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So in a slightly heavy handed and a little bit over aggressive way what your trying to basically say is 'doing something you enjoy'? Or does it have to be linked to chemical reactions in the brain? Like, what if someone gets a kick from reading a book? Or going walking up some hills or something?


Really don't see how I'm being aggressive. Chindie's post was two places below mine and seemed to be directed at mine, and looked at that way seemed a bit rude and OTT.


MJM said I was "judgemental", so I posted a reply. No aggression. Frustration, maybe.


I'm not talking about just "doing things you enjoy", I'm talking about "getting off your head", so riding a Suzuki Hayabusa at 140 mph qualifies, whereas reading a book doesn't. I'm sorry if all you do is read books and go for walks up some hills - you ought to consider the possibility that you may be boring ;)

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Haha, no argument there as that maybe but can you send me your predetermined list of things that qualify then as im worried my nan who went walking up the malverns for the first time ever at the age of 76 and got overly excited that she had made it to the top, may be a bit boring but I wanted to check first with you :)

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Haha, no argument there as that maybe but can you send me your predetermined list of things that qualify then as im worried my nan who went walking up the malverns for the first time ever at the age of 76 and got overly excited that she had made it to the top, may be a bit boring but I wanted to check first with you :)


Your nan has my full and express permission to be excited about making it to the top of a hill at 76. Is she boring? I can't say for sure. Has she danced with the devil in the pale moonlight?

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I always thought that people who were entertained by the most boring things were the least boring people. How boring must you be to need to get your kicks from jumping out a plane. But if you get kicks from watching paint dry, literally the whole world must be the most exciting place for you. 


Shrooms are good. The only trick and as good a hard and fast rule for ensuring that you have a good trip, is do it somewhere pretty and natural. Stay away from man made things, and never ever watch a film. If you stay outside in a safe place... guaranteed fun. But they are something to be done every now and then. I can't imagine, and don't want to imagine being addicted to them.


To the guy that said stoned people are boring? Some are. But again the trick is to realise that marijuana exxagerates and increases the enjoyment of what you are doing when you are smoking it. Whether this is reading a book, watching a film, going for a walk, enjoying the company of the opposite sex etc etc. It just happens that a lot of people are sitting around and doing nothing when they smoke it, which is is where the stereotype comes from. Again it comes down to the personal spec of the user...

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Shrooms can be pretty amazing but I do find it weird how some people really want this to be legalized.


'Pologies for picking a small bit of an otherwise good post:


You admit to having taken mushies, but think that they should be illegal? In other words, you've done 'em, but you think that the Law should be able to come down on other people who choose to do them too??


Wanting to get "off your head" in some way is a basic human tendency which all but the most dismally boring individuals display in some form or other.


Making things illegal to consume means giving others the right to judge you on the basis of your choices. The people judging you will normally have no understanding of you or the effect of consuming the substance in question. They judge you simply on the basis of the law, which is (supposedly) blind and (nearly always) unsympathetic.


I'm not against the concept of some legal framework whereby people are discouraged from doing potentially harmful things to themselves, but the key word is "harmful". Most illegal drugs are considerably less harmful than having a criminal record, or doing time in gaol. The drugs that are more harmful than that are pretty much a punishment in themselves.


I won't even get started on prescription drugs, which are often even more harmful than a lot of the illegal stuff, but are still allowed because some very powerful and influential companies make lots of money from them.


(Not in response to your post, but:) Zero tolerance?? Since when did tolerance become a bad thing?


I feel that way because I think a lot of people would go and take it without being informed of what they are doing. That`s not to say that I would be against it, in fact I would like it if it were to happen. But you need to know what you are doing when you take that stuff, it`s not in the same league as pot or many other drugs effect wise.  I might as well share my story of the first time I really got some hallucinations.


The story begins in Amsterdam, me and two friends went there for a couple of days to on vacation to relax, check out the city and shops. Obviously we would smoke a lot to try the stuff down there(since it get so much praise). Anyway, after half a day had gone by, we visited one of those legal high shops or whatever it is called(not to be confused with other legal high shops that can have way stronger stuff, but I don`t know what I should call it to separate the two). There they had some truffles, which is actually the weakest kind of shrooms/hallucination things you can get if you compare it to the harder stuff. We had taken some the day before, one of the weaker ones and basically had no effect. This time we tried again with the strongest ones as the day before was a let down. After that, we go to the hotel and relax for a little bit before we decide to head out. Damn, this feeling was great was my initially reaction. We walk outside the hotel and the whole look of the outside had a different vibe. It certainly was kicking it, but nothing extraordinary was going on. My friend told me that we should wait outside for the bus to go to the central since it was a long walk. As we were waiting, my eyes started to look at this one person standing there with his cellphone, what the hell was he doing really. It looked like he was filming me and it was bugging me the hell out. He just stood there, like he was watching me with a grin on his face. It was so weird because I had done nothing suspect to warrant such an action. It was going on and on, but I decided not too take any action as that would have been much worse.Then the bus arrives, and we go inside and find ourselves a seat. The whole place started too have an eerie feeling, but hard to pinpoint exactly what it was. Outside looking from the window as we were driving was simply astonishing, there were so much going on and most things looked like it was dipped in gold for some reason, it looked so majestic and interesting(which in fact was just regular stores and what not lol) I suddenly hear my friend say something, which I interpret as him saying "We are going off here". I stand up, but the fact of the matter is that he just gave me an odd look for some reason. We wasn`t going off yet, but I just stood there in front of my seat. So bizzare, I didn`t sit down at all I just continued standing in front of it. I see some people laughing a couple of seats down which I understood but it frightened me quite a bit. But I didn`t nothing, I was in a total different space and setting apart from them. After what seemed forever, we got out off the bus at a central station. Bunch of things were going on with my vision right now, a little bit too much really as you feel everyone is looking at you and you can`t just take it all in. I decide to take out some money from a minibank, which was extremely terrifying for some reason. As I stood there, I felt a shadow around me with voices getting louder and louder. Like I was wasting their time for standing there forever. I decide to turn around as my vision got narrower, but to my surprise no one was there. If this was how it was going to be, I decided to get the **** out there pretty quick. This would end up as a disaster. I tell my friend I need to get the **** back to the hotel, as this is not going down. He had no effect at all and was puzzled by my reaction as I felt I was joking with him or whatnot. Just going out in the streets to get a cab was overwhelming. Time passed and I was suddenly 5 steps ahead of were I was 1 second ago. The whole cab ride was surreal as when I was looking out the window, so much hallucinations it would take forever to describe it all. Pretty **** up but cool at the same time almost. When we arrive at the hotel I take out money from my pocket. Several hundred euros was there, and I just had it my hand while I expected the driver to take whatever he felt was necessary. Counting the money now and what not was not going to happen. Specially when I looked at his face when we drove, I felt terror, literally. A lot of stuff to sink in when you wasn`t prepared for this madness. Anyway my friend helped me with the money thing, as he started to laugh when it happened and stopped me pretty quick from doing something stupid. I already knew it was, but I felt powerless to do anything else for some reason. Rushing up to the room trying to avoid all eye contact with employees and other random people was there, I decided to go to bed to end this. It was simply too much. And then it got worse. I started see flashes off things going on, I got transported suddenly to a respirator and what not. It was sort of the whole thing they say " You see your live going in front of your eyes" It was just like that, except it wasn`t my life. So surreal, how could hallucinations be this freaking strong. I even had the sound from a respirator and hospital noises(No I was not a sleep when this happened) I heard thunder going on outside when there was none, a train was right outside my window driving by when we were at 5th floor. The ****? After all this was going on, I finally fell asleep. But not too long after I wake up too see my friends watching a movie, and he says "Welcome to shrooms". The whole building was swirling around him, and I suddenly had an enlightment. This was it, this was shrooms for some reason. This was the gate to life, your whole life had been building up too this. Now you could freeze time and so on. Really hard to explain what was going through my head, but it seemed like he was god and he had unleashed this whole thing. Nothing before mattered, this was what the purpose of life was. If I wished, I could transport myself into futurama and such, bla bla. It seems so surreal and trying to explain what was really going on is...impossible almost. Well the next morning comes a long and finally it was all over. Man just waking up, I thought I had the power and stuff at the very start. Just crazy the whole experience but thank **** that was over anyway. 


I have taken a lot stronger shrooms after that, and had a lot of positives experience with it. But I never had anything visually like that before, it literally felt like a movie where they overdo the whole effects. Things literally changed, like not a little bit but every freaking thing. That`s why I view it as something that should not be taken lightly, there is a lot of people that can handle pot without knowing what the exact specific effects are, but this is something quite else.

My whole point being is that if shrooms were to be legal, then there should be some requirements as to know what you are getting into at least. Like a course or whatever. 


Yes I do hate how we have laws that says "You cannot do this or that" but honestly this is the world we are living in. If there is one thing that is not going to go away, it is rules.

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It doesn't necessarily follow that if you take drugs then your life is 'down the toilet'.


Although I do find people who regularly take drugs to be particularly odious and pathetic individuals to the point where I hope they receive a bad pill or OD.

Yeah, send those sick addicts to the gas chamber


Whoops, should have clarified, I was talking about 'lifestyle' drug users and not addicts, i.e. the morons popping pills at raves, or the clearings in the woods you see at your typical nightclub doing lines off the sink in the toilet.



What about alcoholics?


Paul McGrath?


Paul Merson?

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I have had some great times on drugs and equally I have had some terrible times on them.

When I was younger every Friday and Saturday I would be on coke, speed or pills (sometimes all together) they never sat well with me though, Pills and speed used to turn me into a complete nightmare but I wasn't too bad on coke


I literally grew out of them overnight though and just stopped doing them and actually wish that I had never bothered with them now because it seems like such a waste of time and money.

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I do hate how we have laws that says "You cannot do this or that" but honestly this is the world we are living in. If there is one thing that is not going to go away, it is rules.



Sure, but we should still try to make sure that the rules are sensible and don't do more harm than they're intended to prevent. You'll probably agree that at the moment that isn't always the case.

Edited by CrackpotForeigner
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 People think it's all about misery and desperation and death and all that shite, which is not to be ignored, but what they forget is the pleasure of it. Otherwise we wouldn't do it. After all, we're not **** stupid. At least, we're not that **** stupid. Take the best orgasm you ever had, multiply it by a thousand and you're still nowhere near it.
When you're on junk you have only one worry: scoring. When you're off it you are suddenly obliged to worry about all sorts of other shite. Got no money: can't get pished. Got money: drinking too much. Can't get a bird: no chance of a ride. Got a bird: too much hassle. You have to worry about bills, about food, about some football team that never **** wins, about human relationships and all the things that really don't matter when you've got a sincere and truthful junk habit. 
Edited by The_Rev
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Would not recommend ketamine. 

Neither would I. Tried it once, terrible stuff. It's like you step outside yourself, and your real self is stuck in time. I have no idea why people like it.

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 People think it's all about misery and desperation and death and all that shite, which is not to be ignored, but what they forget is the pleasure of it. Otherwise we wouldn't do it. After all, we're not **** stupid. At least, we're not that **** stupid. Take the best orgasm you ever had, multiply it by a thousand and you're still nowhere near it.
When you're on junk you have only one worry: scoring. When you're off it you are suddenly obliged to worry about all sorts of other shite. Got no money: can't get pished. Got money: drinking too much. Can't get a bird: no chance of a ride. Got a bird: too much hassle. You have to worry about bills, about food, about some football team that never **** wins, about human relationships and all the things that really don't matter when you've got a sincere and truthful junk habit. 


Choose life, Rev.

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Not going to take the bait. Don't feel like being 'post picked' into submission.

Its a shame you feel like that. I'm trying to get people to think about something instead of accepting the "normal" opinion, which quite frankly is illogical nonsense based on scaremongering without any real understanding.

Its a commonly held opinion that "Drugs are bad, they kill you, they wreck you life". Do they on the whole do that? Sure some do to some people. If education on drugs was based on the facts of the matter and not trying to scare the shit out of people into not taking them, its quite likely that, less people would take them, the same is probably true if they were legal. Wheres the fun in taking legal shit?

I've never heard if people robbing houses to feed a caffeine habit , nor have I heard of people jumping off buildings thinking they can fly after a few gallons of diet coke ... friend of mine from school however did think he could fly after taking coke ( or whatever) and needless to say hit the concrete 20 floors below him in a very unmatrix way.

So I'm in the drugs are bad category ...

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