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It says a lot about how shit awful The Mighty Boosh is when those are the funniest parts of it.


Truly terrible "comedy".


Yes, I know you feel this way, :D as do The Mustang Maniac and a few others on this site.


Scan the mouse over my original post to highlight a hidden message alluding to this.


But...at the end of the day...


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A sprinkling of stardust is as magical as it sounds. The dust grains that float through our solar system contain tiny pockets of water, which form when they are zapped by a blast of charged wind from the sun.


The chemical reaction causing this to happen had previously been mimicked in laboratories, but this is the first time water has been found trapped inside real stardust.


Combined with previous findings of organic compounds in interplanetary dust, the results suggest that these grains contain the basic ingredients needed for life. As similar dust grains are thought to be found in solar systems all over the universe, this bodes well for the existence of life across the cosmos.


"The implications are potentially huge," says Hope Ishii of the University of Hawaii in Honolulu, one of researchers behind the study. "It is a particularly thrilling possibility that this influx of dust on the surfaces of solar system bodies has acted as a continuous rainfall of little reaction vessels containing both the water and organics needed for the eventual origin of life."

Dust rain

Solar systems are full of dust – a result of many processes, including the break-up of comets. John Bradley of the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in California and his colleagues inspected the outer layer of interplanetary dust particles extracted from Earth's stratosphere.


Ultra-high-resolution microscopy allowed them to probe the 5- to 25-micrometre specks of dust to reveal small pockets of trapped water just beneath the surface.


Laboratory experiments offer clues to how the water forms. The dust is mostly made of silicates, which contains oxygen. As it travels through space, it encounters the solar wind. This stream of charged particles including high-energy hydrogen ions is ejected from the sun's atmosphere. When the two collide, hydrogen and oxygen combine to make water.


As interplanetary dust is thought to have rained down on early Earth, it is likely that the stuff brought water to our planet, although it is difficult to conceive how it could account for the millions of cubic kilometres of water that cover Earth today. "In no way do we suggest that this was sufficient to form oceans," says Ishii.

Universal water


A more likely origin for the huge volume of water on our planet is wet asteroids that pummelled early Earth. Comets are also a candidate: the European Space Agency's Rosetta spacecraft, due to send a lander to a comet later this year, is tasked with probing their role.


However, the Bradley team's results are relevant to the quest for life on other planets. The water-producing reaction is likely to be universal, and to happen in any corner of the universe with a star, or even a supernova, says Ishii.


What's more, interplanetary dust in our solar system – and in others – contains organic carbon. If stardust contains carbon and water, it means the essentials of life could be present in solar systems anywhere in the universe and raining down on their planets.


"These are the types of processes that we expect to occur in other planetary systems," says Fred Ciesla of the University of Chicago in Illinois, who was not involved in the work. "Water and organics are not uncommon."


New Scientist

Edited by CarewsEyebrowDesigner
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360 degree portrait of the Milky Way uncovers galaxy’s secrets
Friday, March 21, 2014 - 3:51pm
Credit: GLIMPSE360

This new 360-degree composite portrait of the Milky Way, called GLIMPSE360, is actually a combination of more than two million infrared images taken by NASA’s Spitzer Space Telescope. Infrared imaging allows us to see through interstellar dust, giving us a view of our galaxy that we can’t see in visible light. Putting all these images together gives us a detailed photo unlike anything we've seen before. It allows us to see the galaxy as a whole, its shape, where its spiral arms are, are and even the bar of the Milky Way that extends towards our Sun.

If these new discoveries aren't enough, GLIMPSE360 also lets us see most of the stellar objects in our galaxy: in fact, we've found over 200 million that we previously haven’t seen. Not only does this give us an idea of how large the Milky Way is, but we can also now accurately figure out the galaxy’s mass. Because of the detailed nature of the image, we can pinpoint regions of space where stars form, giving us the opportunity to see how many stars are born each year, and perhaps even how they evolve.

The image’s new data also serves up a mystery, though. Diffuse polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon gas appears throughout interstellar space. This gas is made of very complex and heavy molecules, which means it shouldn’t just be floating around out there. Its existence suggests that there is more carbon in our galaxy than we thought. And as we know, carbon suggests life.

According to experts, there is enough data in this image to keep the next generation of astronomers busy, but the public will also have a chance to look at it. GLIMPSE360 is part of The Milky Way Project, which allows anyone to look through Spitzer’s images: the hopes is that more stellar objects in the galaxy are identified through crowdsourcing.

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Galaxy clusters are some of the most massive structures that can be found in the Universe — large groups of galaxies bound together by gravity. This image from the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope reveals one of these clusters, known as MACS J0454.1-0300. Each of the bright spots seen here is a galaxy, and each is home to many millions, or even billions, of stars.


Astronomers have determined the mass of MACS J0454.1-0300 to be around 180 trillion times the mass of the sun. Clusters like this are so massive that their gravity can even change the behavior of space around them, bending the path of light as it travels through them, sometimes amplifying it and acting like a cosmic magnifying glass. Thanks to this effect, it is possible to see objects that are so far away from us that they would otherwise be too faint to be detected.


In this case, several objects appear to be dramatically elongated and are seen as sweeping arcs to the left of this image. These are galaxies located at vast distances behind the cluster — their image has been amplified, but also distorted, as their light passes through MACS J0454.1-0300. This process, known as gravitational lensing, is an extremely valuable tool for astronomers as they peer at very distant objects.


This effect will be put to good use with the start of Hubble's Frontier Fields program over the next few years, which aims to explore very distant objects located behind lensing clusters, similar to MACS J0454.1-0300, to investigate how stars and galaxies formed and evolved in the early Universe.




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