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Margaret Thatcher dies of a stroke.


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Are you really stupid enough to conflate something being aired that is intentionally offensive aimed at someone who is despised for her actions, by those who bought the song, and airing something that promotes racial hatred?

im telling you that some people are excusing this as peaceful protest, it is been bought to offend and is offensive by your own admission.

If a racist party like BNP were to engage in a similar "peaceful protest" would that be supported? No of course not and rightly because it would be offensive . Those using "peaceful protest" are doing so in an attempt to excuse this offensive action.

Ad before anyone tries to imply anything I am not advocating for BNP, I would complain at that action similarly. Allowing this song IMO sets an unhealthy precedent of first this, what next in the name of peaceful protest

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Deary me Richard you really don't help yourself sometimes

why? Both are offensive


Being offended by something doesn't give anyone the right to ban it in a free society. I might complain about someone being racist or offensive and try and talk them round and change their opinion but banning things is not the way forward. 



Well, it's already kind of banned, laws against inciting racial hatred.


I agree with your point though, it's ridiculous how many overgrown children think they have the right to not be offended.


I personally think the UK is far to restrictive on the right to freedom of speech. 

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Are you really stupid enough to conflate something being aired that is intentionally offensive aimed at someone who is despised for her actions, by those who bought the song, and airing something that promotes racial hatred?

im telling you that some people are excusing this as peaceful protest, it is been bought to offend and is offensive by your own admission.

If a racist party like BNP were to engage in a similar "peaceful protest" would that be supported? No of course not and rightly because it would be offensive . Those using "peaceful protest" are doing so in an attempt to excuse this offensive action.

Ad before anyone tries to imply anything I am not advocating for BNP, I would complain at that action similarly. Allowing this song IMO sets an unhealthy precedent of first this, what next in the name of peaceful protest




The difference being that playing a racially offensive song would actually be illegal, whereas "Ding Dong The Witch is Dead" is merely offensive and distasteful. Fortunately we do not live in a nation so repressive that it's illegal to offend. Those who are offended should change the **** radio station.

Edited by Davkaus
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Deary me Richard you really don't help yourself sometimes

why? Both are offensive


Well one is a racist song the other is just a song that some have bothered to spend their £53 on.











That last bit is a joke before people go all mental.

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I am offended by that last comment - IDS would never pay for the song




Theresa May had to have a second thought though about her choice of shoes for the funeral

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Are you really stupid enough to conflate something being aired that is intentionally offensive aimed at someone who is despised for her actions, by those who bought the song, and airing something that promotes racial hatred?


Again, people have a right to protest, but the specific choice of song is a bit touch and go. People are celebrating the fact that SHE IS DEAD. Not her regime (ended a long time ago), not her policies (Still in effect and won't be repealed just because she's dead).


Protest what she did, but actively celebrating that another human is dead just resonates badly.


So in the same way, it is similar to what Richard is saying, because people will find it offensive. A protest song about her policies or something like that, people wouldn't be quite as tetchy about.

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Personally I wouldn't ban it 'm not fussed about the song ( though it is an awful bloody song , not heard anything that irritating since bohemian rhapsody ) even if it is distasteful in this context

Personally I am more "bothered" about yet another Facebook bandwagon being jumped on ... Mildly insignificant stuff but this bandwagon stuff ( like the Jonathan Ross episode the other year ) just irritates me

Edited by tonyh29
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Blimey, it comes to something when I see poor old Munchkins being compared to racists. ;)

It was apart - height that did itwizard-of-oz-munchkins.jpg

Is that William Hague on the right?

And David Cameron in a dress near the bottom right ?
IDS centre
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The government haven't; the BBC have...

But why let a little thing like facts get in the way of politically uninformed faux outrage.

Good to see the lefty BBC sticking to the Right Wing government. :)

ahhh the old "lefty BBC", blimey they are all coming out today - good to see it again. Can't wait for the next contribution

As for the "song", then the BBC, anyone etc should play it as there is obviously a desire by those that have (legally) purchased it to hear (Edit: :-) oops spelling) it. It actually makes quite a serious statement both in terms of censorship and also how despite the best will of the "annoyed of Surrey" there are a significant amount of people who are quite keen to show their views re Thatcher and don't subscribe to the "we must honour this brave old woman" mullarky

Your startling inability to see irony or sarcasm never ceases to amaze. Surely the "lefty" BBC would be all too happy to play the song in full? No?

Never mind just continue having the debate you want to have rather than the actual one?

Edited by Eames
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Blimey, it comes to something when I see poor old Munchkins being compared to racists. ;)

It was apart - height that did itwizard-of-oz-munchkins.jpg

Is that William Hague on the right?

And David Cameron in a dress near the bottom right ?
IDS centre



Maybe this has all been an inside job?... :suspect:

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What a load of rubbish these North Korea comparisons are. You wouldn't even be able to buy that song in North Korea, nor any of the other 39 songs in the top 40 for that matter. Get some perspective.

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The government haven't; the BBC have...

But why let a little thing like facts get in the way of politically uninformed faux outrage.

Good to see the lefty BBC sticking to the Right Wing government. :)

ahhh the old "lefty BBC", blimey they are all coming out today - good to see it again. Can't wait for the next contribution

As for the "song", then the BBC, anyone etc should play it as there is obviously a desire by those that have (legally) purchased it to hear (Edit: :-) oops spelling) it. It actually makes quite a serious statement both in terms of censorship and also how despite the best will of the "annoyed of Surrey" there are a significant amount of people who are quite keen to show their views re Thatcher and don't subscribe to the "we must honour this brave old woman" mullarky

Your startling inability to see irony or sarcasm never ceases to amaze. Surely the "lefty" BBC would be all too happy to play the song in full? No?

Never mind just continue having the debate you want to have rather than the actual one?


Funny Eames that you missed the fact that I was significantly contributing to the debate as opposed to your 1) abuse of posters 2) resorting to the "ahhh but ...." mentality that was firmly put to bed by the "twonk" comment from Pete earlier in the thread


So again, maybe debate with views as to why the outraged are feeling so irked about this little ditty, and keep the abuse etc for other times eh?

Yes, perspective. It's a song. Does it offend you? Tough.


Anything by the Smiths offends me.

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