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Serious incident in Woolwich


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I would have been looking for a heavy object to hit him with or working out how I could take him down.


Yeah, right, keyboard warrior. In reality you would have done no such thing. What you actually would have done is shit yourself in fear, just like everyone else who witnessed it and didn't intervene.


Are you Mark Wahlberg in posting under a nom de guerre? Nom de guerre because you are obviously a stand-up 100% ready to go urban street warrior super hero.


Thanks for the laugh.



Odd, I'm not the only person to have said something along these lines yet you only pick up on my post. My original point was a reference to the actions of those whose reaction was to pull their phones out to film.

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Who filmed that video? And why is there a woman that just walks straight past when he's wielding a **** meat cleaver around?

It has been widely reported that the guy who did the murder was asking people to film him.

As for the woman walking straight past? Well, it's entirely possible she could have been oblivious to the guy with the meat cleaver. He wasn't drawing attention to himself, he was talking calmly and he had his back to her. She has probably seen the guy in the road and the smashed car, assumed it was an accident and decided to go about her business. It was getting on for end of school so she might have had a kid to pick up.

Oblivious? **** hell, how can you be oblivious to that?

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This has hit me.

Really hard.

Such a horrendous indictment on our society. Not just the young lad losing his life for a job, his family no doubt now lost in desperate grief. Nor the abhorrent scum that took that life in the name of some bullshit fantasy tale. Nor the mongs stood around waving cameras all over the joint like this is THEIR moment. Nor the masses on twitter, feigning indignation or giving in to hate.

Not just one of those reasons nor the many others I could think to type if it wasn't all just so damn consuming.

I feel sick. This isn't the world I signed up for.

There are times when I ponder the totality of horrors we inflict upon each other that we are all living in a form of Hell.

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Exactly, whilst ok, I accept I'd have to think carefully about how you tackle somebody with a gun/cleaver, there's no way id be taking my smartphone out to film the scene.


Though if the man with the bloody hands and two big knives demands that you film him, and seems not to be about to attack you, I should think most people would do as requested.  And I would think the police would advise you to do exactly that.

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I would have been looking for a heavy object to hit him with or working out how I could take him down.

 Yeah, right, keyboard warrior. In reality you would have done no such thing. What you actually would have done is shit yourself in fear, just like everyone else who witnessed it and didn't intervene. Are you Mark Wahlberg in posting under a nom de guerre? Nom de guerre because you are obviously a stand-up 100% ready to go urban street warrior super hero. Thanks for the laugh.

I think what Trent was saying wasn't that he was Rambo and would single handidly take them out , more that he would like to think that had he been in that situation he would have been doing more than just reaching for his iPhone to film it

There's no bravado in saying that ...

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I would have been looking for a heavy object to hit him with or working out how I could take him down.

 Yeah, right, keyboard warrior. In reality you would have done no such thing. What you actually would have done is shit yourself in fear, just like everyone else who witnessed it and didn't intervene. Are you Mark Wahlberg in posting under a nom de guerre? Nom de guerre because you are obviously a stand-up 100% ready to go urban street warrior super hero. Thanks for the laugh.

I think what Trent was saying wasn't that he was Rambo and would single handidly take them out , more that he would like to think that had he been in that situation he would have been doing more than just reaching for his iPhone to film it

There's no bravado in saying that ...



Exactly, thank you.

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Exactly, whilst ok, I accept I'd have to think carefully about how you tackle somebody with a gun/cleaver, there's no way id be taking my smartphone out to film the scene.


Though if the man with the bloody hands and two big knives demands that you film him, and seems not to be about to attack you, I should think most people would do as requested.  And I would think the police would advise you to do exactly that.



Are posts like this, that refer to what apparently happened regarding the filmings, completely invisible to some people?  Why carry on having these arguments, based on unfounded assumptions about people reacting by choosing to take out their mobile and get a video, of their own free will, particularly with the intent of selling it?  I have no doubt that some people would stoop to this level, but to assume that those who have recorded what we're seeing in the media did this, despite what is being reported, is plain daft.  Not as daft as those who are reacting by using the events as an excuse to air their racist views, but daft nonetheless.

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It turns out that few people want to put themselves in the way of someone who is holding a weapon after they've just hacked another man to death.


Personally, if I were there, I'd get the **** out of the way. Expecting bystanders to intervene seems a bit unfair.

Bystanders with guns, though...

That blog is hilariously misinformed, but this is probably a bit off-topic to the matter at hand.


All I'll say is that the below claim is absolutely hilarious.



it's not difficult for them to do so, unless you use a different DNS server. It becomes almost impossible for them to see what you're actually doing on a web site, unless the site owner is willing to give them traffic logs

It's my blog. I work for an ISP. What's not right?



The DNS servers used have no impact upon whether or not your usage can be logged by your ISP (or anyone else who can monitor your traffic). All it affects is the speed at which your machine can determine the IP address of the target server, if it's not already locally cached. The hostname and IP address that you're contacting are still transmitted in clear-text and can be reviewed and subject to traffic-shaping and restrictions by an ISP. The only way to prevent this are a middle man, such as a VPN or a proxy, so that it's the only IP your ISP sees you connecting to (though this obviously just means that they replace your ISP as the party that can snoop on your web-traffic). Adjusting your DNS server has no effect at all.

Ultimately the only safe way to use the internet is i2p.

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I remember when me and me mate tried to get to a pub in town and there was some massive march between the Asians and the EDL, there was a little black kid explaining the situation to one of his mates it went something like this

"The white people hate the pakis, the pakis hate the white people...they all hate the black people...ya know what I'm gunna go over there and one bomb them all in a minute"

He was about 12 years old and I don't doubt for a second that he would have one bombed the two killers today even if they had machetes and guns.

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I would have been looking for a heavy object to hit him with or working out how I could take him down.

Yeah, right, keyboard warrior. In reality you would have done no such thing. What you actually would have done is shit yourself in fear, just like everyone else who witnessed it and didn't intervene. Are you Mark Wahlberg in posting under a nom de guerre? Nom de guerre because you are obviously a stand-up 100% ready to go urban street warrior super hero. Thanks for the laugh.
I think what Trent was saying wasn't that he was Rambo and would single handidly take them out , more that he would like to think that had he been in that situation he would have been doing more than just reaching for his iPhone to film it

There's no bravado in saying that ...

As someone who has had a knife pulled on them by an attacker basically you do exactly what the guy with the weapon says. If he says 'take out your phone and film me' that's exactly what you do.

Then you get home with your life and limbs in tact and start running through your head all the Chuck Norris moves you would have loved to have pulled.

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Right, so are the EDL hard men cracking skulls yet?


Their mums might have called them in already.


Apparently that was for them to put their balaclavas on, so their ears didn't get cold._47171097_edl_uaf_march2.jpg

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What a horrific incident, and quite bizarre too. People actually filmed him? What the actual ****? But it's interesting (and quite sad actually) that people are using this as an opportunity to demonize a group of people.


Like wtf is this:




The guy is clearly a psychopath. Most likely a recent and confused convert (he definitely isn't Somali). Even the most ardent of Al Qaeda supporters wouldn't run over someone and then proceed to hack their head off with a **** machete because of the shirt they were wearing. I wonder how much of a fuss would have been kicked up if the political motivation was different. Not even half as much I'd imagine.

Edited by Keyblade
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Their is some shit being spouted on social media from all angles. Obviously you have the racists. But their are also others claiming it is a government conspiracy with the media supporting them.

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Yes, they're doing well with the collateral damage bit. 

What it really is...is that the world now has these nobodys (store-bought worthless shells of men who never were) who have now found a way to make something of themselves. 


I envision them thinking, "... I'm part of an obscure and "misunderstood" religion/class/people who have been "persecuted" and here's my way to help fight back...to prove I am somebody...to do what is right (militantly speaking, mind). "

And here we are.

The actual thought that this is ok, takes the cake.

Militancy of every religion and belief is a shame, or it used to be.  Now?  It's terrifying.  What sucks for all of us now (Boston/London all in one month) is pathetic souls who haven't a clue what else to do in the world are taking the easy way out and killing people who are clueless and defenseless (not to mention NOT the ones committing the "collateral damage" abroad, but that's just details).

Le sigh.

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Exactly, whilst ok, I accept I'd have to think carefully about how you tackle somebody with a gun/cleaver, there's no way id be taking my smartphone out to film the scene.


Though if the man with the bloody hands and two big knives demands that you film him, and seems not to be about to attack you, I should think most people would do as requested.  And I would think the police would advise you to do exactly that.



Are posts like this, that refer to what apparently happened regarding the filmings, completely invisible to some people?  Why carry on having these arguments, based on unfounded assumptions about people reacting by choosing to take out their mobile and get a video, of their own free will, particularly with the intent of selling it?  I have no doubt that some people would stoop to this level, but to assume that those who have recorded what we're seeing in the media did this, despite what is being reported, is plain daft.  Not as daft as those who are reacting by using the events as an excuse to air their racist views, but daft nonetheless.


Exactly Trog. As ever, the Mountie, Sir Peter of MS, shines out as a beacon of sensibility and intelligence amid a sea of knee jerk reaction and hysteria.


Top post Mr Mountie :thumb:

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