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I thought it was plenty obvious the topic was centered around substances that are commonly referred to as 'drugs'. If you want to be pedantic we could talk about coca cola or paracetamol if you want but I don't think it would be of much use to what we ARE talking about.

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I thought it was plenty obvious the topic was centered around substances that are commonly referred to as 'drugs'. If you want to be pedantic we could talk about coca cola or paracetamol if you want but I don't think it would be of much use to what we ARE talking about.

It is the very essence of what we're talking about. If you don't understand what constitutes a "drug", then you have no basis from which to start discussing the question.

Caffeine, whether you like it or not, is a drug. It is addictive and it has some quite strong effects if used irresponsibly. Cola contains caffeine. You ever seen what happens to people who take too many pro-plus i.e. an overdose? Yet you can buy that over the counter with no prescription. Is it safe? Not if misused no it isn't. Whats the difference between that and a "drug"?

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That's just completely ridiculous though. We know piss all about the inner workings of what goes on at villa park yet here we have a whole website talking about it 24/7. Or can only RL and PF and his colleagues post here?

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That's just completely ridiculous though. We know piss all about the inner workings of what goes on at villa park yet here we have a whole website talking about it 24/7. Or can only RL and PF and his colleagues post here?

Sorry but what drugs have you taken to even consider posting that?

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I've always wondered why ecstacy/MDMA is illegal.  It's not exactly a very dangerous drug - it just suffers the same press as heroin and crystal meth.  I know a lot of people that took a lot of ecstacy in the early 90's, and while the press at the time said they would all end up with Alzheimers Disease by the time they were 30, most are now happily settled down with families and have better than average jobs.


Ecstacy is an enigma.  It can be produced by idiots in their garden shed, yet is still safer than peanuts.  If it was manufactured in controlled laboratory conditions and guidelines for it's usage were available, instead of the current Mr Mackey-esque propaganda, it could generate a lot of money for the government and would also take a large section out of the black market.


I don't use it personally, in case anyone is wondering...

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I've always wondered why ecstacy/MDMA is illegal.  It's not exactly a very dangerous drug - it just suffers the same press as heroin and crystal meth.  I know a lot of people that took a lot of ecstacy in the early 90's, and while the press at the time said they would all end up with Alzheimers Disease by the time they were 30, most are now happily settled down with families and have better than average jobs.


Ecstacy is an enigma.  It can be produced by idiots in their garden shed, yet is still safer than peanuts.  If it was manufactured in controlled laboratory conditions and guidelines for it's usage were available, instead of the current Mr Mackey-esque propaganda, it could generate a lot of money for the government and would also take a large section out of the black market.


I don't use it personally, in case anyone is wondering...


Very much agreed..


And I've always loved your Av, Peyote button and 2 thumbs...HST for Sheriff :)

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Not going to take the bait. Don't feel like being 'post picked' into submission.

Its a shame you feel like that. I'm trying to get people to think about something instead of accepting the "normal" opinion, which quite frankly is illogical nonsense based on scaremongering without any real understanding.

Its a commonly held opinion that "Drugs are bad, they kill you, they wreck you life". Do they on the whole do that? Sure some do to some people. If education on drugs was based on the facts of the matter and not trying to scare the shit out of people into not taking them, its quite likely that, less people would take them, the same is probably true if they were legal. Wheres the fun in taking legal shit?

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It doesn't necessarily follow that if you take drugs then your life is 'down the toilet'.


Although I do find people who regularly take drugs to be particularly odious and pathetic individuals to the point where I hope they receive a bad pill or OD.

Yeah, send those sick addicts to the gas chamber

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I've always wondered why ecstacy/MDMA is illegal.  It's not exactly a very dangerous drug - it just suffers the same press as heroin and crystal meth.  I know a lot of people that took a lot of ecstacy in the early 90's, and while the press at the time said they would all end up with Alzheimers Disease by the time they were 30, most are now happily settled down with families and have better than average jobs.


Ecstacy is an enigma.  It can be produced by idiots in their garden shed, yet is still safer than peanuts.  If it was manufactured in controlled laboratory conditions and guidelines for it's usage were available, instead of the current Mr Mackey-esque propaganda, it could generate a lot of money for the government and would also take a large section out of the black market.


I don't use it personally, in case anyone is wondering...

It's illegal because it draws out increased empathy in people, and that's a threat to the status quo. "They could end wars with this"....

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It doesn't necessarily follow that if you take drugs then your life is 'down the toilet'.


Although I do find people who regularly take drugs to be particularly odious and pathetic individuals to the point where I hope they receive a bad pill or OD.

Yeah, send those sick addicts to the gas chamber


Whoops, should have clarified, I was talking about 'lifestyle' drug users and not addicts, i.e. the morons popping pills at raves, or the clearings in the woods you see at your typical nightclub doing lines off the sink in the toilet.

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It's illegal because it draws out increased empathy in people, and that's a threat to the status quo. "They could end wars with this"....

That is exactly the reason I never took it. Why take a drug that makes you be nice to people you can't stand?

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Drug use and abuse has been around for centuries and all kinds of people good and bad have taken them and still take them, theirs benefits from drug use and terrible consequences, to be honest some people think drug users should be executed and some of them should but so should a lot of peopele who don't take drugs, I deffo don't support drugs but its life and drugs will always be around

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It's illegal because it draws out increased empathy in people, and that's a threat to the status quo. "They could end wars with this"....

That is exactly the reason I never took it. Why take a drug that makes you be nice to people you can't stand?



Reminds me of the k d laing quote about how she quite fancied trying ecstasty but didn't dare risk it in case it made her start liking shite music. 

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If you take drugs, you deserve what's coming to you.

What is coming to you though? What do you class as a drug? Alcohol? Tobacco? Tea? Coffee? Red Bull? Coca-Cola? Asprin? Aspartame (nutria-sweet)?

The obvious retort is illegal drugs. Why are particular drugs illegal and others legal? Cannabis is far less harmful than tobacco and alcohol?

Do you drink or smoke? Do you take prescription drugs, some of which are highly addictive? Do you drink diet drinks?

It's because of the demonisation of drugs that people think like that. Certain drugs however are totally acceptable. The only difference being their legality it would seem. Which is of course down to politics not fact.



I wouldn't class Tea or Coffee or fizzy drinks as drugs, that's just a bit silly really, one of those arguments people who want to legalise drugs use to be technically correct "Coffee is a drug, why can't we have cocaine" or some kind of rubbish :rolleyes:


I drink caffeinated tea half the time, that's a very weak stimulant at best, certainly not in the same spectrum as heroin.


The reason I am so against drugs is that my uncle died from taking drugs, my brother smokes some kind of drug and it is turning him weird.


And no, I don't drink, I've never tried smoking and I don't take any prescription pills or any 'dieting drinks'.

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I drink a little bit, I've had one bottle of Tiger lager this evening after a full day of digging an allotment. The last time I had a drink was a couple of weeks ago I think.

Other than that, I think I'm a fairly vanilla kind of person at present. I'm going to a couple of gigs later in the month, one in particular will be pretty drugs heavy. But the odd thing is, I'll be down the front doing my dad dancing right next to spaced out hippy pensioner guy. He's burnt out, I'm happy to be there and we'll be having the most fun. Behind us, lots of people waiting for their shit to kick in so they can feel everything. Bollocks boys, just loosen up and enjoy it.

It's the sort of venue where they did start spraying WD40 on the flat surfaces in the men's, but people moaned to the staff so they've stopped doing it!


In the dim and distant past I had a little dabble. Quite fun, not worth the hassle of having to socialise with nobbers though.


To be honest, if I could break my chocolate and / or my bread and / or my diet Pepsi habit I'd be a lot happier.


I'm not really pro drug or anti drug, I'm sort of ambivalent if and where it's not adversley impacting on others. A bit like my attitude to gay marriage and sci fi conventions.

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Pretty much every criticism of Cocaine (apart from the ones related to legality) can also be levelled at Alcohol. I have seen waves of people crippled by alcohol, and will do so again tonight, but I have never seen Cocaine make a complete mess of someone. For those who haven't ever taken it, it basically wears off in a very short space of time, and doesn't seem to (from my experience) have the same disabilitating effects as alcohol. I personally do think that it is bad news, because of the world that it opens up, but as a substance, I don't think it's even half as harmful as alcohol.

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