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On October 2, 2016 at 18:00, Midfielder said:

I'll probably get ripped apart for my opinion,

Not by me. I really respect your decision to turn the page on drugs. It's a lifestyle decision, really. I stopped hard drugs about 13 years ago, have never gone back. Half of that time I haven't drank, either. I'm drinking now, not getting hammered all the time, but getting buzzed most nights. And I've been smoking weed lately, too. They compliment each other way too nicely, so I know I'll need to basically stop both, cold turkey, because I know myself. 

Sobriety is always best. I wish I could drink only on weekends, or one beer a night sort of thing, but for me, if I drink, I want to chase that beer buzz, and that means at least 3 beers.


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  • 3 weeks later...

May as well go here, as lame as it is. I used to smoke a lot of weed, daily and had done for years. I stopped, but for a while smoked tobacco rollies as even without the weed, I liked the actual smoking process if that makes sense, regardless of how crap it is and rough it smelled. Anyway so I switched to E cigs and completely cut out rollies and cigs. What this did though was transfer the habit to this e liquid crap and that made it even more addictive. 

With e cigs, there's no regulating how much you vape, as the vaping is nice. I would find myself hammer it in the car, take many extra toilet trips a day and vape in the bog and on the way home and in the evening. In comparison to cigarettes I bet I was vaping the equivalent of double easily what I was actually formerly smoking, easily. Vaping is crazy, like I say there's no self regulation of how much you're "smoking" and because the liquids were relatively cheap you just smoke more. 

Why im posting is, I've recently bought a sh load of nicotine gum and this stuff is actually directly working. Having less and less a day. I had been vaping for a year almost until last week and want to be effectively viceless but e cigs are hard to pack in. I have no nails though and need to curb back without doubt on an increased appetite but thought I would post as I've woken up to the fact that OK, e cigs stopped me smoking actual tobacco, but they're even harder to give up, due to the regulation side of things as said. 

Lame thing for the drugs thread but even so. Damn those things are addictive. I'd be in a bad mood all day if I left my e cig at home by accident. Cannot wait to be free from this shite

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  • 3 weeks later...
12 minutes ago, mjmooney said:


Please summarise. 

It's not something in the drug itself that makes you crave it.  It's your general circumstances that are more important.  If you are in a place you need escaping from then you're far more likely to get addicted.  If you are in a good place in life surrounded by healthy connections then you will not choose the addiction.  They cite experiments and every day things that bear this out*.  It's only 6 minutes long though, so it's worth watching.


* e.g. There are people in hospitals every day getting pain killers of much purer and stronger heroin than anything you'll get on a street, yet they don't walk out of there as junkies.

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7 minutes ago, BOF said:



* e.g. There are people in hospitals every day getting pain killers of much purer and stronger heroin than anything you'll get on a street, yet they don't walk out of there as junkies.

This Midfielder gimp was the exception to that rule. I posted up an essay lebgth post a few pages ago about stuff. But those days are well over, permanently. I'll watch the vid later BOF when i can have the sound on thanks. 

In representing another side though, there is also a subsection of "type" that could have fortunate circumstances or be in a good place mentally and yet still choose certain paths, hard to describe, like choosing a state and wavelength for different circumstances / occassions, arguably not for escapism but as a treat for example. Cant do it justice in this reply. On the whole though i would almost entirely agree and genuinely will watch.

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Just now, Midfielder said:

This Midfielder gimp was the exception to that rule. I posted up an essay lebgth post a few pages ago about stuff. But those days are well over, permanently. I'll watch the vid later BOF when i can have the sound on thanks. 

In representing another side though, there is also a subsection of "type" that could have fortunate circumstances or be in a good place mentally and yet still choose certain paths, hard to describe, like choosing a state and wavelength for different circumstances / occassions, arguably not for escapism but as a treat for example. Cant do it justice in this reply. On the whole though i would almost entirely agree and genuinely will watch.

The asterisk is only one minor example of the broader point so you'd need to see the video :thumb:

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 16 November 2016 at 13:46, BOF said:

Interesting video on what causes addiction.  It's not what you might think (or maybe it is, whatever, just watch the damn thing OK?)





Good video and an interesting view of addiction. I don't whole heartedly agree but I see where they are coming from.

im two months clean of cocaine next week. Thing is that I'm still drinking so it's even more impressive that I'm staying clean. You have to go back 15 years to the last time I was only drinking. Reason I'm drinking is because I thought I'd try this method of just drinking but not overdoing it because then I would just fail. I'm drinking every week ranging from a couple of pints to seven pints. I can't just quit everything because I'm as miserable as sin so alcohol is giving me that bit of a buzz that I need. It's working so far but I can't be too complacent  and naive. I'm more fun to be around whilst just on the booze although  if I have too many I can be a bad drunk. Went out for a meal last night and had 7 pints then straight to bed when I got in. Woke up fresh as a daisy this morning. That's not the case when I do coke.

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  • 4 months later...

There were 8 drug overdoses (most likely the same batch of heroin) in 24 hours in my town the other day, 5 of which happened within walking distance of my apartment. 3 of the people were plucked off the **** sidewalk...it's like the Zombie apocalypse out there.

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3 minutes ago, maqroll said:

There were 8 drug overdoses (most likely the same batch of heroin) in 24 hours in my town the other day, 5 of which happened within walking distance of my apartment. 3 of the people were plucked off the **** sidewalk...it's like the Zombie apocalypse out there.

I've got one or two old friends that have ended up on that shit. Once you start dabbling with heroin it's a dark dark road you have gone down especially if you're injecting.

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On 11/26/2016 at 09:02, Rugeley Villa said:

Good video and an interesting view of addiction. I don't whole heartedly agree but I see where they are coming from.

im two months clean of cocaine next week. Thing is that I'm still drinking so it's even more impressive that I'm staying clean. You have to go back 15 years to the last time I was only drinking. Reason I'm drinking is because I thought I'd try this method of just drinking but not overdoing it because then I would just fail. I'm drinking every week ranging from a couple of pints to seven pints. I can't just quit everything because I'm as miserable as sin so alcohol is giving me that bit of a buzz that I need. It's working so far but I can't be too complacent  and naive. I'm more fun to be around whilst just on the booze although  if I have too many I can be a bad drunk. Went out for a meal last night and had 7 pints then straight to bed when I got in. Woke up fresh as a daisy this morning. That's not the case when I do coke.

How's the battle going, Ruge? I gave up cocaine when I gave up cigarettes. Whenever I did coke, I'd chain smoke two packs of ciggies. Awful memories of still being up at 11AM, cocaine long gone, all the booze finished, and knowing you have to start your work shift in 4 hours. Just not worth it.

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11 minutes ago, maqroll said:

How's the battle going, Ruge? I gave up cocaine when I gave up cigarettes. Whenever I did coke, I'd chain smoke two packs of ciggies. Awful memories of still being up at 11AM, cocaine long gone, all the booze finished, and knowing you have to start your work shift in 4 hours. Just not worth it.

Unfortunately I'm Using again, but   Without me sounding like a naive clearing in the woods it's kind of under control if you know what I mean. Not every week and not up all night using. I go through periods where I'm strong and really try to kick it and then I have downer moments where I can never see myself getting off it so just think **** it. 15 years this year I've been using so yeah I'm making a bit of a career out of it. I need to quit the drink in order to quit the coke and I can't seem to do either at the moment. 

Hows your battles going?

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6 minutes ago, Rugeley Villa said:

Unfortunately I'm still using but    Without me sounding like a naive clearing in the woods it's kind of under control if you know what I mean. Not every week and not up all night using. I go through periods where I'm strong and really try to kick it and then I have downer moments where I can never see myself getting off it so just think **** it. 15 years this year I've been using so yeah I'm making a bit of a career out of it. I need to quit the drink in order to quit the coke and I can't seem to do either at the moment. 

Hows your battles going?

Still drinking too much, but not liquor, so I guess that's a silver lining? Last night was fairly typical: A beer with dinner, a beer at the pool hall, a beer at my local bar, and then a late night run to the corner store for a tall boy, when having more beer was totally unnecessary. The only drugs I take are Sertraline and a cannabis tincture. So all in all, I'm doing ok.

edit: except the Sertraline wrecks my libido, so that kinda sucks!

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Just now, maqroll said:

Still drinking too much, but not liquor, so I guess that's a silver lining? Last night was fairly typical: A beer with dinner, a beer at the pool hall, a beer at my local bar, and then a late night run to the corner store for a tall boy, when having more beer was totally unnecessary. The only drugs I take are Sertraline and a cannabis tincture. So all in all, I'm doing ok.

Good man. I embarrassingly feel hopeless and useless at times but that's life I suppose. Hopefully one day I will kick it into touch.

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The thing that confuses me more than anything in this thread, is that all of you who do use and do drugs/drink or whatever.. It just seems so beneath you.

You all come across as decent people, with families and friends etc and I never get the impression of a "druggy" or anything.  I suppose that's credit to you. 

It must be quite miserable for you all once you come down from the buzz, knowing that, without wanting to sound like dick, you've failed in your bid not to use/drink again. 

A real shame, and I hope and know you can all control it eventually.

Best wishes to you lads. 

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51 minutes ago, lapal_fan said:

The thing that confuses me more than anything in this thread, is that all of you who do use and do drugs/drink or whatever.. It just seems so beneath you.

You all come across as decent people, with families and friends etc and I never get the impression of a "druggy" or anything.  I suppose that's credit to you. 

It must be quite miserable for you all once you come down from the buzz, knowing that, without wanting to sound like dick, you've failed in your bid not to use/drink again. 

A real shame, and I hope and know you can all control it eventually.

Best wishes to you lads. 

Having been to AA meetings it is a real eye opener to see people from all walks of life. Drugs effect all kinds of people  and all classes, but for people who are not familiar with the drug scene then I could understand the stereotype they have of a drug user or druggy as you say.

yep the day after that first session after being clean for X amount of time is a real downer because you've got to go through it all again and all the good work you have done being clean feels like it was a waste of time. Shame, guilt, embarrassment, you feel it all but that quickly goes away once that monkey on your back starts talking in your ear again. My wife tells me not to beat myself up over it and at the moment I'm just going with the flow. The party ended a while back for me and I don't take drugs coke to get off my head. One way or another I'll eventually stop, hopefully sooner rather than later.

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Can't remember when it was but it was the back end of last year around that time we had a big incident. I was clean but drinking and my wife was doing her best to help me. Anyway I worked on a Saturday and went the pub straight from work and got rat arsed. Phone rings and it's her brother who wanted me to sort him a bag out so I foolishly said yes and got in touch with my dealer. Next thing I know my missus rings me up going crazy about sorting her brother out because she knew I was setting myself up to fail and I was vulnerable because I'd been on the piss. Her brother then rings me apologising about the whole thing and says I'll come and pick you up so we can all sort it out and calm everyone down. We go up to her sisters where all her family and kids were and she starts going off on one at me because I'm wrecked. The fact that I was pissed and also was craving like **** for cocaine I just flipped and people had to hold me back from getting at my missus. I got kicked out and that walk back home was a real sobering and shameful experience. I went straight home and packed my stuff because I knew I had blew it big time. I rang her to apologise and to tell her I was leaving and she said good and it was over and that I should be ashamed doing that Infront of kids. I was in tears on the phone and made my way to my mums who gave me a few harsh words. The next day my missus said it's rehab or we are over for good and I said ok. As the month went on I wormed my way out of it by saying I couldn't go without seeing the kids that long and how would you survive with me not working etc etc and it kind of died off and at somepoint down the line I started using again. She's just left me to it now as I think she's fed up of hearing all my promises. Nearly lost it all again but I'm on here again posting the same old shit. She says I'm like a broken record :rolleyes:


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