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Companies you've boycotted


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Can't understand why people boycott Apple, my life would be considerably worse without their products.


As for me, soccer sport/ soccer world/ sports direct or whatever it is called now. Used to hate JJB too but now they have closed down I am glad. 

No it wouldn't, you're just another one who's been sold the myth. For every Apple product, there's a superior product in every way.


There are many reasons why I despise the snake oil venders but I'll try and list them.


1. They boycotted Linux as it was a threat to their Mac OS desktop share. Therefore, they boycotted me.

2. Steve Jobs was a charismatic salesman. Not a genius or anything approaching it. Some things he was right on, some things he was wrong on, like everyone else. For every product he made out to be something special, someone had already done it before, or it was so obvious that only idiots thought it was something new.

3. Their continued reality distortion field. They actually believe that anyone who produces a rectangular phone or tablet is infringing on their design trademarks because they think everyone else is so stupid that they wouldn't think of that. The actual original iPhone design was floating around between company's design departments for a while before Apple brought it out, it was the next evolutionary step and touch screen smartphones were already out there with more functionality. Yet they still have the gall to sue anyone and everyone, hurting the consumer by blocking imports of devices that have nothing to do with them, because someone else also thinks that it's a good idea to have a green icon for making a call and a red icon for hanging up.

4. There's lots and lots of the above going on, they're suing anyone they can for completely frivolous stuff, because some short-sighted people buy into their rubbish. Mostly it's only USA where they win because they still have a majority of opinion there, being the original American new tech company. When they brought the fight over here, a British judge told them where to go and made them put an apology to Samsung on their web site. Even then they thought they were above British law and made the apology into some snide remark about how other people thought they had a case but the British didn't. There's plenty of info into their abuse of the trademarks and patents systems if you search for it.

5. Finally, more a reason why I would never have anything Apple is because it's akin to Burberry now. The only people still using them are doing so without realising that many other people are laughing at them for being so out of touch, while they think they're cool. If you use or have Apple devices in the tech community, then it's automatically a big sign over your head that you don't really know what you're talking about and no-one should take you seriously because you prefer aluminium over function.


They're a nasty deluded company who embody everything that's wrong with capitalism and corporate America, and everything that's wrong with human ignorance with cognitive dissonance.

It's a bit disingenuous to suggest everyone that has an iPad is some form of retard incapable of thought , there may be an element of hype around the iPad etc but they are still decent products ...I would openly laugh at those people that queue up overnight in the street to get the "first" I-whatever but other than that I can't agree with you

Perhaps so. I know lots of friends with iPads and I wouldn't class them a retards incapable of thought, but I would class a lot of the ignorant 'iPad this, iPad that' people less capable of independent thought.


Apologies if I've offended anyone.


I understand why people would disagree with Apple because of their business practices and their so-called illusion of superiority, but I can't for one second believe that I have been 'sold a myth'. In my opinion, I have a Mac because it is the best laptop in that price range. It has the simplicity and elegance whilst packing the power as well. The same with my iPad, I genuinely believe it is the best tablet product on the market. 


Apple are great at what they do, their products are fantastic. I think people just slate them because they have become 'too successful', dare I say. 10 years ago people preferred Macs as they were a breath of fresh air away from Windows. Now Apple Macs are more popular, they are viewed the same as Windows, and people enjoy slating them.  

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KFC only the one opposite my house. Closed the restaurant as I walked up to door. Then refused to serve me at drive throu window.

A Burger King in Atlanta called the police when me and my mate attempted to get a 2am burger whilst rather drunk and doing our best play school impression of a man driving an invisible car

They should go on the list for that , but the bacon double cheeseburger is just to damn tasty IMO

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Dell Computer Co.


Diabolical customer service. I had to threaten to report them to my state Attorney General's Office to get them to refund my money in it's entirety. Evil **** people.

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Dell Computer Co.

Diabolical customer service. I had to threaten to report them to my state Attorney General's Office to get them to refund my money in it's entirety. Evil **** people.

Yup. They are so shite man. Had the next business day repair warranty for my laptop and four times the motherboard got **** (a known problem for the model I owned) and it always took them at least a week to fix it and when I asked for a replacement they refused. Bunch of Asshats Dell are!
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I don't boycott anyone as such. Too much effort. Some brands I won't buy because I think they are shit.

Life's too short to hold grudges and refuse to use a particular service or buy a particular product if its good value for money.


If you're going to buy something, out of principle, wouldn't you need to check every participant in the chain to make sure the product you're buying isn't linked somewhere along the line to a company on your blacklist? 

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I understand why people would disagree with Apple because of their business practices and their so-called illusion of superiority, but I can't for one second believe that I have been 'sold a myth'. In my opinion, I have a Mac because it is the best laptop in that price range. It has the simplicity and elegance whilst packing the power as well. The same with my iPad, I genuinely believe it is the best tablet product on the market. 


Apple are great at what they do, their products are fantastic. I think people just slate them because they have become 'too successful', dare I say. 10 years ago people preferred Macs as they were a breath of fresh air away from Windows. Now Apple Macs are more popular, they are viewed the same as Windows, and people enjoy slating them.  


Apple are more popular than Windows?  You've been sold and absorbed the myth.




Try to list things an Apple device can do that much cheaper alternatives can't.

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Try to list things an Apple device can do that much cheaper alternatives can't.



1) It allows you to never shut the **** up about owning an Apple device. ;)

To be fair, especially on VT, it's the people who refuse to own an Apple device that never shut the **** up about Apple.

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When I was an angry young man I went through a phase of boycotting McDonalds due to their alleged links with the IRA but that is the only active refusal to use a specific company I've ever made. I had a friend back in school whose Dad I remember would to refuse to buy certain brands (Sharp, Crown Paints) if they sponsored a football team he didn't like.

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10 years ago people preferred Macs as they were a breath of fresh air away from Windows.


20 years ago (some) people preferred them because they were wannabe hipsters. Because arty London designer types endorsed them. Because Stephen Fry had one. Because they didn't know how to use an actual computer and got scared by the sight of a DOS bootup screen. Because they were "reassuringly expensive".


I have no idea what product the modern versions of those people go on about, but I'll bet they are still around. And still a bunch of irritating rocket polishers.

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10 years ago people preferred Macs as they were a breath of fresh air away from Windows.


20 years ago (some) people preferred them because they were wannabe hipsters. Because arty London designer types endorsed them. Because Stephen Fry had one. Because they didn't know how to use an actual computer and got scared by the sight of a DOS bootup screen. Because they were "reassuringly expensive".


I have no idea what product the modern versions of those people go on about, but I'll bet they are still around. And still a bunch of irritating rocket polishers.

I installed a mac at his house back in my field engineer days  ( and Jonathan Ross& Lenny Henry  as well )  .. should really go to the rubbish claim to fame thread though

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10 years ago people preferred Macs as they were a breath of fresh air away from Windows.


20 years ago (some) people preferred them because they were wannabe hipsters. Because arty London designer types endorsed them. Because Stephen Fry had one. Because they didn't know how to use an actual computer and got scared by the sight of a DOS bootup screen. Because they were "reassuringly expensive".


I have no idea what product the modern versions of those people go on about, but I'll bet they are still around. And still a bunch of irritating rocket polishers.

I installed a mac at his house back in my field engineer days  ( and Jonathan Ross& Lenny Henry  as well )  .. should really go to the rubbish claim to fame thread though


I rest my case, m'lud. :D

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I understand why people would disagree with Apple because of their business practices and their so-called illusion of superiority, but I can't for one second believe that I have been 'sold a myth'. In my opinion, I have a Mac because it is the best laptop in that price range. It has the simplicity and elegance whilst packing the power as well. The same with my iPad, I genuinely believe it is the best tablet product on the market. 


Apple are great at what they do, their products are fantastic. I think people just slate them because they have become 'too successful', dare I say. 10 years ago people preferred Macs as they were a breath of fresh air away from Windows. Now Apple Macs are more popular, they are viewed the same as Windows, and people enjoy slating them.  


Apple are more popular than Windows?  You've been sold and absorbed the myth.




Try to list things an Apple device can do that much cheaper alternatives can't.

I mean now Apple are more popular than they were in the past, not that they are more popular than Windows.

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I boycott the Daily Mirror because many moons ago when I used to buy the thing every day, they did the usual thing of putting a spy shot of a sunbathing non-celeb on the front, a story about a half baked soap star on page 3, similar crap on pages 4 through to 14 then buried a story on the 15th page of a poor 10 year old girl who needed a liver transplant to save her life. I wrote to Piers Morgan the then editor, asking why the girl wasn't on the front page. He replied with the biggest, patronising load of clap trap I'd ever read, so I stopped buying his poxy paper and haven't bought it since for that reason. Oh yeah, plus the fact it's shit.

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KFC only the one opposite my house. Closed the restaurant as I walked up to door. Then refused to serve me at drive throu window.

A Burger King in Atlanta called the police when me and my mate attempted to get a 2am burger whilst rather drunk and doing our best play school impression of a man driving an invisible car

They should go on the list for that , but the bacon double cheeseburger is just to damn tasty IMO




I'm glad that I'm not the only one to have tried that stunt and subsequently failed.

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Back to question in hand:


I live in a reasonably small town, which previously had 1 very popular coffee shop in it. Costa Coffee then decided to move in directly across the road from them, putting their future into jeopardy.


Pretty much everyone in the town, myself included, refuses to go into the new coffee shop, and I shall celebrate the day that it has to close.


That said, my boycott of Costa stops at the border of Chepstow.

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I've never boycotted a company although I have boycotted individual outlets. Plus things like never buying Sony for certain types of product. As a consumer I'm driven by cost and value so I would never cut off my nose to spite my face. If it benefits me to buy something then I'll do it.

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