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I've always wanted to try LSD or some "trippy" drug.  But I'd want to do it in safety.


I'd also have no **** idea where to get any drugs from... Is it black people still?


Inbetweeners joke there.


They're good fun, but you have to watch out for the Goblins trying to steal your socks.

Edited by dAVe80
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When I was a kid, about 12 or 13 from memory, I was looking through the albums in a record shop when I was approached by a slightly older dude.


He asked me 'do you wanna buy some grass?'.


'er, no thanks' I said and made a swift exit, thinking to myself, why the merry **** would I want to buy grass?


Do you know the really properly sad thing? About 2 or 3 years later when I understood the young entrepreneur's modern street slang I actually specifically went back to that shop to see if he might still be there!

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Mushrooms are a more rounded experience than acid, though mushies can turn the stomach a bit.


Acid has a bit of a chemical zing about it that continues in the bonce for a few hours after the other effects have died down.


Outside is good, crowds are bad (initially anyway).


As teenagers we'd often make for Bredon or Malvern and watch the sunrise the following morning.


Do remember, you're never quite the same after you've taken a decent dose of either.

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I've always wanted to try LSD or some "trippy" drug.  But I'd want to do it in safety.


I'd also have no **** idea where to get any drugs from... Is it black people still?


Inbetweeners joke there.

Using the deepweb and one of those anonymity programs like tails my friends buys LSD online with Bitcoins and gets its mailed to him. Works out at $18 a pill(or whatever it is).


 As for LSD do it with a group of people you like and go into it with a good attitude. If you apprehensive about it you are way more likely to have a bad trip.

Edited by DiegoD
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As long as drug taking doesn't affect anyone else but the user, I.e. stealing to get the money for drugs because of the addiction, women who are pregnant, people who are driving cars/machinery etc etc etc.


Then do what you want I guess.



Do people feel that drugs are looked on negatively by society?


Depends which sector of society you ask. The older generation, the more conservative sector, the Daily Mail sector, then very negatively indeed. The more Liberal, free thinking, less reactionary or scared sectors of society tend to see drugs for what they are..



That's quite an inflammatory remark, considering the subject.  You probably could have worded it slightly better. 

T'was meant to be.

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Do remember, you're never quite the same after you've taken a decent dose of either.

I've been suffering pretty bad depression for a number of years due to some personal problems and then ending up out of work, things just got worse when I stopped working and I really went into myself.

A few weeks back I got some mexican cubensis and took them with 4 good friends, it was our third time taking them together but the first time in about 3 or 4 years. We took the same dose as the other times but the mushies were extremely gooey this time. All the other times we did them we had mild visuals and waves of laughter but this time we all tripped like crazy and the visuals were like nothing I've experienced before.

I kinda had a freakout as everything looked backwards especially my hands and legs. I freaked out for a good hour but my friend kept telling me to tell myself that I'm fine and everything will be ok, so I eventually pulled myself together and enjoyed the rest of the buzz.

Since that night I have never felt so confident in myself and have been up early every day, going walking and working out. I've got my CV together and have sent it in to a few places trying to get a job sorted.

Now I'm not saying that this would be the case for everybody as I had a completly different experience with acid years ago that had the opposite effect after an extremely bad trip but the mushies definitely helped me get something straightened out in my mind. A big factor in me coming out of the trip on a positive feeling was having good friends that I trust around me and we all came out of it feeling great.

The End. :P

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I don't think my brain is very receptive to some drugs. I once took some shrooms from a batch that had had my friends hallucinating wildly. No hallucinations at all for me, although they did make music sound FANTASTIC - like I could hear every separate instrument quite distinctly. So, nice, but merely pleasant, rather than brain-frying or personality changing.

Edited by mjmooney
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I've always wanted to try LSD or some "trippy" drug.  But I'd want to do it in safety.


I'd also have no **** idea where to get any drugs from... Is it black people still?


Inbetweeners joke there.

I once got some really strong LSD from Silkroad.


Was the craziest night of my life, was abolsutely horrible and I genuinely believed I was going to die. After the initial couple of hours of "Oooh look how weird that looks, and oooh listen to how good that sounds" it was followed by 18hours of pure mental torture focussed on every insecurity that exists within me. 


Was an experience but never again. There is no safe way to do that drug, you'll either have a good time or a horrible time. Unfortunately for me it was the latter. 

Edited by PieFacE
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I never tried LSD. Always scared the hell out of me. The fact that it's called "Acid" didn't do much for me either.


I tried mushrooms when I was 17. We had a great time until one of my buddies started having a bad time. It ended up putting a negative tinge on the whole experience. Never tried them again.


I remember as a little kid down the park, older kids would try to sell me mescaline, lol. Imagine a 7 year old kid taking mescaline...

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I don't think my brain is very receptive to some drugs. I once took some shrooms from a batch that had had my friends hallucinating wildly. No hallucinations at all for me, although they did make music sound FANTASTIC - like I could hear every separate instrument quite distinctly. So, nice, but merely pleasant, rather than brain-frying or personality changing.

Yeah, when I tried mushrooms, I remember we were listening to Bob Marley. Up until that day, I never really paid much attention to his music. He was the "Buffalo Soldier" guy, I didn't like him or not like him, if you get my meaning. But my friend had this record playing and it wasn't one of his "Legend" hits, it was "War". I was amazed at how hard the sound was, how pure the music was. 

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I took LSD once. Little tab called Microdot I think it was.

Anyway it was so small I thought I missed my mouth and dropped it on the floor. Couldn't find it though so thought oh well never mind, and went off to football training. 30 minutes later I was high as a kite and had to pretend I didn't feel well to sit on the side. One of the coaches came up to me and started telling me shit joke after shit joke. It was killing me! Proper trippy surreal experience that lasts way to long and messes you up.

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