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Don't **** apologise maqroll, what exactly are you apologising for?

We know what you meant, the tone was clear and nothing could be misinterpreted. There was an air of superiority to the posts, but not yours.

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Draw a line under the bickering lads, it's going way off topic. 



Going back to the point at hand, I grew up on a pretty rough estate and there were lots of drugs around.  I never reached the point of addiction but some of the people I grew up did (heroin, mostly) and it seemed a successful way of getting off that shite was moving away from it. Getting out of the area and away from those circles.  Dunno if this is an option for RV or not but it's definitely worth consideration, even if it's just moving over to the other side of town to put some physical distance between you and your old haunts. 

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Draw a line under the bickering lads, it's going way off topic. 



Going back to the point at hand, I grew up on a pretty rough estate and there were lots of drugs around.  I never reached the point of addiction but some of the people I grew up did (heroin, mostly) and it seemed a successful way of getting off that shite was moving away from it. Getting out of the area and away from those circles.  Dunno if this is an option for RV or not but it's definitely worth consideration, even if it's just moving over to the other side of town to put some physical distance between you and your old haunts. 


yeah that's a very good call


as much as it might look like copping out or selling out, unfortunately just plain moving to somewhere 'nicer'* can be the simplest way of giving yourself and your kids a chance



* nicer is not automatically and completely tied in with private and more expensive, just, nicer.

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Cheers, guys. I think maybe snowy thought I was bigging myself up by saying that I've been substance-free for a while. I was just trying to let Ruge know that it can be done, it had nothing to do with stroking my own ego. I also


was not trying to sound superior to anyone who chooses to use whatever they want to use.

And I think that's all fair enough (and helpful).

I didn't think you were bigging yourself up but I did think (as I tried to say earlier) that some of the responses in this thread (including the part that I subsequently posted from yours - not the rest) and the framing of the discussion (where it's about 'doing the right thing' and so on - go back another page or so and 'dealers ought to be treated like murderers' is in one post) annoy me immensely because of what strikes me as their puritanical/temperance nature.

I'll repeat (as it seems to have been ignored by the other posters) that I think the advice giving was fine (actually more than fine, it was great and it was what was requested) but that 'there's a worryingly puritanical aspect to a lot of the posts on here'.

Edited by snowychap
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... aerosol, glue and lager...


Ha ha ha - Hello Mr racial stereotype. :rolleyes:



I am nothing, if not a stereotype.


We even wore knock off Harrington jackets, burgundy sta prest and monkey boots.

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Ruge, become a child of the earth like me, only drink water and eat hummus maan.. it cleanses your soul, y'know?


Ignore these bogarts and join the spiritual society and come on a journey of peace and conciousness. 


When I feel low, I talk to the earth lines via spiritual movements and songs which channel my chi and keep my mind, body and soul at one with mother nature.


Only when you feel this energy will you become at peace my child.

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I definitely think that Ruge would benefit from some counselling.


He seems to be stuck in a cycle of transgressive behaviour(s), which probably has some deep roots.


I can't see how he can make much progress on this forum because the approval he gets for his every revelation of a transgressive act is more likely to reinforce the cycle rather extinguish it. 


I am not sure that anyone is likely to be able to lead him towards some insight into his own behaviour because this is definitely not a 'safe' place.


Everyone brings their own shit to the table, which is very interesting but not really helpful.


He might in fact, not really want to give up his coke habit but just wish every experience was a good one.


He probably needs to find this out.

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It's like anything, some people can handle their booze, some can have a couple bottles of beer (on the wall) and not feel the need to drink the entire crate..


It's the same with a lot of drugs, some can use coke/MDMA every so often and not use it for another 6 months. The difference is one is demonised by society and the other isn't. 


Do what works best for you, everyone is different. 


Don't judge..


Good luck Ruge!







Edited by AVFCforever1991
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It's like anything, some people can handle their booze, some can have a couple bottles of beer (on the wall) and not feel the need to drink the entire crate..


It's the same with a lot of drugs, some can use coke/estasy every so often and not use it for another 6 months. The difference is one is demonised by society and the other isn't. 


Do what works best for you, everyone is different. 


Don't judge..


Good luck Ruge!








To attempt to make a moral judgement is wrong and unproductive but we can still make the judgement call as to whether one choice is better than another.

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But I thought if you have a line of coke you either die or go mad and kill loads of people?  That's what was always drilled into my head as a child.


It's an expensive way of turning yourself into a gobshite for a couple of hours.


The hangover, comprising of a spell of depression, sometimes doesn't arrive for a couple of days, but can sometimes last for a couple of days.


Washing it up just makes the whole package more intense.


Sustain the input and all sorts weird stuff can happen, mood swings, lengthy spells of depression, 'colds' that last forever and misfiring neurons - One of my mates freaked out badly in a cab once, convinced there was mouse running loose in his trousers. More commonly it feels like insects crawling all over (or under!) the skin.


Never really understood the appeal, but some people really like it and Ruge is one of those by the looks of it.


On the positive side, a couple of my mates came back from the edge after having kids - It's a real reason for knocking it all on the head.

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To attempt to make a moral judgement is wrong and unproductive but we can still make the judgement call as to whether one choice is better than another.



For my benefit, what's the difference between making a moral judgement and making a judgement call?

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To attempt to make a moral judgement is wrong and unproductive but we can still make the judgement call as to whether one choice is better than another.



For my benefit, what's the difference between making a moral judgement and making a judgement call?



It would be the difference between saying that having unprotected sex with a heroin-using hooker is wrong because it is immoral and a judgement call as to whether you thought it was an unwise choice to make, or not.

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To attempt to make a moral judgement is wrong and unproductive but we can still make the judgement call as to whether one choice is better than another.



For my benefit, what's the difference between making a moral judgement and making a judgement call?



It would be the difference between saying that having unprotected sex with a heroin-using hooker is wrong because it is immoral and a judgement call as to whether you thought it was an unwise choice to make, or not.



I'm still stuck.


Is it the word 'moral' that's a problem? Or considering consequences beyond one's self? As in considering whether the other person is acting out of free will?


I'd happily say it's very likely immoral to get with a junky prostitute, for instance if she was likely doing it out of unwilling necessity and doom laden back story.

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