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Oscar Pistorius shoots girlfriend dead


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Guilty as sin as I see it.


A few things to note:


he now claims he didn't have his 'legs' on, went to get a fan or some such as then heard noise from the bathroom so decided it MUST be an intruder and opened fire (presumably before going back to the bedroom and seeing GF was not there). 


a. Did he take his gun with him to go and get this fan? Seems a bit strange, if he keeps his gun by his bed in his bedroom.

b. would he not think to check it's not his GF in the bathroom, a far more lilely scenario than an intruder?

c. Why would an intruder be in the bathroom?!

d. Why the feck would an intruder be LOCKED in the bathroom.

e. Why had no alarms gone off if there was an intruder - we're told these places have very high security.


Is there a cricket bat with her blood/DNA on it? Does she have any bruising consistent with a cricket bat attack?

Did the neighbours hear earlier disturbances from the house - I think we've heard yes on that

Have the police been called to domestics at this address between these 2 people before - I think we've heard yes on that too.


If this guy gets off with anything less than murder, the prosection want 'shooting'.


His account is that he went to get the fan, then heard the noise, then got the gun, which we understand was kept under the bed or under the pillow.


 ...He said they went to bed and fell asleep. 

He woke to close a sliding door and get a fan and went out on to the balcony, he said.

At that point he heard a noise in the bathroom and felt a "sense of terror" rush through him. 

He was scared and didn't switch on the light, he said.

He was acutely aware of violent crime and had received death threats in the past, and had been a victim of crime in the past, he said. For that reason he kept a 9mm pistol under the bed.

He said he got his gun and moved towards the bathroom, and screamed at the "intruder" to get out of the house and for Steenkamp to call the police. He thought she was still in bed.

He did not have his prosthetic legs on, and said he felt vulnerable for both himself and Steenkamp. For that reason, he said, he fired through the bathroom door. 

He then saw that Steenkamp was not in bed, he said. That was when he realised she could have been in the bathroom, he said. The bathroom door was locked. 

He said he went to the balcony and called for help, and then put his legs on.

He said he opened the toilet door by smashing it with a cricket bat.  Steenkamp was alive inside, slumped over, he said. He took her to the bathroom, called paramedics and tried to carry her downstairs to get help, he said...


So I suppose the questions will be about the credibility of hearing intruders, returning to the room where she lay sleeping, finding the gun in the dark, deciding not to wake her to warn her and get her to call the police, failing to notice she wasn't there, going to investigate without putting on his legs and so making himself more vulnerable, shouting a warning at the supposed intruder in the toilet but Reeva in the toilet not responding to these shouted threats to say it was only her...


I should think few people would find that credible, though it's not impossible.


Blood on the bat in itself proves nothing.  He says he used it to break down the door, so it could easily have come into contact with all the blood that would have been present.  Presumably they will easily tell whether the bat was used to hit her, which would be a very different thing.


It is possible that an intruder could lock themselves in the toilet - they would probably be as scared as the householder.  And the alarm not going off means nothing - he gave an interview last year where he discussed the possibility of security guards being in on a burglary, so it's plausible that someone with that mindset wouldn't place all their trust in alarm systems.


It seems like the whole thing rests on whether that account is to be believed, in the absence of definite proof.  If the bat was used to hit her, that would seem to undermine his case, as he hasn't mentioned it.  And if the reports of noisy arguments and possible messages from another man on her Ipad are correct, then his account of a happy evening shared by two people very much in love would start to look threadbare.

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if he didn't have his legs on how did he go out to the balcony to shut the door?

If he didn't turn the light on how did he get his gun?

If he thought that the intruder was there to kill him rather than rob him why had the intruder opted to lock themselves in the bathroom rather than er kill him?

More holes in his defence than in his bathroom door.

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To be fair to Jenny, if the guy was a bit of a word removed, you'd expect it more.

But your point reminds me of when Fritzl was caught and it was all over the news.


They showed some old home videos and the reporter said

"maybe the most chilling thing about these videos, is that they seem so normal"


Made me laugh. Was she expecting him to be running around kidnapping women and raping them in those videos?!

Yeah, I was having a pop at the 'he seemed so normal/he looked so normal' kind of quotes/interviews/reporting, rather than our lovely Jen.


Because, as she says, he seemed nice, but, how wrong she was (probably!). he's not been found guilty yet!ut everything despite the eyes

I see your point guys, and in general i agree. It's just that you know you can generally get at least a vibe from someone...as to whether there are not quite right. But with him, nothing at all, he was so humble and relaxed about everything, i suppose i put his anger after losing down to just pure competitive spirit and just hating losing. It seems that it was more than that.


I suppose some people have two personalities going on and are able to switch instantly. One thing i do know is Oakley are sort of pissed lol

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just seems like a utter mess this case


i dont think all those coincidences could have happened to be honest




I was initially very skeptical of the intruder defence. I still am. But the guy is, even in SA and even during a trial by media, innocent until proven guilty. Whilst that particular set of "coincidences" as you call them are highly unlikely, they don't seem all that ridiculous to me.


It's a big world, crazy shit happens. This probably wouldn't make the top 10 craziest shit to happen this year and it's only February.   

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Interesting piece from wiki, seems the boy has form -

In 2009 Pistorius was arrested and charged with common assault by South African police for slamming a door on a woman at his home. The charges were later dropped.

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Interesting piece from wiki, seems the boy has form -

In 2009 Pistorius was arrested and charged with common assault by South African police for slamming a door on a woman at his home. The charges were later dropped.


Means nothing. I once did something "similar" to a then girlfriend during a drunken row. Went to slam the door behind me, she stuck her arm in the way, genuine accident, A+E. Nothing broken, all was well, we were together for a long time after that.


Reports of supposed domestic incidents do NOT make Oscar Pistorius a murderer.  

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