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The Randy Lerner thread


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Barrysboots and KHV I take your point. But the point is we have the seventh highest revenues in England. So if (IF) we were being run properly there should only be six clubs able to outspend/outperform us.

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To be fair to Randy would you want to give AMC money ? I certainly would NOT.

God knows he'd probably end up buying a majority of the Ex Birmingham side.

Then again when you have tossers like Robbie Keane, Alex Ferguson all coming out saying oh what a great manager or he has my full backing etc then he's gonna be here for a long time as RL doesnt have the balls to sack him.

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To be fair to Randy would you want to give AMC money ? I certainly would NOT.

God knows he'd probably end up buying a majority of the Ex Birmingham side.

Then again when you have tossers like Robbie Keane, Alex Ferguson all coming out saying oh what a great manager or he has my full backing etc then he's gonna be here for a long time as RL doesnt have the balls to sack him.

If that's the case why did he appoint him?

Randy Lerner the invisible man as far as I'm concerned is a waste of space

He does not communicate with the fans and explain what is going on

We do not want to hear from the oaf you appointed as director we want to hear from the horses mouth

What exactly are his plans for Aston Villa Football Club THE FANS NEED TO KNOW

The fans are suffering at the moment the football is shocking coupled with all this talk of financial meltdown not good enough as paying supporters we expect the bare minimum were not even getting that at the minute

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To be fair to Randy would you want to give AMC money ? I certainly would NOT.

God knows he'd probably end up buying a majority of the Ex Birmingham side.

Then again when you have tossers like Robbie Keane, Alex Ferguson all coming out saying oh what a great manager or he has my full backing etc then he's gonna be here for a long time as RL doesnt have the balls to sack him.

If that's the case why did he appoint him?

Randy Lerner the invisible man as far as I'm concerned is a waste of space

He does not communicate with the fans and explain what is going on

We do not want to hear from the oaf you appointed as director we want to hear from the horses mouth

What exactly are his plans for Aston Villa Football Club THE FANS NEED TO KNOW

The fans are suffering at the moment the football is shocking coupled with all this talk of financial meltdown not good enough as paying supporters we expect the bare minimum were not even getting that at the minute

Ask yourself this: If Lerner gave a shit about the fans do you honestly think he would of appointed MCleish after fans made it very clear they didnt want him near the club ?

He doesn't give a **** about the fans, Sadly clubs like Barcelona and many others do which is why they listen to the fans and what they have to say.

Lerner doesn't give a **** about the funs i can assure you of that.

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MCleish your a genius..
Ah, the irony :lol:

And Let's choose a club at random to compare us to, just any club that 'listens' to their fans... Barcelona! What a fair example.

Well would most clubs appoint your bitter enemys coach ? No you **** wouldnt is your answer especially when he is utter shite and the world knows it apart from Robbie Keane (who has supported every club as a child) and A Ferguson although he's scottish thats why he's licking his ass.

And the Genius quote is obviously sarcasm ! 2 secs i,ll change for you

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Barrysboots and KHV I take your point. But the point is we have the seventh highest revenues in England. So if (IF) we were being run properly there should only be six clubs able to outspend/outperform us.

the main problem is we should not be paying anybody over 30-35k realistically.

we spent too long paying people 40k-80k which was suicidal.

poor mangement from the top. at least one thing doug did well was be aware of our limitations. chasing the dream can be a disaster you just have to look at Leeds.

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Randy, you need to do something now. You are in last chance saloon boy. When the fans don't get a response to their pleas to sack the manager they will turn their vociferous attention to you!

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Its about time Randy Lerner came out and did a proper in depth interview with a TV station or radio station about Villa, just like he did for the disgruntled Cleveland Browns fans earlier this year or are we less important than the Browns fans? He is the big boss of Aston Villa, top of the tree, lets hear what he gotta say to the fans and public. Might even put some fans minds at a bit of ease.

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Its about time Randy Lerner came out and did a proper in depth interview with a TV station or radio station about Villa, just like he did for the disgruntled Cleveland Browns fans earlier this year or are we less important than the Browns fans? He is the big boss of Aston Villa, top of the tree, lets hear what he gotta say to the fans and public. Might even put some fans minds at a bit of ease.
That was carried out by a 'pet' radio guy from Cleveland. He needs to face the press and be asked detailed questions not just sit and be allowed to tell us how wonderful things are in his world.
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Three years ago I started a thread on here called "A plea to Randy Lerner" during which I said thanks for all you have done but if you really want us to be in the top four you need to be spending bigger on players and that he couldn't afford to he should seek additional investment or sell up

Now I just say GTFO.

Appoint two woeful managers , the latest one being the most inept manager ever to hold office at our club and the worst manager currently in the premiership

Not only that but spends 5M to get him

Spends a further 7M on managerial changes in the last two years

Losses go up year on year and in the year he said he wanted to bring wages under control they actually go up, despite the man who many feel was ltimately responsible having left the club

Financial incompetence in my opinion and actually , for me at least, proves that it was not MON making the decisions on wgaes and fees but Lerner himself

You have to leave now before you do further damage, sure I want(ed) someone with more dosh but to be frank even now I would settle for someone who has cash just to maintain us in the premier league mid table section but has a better grasp of what they are doing because, quite frankly, I think Lerner is utterly clueless

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Denis we know each other of old on these websites, we've never really met but I now how you felt about Ellis and you know how I felt about him. IMO Lerner is worse

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Denis we know each other of old on these websites, we've never really met but I now how you felt about Ellis and you know how I felt about him. IMO Lerner is worse

Do you know something Rich, I owe you an apology. I thought you were mad when you started that thread and kept giving stick to the General over certain issues, how wrong I was! Sorry mate, you were right all along.

My uncle used to have a season ticket and go to the games with me, my Dad and my Brother. My uncle said 4 years ago that he didn't trust Randy Lerner because all Yank businessmen are interested in is money and that they know nothing about British sport. I thought he was mad and told him so. He stopped going the Villa 3 years ago, saying we are only going one way and that is down. I saw him recently and he said "Jase, I told you about that Lerner, didn't I!" I had to apologise to him as well.

I saw something recently where it says that the HMRC are investigating something like 12 Premier League clubs. Do you, or anybody else, think we could be one of them and Randy is planning a Rangers type event? I saw Phil Brown on TV the other night and he said clubs should be hit harder than a 10 point deduction because they use it to have a clearout, avoid certain bills and start afresh. He even said that it was part of his remit at Derby!

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Denis we know each other of old on these websites, we've never really met but I now how you felt about Ellis and you know how I felt about him. IMO Lerner is worse

Do you know something Rich, I owe you an apology. I thought you were mad when you started that thread and kept giving stick to the General over certain issues, how wrong I was! Sorry mate, you were right all along.

Can I just say thanks for this. I did get some really agressive posts from people over that (not saying you were one of them BTW) and I see that most of those are now of the same opinion! Not many have posted what you have here so thanks a bunch

Have to say though it gives me no pleasure at all to see how close I was to the truth.

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Denis we know each other of old on these websites, we've never really met but I now how you felt about Ellis and you know how I felt about him. IMO Lerner is worse

Do you know something Rich, I owe you an apology. I thought you were mad when you started that thread and kept giving stick to the General over certain issues, how wrong I was! Sorry mate, you were right all along.

Can I just say thanks for this. I did get some really agressive posts from people over that (not saying you were one of them BTW) and I see that most of those are now of the same opinion! Not many have posted what you have here so thanks a bunch

Have to say though it gives me no pleasure at all to see how close I was to the truth.

Given the situation the club is in, I wish I didn't have to apologise Rich. But, credit where it's due mate, you sensed something coming that most of us could never have imagined!

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Yeah, I also owe Rich an apology. My head was turned when the General went psycho on me, when I questioned him and called him a liar. I knew then that something wasn't quite right.

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