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Return Of The Feelgood Factor!


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While I agree the feel good factor has certainly come back I do feel people are getting a bit carried away. There seems to be a real belief that we are going to hit the ground running and have a successful season.


These 3 players that have signed could easily be as shite as they could be good. Its exciting but while we do have some reasons to attract players, we are hardly after the most sought after players in Europe are we? 


Get off to a bad start and there heads could drop, the crowd gets nervous and we are ultimately in for another tough season.


Fingers crossed we make big improvements, but as it stands I am not certain that this squad can comfortably maintain premiership status. 


I think we all understand that the players signed might not do too great. I don't think anyone is expecting them to have the impact that Benteke had but still there's nothing wrong with us fans actually be euthiastic and optimistic about the coming season for the first time in a long time. Lambert's approach is really refreshing and I think you should try and find a bit more belief in the players for this coming season. No point pulling your hair out we're in a much better position this season. What with the experience I alot of the players have now which they didn't before.

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While I agree the feel good factor has certainly come back I do feel people are getting a bit carried away. There seems to be a real belief that we are going to hit the ground running and have a successful season.


These 3 players that have signed could easily be as shite as they could be good. Its exciting but while we do have some reasons to attract players, we are hardly after the most sought after players in Europe are we? 


Get off to a bad start and there heads could drop, the crowd gets nervous and we are ultimately in for another tough season.


Fingers crossed we make big improvements, but as it stands I am not certain that this squad can comfortably maintain premiership status. 


I think we all understand that the players signed might not do too great. I don't think anyone is expecting them to have the impact that Benteke had but still there's nothing wrong with us fans actually be euthiastic and optimistic about the coming season for the first time in a long time. Lambert's approach is really refreshing and I think you should try and find a bit more belief in the players for this coming season. No point pulling your hair out we're in a much better position this season. What with the experience I alot of the players have now which they didn't before.




There is nothing in there that I disagree with although I have very little hair so I am definitely not pulling my hair out. 


I am very excited however, I am yet to see a Villa side grow from strength to strength that is all. Hopefully this time is different. I am also wary that the last time I was optimistic was the beginning of MON. A period we have only just recovered from by what seems the skin of our teeth. And I know for a fact, had we gone down/struggle again this season - not many will give a damn how refreshing the approach is.

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We have a front 3 which most clubs in the premier league envy. And we have (and are) adding to it. And they are all young.

We have a manager and a philosophy which almost everyone connected with the clubs appears to buy into - that is rare.

We have a defense which let in too many goals, but that was with inexperienced players. It was improved upon late season, they players have more experience and we have signed a young monster to replace an old hippo.

We do our business right, with respect and on the quiet. This meant that Everton got told to piss off when they enquired about Okore at the last minute (if reprts are to be believed).

We are a club people want to come to, rather than being a pay-day as we were under MON. And we are getting rid of the chaff.


Genuinely, I see nothing to feel down about.

We probably won't challenge for a Champs League spot this season. Or the next. Or the next. But we will play exciting football, with players giving their all, without putitng the future of the club in jeopardy. And I think we will be in the Champs League in 5 years - with Bentekers leading the line!


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We have a front 3 which most clubs in the premier league envy. And we have (and are) adding to it. And they are all young.

We have a manager and a philosophy which almost everyone connected with the clubs appears to buy into - that is rare.

We have a defense which let in too many goals, but that was with inexperienced players. It was improved upon late season, they players have more experience and we have signed a young monster to replace an old hippo.

We do our business right, with respect and on the quiet. This meant that Everton got told to piss off when they enquired about Okore at the last minute (if reprts are to be believed).

We are a club people want to come to, rather than being a pay-day as we were under MON. And we are getting rid of the chaff.


Genuinely, I see nothing to feel down about.

We probably won't challenge for a Champs League spot this season. Or the next. Or the next. But we will play exciting football, with players giving their all, without putitng the future of the club in jeopardy. And I think we will be in the Champs League in 5 years - with Bentekers leading the line!



With Lambert in charge all things are possible & we can reach for the stars oncemore, ( or pluck them out of the transfer market  :) ) plus with the whole club now pulling in the same direction we've every reason to believe that the future looks bright & the future looks Claret & Blue.

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I actually believe the feelgood factor started coming back as soon as McLeish left.

We all endured such a terrible season with him in charge. Underwhelming signings, a relegation battle, Young & Downing leaving, an uninspiring man in charge playing uninspiring football.

Randy Lerner has made (many!) mistakes in the past, but he's started the process of making up for them by sacking McLeish and appointing Lambert.

Since Lambert arrived, there has been a different atmosphere in the ground.

Under McLeish, Houller, GMac, KMac and even in O'Neill's last year, Villa Park hasn't been as electric as it was for MON's first few seasons.

That electricity is coming back now, and this was really showing towards the end of this season.

I noticed it further back than when we played Sunderland/ Stoke/ QPR etc.

When we played Spurs at home, we lost, but the majority of the supporters stayed until the final whistle, and we were chanting "Paul Lambert's Claret & Blue Army" for the last 7-8 minutes of the game. It feels like we're all pulling in the same direction now.

Personally, I've always been optimistic about Villa, even at the start of McLeish and Houllier's reigns, but people rightly have their different opinions and there have been opposing feelings about our 'direction' for years.

It really feels, for me, that we're all pulling in the same direction now. We all see what Lambert is trying to do, we see the style of play we're going for and though we still have niggles about the lack of experience in the team, I think the majority of the support are now behind Lambert, behind the team and, most importantly, seem patient for something to be built!


In Lambert we Trust!

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I also think that Stan's issues have made the club better.


I find that Villa fans were not generally popular with other fans, but our support for our captain over the past 18 months has shown us to be the thoroughly decent people that we (and most football fans) are. His issues have brought a sense of proportion to many of our views on football, and given us a commonality of cause during this period.

Hoping (and assuming) that the worst is now behind our captain, I think that Villa Park is a better place for the journey he went through, and we supported him on.

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For me the feel good factor was always there but it was mired by a quite horrific league position; though some decisions really annoyed me Lambert was doing some great stuff.


The football developed, certain players got their shot but last year was very hard to get too excited about; for me the feel good factor is back because we finally have a management structure who is brave in European transfers and makes them early; jesus how hard is that to do.


Good times so far, shame we lost a youngster but people need to pull in the same direction and he perhaps wasn't...can't wait for the season to start; don't know much about Helenius but Okore and Tonev are two interesting signings indeed.

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Aside from everything mentioned, the thing I like most about this is the timing of our transfers. The approach and targets are allowing us to get in early, and in previous seasons, this has been the domain of Fergie and the richer clubs.


Now I'm not talking here about the amount being spent. Its about the fact that they had their business lined up to get a lot done early on. To me, it was a sign that those clubs had a plan. With this now happening with us, albeit with a different level of player, it wreaks of controlled, structured thinking. That can only breed confidence.


The other thing which is symptomatic of this change in approach is the vibe on VT. Whilst Lambert will have his fans and his detractors, the threads complaining about why we're failing in attracting players who were too good, or too expensive, or too money driven, have dried up. I haven't seen many, if any, posts on here complaining that we're not in for targets that are being linked with Spurs, Everton or Liverpool for example. OK, its early in the window, but I feel fans have bought into the model.


OK, seeing other clubs sign amazing strikers or supreme midfielders leaves a slight 'if only' in my mind, but I'd not swap what the club is presently doing for that.


Someone posted earlier that they'd rather see our young team beaten, having played with fire in their bellies, than a bunch of overpaid mercenaries. That really sums it up for me. The whole Olympics thing left me really pissed off with footballer theatrics rather than just winning through fair play. I now look at the Villa squad and can't wait to see them on the pitch.


Yes, skill is fundamental in the game, but it can unnerve teams when they play against young, hungry players who don't stop running and hounding. I hope for this in the coming season with a dose of good skill on top.

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Aside from everything mentioned, the thing I like most about this is the timing of our transfers. The approach and targets are allowing us to get in early, and in previous seasons, this has been the domain of Fergie and the richer clubs.


Now I'm not talking here about the amount being spent. Its about the fact that they had their business lined up to get a lot done early on. To me, it was a sign that those clubs had a plan. With this now happening with us, albeit with a different level of player, it wreaks of controlled, structured thinking. That can only breed confidence.


The other thing which is symptomatic of this change in approach is the vibe on VT. Whilst Lambert will have his fans and his detractors, the threads complaining about why we're failing in attracting players who were too good, or too expensive, or too money driven, have dried up. I haven't seen many, if any, posts on here complaining that we're not in for targets that are being linked with Spurs, Everton or Liverpool for example. OK, its early in the window, but I feel fans have bought into the model.


OK, seeing other clubs sign amazing strikers or supreme midfielders leaves a slight 'if only' in my mind, but I'd not swap what the club is presently doing for that.


Someone posted earlier that they'd rather see our young team beaten, having played with fire in their bellies, than a bunch of overpaid mercenaries. That really sums it up for me. The whole Olympics thing left me really pissed off with footballer theatrics rather than just winning through fair play. I now look at the Villa squad and can't wait to see them on the pitch.


Yes, skill is fundamental in the game, but it can unnerve teams when they play against young, hungry players who don't stop running and hounding. I hope for this in the coming season with a dose of good skill on top.



Excellent post SurreyAV   :thumb:

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Lowtons goal against Stoke. In a bar in Amsterdam jumping up and down while the Grand National played out on another TV.

When we lost to Stoke under MON, we started to decline, the top 4 dream fell apart. It's feels like it's where were gonna start to climb from for me.

Footballs a funny old game.

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It reminds me a little of the late 60s following the "Villa Revolution" in Tommy Docherty's time.


Even though he only lasted 13 months and was sacked in January 1970, when we were rock bottom of the 2nd and we were then relegated to the 3rd - Villa fans were optimistic for the future and Docherty had made us proud again.


As strange as it may seem. there was perversely a growing belief that despite relegation, we would bounce back and be unstoppable once we got going again. The 70's were incredible times for Villa fans and although it took 10 years we eventually rose to the very top!


Obviously I hope it doesnt take 10 years but I think PL is putting together a squad that has massive potential over the next 3-5 years and we can dream of doing a Dortmund and enjoy the ride in the mean time!  Achieving the pinnacle may be impossible now but playing exciting football and a good run for some honours will do me!


Have just renewed my ST's and feel there are loads of reasons to be optimistic - sort Benteke out and AVFC are nearly sorted!

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seeing as i dont have any other portals to speak my mind, i will admit ive let out all my frustration out on here for the past season, and although im in a happy mood with whats is happening at b6, lets hope it continues into the season and we dont end up lingering by relegation again


if however we only sign a couple more players before the window and none during the window (was weird typing that) then ill still be happy weve who weve signed

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While I agree the feel good factor has certainly come back I do feel people are getting a bit carried away. There seems to be a real belief that we are going to hit the ground running and have a successful season.


These 3 players that have signed could easily be as shite as they could be good. Its exciting but while we do have some reasons to attract players, we are hardly after the most sought after players in Europe are we? 


Get off to a bad start and there heads could drop, the crowd gets nervous and we are ultimately in for another tough season.


Fingers crossed we make big improvements, but as it stands I am not certain that this squad can comfortably maintain premiership status. 


I think we all understand that the players signed might not do too great. I don't think anyone is expecting them to have the impact that Benteke had but still there's nothing wrong with us fans actually be euthiastic and optimistic about the coming season for the first time in a long time. Lambert's approach is really refreshing and I think you should try and find a bit more belief in the players for this coming season. No point pulling your hair out we're in a much better position this season. What with the experience I alot of the players have now which they didn't before.




There is nothing in there that I disagree with although I have very little hair so I am definitely not pulling my hair out. 


I am very excited however, I am yet to see a Villa side grow from strength to strength that is all. Hopefully this time is different. I am also wary that the last time I was optimistic was the beginning of MON. A period we have only just recovered from by what seems the skin of our teeth. And I know for a fact, had we gone down/struggle again this season - not many will give a damn how refreshing the approach is.


It's cool. In regards to going from strength to strength I would say it'll happen this season. Lambert's finally forming the team he wants with players he wants. He's offloading a lot of the so called free-loaders (or at least trying! aha) and bringing in players who will be a lot hungrier, have a lot more potential and more often than not on a third of the wages of an Ireland or Dunne which is great. It's kind of weird in a way. Whilst we enjoyed consistent success in the league under MON it wasn't until he left many realised what he'd actually done to the club. It's so nice to be going into the coming season with a real fresh optimism that I'd imagine a lot of us haven't felt for quite some time.


I'm hoping for 8th place (best of the rest so to speak) but I think we could with a bit of luck make the top 7 and should certainly be aiming for the top half.

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Villa Park was absolutely rocking when we played some good football and won against QPR and Sunderland.

I'd not seen it like that in a long time.

For me it's not so much a feel good factor but just a reignited passion that we so badly needed.

Long may it continue.

We could finish as high as 6th or I think as low as 14th next season, who knows, but I'm confident we'll be jumping around for every goal and passionately driving the lads forward from the stands again... Which is why we're all fans in the end.

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I was really worried right up to when Arsenal beat Wigan. I just felt everything was going against us for most of the season.


Since then, with the new signings and reflecting on how much we have grown in strength, I just feel so excited about the new season.

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