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47 minutes ago, HanoiVillan said:

Agree completely with the sentiment, and well done for mentioning it and not letting it disappear into the background, but it's the Philippines. 

Sorry yes my bad, tried to recall it off the top of my head.

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21 minutes ago, chrisp65 said:

It's a tricky one and I'm not advocating any particular status here. I'm just kinda trying to even up the debate with some consequences.

It's a lesser of two evils situation complicated by the UK being on the cusp of going right down the pan.

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2 hours ago, chrisp65 said:

Trouble is, I guess, we're crap at being responsible.

If people had a little toot on pay day then went back to being worker drones on Monday, it's not an issue. But a significant portion of people aren't wired up like that. The drain on productivity and the strain on public services now is like nothing, compared with if we fully legalised all drugs at zero tax. If we go a portion down that road and legalise some drugs in some quantities with some tax, guess what, we still have the black market and gangs. Vodka is legal, but there are still piss heads, there are still deaths, drunk drivers and terrible parents inflicting misery on families and there is still illegal black market vodka. That's not going to be different for cocaine is it? 

I'm not suggesting the current system works or is 'fair'. But what serious alternative is there? Limited access to limited stuff doesn't take away the gangsters and the abuse. Full access to anything and everything without control gives us more bodies in the street.

You license a meth lab and get Environmental Health to make sure the vietnamese boys working there have regular comfort breaks and access to hand sanitizer, an illegal one will set up and undercut their prices. You say, ok we'll allow opium but not ket, guess what, some people just want ket and they'll get it. You allow people drugs at special venues, guess what, you'll sign the petition saying 'not in my street'.

It's a tricky one and I'm not advocating any particular status here. I'm just kinda trying to even up the debate with some consequences.

I couldn't care less if people want to stick aerosol cheese up their arse, or whatever this week's thing is. As long as I don't have to skip through their shit and vomit to get my kids to an under resourced school.



I think you take a 'slowly, slowly' approach and see how it goes. 

It doesn't need to be complete legalisation or carry on as we are. 

My view would be, you start with pot and go from there. Legalise and tax it, just like the states. Use the resources saved in policing and enforcement to target class A dealers, use the tax towards better treatment programmes for those in need. 

Decriminalise possession of other drugs in small quantities and again, targeting the dealers. 

From what I've read, it's working in the states and other places. There some really good articles taken from recent data, which confirms a lot of people's fears have gone unfounded....so far. 

The increase in those seeking treatment for 'poisoning' is attributed to edibles, which for those who've tried them will know, you do have to be a bit more careful! Worth noting there is still not one recorded death and you can't actually 'overdose' on it. 

all of the below, looks like 'good news' to me and further evidence that current policy is based on nothing more than fear mongering, misplaced morality and a lack of critical thinking.  

I do agree there are bigger challenges when it comes to 'hard' drugs, but I'm far from convinced you'd end up with a nation of drug addicts and no productivity. 



Recreational legalization doesn't seem to make kids more likely to use marijuana.

Medical marijuana legalization also doesn't seem to increase youth marijuana usage.

Traffic fatalities have not increased in states that have legalized recreational marijuana use.

States that allow medical marijuana reduce opioid painkiller overdose deaths and addiction problems.

More people have sought treatment for marijuana "poisonings" since legalization.

Tax revenues go up and arrest rates go down.

the DPA report argues that the lessons from states like Colorado and Washington indicate that the public health effects are "so far, so good."

Edited by wazzap24
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22 hours ago, Xann said:

If you could take a sample of all the coke sold in the UK in any one day, the average percentage of pure product would be well under 50%,

The polite cutting agent is glucose, but it's also common to get cheaper drugs mixed in. This can go either way. Most wouldn't notice a bit of clean speed in the mix, but then there's ket and various chemical cousins of the known drugs. 2C-B and Spice are fairly well known, but there's more being invented all the time.

I'm sure most folks wouldn't want to mix in circles that get 80% plus pure coke and with good reason. They're likely hard core crims or perhaps royalty?


Cocaine purity is reportedly higher than it has been in a long time. From my experience the last 3 years has been a golden age for cocaine use in terms of availability and quality. Im by no means El Chapo, but with years of use behind me I can tell what's cocaine and what ain't, or if it's good or not. Some people think because you're off your head and your hearts beating like **** then it's good stuff. They couldn't be more wrong. I've had all sorts over the years being caught out by buying stuff that weren't even coke to stuff that's nearly put me in hospital because of its strength, although that was when I was slamming it in my arm. The look,smell and taste can give you an idea, but ultimately it all boils down to how it makes you feel which tells you how good it is. The last 3 years I've been getting decent stuff on a regular basis with some of it being very strong, but I wouldn't like to guess its purity. It makes me laugh when dealers and even users reckon they have got pure coke because it's just utter bullshit. For starters only a very limited group of people have availability to that kind of stuff and like you said they are probably very dangerous people. Also if you had pure coke you would probably die, it's that strong. It's the same with heroin, unless you have a very high immunity to it high purity will kill you. Rugeley is a no mark town, but we've had criminal gangs from Wolverhampton,Birmingham, Liverpool and Nottingham operating here selling class A drugs. I've always found Wolverhampton to be the most consistent in terms of quality. Like I said I'm not going to start guessing purity levels but some of the stuff I've had I would love to know how strong it was in terms of purity. A couple of year ago I was spending 90 notes on a full gram and I just couldn't get through it in one night it was that strong. All drugs are cut with coke probably coming in at number 1 as the drug that been cut the most. The thing is crap coke sells and there is always a market for it no matter how good or bad it is. I've deleted all my numbers now, but I had one or two people from out of town which were my first choices, then I'd have one or two other numbers as back up meaning it weren't as good, but it was not bad. There are people in rugeley that are selling and I wouldn't even entertain getting off them. There was a lad in the news from Gloucester last year that got raided and the purity was Something like 90% and he was just a regular dealer by the sound of it, so god knows how he managed to get that.Anyway I'm probably boring you now :)

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17 minutes ago, Rugeley Villa said:

No, but would of loved too when I was a bit younger.That kind of thing has never been around these parts.

I took a "half tab" when I was 16 (gasp), but it didn't seem to work. I know a guy (50 something architect, not some local zombie) who says he has lab grade LSD and that I should try it...it'd probably do more for me now than ever before...but it still sort of terrifies me.

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2 minutes ago, maqroll said:

I took a "half tab" when I was 16 (gasp), but it didn't seem to work. I know a guy (50 something architect, not some local zombie) who says he has lab grade LSD and that I should try it...it'd probably do more for me now than ever before...but it still sort of terrifies me.

Well if it is lab grade then I'm sure it's the real deal. Yes, it would terrify me too. Something I would of definitely done in my younger days.

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Ive actually heard this before, but back in the early sabbath days ozzy and bill allegedly took LSD everyday for a whole year, or 2 years? Is that even possible? I don't think it is.

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2 hours ago, Rugeley Villa said:

That kind of thing has never been around these parts.

It did seem to skip a generation here. It's back according to younger friends in the Download crowd.

When the UK was in full on crusty Castle Morton, Spiral Tribe, New Age Travellers mode, acid was plentiful and cheap. Same money as a pint sometimes.

Glastonbury 1990 was dipped in LSD. You could yell "Has anyone got any acid?!" from your tent door and 3 or 4 people would appear with wares to inspect.

The price belies its potency. A strong trip will change you profoundly and permanently.

Friends with older siblings and hippy parents got it first. You usually got coached through your first trips.

Rule 1 - You can't fly.

Rule 2 - Cling to Rule 1 through the madness.

Nick Cave's boy isn't the only youngster that's tried to take wing recently.

If you suspect you might be fragile, get panic attacks or are prone to getting all alpha and taking more drugs than anyone else? Don't do it, obviously, duh.

Looking back now, it's quite sobering thinking about the risks. Most of us came out of it ok, but a couple really didn't.

The teenage daughter of a deceased friend recently appeared on Facebook, wanting to hear stories about her father.

There are loads of brilliant stories, but the larger picture is one of drug fueled decline ending in tragedy.

He was quite spun out already when I first met him, so diverted her attention to friends that knew him as a teen.

Hopefully in a decade or two when she's steady and ready, we'll get to tell her more?

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14 minutes ago, Rugeley Villa said:

Listening to Santana and I thought of this. 

Story goes they dropped acid thinking they weren't on until later,but got called on early. They were all tripping with Santana himself saying his guitar kept turning into a snake.

Townshend was tripping during The Who's set at Woodstock, too. Not by choice - he was spiked, and very pissed off about it. 

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13 hours ago, maqroll said:

Anyone tried acid?

Between the age of 16 and 24 I must have taken 100's of the things. Had some of the best times of my life on that stuff. Never had a bad "one" but have had multiple occassions where I have had to wrestle with my mind to keep my shit together! 

Being 40 I wouldn't go back to it as I don't think I could handle it. Bouncing of the walls at the que club at Atomic-Jam or off the walls at the Dance Factory and Subway City at House of God in mid 90s to the mid 2000s was a different story. 

I have seen people totally lose their shit on it though and it's horrendous when someone can't handle it. 

People often ask what it's like and it's impossible to describe.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Did anyone watch 'Gone to Pot' on ITV the other night? 

Pat butcher, Biggins, John Fashanu, Linda Robson and Bobby George travelling around California getting off their nuts. 

Biggins and Bobby pulling a whitey after eating a boat load of grub with it in and Pat Butcher getting stoned with some nuns, are two of the funniest things you'll see this year. 


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