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Margaret Thatcher dies of a stroke.


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Yes, perspective. It's a song. Does it offend you? Tough.

I could say the same about her funeral costs.


Yeah but the costs are actually totally different thing so that is like saying "does my farts stinking offend you" as being the same as "I am offended by the price of baked beans" - there is a tenuous link but not really the same

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The government haven't; the BBC have...

But why let a little thing like facts get in the way of politically uninformed faux outrage.

Good to see the lefty BBC sticking to the Right Wing government. :)

ahhh the old "lefty BBC", blimey they are all coming out today - good to see it again. Can't wait for the next contribution

As for the "song", then the BBC, anyone etc should play it as there is obviously a desire by those that have (legally) purchased it to hear (Edit: :-) oops spelling) it. It actually makes quite a serious statement both in terms of censorship and also how despite the best will of the "annoyed of Surrey" there are a significant amount of people who are quite keen to show their views re Thatcher and don't subscribe to the "we must honour this brave old woman" mullarky

Your startling inability to see irony or sarcasm never ceases to amaze. Surely the "lefty" BBC would be all too happy to play the song in full? No?

Never mind just continue having the debate you want to have rather than the actual one?

Funny Eames that you missed the fact that I was significantly contributing to the debate as opposed to your 1) abuse of posters 2) resorting to the "ahhh but ...." mentality that was firmly put to bed by the "twonk" comment from Pete earlier in the thread

So again, maybe debate with views as to why the outraged are feeling so irked about this little ditty, and keep the abuse etc for other times eh?

Yes, perspective. It's a song. Does it offend you? Tough.

Anything by the Smiths offends me.

Abuse of other posters drat? Where pray?

The mods appear not to have picked up any.

I don't recall expressing an opinion on the decision not to play the song, please correct me if I have.

Like I said, my post was intended to be an ironic response... since to me a "lefty" BBC deciding not to play it seems incongruous.

Fwiw I think the song should be played. It's a very sad person that gets offended by such a daft "protest" blimey there will be a damn sight more disrespect at the funeral for people to get properly upset about.

Oh and would Peters use of "twonk" not also constitute abuse? But since you agree with him I guess not.

Try not to be so precious eh? It makes life much easier. :)

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I wonder what difference it makes if the beeb play it or don't play it.


I don't suppose anyone is offended by the song itself, except perhaps on musical grounds.  The offence lies in the fact that people are buying it in connection with Thatcher's death, and doing so in a way meant to show that a lot of people feel the same way.  Won't those who are offended still be offended by this, if the song isn't played?


Tactically, demanding it not be played is inept.  It draws more attention to the issue, it brings in the Streisand effect.  It means that instead of the song just being played as a song with no comment, it will now be played as a short segment with a comment linking the fact of not playing it to the politics of the situation.  It makes those demanding a ban look heavy-handed, sanctimonious and po-faced.  It makes those wanting it played feel like they have been censored, which will stir them on to propagate the song more widely.  And it makes the beeb look as though it's no more independent of the ruling powers than any government department.


I think that letting it be played would have deflated the issue slightly, given the Mail a few more stories about how the Trotskyite BBC must be brought to heel, and that's about it.  Now we'll have more effort to circulate the song in more ways, specifically as an act of defiance.  Anyone who is offended by people buying it surely won't have less cause to feel offended, while also now feeling that their demands for it to be banned have been about as effective as striding across Richmond Park shouting "Fenton!" in a very loud voice; not only completely ineffective, but an object of ridicule.

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The facebook group behind all this must be laughing their bollocks off and if not they should be. Due to the right wing media and now the bbc this song has got way more publicity than it should have ever have done. It was front page news ffs. It would have been far better just to ignore the issue. When asked if they were going to play the song, an issue that has run all week, the bbc should have said immediately its a 51 second song by Judy Garland from the wizard of OZ why wouldn't we.
Banning anything simply makes people become more defiant . No matter how distasteful some saw it all they have achieved by blowing it out of all proportion it that it has now been made important and that has made people take sides in ways they wouldn't be bothered to if it had just been seen as silly.
Bottom line to all this is that with all this publicity it has gotten by Mr and Mrs easily offended making a mountain out of a mole hill is that it has been pushed way further up the charts than it ever would have been had people just ignored it.
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I remember very well the "outrage" that some of the VT'ers who shall we say are UKIP and Tory supporters had regarding things like Civil Liberties and Freedom of Speech etc. It now seems that these liberties and freedoms are a one way thing and only apply when a) they are in opposition (I appreciate UKIP will always be that but let's be honest them and the Tory party are pretty much the same thing) or B) when they don't want to hear from anyone having differing viewpoints to theirs, especially about some as iconic to them as the Thatcher woman.


I suppose the songs that were released at the height of the Thatcher reign should also be banned, damn you Specials etc never let your music be heard again


The modern Tory Party and the Labour Party are indistinguishable apart from the colour of their ties. Thatcher killed politics as an effective way for the people of this country to influence its future by selling it to the banks and killing any voice of dissent. Her protege Tony Blair finished off the Labour Party just in case.


I'm genuinely surprised that people still believe in party politics.

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I'm genuinely surprised that people still believe in party politics.

We the people don't, election turnouts are getting lower and lower. Strong independent candidates and smaller parties are getting elected more regularly. What keeps the big two / three parties at the top is their cosy relationship with the news media, not in a conspiratorial way more a symbiotic way where they need each other so much, they are afraid to cut themselves loose from one another. But slowly it is all beginning to unravel.

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I remember very well the "outrage" that some of the VT'ers who shall we say are UKIP and Tory supporters had regarding things like Civil Liberties and Freedom of Speech etc. It now seems that these liberties and freedoms are a one way thing and only apply when a) they are in opposition (I appreciate UKIP will always be that but let's be honest them and the Tory party are pretty much the same thing) or B) when they don't want to hear from anyone having differing viewpoints to theirs, especially about some as iconic to them as the Thatcher woman.


I suppose the songs that were released at the height of the Thatcher reign should also be banned, damn you Specials etc never let your music be heard again


The modern Tory Party and the Labour Party are indistinguishable apart from the colour of their ties. Thatcher killed politics as an effective way for the people of this country to influence its future by selling it to the banks and killing any voice of dissent. Her protege Tony Blair finished off the Labour Party just in case.


I'm genuinely surprised that people still believe in party politics.



This very much. Politics is all a joke these days though.


Party politics is all the same.


You have left and right wing extremists who are as bad as each other.


What is there for us centrists who hate everybody?  :wub:

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Newsnight said there was a counter campaign to the Munchkin song with downloads of The Notsensibles' track 'I'm in love with Margaret Thatcher'. Seems like a sound response rather than the wailing, illiberal crap we've seen in here.

Edited by snowychap
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