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Arkham Origins


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Some impressive tech in this. It still strikes me as looking less interesting than the first 2, understandably, and also already leaving a hint that it's not quite to the same standard either, but it's looking decent.

Still not sure we needed anther mind.

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Looking forward to this. The first two are a credit to the series and is obviously a game made for the fans.


Can't see this being a fail because they don't really have to do much with the mechanics of the game.

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What is the impressive tech?

The PC version, with Nvidia graphics cards, has very nice particle effects with things like punches causing turbulence in smoke. It also has this life real-time deformable snow which even simulates different depths of snow. There's also been some fiddling with the cape tech which is always impressive.

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Looking forward to it but the last one failed to take use of hardware on pc. As far as I know, city is still broken on dx11. Hope my 670 4gb can handle it this time, but they annoyed the hell out of me last time. Specially with how nvidia constantly promoted it with it`s tech and how they never fixed it. Haven`t kept myself updated on this one though, so I need to check it out some more. 

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By most accounts the portable game is a decent Metroidvania game if a little lacking in sparkle.

The full scale release is being described as a little bit like a cover of a song you really like - it's got all the requisite parts but just isn't quite the real thing. Which isn't surprising. Will be giving it a crack myself tomorrow.

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I think a lot of that is just psychological. You know it isn't made by Rocksteady so you'll just never quite be able to accept it to be on that level. I've played the first half hour of it and I'm enjoying it a lot, that's enough for me.

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I think a lot of that is just psychological. You know it isn't made by Rocksteady so you'll just never quite be able to accept it to be on that level. I've played the first half hour of it and I'm enjoying it a lot, that's enough for me.

I'm sure it's partly that but I've also seen a lot of talk of it being very buggy and not feeling terribly fresh, that not much has changed from the last game. As said, unsurprising.

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Not a fan of developers than embargo reviewers before the release day. Just a way to hide criticism from people who might preorder IMO.

not any more, release day embargoes are becoming increasingly common, even for non-broken games

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Did the awful amateurish lip synching from the 17 minute gameplay video make it into final retail? How does it look/play? As smooth as aa/ac?

Edited by Ingram85
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I've just played the intro. It feels like an Arkham City expansion pack, very very familiar feeling from the word go - it's the same controls and animations you know from the last game. Looks pretty enough although the framerate has dropped just a little a few times. Graphics are fine, playing on PC. And the voice acting is pretty good, the chap playing Bats is doing a pretty good Conroy impression.


Biggest issue so far is...well... I've just started the first part of the game proper and ended up with absolutely no game in-game sound. I still get menu sounds, but whilst playing it's utterly silent. Bizarre. I've seen a lot of comments that the game is buggy, so I'm not too surprised but hopefully that is something that solves on a restart when I spark it up later.


Even in that short time you can feel it's not quite upto the standard of the first 2, it's hard to put your finger on but it's lacking that polish. Even daft things like a character we know from the other games in the series looking different is one of those daft things that makes you think this isn't quite upto the same standard the others where.


But, fundamentally, it looks like they've not changed much gameplay wise so if you like the others, you'll soon settle into this... it just looks like it might all be set against a slightly crapper background.

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The buglist on this is growing to a very unhealthy number according to a fair few forums. My brother has stopped playing it until an update is put out. I'll leave it until Xmas and have it as a pressie.

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Buggy is definitely the word. Just stumbled on a room I cannot exit because it's impossible to grapple up and into the vent you need to use to exit the room. A particularly grim bug as you simply cannot then do anything, you're locked in a small room. Not a restart to fix issue either - happens every time.

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Couple of other things have revealed themselves...


They've changed the combat system slightly, it seems like the timing is a little off but also you regularly have things miss. I've had a few fights now where, if this was Arkham City, I'd be bouncing around racking up the combo numbers. In this I've frequently had counters simply not happen, punches fly off to no-one in particular, or sometimes worse fly off to the wrong enemy, and it really seems to have broken the ground takedown entirely - 3 or 4 times now I've gone to take down a floored opponent and, despite hammering the right trigger+Y, simply not been able to pull off the move despite being stood over the enemy.


I also managed to have a similar issue earlier where I was in predator room and managed to follow an enemy for a while with the prompt for a silent takedown there and the game simply refusing to do it despite my inputs.


Camera is also ropey, it's often not terribly well placed for the combat scenarios, and in exploration sequences I've had it break entirely. I was crawling though a vent earlier and had to break a cover, the camera zoomed off somewhere and I was left with a view of a industrial looking vent texture for a while until the animation ended.

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