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I think I've mentioned this before but once upon a time I was on my Way home from the pub, I'd only had 3 or 4 pints and I stopped a dude from beating a girl up, when she looked up at me afterwards her eyes were **** massive, after eventually getting the police out (because shed been trying to walk in front of passing busses etc) they arrived and she told the police I was her boyfriend so they tried to arrest me because they thought I was the one that gave her the drugs, told me I'd have to go down the station and be searched and that I'd be held regardless because they didn't believe that I didn't know her.

She got arrested for trying to hit one of the coppers and then they quickly forgot about me, last **** time I try and help a random bird who is off her tits on drugs

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i keep bumping into a few of my old mates who i used to heavily be into drugs with and they are a mess, i saw one the other week while i was walking the dog on the field and he had been up for five days and had a big rucksack with him because his parents had kicked him out again. his eyes were terrible and i felt sad for him because hes an alright lad, i was all dressed up because i was going out for a meal and he asked me if i wanted a dig(injecting drugs),i said i had not done that for nearly 6 years and im over all that shit but he was like come on come in the woods over there and i'll sort you out, no doubt with a dirty needle. anyway i said im alright mate and told him to be careful and take care, i watched him go in the woods where he would of shot up. made me feel pissed off that he had still not turned his life around. another old mate whos always in and out of prison has not long came out and i saw him up the shop the other day and his arms are covered in bruises from shooting up again and the police are after him again because he keeps robbing all the young dealers in town and gets that high he beats his missus up who herself is bad on drugs. to look back and to think i was apart of all that horrible shit, im so glad i moved on from it and settled down. ive still got my own problems but compared to how i was i live like a saint now.


I think I've mentioned this before but once upon a time I was on my Way home from the pub, I'd only had 3 or 4 pints and I stopped a dude from beating a girl up, when she looked up at me afterwards her eyes were **** massive, after eventually getting the police out (because shed been trying to walk in front of passing busses etc) they arrived and she told the police I was her boyfriend so they tried to arrest me because they thought I was the one that gave her the drugs, told me I'd have to go down the station and be searched and that I'd be held regardless because they didn't believe that I didn't know her.

She got arrested for trying to hit one of the coppers and then they quickly forgot about me, last **** time I try and help a random bird who is off her tits on drugs

Sometimes you'll be lucky and get a blowie out of it.

You gotta speculate to ejaculate.


as you do.

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Yeah i'm the same with some mates from school who havent grown out of their drug usage.


One of my close mates left for Australia 3 years ago to get a work visa (took out loads of loans to fund it too).  Instead of working out there he spent the vast majority of his time, out in the bush, high on LSD/DMT or whatever the hell is popular nowadays.


The government rightly refused to extend his visa, so he's been living as an illegal immirgant for 2 years.


Got a text form him 2 days ago saying that he's spent the last 3 months in prision out there (drug related) and has now been deported back home and is basically in the pub near my old house.


He has nowhere to live, over £20k+ in debt, no job and i'm pretty sure that he wants me to put him up in my house for however long he takes to sort his life out.


His missus dumped him after he spent their 10k wedding fund on drink/drugs and still failed to see the error in his ways (always the victim, never his fault).


I'll meet with him for a beer, but there is no way in hell im telling him where my new house is.

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it was no doubt good at the time but when the party is over hes left with his own reality which is loads of debt, a drug habit and basically nothing to show for.


nothing but hepatitis anyway

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I met an old friend from school the other day, he is now homeless cause of his drug addiction, he was walking around with huge piece of hashish in his hand, must have been 30 grams, and he was caring it like it was a snickers bar or something.

He was all dirty and messed up, he also had a cheese baguette in his other hand and asked me if i wanted half...

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Did you take it? Cheese baguettes are good man, and you should never look a gift horse in the mouth.

Your junky pal probably thought you looked like you could do with a good meal

Edited by leemond2008
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Ofcourse not, he offered me both the baguette and bit of the hashish cake, was more tempted to take a bit of the hash to be honest but i didn't.


He sleeps behind a photo booth at the local train station, i meet him there from time to time and he always ask where all the hot girls are lol

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Did you take it? Cheese baguettes are good man, and you should never look a gift horse in the mouth.

Your junky pal probably thought you looked like you could do with a good meal


Stay off the cheese baguettes, man! You start off with cheese, then it's just not doing it any more, and you end up cutting it with pickle, or even toasting it. Not a good move. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Police force gives cannabis users green light to grow drugs Durham Police and Crime Commissioner Ron Hogg sparks debate by saying people who smoke cannabis will only be targeted if they are being 'blatant'


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Police force gives cannabis users green light to grow drugs Durham Police and Crime Commissioner Ron Hogg sparks debate by saying people who smoke cannabis will only be targeted if they are being 'blatant'




Might be time to open up a shop selling UV lights, and fertiliser. 

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Police force gives cannabis users green light to grow drugs Durham Police and Crime Commissioner Ron Hogg sparks debate by saying people who smoke cannabis will only be targeted if they are being 'blatant'




Might be time to open up a shop selling UV lights, and fertiliser. 



And money-counter

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Meanwhile, alcohol continues to destroy more lives than all the drugs mentioned in this thread combined. 


But drugs, yeah, bad.


Dont you work in a bar?

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Meanwhile, alcohol continues to destroy more lives than all the drugs mentioned in this thread combined. 


But drugs, yeah, bad.


Dont you work in a bar?


Boose dealer hey!

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