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Serious incident in Woolwich


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Ah okay, fair enough.


Well, the idiots and bigots are in force since this incident and lines between race and religion in their eyes have been blurred. I've seen comments like 'kick all paki's out of the country so there will be no more Islam extremism' (obviously stated in a different way). The sad thing is, this isn't an isolated incident. The EDL FB page has 50,000 more likes since Woolwich. We all saw what happened after that bloke was killed in Tottenham. People are opportunistic bastards.


I think you're agreeing with me, in a weird way :D


The EDL are just a bunch of knuckledragging idiots, the NF with a slightly more popular/less taboo cause. Any excuse to peddle sub-Sun levels of discourse are taken.


My point was rather more that what you were saying didn't make sense. We can agree that a bigotted hatred for followers of Islam and racism are different, though. It's just that always have been different.

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Ah okay. I think me not making sense was based on my misunderstanding of the word. Cheers for clearing that up. :)


But generally, **** the BNP and EDL.

Edited by StefanAVFC
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'The BNP has also announced it will be demonstrating in Woolwich. National organiser Adam Walker claims the brutal murder meant a "line has been drawn in the sand and it signals the beginning of the civil war we have predicted for years".'


From a rather concerning article in the Grauniad*


Anyone know how much it would cost to get Hugo Boss to do design and then do a run of brown shirts, red armbands and jackboots? We could make a killing*



*In reality, of course, we wouldn't, because thankfully the BNP are still somewhat of an irrelevance, as proven by their releasing such statement on the back of a poor bastard being hacked to death on the street as a way of returning them to the public eye in the hope of swelling their numbers.

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Anyone know how much it would cost to get Hugo Boss to do design and then do a run of brown shirts, red armbands and jackboots? We could make a killing


 Muslamic ray proof jackets all round.

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By the way, when one side is plotting terrorist attacks on British soil and the other side is trying to stop them, it takes some fairly bizarre logical contortions to suppose the latter being called "good" is contentious - smiley noted.

Not to my eye.

Surely it just requires people to consider that there are other views as to what may be thought of as 'good' beyond our own parochial one?

I can't agree with you that you aren't making the case for ever expanding resources, especially as you say that the threat level is sustained and increasing, unless you are actually suggesting that there is a tipping point beyond which resources (and we're not just talking about financial resources) will reduce the threat?

Edit: As per blandy above, I like the the turn of phrase about Osborne, too. :D

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As soon as the information came out that these people were 'known' to the intelligence services there seemed to me to be an implicit 'how could they [the security services/powers that be] have let this happen?' line taken by the media (and to a lesser degree the public).


If there are questions to be asked about whether the security services could have prevented any terrorism, perhaps the starting point is their advice to Blair that if he went ahead with being bag-carrier to the Americans in their illegal wars, we should expect some terrorism on our streets.


It would be useful to see some minutes of meetings at that time, to see what weight was given to this advice, and why it was thought worth doing what the government did.

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Civil war? Jesus Christ. Surely these knuckleheads are promoting more violence by championing civil war?


Wanting what's best for the country, my arse.


All they've done is use the death of Lee Rigby to promote their agenda while pretending they actually care. It's sickening.


Sadly i think more than the BNP will jump on the band wagon


There are quite a few disillusioned folk out there pissed off at the current government and the state of the country

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'The BNP has also announced it will be demonstrating in Woolwich. National organiser Adam Walker claims the brutal murder meant a "line has been drawn in the sand and it signals the beginning of the civil war we have predicted for years".'


From a rather concerning article in the Grauniad

What amount of a country's poplulation need to be involved to call it a 'civil war'? 51%? 10%? 1%? 0.1%? 0.01%?

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Idiotic that people can call for all Muslims to be kicked out for committing this murder in the name of Islam.


Should all Mancs be thrown out for the actions of Dale Cregan?  Hmmm, actually....

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Seen the balaclavad police pic doing the rounds on twitter, apparently arrested someone in London just now, look like terrorists themselves. Starting to realise there's more going on then we know about it and its not just conspiracy stuff

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Probably being one of the more qualified people on here to speak about being Muslim in Britain. i have frequented mosques in London, Birmingham, Leamington, Manchester, Nottingham, Essex  and so on and I have yet to hear one hint of Muslims wanting to take over Britain,....ah forget it.  What is the point. It just angers me at the ignorance.  People attacking my faith with their nonsense calling the Quran the Kerrang.  I mean seriously?  What do they actually know with a comment like that?  I welcome intelligent debate and respect it.  Pure ignorance though is just depressing. 


Sadly the EDL thugs seem to be growing by number. Civil War! Ludicrous.  Trying to hype up something that isnt there.  99.9% of Muslims in the UK are just getting on with their lives, trying to provide for their families and live a good, honest life.  These two murderers in Woolwich have nothing to do with my faith. 

RIP Lee Rigby.  My thoughts are with his family in all of this.


Britain is full of clearings in the woods.  That I don't doubt.  Just go out on a Friday night in any major city and see for yourself.  However on a whole Britain has been exposed to a multitude of cultures and religions more than most but it is still a relatively new phenomenon on the whole.  What 50 years?

Think of how rife out and out racism was just 20 years ago

On a scale of multiculturalism this country scores pretty damn high, and people are continuing to be more enlightened.  When a hate crimes happens like it did the other day, the idiotic minority speak loudest and in turn our facebook feeds turn to shit. 


Not so sure the leaders and people of many 'Islamic' countries would be any more aware of other beliefs and cultures, but I agree there is still a lot of work to be done here.

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Probably being one of the more qualified people on here to speak about being Muslim in Britain. i have frequented mosques in London, Birmingham, Leamington, Manchester, Nottingham, Essex  and so on and I have yet to hear one hint of Muslims wanting to take over Britain,....ah forget it.  What is the point. It just angers me at the ignorance.  People attacking my faith with their nonsense calling the Quran the Kerrang.  I mean seriously?  What do they actually know with a comment like that?  I welcome intelligent debate and respect it.  Pure ignorance though is just depressing. 


Sadly the EDL thugs seem to be growing by number. Civil War! Ludicrous.  Trying to hype up something that isnt there.  99.9% of Muslims in the UK are just getting on with their lives, trying to provide for their families and live a good, honest life.  These two murderers in Woolwich have nothing to do with my faith. 

RIP Lee Rigby.  My thoughts are with his family in all of this.


Britain is full of clearings in the woods.  That I don't doubt.  Just go out on a Friday night in any major city and see for yourself.  However on a whole Britain has been exposed to a multitude of cultures and religions more than most but it is still a relatively new phenomenon on the whole.  What 50 years?

Think of how rife out and out racism was just 20 years ago

On a scale of multiculturalism this country scores pretty damn high, and people are continuing to be more enlightened.  When a hate crimes happens like it did the other day, the idiotic minority speak loudest and in turn our facebook feeds turn to shit. 


Not so sure the leaders and people of many 'Islamic' countries would be any more aware of other beliefs and cultures, but I agree there is still a lot of work to be done here.



I thought you wrote 'on a scale of 1 to multiculturalism this country scores pretty damn high' and I was gonna high five you through the screen.


As I said in the UKIP thread, the generation that mostly stayed in England is coming to an end, to be replaced with a generation that mostly go out of the country in some capacity before they can even walk.

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Oh I agree.  Britain imo is still the best place to live because of those reasons.  Fair enough I have never known any different but from my limited knowledge I cannot think of many better places to live for those reasons.  Like you say mindless idiots.  Albeit slowly growing. VT always seems to give me some respite from it.  I really miss Villa playing week in week out!

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I spent an evening on a video on FB, telling the bigots why they're bigots. Needless to say, they don't listen to a word you're saying and just say things like 'you bum muslims' and waffle on about sharia law. It's fairly entertaining if you're having a slow night.


EDIT: And the fact that they're growing in stature scares me too.

Edited by StefanAVFC
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I spent an evening on a video on FB, telling the bigots why they're bigots. Needless to say, they don't listen to a word you're saying and just say things like 'you bum muslims' and waffle on about sharia law. It's fairly entertaining if you're having a slow night.


EDIT: And the fact that they're growing in stature scares me too.


People like yourself scare me a lot more than people who want the best for the country they live in.


Bloody liberals. You're the reason we're in this mess.

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Probably being one of the more qualified people on here to speak about being Muslim in Britain. i have frequented mosques in London, Birmingham, Leamington, Manchester, Nottingham, Essex  and so on and I have yet to hear one hint of Muslims wanting to take over Britain,....ah forget it.  What is the point. It just angers me at the ignorance.  People attacking my faith with their nonsense calling the Quran the Kerrang.  I mean seriously?  What do they actually know with a comment like that?  I welcome intelligent debate and respect it.  Pure ignorance though is just depressing. 


Sadly the EDL thugs seem to be growing by number. Civil War! Ludicrous.  Trying to hype up something that isnt there.  99.9% of Muslims in the UK are just getting on with their lives, trying to provide for their families and live a good, honest life.  These two murderers in Woolwich have nothing to do with my faith. 

RIP Lee Rigby.  My thoughts are with his family in all of this.


Omariqy, you should spend more time on threads like this one. Not a dig at you, but it would be beneficial to discussion, given that you're an insider in the community, unlike the rest of us. Hopefully this will mean that Muslims like you are better understood.

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I spent an evening on a video on FB, telling the bigots why they're bigots. Needless to say, they don't listen to a word you're saying and just say things like 'you bum muslims' and waffle on about sharia law. It's fairly entertaining if you're having a slow night.


EDIT: And the fact that they're growing in stature scares me too.


People like yourself scare me a lot more than people who want the best for the country they live in.


Bloody liberals. You're the reason we're in this mess.



What mess?  

They'll be baddies and goodies no matter what.

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