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for all the piss taking that goes around mate, it's a good place to get your ideas out in the open and hear some feedback


best of luck to you


Exactly this.


It's a perfect medium. Anonymous enough to write down quite personal stuff but familiar enough that people genuinely care.

Edited by StefanAVFC
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for all the piss taking that goes around mate, it's a good place to get your ideas out in the open and hear some feedback


best of luck to you


Exactly this.


It's a perfect medium. Anonymous enough to write down quite personal stuff but familiar enough that people genuinely care.




i love vt because i love/am totally disgusted by people in my life, so this forum is perfect for me

Edited by maqroll
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The anti-drugs lobby always demonise the drugs and paint a much blacker picture than the reality of the situation.


True, but why do governments actively encourage such demonisation? You'd think that with the amount of money potentially available they would be partial to legalisation.


They run scared because there is so much misinformation. any government that went "soft" on drugs would be pilloried in the press and face a huge backlash

And what matters most to politicians? the money in their own pockets


THIS ^^^

If they legalised drugs and then it became apparent that people weren't dropping dead, stealing, raping, killing etc all over the shop, people would finally realise how long the establishment had actually been lying to them... and to what extent...

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good post. ive been trying to cut my sleep down because the nights i aint using im in bed no later than half 9, sometimes 8. been staying up until half 10 lately and i feel a bit better for it.


regarding those points you made all of them i could easily do apart from giving up my sugar as i have a terrible sweet tooth ha. i think i suffer terribly with the dopamine levels in my brain, infact i know i do.

My experience is only in dealing with depression as I've had it on and off for the last 15 years. With it comes a very powerful numbness that takes over just about everything. I've noticed that my sex drive is very much connected to this. When the depression comes back, the sex drive vanishes and I loose the ability to really feel joy or good about anything. When the sex drive returns though, it comes back ten fold and it forces me out the door and it brings on almost a manic state that leads to a lot of good things(manic at least in comparison to my usual detached and flat emotional state).

What I've noticed is that satisfying your desires constantly, be that with loading up on sugar, watching porn or whatever, will give relief right there and then, but in the long run it numbs me down a lot. Try going on a month long run of not masturbating and I'm sure you'll experience a high of sorts, where everything is more intense and the sex drive goes up.

I'm not saying you should do all that at once, but if you r problem is that going clean makes you depressed and numb, maybe try introduce one change at a time and see if it makes a difference.

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thing with porn is that when i watch it, it gives me the whole cocaine thing again because for me cocaine and sex go hand in hand but masturbating takes the cravings for cocaine away. ive been at work many times and ive been very irritable due to the cravings for coke so ive gone and threw one off in the toilets and the craving settles down for a bit  :). watching porn and masturbating though are not doing my already low sex drive any good. regarding chocolate i do love it anyway but when im trying to quit coke i eat even more of the stuff and it makes me feel better. 

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Take this or leave it. Best way to get over an addiction /habit is to get another one that isnt as damaging and doesnt make you feel guilty. I had to give up all sorts when i had a stroke years back. Now i just lose money playing bad poker and play boom beach every day. I never would have believed it but it works (and costs only half as much) Cheers

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i like a gamble although its just 5 or 10 quid a week but the other week when i was trying to stay off stuff i blew 80 quid and i thought bugger this i aint getting into this shit. the gym is the answer, well for me anyway.

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Gambling is Bad, 


If it wasn't for slow horses and fast women, i would be sending this from a boat in the Med! 


Been trying to reverse the rolls but shit aint happening.

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Booze and coke combined form a bit of a vicious circle. After a few drinks you're more likely to succumb to temptation. Buy the coke, do it, it straightens you out a bit, you can drink more, then some more coke, rinse and repeat. The toxins build up.

Next day the booze hangover hits. Face up to that for a day or two, then the downer from the coke hits. That's really not pleasant, but there is a quicker way out - Back on the grog, and then it's the charlie again.

You break this chain with either will power, going somewhere you can't get the powder, or doing something else instead - exercise, other substances, child care, video games... whatever you can find to distract you.

I don't know how much you pay for coke. 30 quid to a ton depending on the purity seems to be what acquaintances shell out.

That sort of money buys a lot of distraction.

Coke is totally poor value really.

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Urgh I had a a bad but fun one on Saturday night. Started drinking at 2pm, went to a house party, at about 8pm we all decided to get some white, next think I know it's 10am Sunday morning and I've just polished off a bottle Jack Daniels and all the white has gone. The hangover yesterday was unbearable, the cocaine blues today has completely sucked. Sometimes I have no idea why I do it, I don't think I even enjoy it all that much.

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