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Have to say Mr bloom was spot on with everything he said though.

Ha ha ha. Shouldn't this post be in the joke thread though?

No joke. Read everything he says. The amount of foreign aid we give has gone beyond a joke... Hey maybe we could put foreign aid in your joke thread?! :-)

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This just in:  If you want to sit at the top table in global political meetings then you have to give foreign aid.   We donate about the same as France and Germany do, both as an absolute figure and as a percentage of our gross national income. 

Edited by The_Rev
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Britain also places foreign aid fairly damn close to the bottom of it's spending agenda. We spend a fraction of a percent on foreign aid compared to what we do on pretty much anything else.


But the average arse scratching moron on the street (or this intolerable tosser, Bloom and his ilk) doesn't give a **** 'cos they 'ate forners.

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Britain also places foreign aid fairly damn close to the bottom of it's spending agenda. We spend a fraction of a percent on foreign aid compared to what we do on pretty much anything else.

But the average arse scratching moron on the street (or this intolerable tosser, Bloom and his ilk) doesn't give a **** 'cos they 'ate forners.

We are behind only the USA in how much foreign aid we spend at a staggering £9 billion last year.

Germany have a population and a gdp bigger then ours yet we spend more on aid.

You seriously don't think we spend to much on aid?! Or am I an arse scratching moron that you insultingly described anyone who doesn't agree with your view on foreign aid

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I think you answered your own question


look we all know times are tough and for sure there are cases where we send Aid to Africa and some despot goes off and buys the latest in the Mercedes range of dictator-mobile  , but that isn't always the case and  Bloom's comments are ill founded

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Did you bother to look at how much we spend on, oh... just about anything else? About 1% of our entire expenditure goes to foreign aid. I'm not going to get too upset that we spend 1% of our entire expenditure trying to make some of the rest of the world a bit better and hopefully making them into customers, or clients, or perhaps simply just not enemys or problems down the road.


No I don't think we spend too much on aid. I think we spend a decent amount.

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Did you bother to look at how much we spend on, oh... just about anything else? About 1% of our entire expenditure goes to foreign aid. I'm not going to get too upset that we spend 1% of our entire expenditure trying to make some of the rest of the world a bit better and hopefully making them into customers, or clients, or perhaps simply just not enemys or problems down the road.


No I don't think we spend too much on aid. I think we spend a decent amount.


But foreigners

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Britain also places foreign aid fairly damn close to the bottom of it's spending agenda. We spend a fraction of a percent on foreign aid compared to what we do on pretty much anything else.

But the average arse scratching moron on the street (or this intolerable tosser, Bloom and his ilk) doesn't give a **** 'cos they 'ate forners.

We are behind only the USA in how much foreign aid we spend at a staggering £9 billion last year.

Germany have a population and a gdp bigger then ours yet we spend more on aid.

You seriously don't think we spend to much on aid?! Or am I an arse scratching moron that you insultingly described anyone who doesn't agree with your view on foreign aid


but you agree with a man that referred to foreign shores as bongo bongo land??????

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Britain also places foreign aid fairly damn close to the bottom of it's spending agenda. We spend a fraction of a percent on foreign aid compared to what we do on pretty much anything else.

But the average arse scratching moron on the street (or this intolerable tosser, Bloom and his ilk) doesn't give a **** 'cos they 'ate forners.

We are behind only the USA in how much foreign aid we spend at a staggering £9 billion last year.

Germany have a population and a gdp bigger then ours yet we spend more on aid.

You seriously don't think we spend to much on aid?! Or am I an arse scratching moron that you insultingly described anyone who doesn't agree with your view on foreign aid


but you agree with a man that referred to foreign shores as bongo bongo land??????



Also with a man who said this:


He has previously provoked an outcry in comments on women when in 2004 he said: "No self-respecting small businessman with a brain in the right place would ever employ a lady of child-bearing age."

When he was given a seat on the European Parliament's women's rights committee he said, in what he later explained was intended to be a joke, that he was interested in the subject because: "I just don't think they clean behind the fridge enough."


Not particularly what you want in a position of power

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This is also a man who reeled off 'ein reich, ein volk, ein fuhrer' during a debate in the EU Parliament while a German 'colleague' was talking.


He's a clearing in the woods.


But they all are. UKIP are a parade of clearings in the woods.

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Did you bother to look at how much we spend on, oh... just about anything else? About 1% of our entire expenditure goes to foreign aid. I'm not going to get too upset that we spend 1% of our entire expenditure trying to make some of the rest of the world a bit better and hopefully making them into customers, or clients, or perhaps simply just not enemys or problems down the road.

No I don't think we spend too much on aid. I think we spend a decent amount.

So Chindie how can you justify us giving aid to China, India and south Africa?! All with emerging or already huge economies?!

Can anyone justify us spending more on foreign aid then on our home office budget which includes policing and counter-terrorism which has been cut to £8.3bn??

Do only guardian readers post in off topic?? :-)

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Did you bother to look at how much we spend on, oh... just about anything else? About 1% of our entire expenditure goes to foreign aid. I'm not going to get too upset that we spend 1% of our entire expenditure trying to make some of the rest of the world a bit better and hopefully making them into customers, or clients, or perhaps simply just not enemys or problems down the road.

No I don't think we spend too much on aid. I think we spend a decent amount.

So Chindie how can you justify us giving aid to China, India and south Africa?! All with emerging or already huge economies?!

Can anyone justify us spending more on foreign aid then on our home office budget which includes policing and counter-terrorism which has been cut to £8.3bn??

Do only guardian readers post in off topic?? :-)


Ah, I see. We're going to conflate my being ok with amounts spent with my believing the system is perfect. Lets not play this game.


I'm not sure where you're getting your figures from for the rest, but I don't really care to be honest. All any further dialogue would achieve is a waste of electricity and bandwidth, amongst other things.

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Did you bother to look at how much we spend on, oh... just about anything else? About 1% of our entire expenditure goes to foreign aid. I'm not going to get too upset that we spend 1% of our entire expenditure trying to make some of the rest of the world a bit better and hopefully making them into customers, or clients, or perhaps simply just not enemys or problems down the road.

No I don't think we spend too much on aid. I think we spend a decent amount.

So Chindie how can you justify us giving aid to China, India and south Africa?! All with emerging or already huge economies?!

Can anyone justify us spending more on foreign aid then on our home office budget which includes policing and counter-terrorism which has been cut to £8.3bn??

Do only guardian readers post in off topic?? :-)

Ah, I see. We're going to conflate my being ok with amounts spent with my believing the system is perfect. Lets not play this game.

I'm not sure where you're getting your figures from for the rest, but I don't really care to be honest. All any further dialogue would achieve is a waste of electricity and bandwidth, amongst other things.

So in other words you have nothing to say because you know I'm right despite childishly labelling anyone who doesn't agree with you an arse scratching moron.

<sips tea awaiting the guardian brigades insults>

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No I actually just spent an hour trying to find out where on earth you'd got the numbers from and I'm damned if I can find out, and I'm normally quite good at those things.


But ultimately, it does seem like a waste of time, really, doesn't it? I can produce as many arguments as I like, until those Dutch cows come home, you've made you mind up and you ain't budging. So why waste my time? And you've already shown you're going to throw strawmen into the game so it all seems rather futile really.


You go believe what you like. You go support odious tosspots like Bloom. I'm sure it'll make you happy. Enjoy.

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So Chindie how can you justify us giving aid to China, India and south Africa?! All with emerging or already huge economies?!

Can anyone justify us spending more on foreign aid then on our home office budget which includes policing and counter-terrorism which has been cut to £8.3bn??

Do only guardian readers post in off topic?? :-)



Inflammatory stuff. Dig a little deeper and you'll find that we don't directly give many of these countries aid any more.


The EU does with money we give them, we're objecting to this and the EU are now investigating the fraudulent misappropriation of funds (it's about bloody time, frankly)


It appears to be already wealthy politicians, businessmen and criminals are lining their pockets - Quelle surprise.


As for counter terrorism, we spent more money and, more importantly, spilled too much blood quite unnecessarily ramping up the threat. Then China got the oil -  brilliant! We're reaping what we sowed there.


The current hardships here are down to the gambling debts of the rich, who continue to take the piss - Boardroom pay rose 7 times more than average Joe's last year.


We shouldn't be squabbling amongst ourselves, we should turn on those who just exist to take and have no interest in aiding society as a whole.

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We don't get any aid, says president of Bongobongoland

BONGOBONGOLAND last night insisted it has never received a penny in international aid.


The country’s president spoke out after UKIP MEP Godfrey Bloom claimed all of Britain’s £11bn aid budget was being sent to the small west African nation.


President Brian Inkatwe said: “We get by on our own. I think it’s because no-one actually believes we exist.


“I have written to the UN on several occasions asking them if they could give us advice on starting a rural banking scheme, but every time they write back and tell me that the phrase ‘Bongobongoland’ is horribly racist and that I should stop wasting their time.


“Some aid would be nice as our economy has suffered since Chinese factories started pumping out cut price bongos.”


Bongobongoland sits between Liberia and the Ivory Coast and was a British colony until 1959. When it was granted independence everyone in Britain assumed the news reports referred to the entire African continent.


President Inkatwe added: “Our neighbours in Liberia receive some aid money and as far as I can tell most of it does actually get spent on making people’s lives  just a tiny bit better. Not as good as yours or Godfrey Bloom’s obviously, but just not horrible all the time.


“No doubt some of it gets siphoned off and spent on fancy sunglasses, but people are shits wherever you go.


“Except Britain of course. Everyone in Britain is just **** brilliant.”


Daily Mash, natch



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