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The Randy Lerner thread


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If he had the balls to appoint a proper, experienced management team (that might challenge him sometimes) with a clear commercial strategy then I would be confident that we are moving forward positively.

But a proper experienced manager would not work under the restrictions imposed by RL

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Are we talking first team squad, how many is that 25?

So 250 grand a week.

So Another 4 or 5 players leaving with no replacement.

I hope this is journalist crap.

thats not what it says. If amyrhing its suggesting that those on big money will be replaced by those on less money
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This is hardly news. the wage bill remains too high. i thought this had been discussed to death on here several times?

Whats more interesting is where the mirror got their figures from. Who's been talking?

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What I find most amusing is the views of those who believe this is a temporary period of financial control anfd that all will be ok Once the evil Heskey and Beye have left the club.

The point is (backed up in part by the article listed) is that the wage bill at current is not affordable if we are to comply with the FFP regulations. Therefore even when Beye and Heskey's contract are up we will not see any manager given leave to go out and recruit new players on £40k + a week contracts. The money saved by their departure will only go towards bringing us towards our target whatever that might actually be, but it's clear we're not there yet.

So we either need Paul McGrath himself to come down and ensure the worlds most promising youngsters feel a sudden desire to relocate to Brum, or we cut our cloth accordingly and realise AMc, Hutton, N'Zog and a shed load of draws is as about as exciting as it's going to get to for a while.

I'm not sure what people actually want Lerner to do, stand up in front of a half full VP and tell us all exactly how it is (when the majority of us who can think for ourselves can see quite clearly what is going on)? Bankrupt himself and the club by going out and spending more money on big(ish) names on big contracts, bearing in mind any manager will struggle to better MoN's transfer record considering the reputation of our club and location comapred to the clubs we'd be up against for these players?

I'll put my hand up and say I didn't want McLeish, but to be fair to him he's doing a decent job considering contraints he's being forced to work under. I know many of you are asking about Hughes but do we really know the ins and outs of any negotiations with potential managers and I can understand why the club might want to keep it quiet when/if people turn the club down.

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I note a bit of historical re writing going on. MON is not a stupid man. He also is a manager who wants to win win things. So if he had total control over the expenditure at the club how come we did not do a Man Citeh? The answer is because he did not have total control and was working within a budget, a budget maybe bigger than some teams and certainly more than we have had before or since but a budget nonetheless which is also why he bought a lot of squad fillers and these are the type of players you cannot guarantee top quality performances from.

In terms of this news it basically puts to bed the rubbish that aftwr shifting a few more off the wage bill we can start spending again. That is utter rubbish.

We have to reduce the wage bill by 10K per week given 25 players that is 1M per month or 12M per year. That is based on the current revenue. If that deteriorates (as is likely) then the wages need to be reduced further. A vicious circle.

And then the wages will be in line with the requirement of the board. Why then sanction an increase in expenditure to take it aboive that level?

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I think that Stan the man got it right.

I am not one of those expecting to see any big name players oining the Villa in the near future but maybe that could be a good thing for us. We have heard rumours about Warnock and Ireland not really wanting to be here int he past so maybe it would be better for the club if we start to sign players from a bit lower down who actually do want to play at Aston Villa!

I just hope we don't waste millions on has-beens who are willing to accept the maximum wage we can offer. I would rather we spent wisely on younger, hungrier players from the Championship who can fight and work hard to get to that wage after a sustained period of playing well for the club. OK, that might mean they end up getting knicked by a top 6 club but at least we will be making big bucks profit on them, which is much better than us paying £8m for the likes of Reo-Coker only for him to leave for nothing!

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I am afraid the route outlined will leave us as a feeder club, a club developing players for bigger / better clubs than us. Never able to build on their quality (should it ever develop) and sustain a challenge to win things. A club that takes all the risk of developing younger untried players but none of the football reward.

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But all other clubs should be in the same boat. This should see the league settle down to three or four tiers tiers based on revenues:

- Big 4/5 (unsure where Citeh will be given that their revenues wouldn't match Utd, Chelski and Arsenal and not sure about Plop)

- Second tier consisting of Spurs, Villa, Newcastle, Everton and Sunderland (bigger traditional clubs with typically higher commercial revenues)

- Third tier established Premier League clubs with decent base topped by Stoke and including Fulham, Bolton etc.

- Fourth tier of yo yo clubs with smaller commercial bases

Youth development and good management should then come to the fore to determine what you achieve within your tier or whether you push on to the next tier. We would, I imagine, score highly on the youth side, probably alongside Everton, but poorly on management IMO.

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I am afraid the route outlined will leave us as a feeder club, a club developing players for bigger / better clubs than us

but every club is like that except big Spanish 2. Look at Arsenal they are a feeder club but regular Champions LEague. Spurs as well who rebuilt from their sales

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But all other clubs should be in the same boat. This should see the league settle down to three or four tiers tiers based on revenues:

- Big 4/5 (unsure where Citeh will be given that their revenues wouldn't match Utd, Chelski and Arsenal and not sure about Plop)

- Second tier consisting of Spurs, Villa, Newcastle, Everton and Sunderland (bigger traditional clubs with typically higher commercial revenues)

- Third tier established Premier League clubs with decent base topped by Stoke and including Fulham, Bolton etc.

- Fourth tier of yo yo clubs with smaller commercial bases

Youth development and good management should then come to the fore to determine what you achieve within your tier or whether you push on to the next tier. We would, I imagine, score highly on the youth side, probably alongside Everton, but poorly on management IMO.

The big 4/5 clubs will still be restricted on what they can spend on wages.

And the trouble with these clubs is that they will be paying more per head for each of their playing staff "big names" than most the other teams that are lower down in the league.. They wont be able to afford too many flops on long high contracts.

As for Villa reducing wages, this will be seen as a total..Not per player. You could spend 100k per week on wages for 3 x players in a number of different ways..For a start you could have;

1 x 80k pw player(big name) and 2 x 10k per week players(up and coming youngsters)..= A chance to make the big time.(where when your revenue would raise,you could also then raise the young player's wages accordingly).

Or you could have 3 x players all on just over 33k per week each (but all at the same mediocre level as players like Hutton/Sidwell etc)..= lets just be safe and stay mediocre.(average gates and no real raise in revenue).

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I am afraid the route outlined will leave us as a feeder club, a club developing players for bigger / better clubs than us

but every club is like that except big Spanish 2. Look at Arsenal they are a feeder club but regular Champions LEague. Spurs as well who rebuilt from their sales

Villa have ben a feeder club, a stepping stone, from the moment Dwight Yorke went to United, if not before.

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I am afraid the route outlined will leave us as a feeder club, a club developing players for bigger / better clubs than us

but every club is like that except big Spanish 2. Look at Arsenal they are a feeder club but regular Champions LEague. Spurs as well who rebuilt from their sales

Villa have ben a feeder club, a stepping stone, from the moment Dwight Yorke went to United, if not before.

Before - Gidman to ManUre, Platt to Bari

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I know people are really hacked off and feeling elt down, and I guess thats understandable to a point.

As I see it, RL came in with a plan to get into the top four. He appears to have put up the money that all things considered should have given us a really good chance. For two or three years there he provided massive, unprecedented for Villa sums of money for transfers and appears to have authorised a very large wage bill. For whatever reason we didnt quite make the step up.

RL is a man of relatively modest means (when compared to some club owners these days) and so such expenditure was clearly unsustainable without a massive injection of income from football, the kind of injection only really available to those clubs playing in the Champions League regulalry.

There wasnt really a decision to make was there? The decision was made for him by our failure to qualify for the champions league. The only thing that could be done was to rein our expenditure back in to within our means as a club, to make the severe cuts to our champions league sized wage budget to bring it into line with the club we really are, an upper mid table Premiership outfit.

Yes, alot of mistakes have been made, especially with the way we have gone about appointing managers, but I'm not at all sure that it is fair to accuse RL of financial mis management. Ultimately of course it is his fault, as the guy running the ship, that we didnt qualify for the Champions League. But as far as I can see, he did his bit, he put up the required cash, and was let down by others.

He trusted people he shouldnt have. We're now paying the price for that.

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Yes, alot of mistakes have been made, especially with the way we have gone about appointing managers, but I'm not at all sure that it is fair to accuse RL of financial mis management

I agree with everything except this.

If Randy knew he was taking a gamble on getting us into the Champions League, then a better contingency plan should have been in place in the event that we failed to qualify in the allotted timeframe.

Oneill should have been made aware of the financial outlook of the club earlier, so he could have walked at the end of his last season. Perhaps he would have thought twice about signing the likes of Beye & Heskey aswell, though that's just pure speculation.

Furthermore, if Randy knew his limits (financially) then i'm fairly sure we'd all have preferred extra investment in the playing staff over mosaics, pubs and charity sponsorships. Fantastic gestures, but these arent the kind of things that Villa fans are really after is it?

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