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Tigers beat lions... sorry


(tis true)



Fine, well I'll just make sure I have a massive ball of string with me to distract it with.


EVERYTHING is a ball of string to a tiger.

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11th October 2013



lp_villa830 vs Designer1

Weak bodyslam on Designer1 by lp_villa83. lp_villa830 hits a bulldog off the ropes. Hooks the leg : 1....2....shoulder up. Designer1 blocks a kick from lp_villa830. lp_villa83 takes a headbutt from Designer1. Fallaway slam by Designer1. Cover! 1....2...kick out. Tornado punch from Designer1. Pin : 1....2....no! They cut that one close. Designer1 with a spinning neckbreaker on lp_villa83. lp_villa83 backdrops Designer1 out of a piledriver attempt. lp_villa83 hits a stump piledriver on Designer1. Pin : 1....2..no. The match continues. Side suplex from lp_villa83. Pin : 1....2....kick out! A split-second away from a three. lp_villa830 hits a right hand on Designer1. lp_villa830 hits Designer1. Designer1 blocks a right hand and fires back. Running knee lift from Designer1. Designer1 with a standing spinebuster. Designer1 floors lp_villa83 near the ropes and makes the pin. Designer1 is using the ropes for leverage! The referee hasn't seen it: 1....2....3!! Designer1 goes into the crowd, where he celebrates his victory



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packoman + yillan vs AVFC1991 + DiegoD - VTW Tag Team Championship

Flying elbow from AVFCforever1991. AVFCforever1991 hits a missile dropkick on packoman. Cover! 1....2...kick out. Tag between AVFCforever1991 and DiegoD. AVFC1991 + DiegoD whip packoman into the corner. DiegoD whips AVFCforever1991 in for a hard clothesline to follow-up. DiegoD hits a dropkick on packoman. Hooks the leg : 1....2....shoulder up. DiegoD hits a quick kick on packoman. DiegoD walks into a trip. Belly to belly off the top rope, DiegoD may be dead! Tag between packoman and yillan. yillan with a spinning neckbreaker on DiegoD. Powerslam from yillan. DiegoD kicks yillan in the gut to reverse the momentum. Tag between DiegoD and AVFCforever1991. yillan takes a hurrancarana. AVFCforever1991 blasts yillan with a super kick. Pin : 1....2....no! Shoulder up at the last second. Spinning back kick from AVFCforever1991. AVFCforever1991 misses a big legdrop. AVFCF1991 walks into a spike slam. packoman + yillan have AVFCforever1991 to themselves. Death Drop! 1....2....3! It's over. POB + Dom_Wren just hit the ring with chairs! Stereo chair shots put down packoman + yillan! AVFCF1991 tries to attack, but gets beaten to the floor with punches and kicks. DiegoD has a brief offensive flurry, but gets nailed with a boot to the gut...and hit with the Power-Plex! POB + Dom_Wren have laid everyone out!




So did we get the win for this, or did POB and Dom's cheap shot count as a win?  

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18th October 2013


omariqy vs legov

legov uses a basement dropkick to the knee. Back heel kick from legov. Hooks the leg : 1....2....shoulder up. legov drops an elbow...but misses. omariqy bodyslams legov. omariqy with a spinning neckbreaker on legov. Pin : 1....2..no. The match continues. Massive lariat. Pin : 1....2....kick out! A split-second away from a three. Big backdrop on legov, executed well. legov reverses a waistlock. omariqy takes a hurrancarana. Cover! 1....2...kick out. legov with an enziguri. Cover! 1....2....kick out at the last second! legov looks shocked. omariqy takes a flying neckbreaker from legov. Kick from legov to the leg. omariqy reverses a legov hammerlock. Back elbow connects, legov staggers backward. Tornado punch from omariqy. The bell rings. The referee declares that the time limit has expired, and the match is a draw. omariqy extends his hand to legov...and it is accepted! They shake!


mjmooney is backstage hammering on the door of limpid’s office, he shouts through the door that he demands to speak to limpid about his World title rematch. limpid eventually opens the door and allows him in.


theunderstudy is walking backstage, when he meets Stevo985. They trade insults, get in each other’s faces, but eventually walk off without coming to blows.


Ginko and villaajax vs leemond2008 and 8pints

Ginko strikes 8pints. Ginko hits a bulldog off the ropes. Pin : 1....2..no. The match continues. Tag between Ginko and villaajax. villaajax \ Ginko whip 8pints into the corner. villaajax whips Ginko in for a hard clothesline to follow-up. 8pints takes a butterfly suplex from villaajax. Cover! 1....2...kick out. Armbar takedown from villaajax, nicely done. 8pints elbows villaajax in the face to break a hammerlock. Side suplex from 8pints. 8pints tags out to leemond2008. leemond slams villaajax down. Full nelson slam! villaajax avoids an avalanche, leemond2008 hits the turnbuckles hard. villaajax tags out to Ginko. Ginko hits a bulldog off the ropes. Ginko with a standing spinebuster. Pin : 1....2....no! Shoulder up at the last second. leemond receives some unexciting punishment. Ginko misses a clothesline. Powerslam from leemond2008. villaajax scoops up leemond for a slam, then turns....but Ginko accidentally gets hit in the face with the raised legs of leemond! Ginko can barely stand. Heart Punch!!! That shook the ring. 1....2....3!! I don't think the fight has finished. Ginko \ villaajax and leemond \ 8pints have begun brawling again! They wind up brawling all the way down the aisle and out of view.


Baselayers and StefanAVFC are backstage. They continued their feud by ripping into Ingram85 with ginger insults.


The_Rev vs Bickster

The_Rev uses a forearm to the face. Bickster takes a headbutt from The_Rev. Rude Awakening on Bickster by The_Rev. Running knee lift from The_Rev. Bickster blocks a punch. Bickster with a spinning neckbreaker on The_Rev. Bickster hits a bulldog off the ropes. Cover! 1....2...kick out. The_Rev reverses a hip toss. Full nelson slam! Cover! 1....2...kick out. Flapjack from The_Rev. Pin : 1....2....no! Shoulder up at the last second. Bickster elbows The_Rev in the face to break a hammerlock. Stiff chop lights up The_Rev. The_Rev counters an avalanche with a raised foot to the face. Fallaway slam by The_Rev. Bickster grabs The_Rev from behind and shoves him into the ropes, then scores with a roll-up...but The_Rev rolls through with the move! He is using the tights for leverage! 1....2...3! The referee didn't see it! The_Rev climbs each turnbuckle in turn, working the crowd as he celebrates his victory

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