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I've never heard if people robbing houses to feed a caffeine habit , nor have I heard of people jumping off buildings thinking they can fly after a few gallons of diet coke ... friend of mine from school however did think he could fly after taking coke ( or whatever) and needless to say hit the concrete 20 floors below him in a very unmatrix way.

So I'm in the drugs are bad category ...

Coke isn't an hallucinogen.

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As I've said, just because one person can't seem to use a drug reasonably, doesn't mean everyone will end up the same way. 


If a person was drunk, got in a car, drove and killed someone, does that mean Alcohol should be illegal as well? 


I'll post this again...



Edited by AVFCforever1991
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Not going to take the bait. Don't feel like being 'post picked' into submission.

Its a shame you feel like that. I'm trying to get people to think about something instead of accepting the "normal" opinion, which quite frankly is illogical nonsense based on scaremongering without any real understanding.

Its a commonly held opinion that "Drugs are bad, they kill you, they wreck you life". Do they on the whole do that? Sure some do to some people. If education on drugs was based on the facts of the matter and not trying to scare the shit out of people into not taking them, its quite likely that, less people would take them, the same is probably true if they were legal. Wheres the fun in taking legal shit?

I've never heard if people robbing houses to feed a caffeine habit , nor have I heard of people jumping off buildings thinking they can fly after a few gallons of diet coke ... friend of mine from school however did think he could fly after taking coke ( or whatever) and needless to say hit the concrete 20 floors below him in a very unmatrix way.

So I'm in the drugs are bad category ...



Because Caffeine is very cheap and readily available, and it's side effects are not are harmful as other drugs, however it is still a drug. 


For anyone in need of understanding an addiction (to whatever extent you can without having one), read Paul Gascoigne's autobiographies, that bloke can get hooked on anything. For him, addiction is deeply ingrained in his personality and it's something he has to fight on a daily basis. The substance(s) are not his problem, he is. 


Anyway, I digress. Drugs are bad m'kay, and they're certainly not for me. But I'm torn between wanting drug use decriminalised and remaining as it is. I find party culture excessive and 'casual' drug use seedy, I morally reject that it is okay to fund dangerous crime organisations because you want a high. That's not okay.


On the other hand, I despair for the addicts who go wrong somewhere down the line and are not offered the help they need. We spend too much too locking  drug addicts up and giving them convictions when all that money wasted could have been better spent trying to help 'em. Seems silly. 

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Not going to take the bait. Don't feel like being 'post picked' into submission.

Its a shame you feel like that. I'm trying to get people to think about something instead of accepting the "normal" opinion, which quite frankly is illogical nonsense based on scaremongering without any real understanding.

Its a commonly held opinion that "Drugs are bad, they kill you, they wreck you life". Do they on the whole do that? Sure some do to some people. If education on drugs was based on the facts of the matter and not trying to scare the shit out of people into not taking them, its quite likely that, less people would take them, the same is probably true if they were legal. Wheres the fun in taking legal shit?

I've never heard if people robbing houses to feed a caffeine habit , nor have I heard of people jumping off buildings thinking they can fly after a few gallons of diet coke ... friend of mine from school however did think he could fly after taking coke ( or whatever) and needless to say hit the concrete 20 floors below him in a very unmatrix way.

So I'm in the drugs are bad category ...


Not forgetting that people who make drugs tend to be bad people too. 


They add things to drugs to make them weigh more, you get a less pure drug and sometimes, in extreme cases obviously, the drug replacements can be extremely harmful, if not fatal to your health. 


But yea, take them for a laugh.. 

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Not going to take the bait. Don't feel like being 'post picked' into submission.

Its a shame you feel like that. I'm trying to get people to think about something instead of accepting the "normal" opinion, which quite frankly is illogical nonsense based on scaremongering without any real understanding.

Its a commonly held opinion that "Drugs are bad, they kill you, they wreck you life". Do they on the whole do that? Sure some do to some people. If education on drugs was based on the facts of the matter and not trying to scare the shit out of people into not taking them, its quite likely that, less people would take them, the same is probably true if they were legal. Wheres the fun in taking legal shit?

I've never heard if people robbing houses to feed a caffeine habit , nor have I heard of people jumping off buildings thinking they can fly after a few gallons of diet coke ... friend of mine from school however did think he could fly after taking coke ( or whatever) and needless to say hit the concrete 20 floors below him in a very unmatrix way.

So I'm in the drugs are bad category ...


Not forgetting that people who make drugs tend to be bad people too. 


They add things to drugs to make them weigh more, you get a less pure drug and sometimes, in extreme cases obviously, the drug replacements can be extremely harmful, if not fatal to your health. 


But yea, take them for a laugh.. 



Surely this is even more reason to make them legal...

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That is one of the reasons yes. Would also make supply better as you knew what specific strain you would be getting if we are talking about pot. If some idiot in the city says he has silver haze then take that with a pinch of salt. Better to have some go-to person but even that can be hard to find, at least someone reliable that isn`t an idiot. This is what I hate about it, it makes it seem more shady then it really should be. And usually the person involved in this stuff are bunch of words removed

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If anyone want to watch a good documentary on the nature of addictions - try the zeitgeist 3 documentary.


Caffeine is hideously addictive and whilst I can stop smoking weed whenever I want, giving up caffeine I found was so hard. The reason society likes caffeine so much is because it makes you more alert and more productive, which kind of fits with what society wants people to be like. Society wants people to work hard. It doesn't want them thinking outside the box.


And whilst diet coke isn't a drug... I would daresay it is far worse for your health than softer drugs...


Coke is a horrible horrible drug though in my opinion 

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My best mate well he used to be my best mate is serving 25 years in prison for murder, knew him for years at school and used to always be out on the piss with him and sometimes he would come the villa with me as he was a villa fan, well anyway he was a prick at times but pretty harmless to be honest, no one ever took him seriously or felt threatened by him but he was a weekend drug user, just your normal drugs you know anyway to cut a long story short the drugs ended up getting the better of him and they changed him, he ended up on the needle slamming speed and coke all the time, he was in a rocky relationship and he ended up stabbing his mrs to death, he stabbed her 18 times or summat, she was carrying his baby aswell, did drugs play a big part in this?? To right they did, I knew him for years and saw him change, but never in a million years did I see that coming, if he had not of heavily got involved with drugs it would not have happend, then you have some people no matter how bad they abuse drugs their still ok and normal in the head, drugs represent good times and fun but flip the coin and you can have misery and evil,

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My best mate well he used to be my best mate is serving 25 years in prison for murder, knew him for years at school and used to always be out on the piss with him and sometimes he would come the villa with me as he was a villa fan, well anyway he was a prick at times but pretty harmless to be honest, no one ever took him seriously or felt threatened by him but he was a weekend drug user, just your normal drugs you know anyway to cut a long story short the drugs ended up getting the better of him and they changed him, he ended up on the needle slamming speed and coke all the time, he was in a rocky relationship and he ended up stabbing his mrs to death, he stabbed her 18 times or summat, she was carrying his baby aswell, did drugs play a big part in this?? To right they did, I knew him for years and saw him change, but never in a million years did I see that coming, if he had not of heavily got involved with drugs it would not have happend, then you have some people no matter how bad they abuse drugs their still ok and normal in the head, drugs represent good times and fun but flip the coin and you can have misery and evil,



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Awful story, Rugeley. Tragic. And a warning to those who dabble, to be careful all the time. 


A friend of mine growing up was a absolute superstar. Supremely talented at anything he tried, and he was into music, sports, drawing...and he excelled in school. Then he got curious and started smoking weed, then lots of weed, and then he started using mushrooms and LSD. By the time he was 18, he was crazy, basically. Admitted to a psych hospital and when released, was a shadow of himself. 


25 years later, he lives with his folks and draws disability checks. Diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia. 


I'm convinced the drug abuse was behind it. He could have been anything, but the drugs got him. 


People say cannabis is harmless, but it's not harmless. To a still developing brain, daily use of cannabis for 2-3 years will potentially **** you up.

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friend of mine from school however did think he could fly after taking coke ( or whatever)



If this was the Bollitics thread that would be the equivalent of saying David Cameron is leader of the BNP (or whatever) i.e. all politicians are the same / all drugs are the same.


You're better than lazy generalisations like that Tone.

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Whilst I'm all for letting people do whatever the **** they want, I'm also on the side of the fence that understands the need to protect people from themselves i.e. people's reactions to drugs vary considerably and to say that no one can do drugs because X had an overdose is wrong, as would allowing everyone to do drugs because Y had a great time at Glasto after a few spliffs.


Replace drugs with gambling and I have the same problem. It is finding the right balance and that ideal solution has eluded us so far.

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Awful story, Rugeley. Tragic. And a warning to those who dabble, to be careful all the time. 


A friend of mine growing up was a absolute superstar. Supremely talented at anything he tried, and he was into music, sports, drawing...and he excelled in school. Then he got curious and started smoking weed, then lots of weed, and then he started using mushrooms and LSD. By the time he was 18, he was crazy, basically. Admitted to a psych hospital and when released, was a shadow of himself. 


25 years later, he lives with his folks and draws disability checks. Diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia. 


I'm convinced the drug abuse was behind it. He could have been anything, but the drugs got him. 


People say cannabis is harmless, but it's not harmless. To a still developing brain, daily use of cannabis for 2-3 years will potentially **** you up.


But should it be illegal to everyone?  The current system clearly doesn't work.

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Awful story, Rugeley. Tragic. And a warning to those who dabble, to be careful all the time. 


A friend of mine growing up was a absolute superstar. Supremely talented at anything he tried, and he was into music, sports, drawing...and he excelled in school. Then he got curious and started smoking weed, then lots of weed, and then he started using mushrooms and LSD. By the time he was 18, he was crazy, basically. Admitted to a psych hospital and when released, was a shadow of himself. 


25 years later, he lives with his folks and draws disability checks. Diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia. 


I'm convinced the drug abuse was behind it. He could have been anything, but the drugs got him. 


People say cannabis is harmless, but it's not harmless. To a still developing brain, daily use of cannabis for 2-3 years will potentially **** you up.


That Mark Bridger fella, he wasn't a drug addict and he kidnapped, possibly abused, killed and burned the corpse of April Jones.


Robert Mugabe, he's just a nutjob.  No drug addiction involved.


Some people are pre-disposed to killing, or to becoming addicted, or to rape, or to kiddy porn.  They just need a trigger.  That trigger may or may not be drugs.

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friend of mine from school however did think he could fly after taking coke ( or whatever)

If this was the Bollitics thread that would be the equivalent of saying David Cameron is leader of the BNP (or whatever) i.e. all politicians are the same / all drugs are the same.

You're better than lazy generalisations like that Tone.

Not really sure what you are saying here ??

It's a true story , of course the drugs in his system could have just been a coincidence and he could have fallen off the balcony , but somehow I doubt it

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But should it be illegal to everyone?  The current system clearly doesn't work.


No, I'm in favor of decriminalization, legalization, regulation, and taxation of all drugs, actually. The "War on Drugs" is an abject failure on so many fronts, it's become a bad joke at this point. 


Use some drug revenue for education and treatment, and we'll see fewer addicts, and the overall social cost will plummet.

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Definitely an awful story. Shame when things go that way. I too have a friend that I grew up with that I smoked sometimes with. He was certainly unstable at times though, had a lot of repressed anger within him. Same can be said for his upbringing, his father was away and he had a pretty bad relationship with his mother. He moved away a couple of years ago, and now he is going to jail, he has been doing heroin and all that stuff.


Drugs can certainly be an escape for people, but again these things also put things in a bad light for a lot of people that can handle this stuff. Things that can actually have a good impact on people`s life, how they treat each other and so on. We are seeing the increase in cameras everywhere, bigger security on internet that logs stuff and saves whatever you do, and you can bet your ass that RFID chip will come soon enough. They already brought this up in the states and they are reviewing when they can implement this for the general public. IMO, it`s really going in the wrong direction and while you can say tin foil this and that, these things will end up having repercussions in the future. The media itself for some people almost seems like a staple for the ultimate truth, of what is good and bad. Uninformed parents will rage on about security for their children and bla bla. You know where I am going with this....


That certain drugs still causes these remarks from certain people, that pot and such is so bad for you is just mind blowing in many ways. Yes, of course if you smoke several joints every day then that will have no positive effect whatsoever on yourself, but again this goes for certain people. The people that criticize this are the same people that criticize others for having certain opinions on religion. People can be so hypocritical sometimes they just don`t know it anymore.


Do we need protection from certain things? Yes, ultimately stability in our society has gotten us this far, but a lot of stuff makes me look at the future with a bleak expression on my face. 

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But should it be illegal to everyone?  The current system clearly doesn't work.


No, I'm in favor of decriminalization, legalization, regulation, and taxation of all drugs, actually. The "War on Drugs" is an abject failure on so many fronts, it's become a bad joke at this point. 


Use some drug revenue for education and treatment, and we'll see fewer addicts, and the overall social cost will plummet.


I agree. Throw in military budgets in their and really start building for the future around the world.

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But should it be illegal to everyone?  The current system clearly doesn't work.


No, I'm in favor of decriminalization, legalization, regulation, and taxation of all drugs, actually. The "War on Drugs" is an abject failure on so many fronts, it's become a bad joke at this point. 


Use some drug revenue for education and treatment, and we'll see fewer addicts, and the overall social cost will plummet.


I agree. Throw in military budgets in their and really start building for the future around the world.



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