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Christian Benteke


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It's going to end in tears as I think PL isn't about to be messed about particularly after putting his neck on the block with the Darren Bent saga.Will he show that famed Glaswegian Grit?....here's hoping!!


Don't get me wrong here; "Who's going to end up in tears? Villa or Benteke."   I Can't see it being Villa.



I suggest you look harder then.  Worse case scenario for Benteke - he doesn't cut it at spurs and becomes a fringe player on treble the salary.  If Benteke leaves were in for another very tough season - unfair as that is - thats how I see it unfolding.


I see us having a good season with or without Benteke.  


Me too.

We may be much closer to Spurs than the (Spurs)idiot who wrote that we will be in a relegation fight thinks.

Spurs 6th/7th, Villa 9th/10th.

Spurs position might even change after Bale's back goes early in the season ;)

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He's a Belgian guy who works in England reporting for the Belgian press on Belgian players in the premier league. He has been in contact with Bentakey's agent on stuff before



Kristof Terreur@HLNinEngeland4m

The #THFC bid on #Benteke still hasn't arrived at Villa Park. #AVFC

Edited by Bunnski
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I dont think he will strike, at Genk it was a bit different as he was a big fish in a small pond but I think he knows that if he does the same here that Villa wont mess about with him and will probably put off potential suitors

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Regardless of whether or not our deadline and valuation will most likely not be met by Spurs, I don't think this is the end of the saga.


Until he withdraws his transfer request and pledges his future to Villa, he's off.

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If Benteke is really determined to leave, he’ll do everything he can to make Villa want to sell. This includes going on strike. This puts Villa in a very precarious position and makes this situation different to those experienced in the past with the likes of Barry and Milner. It happened to us with Berbatov, who in the end simply refused to play.



For Villa, the threat of him refusing to play is more significant than is being acknowledged in this thread. Each time it’s mentioned, it’s also pointed out that’s is WC year, so he wont do this. But that suggests you’d be happy to let him strike for the whole season, which is very unlikely to be the case. Even Man City, with all their money, relented and brought Tevez back into the fold with the hope he’s re-ignite their title challenge. If you are in a relegation fight, which most would predict without Benteke you will be, he’d be back in the team in no time. No matter how much pride is at stake, it simply isn’t worth getting relegated over, which would be catastrophic for the club.


If you look at the fixture list, Benteke might simply have to refuse to kick a ball until October and by then it might all ready be too late. He and his agent know that either his goals or quality additions to the squad are going to be key to your survival. Lambert knows it, Lerner knows it, all fans know it and Benteke/his agent certainly know it.


So come the start of the season, if Benteke is on strike refusing to play and there is a £20 million bid in the offing, don’t you honestly think Lambert will be urging Lerner to accept and Lerner will probably be pleased that his manager is doing this? If Benteke is adamant he wont play, then there does come a point when it’s simply foolish to refuse a half decent offer. Hence Benteke and his agent are in a very powerful situation.


However, everyone involved knows this, but it isn’t just Villa who have something to lose by letting this go to the wire. For buying clubs there is s significant advantage in having Benteke in their squad asap. So the buying club have a reason to pay a premium to get the deal done. This is where Villa do have some power, but not to the extent most on here seem to think and why I believe, it’s being leaked by Midlands journalists that a deal can be done at £25 million, rather than figures of £30 million+ being banded around.


If Benteke really wants to go, a deal at a lower price will almost certainly be available in the last week of the window. People can say things like “you don’t know Lerner” etc, but the reality is Lerner hasn’t been in a position like this before, so no one knows how he’ll react. In the past he’s always done what it best for Villa and is a business man after all, so in this case, the chances are very high that he and Lambert will conclude to sell is the best for Villa. They simply can’t afford to not have either their star striker of decent replacements, as the threat of relegation is too real. This simply wasn’t the case with Barry. I know most of you will reject that, but I think it’s very likely and am sure the vast majority of non Villa fans would agree.


So, if he had somewhere lined up, I think Benteke can and will leave if he really wants to. However, I doubt many clubs would want to buy him that way, as it puts them at a disadvantage concerning their own planning. I doubt Benteke wants to do it that way. I also doubt Villa want to do it that way. So something in between will most likely happen, which is why I believe this £25 million price tag is being leaked. 






If Benteke point blank refuses to play Aston Villa - to force his move to spurs - think about what you're getting - sure he's a great player, plenty of goals, in that respect he will do well for you. that's so long as everything is going his way. 


What goes around comes around, He's a great player, with the developing spurs team - he's gotta be worth £25m - easily. I don't know the state of spurs finances - but I wouldn't think that size of fee is beyond you. You may think you wait for Benteke to go on strike, and hope its gets messy, to force the price down. Equally another may match the asking price, Bentekes agent tells him that spurs aren't coming up with the cash - and bang youve lost him - and possibly your chance of cracking the top 4....


We all love a bargain - but equally sometimes you have to pay the asking price - for the greater good.




I'm not sure i like how you quoted this Smetrov, you quoted my post but nothing that i said, and it makes me look like the Sours fan.


Just for the record I am not.



Confused ? - the only quotes were from myself and joey ?



Then why does my name appear at the top of the list of quotes ? You quoted me quoting Joey, but deleted what i said.


Anyway it really doesn't matter i was being a pedant.

Edited by dukes
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It's going to end in tears as I think PL isn't about to be messed about particularly after putting his neck on the block with the Darren Bent saga.Will he show that famed Glaswegian Grit?....here's hoping!!


Don't get me wrong here; "Who's going to end up in tears? Villa or Benteke."   I Can't see it being Villa.



I suggest you look harder then.  Worse case scenario for Benteke - he doesn't cut it at spurs and becomes a fringe player on treble the salary.  If Benteke leaves were in for another very tough season - unfair as that is - thats how I see it unfolding.


Not just unfair but also premature - how on Earth can you make a judgement on how our season will turn out when the transfer window hasn't closed yet?



Obviously I can't rule out us making a couple of top notch signings, but given that Lambo warned us not to expect big signings - and so far he's been true to that. I see Benteke's replacement  only using about a 3rd of the fee we receive.


Of course all those £2m players could turn out to be hidden prem league superstars - but I think that's unlikely. For all the praise heaped on Westwood, Lowton, etc - we struggled woefully when a couple of injurys hit.


Couple in how the teams around us seem to be buying players - and right now (and IMO) it doesn't look good

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He's a Belgian guy who works in England reporting for the Belgian press on Belgian players in the premier league. He has been in contact with Bentakey's agent on stuff before



Kristof Terreur‏@HLNinEngeland4m

The #THFC bid on #Benteke still hasn't arrived at Villa Park. #AVFC

 So a Belgian crumb thrower! And there was me thinking that they were famous for chips and beer ;)

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He's a Belgian guy who works in England reporting for the Belgian press on Belgian players in the premier league. He has been in contact with Bentakey's agent on stuff before



Kristof Terreur‏@HLNinEngeland4m

The #THFC bid on #Benteke still hasn't arrived at Villa Park. #AVFC


Sounds like a reliable YHIHF.

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Obviously I can't rule out us making a couple of top notch signings, but given that Lambo warned us not to expect big signings - and so far he's been true to that. I see Benteke's replacement  only using about a 3rd of the fee we receive.


Of course all those £2m players could turn out to be hidden prem league superstars - but I think that's unlikely. For all the praise heaped on Westwood, Lowton, etc - we struggled woefully when a couple of injurys hit.


Couple in how the teams around us seem to be buying players - and right now (and IMO) it doesn't look good



Benteke wasn't really a "big" signing either.


And how do you know how much Lambert will have to spend? I doubt even Lambert knows. I doubt he's given a set amount of money he's allowed to spend, it's more likely that he identifies targets and goes to the board and they go from there. I don't think there's a set figure in mind.

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It's going to end in tears as I think PL isn't about to be messed about particularly after putting his neck on the block with the Darren Bent saga.Will he show that famed Glaswegian Grit?....here's hoping!!


Don't get me wrong here; "Who's going to end up in tears? Villa or Benteke."   I Can't see it being Villa.



I suggest you look harder then.  Worse case scenario for Benteke - he doesn't cut it at spurs and becomes a fringe player on treble the salary.  If Benteke leaves were in for another very tough season - unfair as that is - thats how I see it unfolding.



It is unfair, but I think you are right. If he goes we will have a hell of a job to replace him. He was not consistently good for us last season but when he hit his good spells he made a huge difference.

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howcome everyone hate tottenham?

Because they are a deluded bunch who insist that they are title challengers every year, even though the last time they won it was in 1961. The fact that they get disproportionately more media coverage than similar sized clubs, because they are from London.  That they endlessly go on about the ‘Tottenham way’. The fact they charge over 80 quid for tickets because they can. That White Hart Lane is in a shit hole and miles from a tube stop. That they embraced money in football before virtually anyone else- ‘there used to be a football club over there’. Alan Sugar. Chas and bloody Dave. I mean I could go on....



Yeah you used to get this from Redknapp aswell. Every November-December you used to get from him "why can't Spurs win the league" and by May it had been downgraded to "what a great achievement it is finishing 5th"


I find it amusing the annual way they're always 40 points of Arsenal in early March and yet come the final whistle in may they still finish below them (this is an Arsenal side that have been on the decline for the past two seasons aswell).


Good cup team but haven't won the league since 1961. Two Carling cups in the last 20 years so yep pretty much the same as us.


I mean Spuds havent even come 2nd since 1962. Not even a proper title challenge in half a century. No FA cup final in over 20 years. Burnley, Forest, Leeds, and Derby have won the title more recently than that lot. It just annoys me how much the hacks spunk themselves over Spurs every bloody year.When you compare them to Arsenal, they are not even close, though they always insist they are the 'proper' north london club.

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This is how Levy does business, it sounds like he gets into a players head unsettles them and then hopes they and their agents do all the leg work for them, based on that article I can quite see a long period of inactivity followed by a derisory bid. Benteke must have the will of a storm trooper after being so easily led to the dark side.

Also I don't hate Spurs as a club, I respect the football they play and AVB, and I appreciate they are in a far better position than us now, but living in London i know many Spurs fans and they are by far the most deluded egotistical bunch of whiners I have ever met, even worse than Geordies and Scousers. Most Arsenal and Chelsea fans I know are level headed football fans, but Spurs fans literally have this undeserved smugness based on nothing and if you get two of them in the same room it is unbearable.

Many here will remember how every season their pathetic itk nobs would claim Ash Young was about to sign for them and he never did. They were linked to Downing for years and yet we signed him. That club sput more hot air than a round the world balloon race.

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This is how Levy does business, it sounds like he gets into a players head unsettles them and then hopes they and their agents do all the leg work for them, based on that article I can quite see a long period of inactivity followed by a derisory bid. Benteke must have the will of a storm trooper after being so easily led to the dark side.

Also I don't hate Spurs as a club, I respect the football they play and AVB, and I appreciate they are in a far better position than us now, but living in London i know many Spurs fans and they are by far the most deluded egotistical bunch of whiners I have ever met, even worse than Geordies and Scousers. Most Arsenal and Chelsea fans I know are level headed football fans, but Spurs fans literally have this undeserved smugness based on nothing and if you get two of them in the same room it is unbearable.

Many here will remember how every season their pathetic itk nobs would claim Ash Young was about to sign for them and he never did. They were linked to Downing for years and yet we signed him. That club sput more hot air than a round the world balloon race.

THIS! I also live in London but make a conscious effort to not stray too close to any area where there are Spurs fans. Fulham and Arsenal fans are sound, so I stick with them.

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Also I don't hate Spurs as a club, I respect the football they play and AVB, and I appreciate they are in a far better position than us now, but living in London i know many Spurs fans and they are by far the most deluded egotistical bunch of whiners I have ever met, even worse than Geordies and Scousers. Most Arsenal and Chelsea fans I know are level headed football fans, but Spurs fans literally have this undeserved smugness based on nothing and if you get two of them in the same room it is unbearable.



Whoa, whoa, back up there. More deluded than Newcastle and Liverpool fans? Come on son, thats some world class competition :)

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This is how Levy does business, it sounds like he gets into a players head unsettles them and then hopes they and their agents do all the leg work for them, based on that article I can quite see a long period of inactivity followed by a derisory bid. Benteke must have the will of a storm trooper after being so easily led to the dark side.

Also I don't hate Spurs as a club, I respect the football they play and AVB, and I appreciate they are in a far better position than us now, but living in London i know many Spurs fans and they are by far the most deluded egotistical bunch of whiners I have ever met, even worse than Geordies and Scousers. Most Arsenal and Chelsea fans I know are level headed football fans, but Spurs fans literally have this undeserved smugness based on nothing and if you get two of them in the same room it is unbearable.

Many here will remember how every season their pathetic itk nobs would claim Ash Young was about to sign for them and he never did. They were linked to Downing for years and yet we signed him. That club sput more hot air than a round the world balloon race.



So they'll no doubt wallow in this & then some.. Nicking our best player & all that... That will confirm to them that they are the superior club for the 1st time since i can remember... Lord how we have fallen :mellow:


Still i have every confidence we will be back up there at some point to reclaim our place in the games elite....eventually........ Well maybe this century :unsure:

Edited by danceoftheshamen
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I really do not see how we will struggle if only the Bentarse leaves.


We have a team that has grown in experience and unity, we have strengthened our defense and we have a midfield three who are now playing as a unit. Gabby's new found form, and Weimann's contract extension could actually be more important than the Bentarse to us next season, as they will create chances for Helenius or the replacement for the thick one. We've seen that Helenius can finish.


So not all is lost. I predict a much better season than last year.


The problem is we relied on long diagonal balls to Benteke all season long especially from the full-backs.


Our best form at the end of the season was playing 4-3-3 with Benteke very isolated and the role required him to fight off 2 defenders and hold the ball up which he was pretty awesome at (although I think there were several games where he was openly frustrated with the role). So we're either going to have to sign a like-for-like replacement or alter how we play significantly. 

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I don't think there's a set figure in mind.



You don't think Lambert has a clearly defined budget? 



Not in the sense that Randy says to him "Here's a third of the Benteke money for you to spend".


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