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This could go either way.

Scenario 1. He comes in, lights a fire under everyone's ass and the new-manager momentum steers them clear of relegation.

Scenario 2. He comes in Roy-Keane-stylee and falls out with everyone (something he has in his locker) and then he can't get the best out of them. They go down.

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You have to wonder whether there would be such a media inquisition if he was a communist. As I said in the other thread though, a lot of this is his own fault for being so open about his political beliefs in the first place. On the other hand, this is football and not politics and I think the media have been a bit unprofessional here (hardly anything new).


That said I have no love for Di Canio after what he said about us and I sincerely hope things do not work out for him or Sunderland for the rest of the season.

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Whatever happens, it'll be entertaining. I think it's great that he's in the Premier League now, the game needs some more characters. He was doing a bloody good job at Swindon, so he's got something about him for sure and I think he'll galvanise the team and steer them to safety. Bad news for Villa I reckon.


But if it goes wrong, it'll go very very badly wrong :)


I'm not sure of the relevance of his political views, he struck me as a fair and sporting individual on the pitch - seems a far less unsavoury character than Terry or Suarez for example. 

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I think its pathetic regarding his political views. Whatever happened to freedom of speech and opinion, its becoming too PC


Apparently their was 3 times as many journalists at PDC press conference than MONs which means the media are jsut looking to make trouble and have an agenda


It reminds me of the horrible press campaign against AVB because he replaced Golden Arry

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Are we just going to get a daily denial from now on that PDC is a fascist? See it's all over the papers today again. This is a farce and shambles on a large scale. He has said in the past he's a fascist, he has showvm sympathy for Mussolini, and he has given the fascist salute to Lazio fans. He needs to do more than just deny he's a fascist to get out of all that

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Surely Di Canio is entitled to his own opinions, no matter how wrong we perceive them to be? As has been said already on this thread, he is a football manager, not a politician, and as long as he sticks to his remit while manager of Sunderland then I don't see what the problem is. If he starts saluting the crowd as he has done in the past then that would be completely unacceptable, but that's not going to happen.


For such a tolerant nation, in such a tolerant time where the only thing we don't tolerate is intolerance, the media's treatment of Di Canio seems a bit out of keeping. It is the media who are bringing up Fascism at every opportunity, not Di Canio.



Fascism is not OK in my book, but everyone is entitled to live their life the way they see fit, picking up whatever views they like along the way.

Di Canio is still a rocker polisher.

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exactly. Im sure some people who work in McDonalds have Fascist beliefs but they arent getting questioned by the media over it.


You really think working at McDonalds is the same as being a football manager?


He is perfectly entitled to think what he likes but if he is going to publicly proclaim he is a Fascist and give Fascist salutes then take up a job where he is the public face of Sunderland FC then Sunderland fans are going to want that issue cleared up.


The media are doing the job they are supposed to, giving a voice to fans who want to know what to expect from their new manager.

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You really think working at McDonalds is the same as being a football manager?

In terms of the amount of gesticulation required to get people to queue at every till and not bundle down the middle en masse, absolutely.  I swear everytime I go in for lunch I come out with some form of PTSD.

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It's not as if Di Canio came in proclaiming he was a fascist when he got the Sunderland job. The only people who mentioned it were the media.


Well people are interested, not least the fans of Sunderland, so that makes it the media's job to find out on their behalf.

So if we all suddenly became interested in Lambert's political beliefs it would be the local media's job to hound Lambert about them at press conferences?


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It's not as if Di Canio came in proclaiming he was a fascist when he got the Sunderland job. The only people who mentioned it were the media.


Well people are interested, not least the fans of Sunderland, so that makes it the media's job to find out on their behalf.

So if we all suddenly became interested in Lambert's political beliefs it would be the local media's job to hound Lambert about them at press conferences?


If Lambert does something that brings shame on Aston Villa then I would expect the media to ask him about it at a press conference, yes.


Not sure why old Paolo needs defending from the big bad media. All they did was ask him some questions about his dodgy past behavior. 

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