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UKIP Nutters


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Itv poll just now suggested 72% of people who just voted UKIP would vote for them in the GE next year

one of those excellent scientifically accurate BBC vox pops just interviewed a few people BBC: 'how do you intend to vote?'Bloke with bad teeth: 'yeah, I'll be voting UKIP'BBC: 'why?'Bloke with bad teeth: 'don't know really'
Further evidence that UKIP are stealing votes from Labour?
Labour voters have bad teeth?
Nope, according to our American cousins, everyone in the UK has bad teeth ;)

My father-in-law, rest his soul, was a Labour voter all of his life, but had no idea why.

The only politician that ever did anything for him was Thatcher, who allowed him to buy his council house and to do what he wanted, which was go to work without fear of bullying and intimidation.

But the Tories were "for the rich"

I loved the man to bits, bless him.

So you think that without unions, people at work don't get bullied and intimidated? Quite the reverse, I'd say.
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I really don't know how people can gauge whether we should be in the EU or not. A lot of people who vote UKIP want to get out of Europe, my parents do for sure, yet as much as I love my parents they aren't exactly the brightest, how on earth they feel they can understand and evaluate the complexities of what it means to either be in or out of Europe is beyond me? I surely can't, which is why I struggle to vote at all. Do you ever get the impression that people just constantly want change? No matter which direction any government goes in it will bring consequences, there's no getting around that, it just seems to me that people constantly focus on the negatives of the current regime and then go with the one who say they will change it, and then the cycle continues... I just don't see the point really. I think we should become a communist state :P:lol: (I joke)

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Itv poll just now suggested 72% of people who just voted UKIP would vote for them in the GE next year

one of those excellent scientifically accurate BBC vox pops just interviewed a few people BBC: 'how do you intend to vote?'Bloke with bad teeth: 'yeah, I'll be voting UKIP'BBC: 'why?'Bloke with bad teeth: 'don't know really'
Further evidence that UKIP are stealing votes from Labour?
Labour voters have bad teeth?
Nope, according to our American cousins, everyone in the UK has bad teeth ;)

My father-in-law, rest his soul, was a Labour voter all of his life, but had no idea why.

The only politician that ever did anything for him was Thatcher, who allowed him to buy his council house and to do what he wanted, which was go to work without fear of bullying and intimidation.

But the Tories were "for the rich"

I loved the man to bits, bless him.

So you think that without unions, people at work don't get bullied and intimidated? Quite the reverse, I'd say.

On the contrary, I believe in the principle of unions, if the practise can, in some cases, be a little undesirable.

But I firmly believe in the rights of the individual to cast their vote without intimidation.

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I know they say conservative is for the rich but I was in a conservative household, with my grandparents who were both working class doing working class jobs. They were poor in their early life together but by the time I was a kid we were ok for money but not loaded. My grandad was a saver and my gran a spender, if I'm honest my grandad is quite well off in the sense that he owns his own house and has around 50k in the bank. He paid into a good pension when he was younger and it paid off, plus as I said he was a saver. He hated labour with a passion, always thought that was strange as he was a worker. I think the last election he voted for lib dems, first time ever he had not voted conservative. Could never imagine him voting for UKIP.

Edited by Rugeley Villa
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I know they say conservative is for the rich but I was in a conservative household, with my grandparents who were both working class doing working class jobs. They were poor in their early life together but by the time I was a kid we were ok for money but not loaded. ...

I think that kind of tory household has mostly gone, as the world's changed, Rugely. The same will happen with Labour. Both parties have moved away from looking after normal folk, the tories more so. Plus people don't tend to just follow their family voting patterns any more. It also looks like the older generation of mostly tory voters is dying out, and those following maybe vote differently. 

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Itv poll just now suggested 72% of people who just voted UKIP would vote for them in the GE next year

Is immigration really such a massive issue, that they're prepared to shoot themselves in the foot on so many other issues? Is it time for us to face the sad truth that a large number of UK citizens are actually racist or xenophobic?

I can only take comfort in the fact that's not a massive amount of people. If you take in to account that approx 30% of the eligible population voted, and less than 30% voted UKIP, and now less three quarters of that original number have considered voting UKIP again.

But yet across europe we have seen a worrying trend of many people voting for far right parties such as in france and greece. Are you saying all those are 'racist'??

Many polls on media sources such as sky news and in newspapers prove that the MAJORITY (and its a large majority) of people in the UK whether a tory voter, labour, lib dem, UKIP voter are concerned greatly by immigration. So are the Majority of the UK racist as well??

Of course not. Wanting to control our borders like pur good friends in canada and Australia is not racist. We need to be attracting the most skilled workers from around the world like doctors, engineers etc, and offer those incentives to come to our country. Those that offer nothing should not be allowed as is the case in Canada

Edited by donnie
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Itv poll just now suggested 72% of people who just voted UKIP would vote for them in the GE next year

 one of those excellent scientifically accurate BBC vox pops just interviewed a few people BBC: 'how do you intend to vote?'Bloke with bad teeth: 'yeah, I'll be voting UKIP'BBC: 'why?'Bloke with bad teeth: 'don't know really'
Further evidence that UKIP are stealing votes from Labour?
Labour voters have bad teeth?

Nope, according to our American cousins, everyone in the UK has bad teeth ;)

My father-in-law, rest his soul, was a Labour voter all of his life, but had no idea why.

The only politician that ever did anything for him was Thatcher, who allowed him to buy his council house and to do what he wanted, which was go to work without fear of bullying and intimidation.

But the Tories were "for the rich"

I loved the man to bits, bless him.


 He was basically right though!

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Democracy in general doesn't work really. Most people don't know what they are voting for. Running a country is, I should imagine, quite difficult. Something the average person, me included wouldn't have the first idea about. 


Nah, scratch that. Put me in charge and I'd make sure there was at least continuity in politics.  :twisted: 

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But yet across europe we have seen a worrying trend of many people voting for far right parties such as in france and greece. Are you saying all those are 'racist'??

people voting for the far right - yes. Almost by definition.

Many polls on media sources such as sky news and in newspapers prove that the MAJORITY (and its a large majority) of people in the UK whether a tory voter, labour, lib dem, UKIP voter are concerned greatly by immigration. So are the Majority of the UK racist as well??

Of course not. Wanting to control our borders like pur good friends in canada and Australia is not racist. We need to be attracting the most skilled workers from around the world like doctors, engineers etc, and offer those incentives to come to our country. Those that offer nothing should not be allowed as is the case in Canada

True. The thing is people tend to follow the money. They'll either move for a better quality of life, for education or for temporary earning, before going back to their home. The way to control it, isn't to leave the EU, ropy as it is in parts,but to change the situation where people coming from poor places are. Even as an Island, controlling immigration is not easy. and it's expensive. Plus we NEED immigration due to demographics.

The issue I have with the UKIPs and others is they demonise immigrants.

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But yet across europe we have seen a worrying trend of many people voting for far right parties such as in france and greece. Are you saying all those are 'racist'??

people voting for the far right - yes. Almost by definition.

Many polls on media sources such as sky news and in newspapers prove that the MAJORITY (and its a large majority) of people in the UK whether a tory voter, labour, lib dem, UKIP voter are concerned greatly by immigration. So are the Majority of the UK racist as well??

Of course not. Wanting to control our borders like pur good friends in canada and Australia is not racist. We need to be attracting the most skilled workers from around the world like doctors, engineers etc, and offer those incentives to come to our country. Those that offer nothing should not be allowed as is the case in Canada

True. The thing is people tend to follow the money. They'll either move for a better quality of life, for education or for temporary earning, before going back to their home. The way to control it, isn't to leave the EU, ropy as it is in parts,but to change the situation where people coming from poor places are. Even as an Island, controlling immigration is not easy. and it's expensive. Plus we NEED immigration due to demographics.

The issue I have with the UKIPs and others is they demonise immigrants.


isn't it only certain immigrants they demonise ?

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Itv poll just now suggested 72% of people who just voted UKIP would vote for them in the GE next year

Is immigration really such a massive issue, that they're prepared to shoot themselves in the foot on so many other issues? Is it time for us to face the sad truth that a large number of UK citizens are actually racist or xenophobic?

I can only take comfort in the fact that's not a massive amount of people. If you take in to account that approx 30% of the eligible population voted, and less than 30% voted UKIP, and now less three quarters of that original number have considered voting UKIP again.

But yet across europe we have seen a worrying trend of many people voting for far right parties such as in france and greece. Are you saying all those are 'racist'??

Many polls on media sources such as sky news and in newspapers prove that the MAJORITY (and its a large majority) of people in the UK whether a tory voter, labour, lib dem, UKIP voter are concerned greatly by immigration. So are the Majority of the UK racist as well??

Of course not. Wanting to control our borders like pur good friends in canada and Australia is not racist. We need to be attracting the most skilled workers from around the world like doctors, engineers etc, and offer those incentives to come to our country. Those that offer nothing should not be allowed as is the case in Canada



People are scared and worried, because the media tells them to be, and in the climate of the time, many people are worried about personal finances. They are fed the lie that people are coming over here to take their jobs, claim benefits and enforce their customs and religions on to them. In my opinion this makes them have views that I consider to be racist and xenophobic. Maybe they're a product of their environment, maybe it's brought out what was there all along. Either way it doesn't sit right with me, and I'm not going to sit and ignore it. If not being scared of people from other countries are going to move in next door to me, puts me in the minority, then I'm happy to be there.  

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Plus people don't tend to just follow their family voting patterns any more.

 when you have people that weren't even born when she was in number 10 brainwashed about Thatcher that can only have come from Dad's rants over the dinner table or in the case of students from some lefty marxist teacher  ;)


but you are probably right  , I've mentioned it before , I couldn't tell you who my parents or brother vote for , or if they even vote .. I'd guess my dad was a labour man , or at least was , I can't see him having voted for Blair

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People are scared and worried, because the media tells them to be, and in the climate of the time, many people are worried about personal finances. They are fed the lie that people are coming over here to take their jobs, claim benefits and enforce their customs and religions on to them. In my opinion this makes them have views that I consider to be racist and xenophobic. Maybe they're a product of their environment, maybe it's brought out what was there all along. Either way it doesn't sit right with me, and I'm not going to sit and ignore it. If not being scared of people from other countries are going to move in next door to me, puts me in the minority, then I'm happy to be there.  

I personally don't subscribe to the " because the media tell them " line ..I keep hearing it and can only really go from my own experience but I don't do anything the media tell me to do , nor Stephen Fry for that matter ..


However you may have a point  .... Currently on Facebook there is a picture of Nigel the punk giving a V sign to a policeman from 1983 ... I'd be a rich man if I had a £1 for the each person forwarding it on and commenting ... trouble is it's fake and took me about 20 secs to find this out   .. but it seems 99% of the internet can't be arsed to find this out for themselves and just follow like sheep

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True. The thing is people tend to follow the money. They'll either move for a better quality of life, for education or for temporary earning, before going back to their home. The way to control it, isn't to leave the EU, ropy as it is in parts,but to change the situation where people coming from poor places are. Even as an Island, controlling immigration is not easy. and it's expensive. Plus we NEED immigration due to demographics.

The issue I have with the UKIPs and others is they demonise immigrants.

Agree with your last point and i wouldnt vote UKIP because im happy to be apart of Europe and the positives of being in the EU far outweigh the negatives.

However, we need to get more control back especially in regards to immigration. The influx of low skilled workers from eastern europe is seeing wages for the lower paid workers of this country stagnate. Fat cat coorperations are exploiting cheap labour from eastern Europe at the detriment to the UK worker. The rich get richer and the poor get poorer.

Rather than allowing someone from somalia (example) here with no skills, unable to speak our language or fit into our way of life at a major cost to the taxpayer, we are better adopting the Australian and canadian way of offering large incentives to people from within and outside the EU with the desired skills.

Not sure on your last point though?? How do UKIP demonise immigrants?? Havent seen evidence of that. Other than silly comments from individuals which are no worse than those we have heard from labour and tory mp's in the past. I fail to see how UKIP are racist??

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People are scared and worried, because the media tells them to be, and in the climate of the time, many people are worried about personal finances. They are fed the lie that people are coming over here to take their jobs, claim benefits and enforce their customs and religions on to them. In my opinion this makes them have views that I consider to be racist and xenophobic. Maybe they're a product of their environment, maybe it's brought out what was there all along. Either way it doesn't sit right with me, and I'm not going to sit and ignore it. If not being scared of people from other countries are going to move in next door to me, puts me in the minority, then I'm happy to be there.

Dont agree with any of that. Seems a weak argument to me but its your opinion so fair enough.

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I personally don't subscribe to the " because the media tell them " line ..I keep hearing it and can only really go from my own experience but I don't do anything the media tell me to do , nor Stephen Fry for that matter ..


However you may have a point  .... Currently on Facebook there is a picture of Nigel the punk giving a V sign to a policeman from 1983 ... I'd be a rich man if I had a £1 for the each person forwarding it on and commenting ... trouble is it's fake and took me about 20 secs to find this out   .. but it seems 99% of the internet can't be arsed to find this out for themselves and just follow like sheep


It's a factor for sure. It's been mentioned before, but do you not think that UKIP have been given an unfair advantage in the amount of coverage they've been given in the media? I think you mentioned about the Farage vs Clegg debate on the EU. Would it not have been better to involve all major party leaders (including The Green Party), so as to get a balanced view?

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