hero of their own movie and try something which in its twisted way they believe will give their life meaning. Which leaves you with that absolute dickwad numpty and his own Netflix doc.

I watched it and I really wish I hadn't - it was so depressing. I now have a kid myself and that guy makes me feel sick.  To be so depraved and value life so little - or at least compared to your own selfish impulses is just a depressing indictment of how little society/community we have in the West. 

You're right. he's a real scumbag and his total lack of empathy and regret (seemingly) is terrifying.


For anyone who does want to see more, I found a great channel on YouTube called "JCS - Criminal Psychology". It's a guy who analyses real interrogation footage and breaks down when people are lying, why they're saying what they're saying, what the right response would be etc. He analyses both guilty and innocent people and it's genuinely interesting stuff.

Anyway his first 3 videos are on Chris Watts and were made before the documentary came out. Essentially it's just a longer version of the interrogation footage from the doc but with this guy analysing it over the top.

Genuinely interesting stuff and highlights just how **** the guy was in terms of he was never going to get away with it. The cops knew he was guilty beyond all doubt and were just working to get the confession out of him. For example he shows the bit with the polygraph and explains how the woman was giving him loads of reassurance and building up his ego and giving him confidence and then just before they start she completely tears him down psychologically where she says in the practise test it was obvious that he was lying and that he was a terrible liar so it should make the real test really conclusive and how stupid he would have to be to be sat there doing the test if he was lying. She did it in a really friendly way (I guess how you would be to someone who really was innocent) so it sounded like she was joking around and laughing about it but it must have absolutely shattered him inside

Edited by Stevo985
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9 hours ago, TheAuthority said:

I watched it and I really wish I hadn't - it was so depressing. I now have a kid myself and that guy makes me feel sick.  To be so depraved and value life so little - or at least compared to your own selfish impulses is just a depressing indictment of how little society/community we have in the West. 

Similar here. Watched it on Friday night last week, after quite a long week at work, and it had me in tears (and rage) by the end, especially as he was talking through the events. I have two young daughters so it really hit home for me. I like true crime stuff generally but do wish I'd not have watched that one. Horrible.

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4 hours ago, Stevo985 said:

the bit with the polygraph and explains how the woman was giving him loads of reassurance and building up his ego and giving him confidence and then just before they start she completely tears him down psychologically where she says in the practise test it was obvious that he was lying and that he was a terrible liar so it should make the real test really conclusive and how stupid he would have to be to be sat there doing the test if he was lying. She did it in a really friendly way (I guess how you would be to someone who really was innocent) so it sounded like she was joking around and laughing about it but it must have absolutely shattered him inside

I noticed that when I watched it. She was really good. She knew exactly what to say to him.

Apparently it's usually pretty obvious to the police and people involved with a crime when it was committed by a close relative, friend or family member because they underreact. Actual innocent people are hysterical. Psychos can't find the right amount of reaction because they think if they try to act hysterical it'll look too much. It's a bit like drunk drivers trying to drive normally with a police car following them. They're overly careful and slow because they think that's what looks normal.

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10 hours ago, TheAuthority said:

I watched it and I really wish I hadn't - it was so depressing. I now have a kid myself and that guy makes me feel sick.  To be so depraved and value life so little - or at least compared to your own selfish impulses is just a depressing indictment of how little society/community we have in the West. 


1 hour ago, Troglodyte said:

Similar here. Watched it on Friday night last week, after quite a long week at work, and it had me in tears (and rage) by the end, especially as he was talking through the events. I have two young daughters so it really hit home for me. I like true crime stuff generally but do wish I'd not have watched that one. Horrible.

I have to echo this. Felt like I'd been kicked in the stomach after watching it, couldn't get it out my head for a few days afterwards, lingering like a bad smell in my nose.

For me watching all the footage the wife had put on Facebook, it seemed like she lived her whole life in social media (I'm not a fan of social media, don't use it) you could see it wasn't going to end well for her, and I'm not surprised that she and her family got some backlash afterwards by nutters who took the husband's side.

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33 minutes ago, darrenm said:

I noticed that when I watched it. She was really good. She knew exactly what to say to him.

Apparently it's usually pretty obvious to the police and people involved with a crime when it was committed by a close relative, friend or family member because they underreact. Actual innocent people are hysterical. Psychos can't find the right amount of reaction because they think if they try to act hysterical it'll look too much. It's a bit like drunk drivers trying to drive normally with a police car following them. They're overly careful and slow because they think that's what looks normal.

That was exactly it with him.

This youtube channel shows how when innocent people get accused of something like that it usually results in aggression or genuine disbelief. People will be outraged that they've been accused of something and they give short direct answers.

Guilty people usually, like you say, underact and immediately try to justify why they can't have done it or wouldn't have done it and give long rambling answers.


It's really interesting

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I haven't watched the Watts thing on Netflix due to the Aaron Hernandez doc putting me off those for life,  but I did watch the JCS breakdowns that @Stevo985 suggested and they are incredible.

Part 1 The discovery

Part 2 The Polygraph

Part 3 The Confession

Chris Watts Mistress || What Netflix DIDN’T tell you about Nichol Kessinger!

Like I said I haven't watched the doc but just based off the polygraph and confessions I'd bet good money his mistress should be facing some sort of justice too but she changed her name and did a runner.!   

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On 11/10/2020 at 09:44, sne said:

This might be interesting. The Mole, about a Danish guy who infiltrated North Korea. 

It's on SVT-Play in Sweden and apparently on BBC-player in the UK.


Long article.

Edit: It's made by Mads Brügger who is a bit of a strange fellow and who also made a documentary about UN leader Dag Hammarsköld that was let's say speculative, but interesting. So take it for what it is.

Watched it, enjoyed it but still not 100% on its credibility. Definitely worth watching though 👍

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