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Saturday and Sunday mornings I get to walk the dog as I'm not at work. I often walk past the local weatherspoons at 8-830am and there are blokes in there drinking pints At that time.That for me is a truly shocking and depressing sight.

I know quite a few people that go for a pint or two at 7am, after work. Its no different to finishing work at 5pm and going to the pub for a couple of pints. You really shouldn't judge people by your own lifestyle. Before 24 hour drinking there were always pubs that opened at about 6am around the wholesale markets to serve people finishing work who wanted a few jars before going to bed.

None of the people I see through the window look like they've just come from work.

Thats not prejudging, I'd say I'm fairly accurate .

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Cool.. I am watching that now... I have actually been to William Randolph Hearsts house (castle). It is so ridiculously plush. Ill let you know my thoughts later...


^Mockingbird... I do get that that definition is probably most commonly accepted (although I have always wondered if that meant food, air and sleep are drugs (interestingly what causes dreams is your brain releasing serotonin... (probably)... secreted naturally, which is also the active ingredient in lsd and dmt - so technically dreaming is actually a class a drug experience) - my definition is more my personal opinion of what I think a drug should be defined as, but as a firm advocator of democracy and liberalism, I am happy to accept the standard definition whilst practicing my own...


I don't mean to sound rude, because you actually what I would consider to be the best and most reasonable standpoint on drugs. I have seen a lot of people destroy themselves on drugs, to be honest ranging from caffeine through to heroin, via prescribed drugs by way of socially acceptable drugs, and too many to legitimately say that drug use should not be discouraged....


But I can't help but think there is also a positive function in society for drugs, especially the ones that help you to think radically. I think the human condition would be a whole lot further down the evolutionary path if some of the revelations people had when high were actually practiced in society...

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Saturday and Sunday mornings I get to walk the dog as I'm not at work. I often walk past the local weatherspoons at 8-830am and there are blokes in there drinking pints At that time.That for me is a truly shocking and depressing sight.

I know quite a few people that go for a pint or two at 7am, after work. Its no different to finishing work at 5pm and going to the pub for a couple of pints. You really shouldn't judge people by your own lifestyle. Before 24 hour drinking there were always pubs that opened at about 6am around the wholesale markets to serve people finishing work who wanted a few jars before going to bed.

None of the people I see through the window look like they've just come from work.

Thats not prejudging, I'd say I'm fairly accurate .

People who work night shifts rarely wear suits, Have you ever been around at 5am and seen the street cleaners cleaning up after the night before. The all night postal workers going home etc.

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Saturday and Sunday mornings I get to walk the dog as I'm not at work. I often walk past the local weatherspoons at 8-830am and there are blokes in there drinking pints At that time.That for me is a truly shocking and depressing sight.

I know quite a few people that go for a pint or two at 7am, after work. Its no different to finishing work at 5pm and going to the pub for a couple of pints. You really shouldn't judge people by your own lifestyle. Before 24 hour drinking there were always pubs that opened at about 6am around the wholesale markets to serve people finishing work who wanted a few jars before going to bed.
None of the people I see through the window look like they've just come from work.Thats not prejudging, I'd say I'm fairly accurate .
People who work night shifts rarely wear suits, Have you ever been around at 5am and seen the street cleaners cleaning up after the night before. The all night postal workers going home etc.

If the people he has seen look anything like the ones I have seen outside the local spoons, they haven't got jobs.

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Because your perception of it is completely wrong.


It's not like you take a hit and you're instantly addicted. Like with alcohol, if you're sensible with it it's not addictive. It's really that simple.

Be sensible when taking drugs?


Yes, why not?


This isn't trying to sound remotely "big headed".. or trying to sound "cool", i'm saying this to prove my point.


Pretty much the only thing i haven't tried is Heroin. Yet I live a very good life, I have a good job, I'm doing pretty well for myself, I live a healthy lifestyle, and i'm doing a damn sight better then plenty of other people my age who haven't "done" anything. I'm not addicted to anything, I don't need it, my life isn't going to shit because of it. I know what my limits are, and for that reason I consider myself to be sensible with them. I used to enjoy it more than I do now, but from experience... you can be sensible with these things and have a good time and keep it at that, unfortunately, you only hear about the people who aren't.

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I smoke when I can, but not so frequent as I used too. I love it though, really puts me in a good mood, I enjoy things better and it really takes my mind off negative stuff. Really makes my life more tolerable and better I would say. The whole process of this being illegal and how people view it is annoying to say the least, you have no idea what some people might think of it. Anyway, this is the only thing I frequently use.


I have also tried some other stuff, but with the consensus that I would not take it again for quite some time. I have great self control when it comes to that, except weed. No matter how good, no chance I will try to get hooked on something else.

Shrooms can be pretty amazing but I do find it weird how some people really want this to be legalized. Do you really think that many people can handle stuff like this? It can be pretty damn strong, and definently make you socially awkward pretty quick. Which makes the whole experience pretty much like hell unless you have great self control. Again, not something that is dangerous but you really need to know what you are getting yourself into, and how you do it. This is not something you take and then visit your parents for dinner three hours later.

MDMA I have tried like two times, again something that is pretty amazing. Great feeling all around, music is on another level. You do get kinda, quirky I guess. More of a party thing rather then something you can relax to. But I would imagine listening to some music and taking this would really be mind blowing :P I get bruxism when I take this so that`s not that fun.

LSD I have taken twice. Was rather weak what I took, but lights and stuff really gets enhanced. This also makes music sound on another level, and you have way better concentration on this than shrooms f ex. Basically means that you can function better, but that also depends on the dose as other stuff do. Pretty great, but haven`t taken it that much or gotten the full effect to really say anything more than that.

2CE is another one I have tried. Something in between of lsd and shrooms, but this is syntethic though. Can be a little bit overwhelming at the start, and you can easily get pretty sick from it in the start(like throw up). Works pretty great but not something I am gonna take again. Better stick too natural stuff.

Cocain is the last drug I have tried. Was amazing the first time I took it, you really become the life of the party. You can talk about anything, you get really hyper but it`s really great for parties and meeting people. So much energy. But it doesn`t work for that long, so you constantly have to go out and take it again which raises suspicion and its just a nuisance. The last times I have tried it I have barely gotten any effect, and it`s so expensive I don`t really see the benefit of it.


So yeah, I have tried a couple of different stuff. Most of it is just to try it, expand your mind(yeah, really). I know that sounds stupid if you just read it like that but it can really give you a new outlook on things. In a positive way of course. You have to be responsible when you do this stuff, know that you have nothing else you should be doing or that can come up. Don`t be an ass and take it in the general public and visit a mall or some stupid shit like that. No regrets though, you only live once and I am glad that I have tried some of that stuff. It most certainly has made a more of an positive impact on me, on how I think and act. I would actually say it has made me smarter in many ways, though you wouldn`t think that when you see how I write ;p 


It`s all up to you and how you approach it. The people who fell out on this stuff really bad and end up dead or whatever mostly have themselves to blame. They chose to continue with it, day in and out. That`s what I find most questionable. If you really do that then if not drugs, then something else. If you really need to take shrooms every day, cocaine or whatever then I would say there is a more of an underlying cause that is making you do it. Basically my point is that moderation is key, that goes for everything. 

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Cocain is the last drug I have tried. Was amazing the first time I took it, you really become the life of the party. You can talk about anything, you get really hyper but it`s really great for parties and meeting people.




In my, admittedly limited experience, people on cocaine think they are the life and soul and think they can talk about anything. The reality is that unless you are with a crowd of other people under the same illusion you can actually come over as a bit of a nob that's clearly taken something and is talking bollocks whilst raving to lift music. Went to a gig fairly recently where one of the guys I was with was dancing like a loon and shouting shite whilst the background music was on and the lights were still up! Entertaining for about 10 minutes then very very tiresome.

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Cocain is the last drug I have tried. Was amazing the first time I took it, you really become the life of the party. You can talk about anything, you get really hyper but it`s really great for parties and meeting people.

In my, admittedly limited experience, people on cocaine think they are the life and soul and think they can talk about anything. The reality is that unless you are with a crowd of other people under the same illusion you can actually come over as a bit of a nob that's clearly taken something and is talking bollocks whilst raving to lift music. Went to a gig fairly recently where one of the guys I was with was dancing like a loon and shouting shite whilst the background music was on and the lights were still up! Entertaining for about 10 minutes then very very tiresome.

Hmm sounds like he's had too much alcohol actually

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Cocain is the last drug I have tried. Was amazing the first time I took it, you really become the life of the party. You can talk about anything, you get really hyper but it`s really great for parties and meeting people.


In my, admittedly limited experience, people on cocaine think they are the life and soul and think they can talk about anything. The reality is that unless you are with a crowd of other people under the same illusion you can actually come over as a bit of a nob that's clearly taken something and is talking bollocks whilst raving to lift music. Went to a gig fairly recently where one of the guys I was with was dancing like a loon and shouting shite whilst the background music was on and the lights were still up! Entertaining for about 10 minutes then very very tiresome.

Hmm sounds like he's had too much alcohol actually



Probably a combination tbh..

Edited by AVFCforever1991
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Cocain is the last drug I have tried. Was amazing the first time I took it, you really become the life of the party. You can talk about anything, you get really hyper but it`s really great for parties and meeting people.




In my, admittedly limited experience, people on cocaine think they are the life and soul and think they can talk about anything. The reality is that unless you are with a crowd of other people under the same illusion you can actually come over as a bit of a nob that's clearly taken something and is talking bollocks whilst raving to lift music. Went to a gig fairly recently where one of the guys I was with was dancing like a loon and shouting shite whilst the background music was on and the lights were still up! Entertaining for about 10 minutes then very very tiresome.


For sure, but you have to remember that cocain really doesn`t give you any negative aspects when it comes off too your behavior. Aka, your own mannerisms and such should not change that much, though you might feel more hyper. Again, something really easy to manage. What I am trying to say is that either that guy was retarded from the get-go, or he was just drunk. Either way, cocain is a scary habit too have. Got some friends that literally goes out every weekend, on friday and saturday. He was condemning me years before for taking weed and such, bla bla random bullshit I have no insight into it reallly stuff, but now for the last year or so he has been taking cocain every weekend. Pretty hypocritical really. That`s the thing with drugs though, you decide how much control you let it take over you. There are so many stupid,idiotic people out there that you see, and when one of those guys do drugs and do some stupid shit then they don`t really give reassurance of drugs not being that all bad. 

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Shrooms can be pretty amazing but I do find it weird how some people really want this to be legalized.


'Pologies for picking a small bit of an otherwise good post:


You admit to having taken mushies, but think that they should be illegal? In other words, you've done 'em, but you think that the Law should be able to come down on other people who choose to do them too??


Wanting to get "off your head" in some way is a basic human tendency which all but the most dismally boring individuals display in some form or other.


Making things illegal to consume means giving others the right to judge you on the basis of your choices. The people judging you will normally have no understanding of you or the effect of consuming the substance in question. They judge you simply on the basis of the law, which is (supposedly) blind and (nearly always) unsympathetic.


I'm not against the concept of some legal framework whereby people are discouraged from doing potentially harmful things to themselves, but the key word is "harmful". Most illegal drugs are considerably less harmful than having a criminal record, or doing time in gaol. The drugs that are more harmful than that are pretty much a punishment in themselves.


I won't even get started on prescription drugs, which are often even more harmful than a lot of the illegal stuff, but are still allowed because some very powerful and influential companies make lots of money from them.


(Not in response to your post, but:) Zero tolerance?? Since when did tolerance become a bad thing?

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Wanting to get "off your head" in some way is a basic human tendency which all but the most dismally boring individuals display in some form or other.


The first part of that sentence is pretty self evident. But the highlighted bit - judgmental much? 


I'm not averse to a drink or three myself, and I've been known to smoke the odd spliff - but I know quite a few people who neither drink, smoke nor do other drugs, and they are anything but boring. Contrariwise, there is little that is more 'dismally boring' than the habitual drunk or stoner. 

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I'm not averse to a drink or three myself, and I've been known to smoke the odd spliff - but I know quite a few people who neither drink, smoke nor do other drugs, and they are anything but boring.



People who don't get high are boring.

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Stoned people are some of the most boring individuals you're ever likely to encounter.


They just beat out stoners not currently stoned who insist on giving you the discourse of why drugs should be legal, that you've heard countless times before in the exact same terms usually from the same people.

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Stoned people are some of the most boring individuals you're ever likely to encounter.


They just beat out stoners not currently stoned who insist on giving you the discourse of why drugs should be legal, that you've heard countless times before in the exact same terms usually from the same people.


Not sure what your beef is. It's not completely unheard of for subjects to be discussed more than once on this forum. If you're not entertained, move on.


I don't think it's unreasonable to continue to argue for something to be changed until it IS changed.

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Wanting to get "off your head" in some way is a basic human tendency which all but the most dismally boring individuals display in some form or other.


The first part of that sentence is pretty self evident. But the highlighted bit - judgmental much? 


I'm not averse to a drink or three myself, and I've been known to smoke the odd spliff - but I know quite a few people who neither drink, smoke nor do other drugs, and they are anything but boring. Contrariwise, there is little that is more 'dismally boring' than the habitual drunk or stoner. 



I know quite a few habitual drunks and habitual stoners, and they are anything but boring :)


The other thing is that "getting off your head" isn't limited to drinking or smoking spliffs. Some people go for doing things that make their bodies release adrenaline, some people might get enough of a kick from getting dizzy on a merry-go-round. Who's to say what kicks are more righteous than others, but I'm sorry: Anyone who doesn't have a need for kicks is, by definition, boring.

Edited by CrackpotForeigner
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So in a slightly heavy handed and a little bit over aggressive way what your trying to basically say is 'doing something you enjoy'? Or does it have to be linked to chemical reactions in the brain? Like, what if someone gets a kick from reading a book? Or going walking up some hills or something?

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I agree wholeheartedly with Chindies opinions on drugs/drug users.


I don't like them, or generally the people who use them, because their boring/annoying/attention seeking who say and use the same reasons for doing them over and over and over and over.

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