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They called me...

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Mighty Mouse when I was little. Freakishly strong and hyper, also, always trying to save someone or something. And spacemonkey. Because my parents thought I looked like one when I was born   (a lot of love in that room  <_<)



Then in highschool it was smoooooth sailing until 16....Juggs.

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Roadwork. - I spellchecked my first name as a youngster  on a piece of work ( about 8 ) and didn't check it, teacher called me it for a while.

Rodgering stick - by some word removed. who's hopefully dead. aged about 10/11.

Hot Rod :lol: - self titled naturally in primary school as I was a ladies man as a 7 year old as I claimed any girl I spoke to as a girlfriend. Had 17 on the go at once iirc. It's been downhill ever since mind. Rookie's mistake to frontload on woman before puberty :rant:

Dave - briefly in an only fools and horses joke at school around about 12/13ish

Goalkeeper in sixth form - as I was **** ace at goalkeeping. 

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At school it was noted that I was absent of any nickname, and any specific physical features that could give me one. The result? People just called me by my name. Sometimes my whole name, it's quite short, and I think it sounds rather nice. As a certain someone nearly said once - a beautifully symmetrical name, with 4 letters in each word.

The closest things I've ever had are whatever you can rhyme Andy with, I guess. Randy Andy, Andy Pandy, err...actually no, yeh, that's it.

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My closest friend decided to call me Pieface when I was about 13. I'm now 25 and everyone still calls me "Pie"..... it's horrible when meeting a new group of people. :(


When people call me by my real name, it sounds really strange!!!

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Funnily enough, I didn't get the variants on "looney". Or anything. My problem is that the world doesn't know whether I'm Mike, Mick or Michael. People settle on one and refuse to budge from it, so get all three. 

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Boney Tony. Stop laughing, it's true.

Even my own parents called it me!! Of course, when Lily The Pink came out, it made things a whole lot worse, bloody Scaffole the scouse bast4rds!!


I'm a bit tubby now, so things turned out for the better!! :D

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I seem to collect nicknames for some reason, maybe I just don't look like a Richard so people want to call me something else.

Let's see now, well in primary school there was a kid who had the same name as me, so to separate us both I was called Keano Stokes since I was comparatively intelligent, though it wasn't a name I particularly enjoyed. I suppose I got off easy considering the other guy was conversely called Spacka Stokes since he was a complete imbecile, so I probably got the better end of that deal.

That didn't take off so much and I was pretty much just called Stokesy in school.

Then when I was about 7 or 8 we looked after my cousin for a while when he was a baby and when he learned to talk he couldn't say Rich or Richard, instead he came out with Duck Duck, and my brother (who is 29 and married with a kid on the way) still calls me Duck to this day.

Then for a summer at university I changed my hairstyle and it was a bit spikey so I was called Spike for a little while.


And most recently at my last job my friend called me Badger one day out of the blue and it kind of stuck, so I'm now Badge or Badger amongst my old work colleagues.

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When I was a kid they called me what I'd like to translate as Pelle fingering, 'cause I kind of fingered a girl when I was 10. That name stuck with me untill I finished high school. That's one for the regret thread as I really, really didn't want that to be known. But living in a small town you can bet that almsot every boy and girl in that town knew who I was because of that. Still almost gives me whivers to think about it. But if I meet someone from that time today and he calls me it, which has happened one time, I just feel that he's an idiot still living in the early teen years.

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In year 7 our usernames in ICT were the first 4 letters of our surname and 1st letter of first name... It just stuck.

My Gf has a few nicknames for me now but they are private...

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Taff, from 2nd year Juniors, still get called it to this day

Then we have the more recent sheep related names such as sheep, dolly etc. Rarely can I walk past our engineering dept and not get a chorus of Baa Baaa Baa. It won't change nor do I want it to.

None of these bother me as they give me carte blanche to retaliate with almost anything.

The one thing that pisses me off that I do get called (Always by a Scouser with lower than average intelligence)is Garth, my name has an e in it you lazy f**ktards

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Gazza (self-explanatory) and Rothien (to this day, I don't know why).


The one thing that pisses me off that I do get called is Garth, my name has an e in it you lazy f**ktards
This, this, this a thousand f**king times this.  Or Darren.  Or Gavin.
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The Whompman - when I was about 6 my brother (then 13) created a Villan - The Vindicator. I was his nemesis, The Whompman. Never really understood it. My brother and my cousins referred to me as The Whompman for quite some time.


Worm  - aged 12 or so I wrote a poem (well, it rhymed at least) about worms, which my school then submitted and it became printed in some national thingummy somewhere. For a short while, I became Wormboy, and then Worm. 


Gavaldo - aged 14/15 I scored the greatest goal I've ever scored, and am ever likely do. Corner of the penalty area with 3 defenders around me and no support - I did that little trick (I believe some call it the rainbow flick) where you roll the ball up your leg and flick the ball up over your head with your heel, and then volleyed it into the far corner. I still relive that goal in my dreams at times. It bought me the nickname 'Gavaldo' (as my name is Gavin) for a little bit.


Big G.   Self explanatory.  I have always been fairly tall, and particularly in school as I was tall very early.


Big G 2.   A chap called Gareth joined our little circle of friends.  He was slightly bigger than me.


There was then quite a gap, 10 years or so where I can't remember any particular nickname. Until earlier last year when I moved into a big shared house and developed the nickname Gaviscon. A nickname which built to a crescendo when one of my housemates baked a whole big batch of scones, largely to simple do the joke of offering me one and going 'Gav? A scone?'.

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The one thing that pisses me off that I do get called is Garth, my name has an e in it you lazy f**ktards

This, this, this a thousand f**king times this.  Or Darren.  Or Gavin.

Oh yeah Gavin WTF is that about, its even worse than Garth. Not had Darren much though

And even worse is GARY, friggin Gary aaaarrrrggghhh!

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Gazza (self-explanatory) and Rothien (to this day, I don't know why).




The one thing that pisses me off that I do get called is Garth, my name has an e in it you lazy f**ktards
This, this, this a thousand f**king times this.  Or Darren.  Or Gavin.




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