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The Randy Lerner thread


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Houllier - Professional attitude, fitness program, training schedule-

I just can't help myself and need to respond to this:-

Professional attitude, was this inbetween the total disrespectful comments and actions that GH displayed towards our club and us fans? Or when he used press conferences to pubicly target individual players for criticism? If there's one thing that GH never was during his time with us it was professional.

Fitness programme, is that the fitness programme that was the major cause of the injury crisis? The fitness programme that caused a player revoult? I couldn't care less if the players could run a marathon in less than 4 hours and go out on the pitch and lose. If rewarding players with days off for good results gets us 6th place and 2 Wembley visits or running the **** out of them means relegation threat all year then I know what I would rather have?

Training Schedule, is this the training schedule that didn't include defensive training because GH was incapable of sorting it?

GH was a mediorce manager at his peak with the Plop and utter rubbish with us! Get over it! All I care is that he's gone and will never come back thank McGrath!

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If I was running the club and was holding us back from achieving success I would look to see if I could sell to someone with the spondulux to take us forward to win things.

Like Kenwright at Evernot?

Stinking rich Arabs/Russians (who want to buy PL football clubs) don't grown on trees Tricky ....

It's possible to have a much better owner than Randy without having to have the Sultan of Brunei buy us out. Of course you needs lots of money, but business acumen also counts for a lot, and in that respect Lerner is completely hopeless, and his poodle Faulkner even worse.

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Houllier - Professional attitude, fitness program, training schedule-

I just can't help myself and need to respond to this:-

Professional attitude, was this inbetween the total disrespectful comments and actions that GH displayed towards our club and us fans? Or when he used press conferences to pubicly target individual players for criticism? If there's one thing that GH never was during his time with us it was professional.

Fitness programme, is that the fitness programme that was the major cause of the injury crisis? The fitness programme that caused a player revoult? I couldn't care less if the players could run a marathon in less than 4 hours and go out on the pitch and lose. If rewarding players with days off for good results gets us 6th place and 2 Wembley visits or running the **** out of them means relegation threat all year then I know what I would rather have?

Training Schedule, is this the training schedule that didn't include defensive training because GH was incapable of sorting it?

GH was a mediorce manager at his peak with the Plop and utter rubbish with us! Get over it! All I care is that he's gone and will never come back thank McGrath!

Top post.

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At what point do we have to start questioning randy lerner and the board? The last managerial appointment, and farcical circus surrounding it, was an embarrassment. It wasn't that long ago the General was telling us not to say nasty things about Randy in case he read it and wanted to throw the towel in. Well it appears the General has already done so. how long before Randy does as well. is it time for him to go? I think he has time to save the situation and get rid of the manager and try and recruit a better man for the job. not the cheapest. We can all see what's happening at games but obviously he is doing his ostrich impression.

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Would not trust him to appoint another manager he has proven to be totally inept at that.

He is no longer investing in the team, merely taling the interest on the loans he has given the club.

He no longer has any ambition of us achieving success on the pitch and if he did he does not have the wherewithall to achieve that

Just being in charge of the club he is holding us back

But at leats he has a tattoo

Where is Randy? I hope to god he is chatting up wealthier men than him with an ounce of ambition to come and buy the club.

The sooner he goes the better.

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Would not trust him to appoint another manager he has proven to be totally inept at that.

He is no longer investing in the team, merely taling the interest on the loans he has given the club.

He no longer has any ambition of us achieving success on the pitch and if he did he does not have the wherewithall to achieve that

Just being in charge of the club he is holding us back

But at leats he has a tattoo

Where is Randy? I hope to god he is chatting up wealthier men than him with an ounce of ambition to come and buy the club.

The sooner he goes the better.

And if this magical new owner is anything like say Small Heath's or Blackburns?

Do they just sell up to someone else when your not happy with them?

Just keep ignoring the point and posting snide remarks.

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No-one is asking for "magical owners". No-one is asking Randy to go out and blow his fortune on Villa (or very few are anyway).

Yes they are.

Sorry, but I think you are wrong here. In any case, I am certainly not asking him to do this. However, I do think his sudden withdrawl of funding is reckless because those big earners that are possibly redundant i.e. Beye, Heskey, Petrov (IMO) were all signed on those contracts on his watch. His sudden backing off has, IMO, left us a couple of players short - an ACM and a DCM - the wages of which would have been covered next season when Heskey and Beye drop of the wage bill.

We are just asking him to treat the club with respect.

- appoint a decent manager that the fans can get behind. I know he will never please everybody but that's not a reason to appoint McLeish and upset everybody!! I feel sorry for McLeish because he is probably a decent enough bloke but he was never going to get anywhere at Villa.

In your view, in Randys he decided McLeish was a decent option, he may or may not be proven wrong but should be given the chance like anyone.

My point here is that he has probably appointed the one man that would cause mass upset and fans to leave the club in their droves. I just can't see anything in McLeish's track record to justify this reckless appointment. It was even worse that we had to pay the Scum for the pleasure of this when we could have got Hughes (speculating here of course) for nothing!

- appoint a decent CEO, either with experience of football (e.g. Dien) or with experience of running a £100m turnover consumer business and put someone in who understands football alongside him.

So you know what our CEO does or doesn't do, not just what you've decided from the outside?

I do know a bit about PF. I have a friend who works at the club in a relatively senior management position and I have another friend that knows him well but I won't say how for obvious reasons. This, plus what I have seen the club do over the last 18 months, plus the fact that I know he has no CEO experience in any business let alone a £100m turnover consumer business in a very specialised market makes me think he is a poor choice.

- communicate with the fan base in a reasonable and grown up manner, not through that Clown - the General - who just seems to make cock up after cock up and then go missing when times are hard. I know he owns the business but without the fans has no business.

You mean like the fanbase communicate back in a reasonable and grown up manner?

I didn't see anyone complaining about him never talking when MON was around.

Some fans will always be a bit off beam with their communication BUT that doesn't excuse RL/PF their poor efforts. He didn't need to say a lot when MON was around and the club was perceived to be progressing - the football/results was doing the talking. However, this is no longer the case and hasn't been for the past 18 months. Someone needs to step up and start the communication or we will end up with no support and in League 1. If you are happy with supporters staying away in their 1,000's then good for you. Personally, this upsets and frustrates me.

He needs to manage the club professionally and give it the best chance of success albeit whilst operating within the financial constraints that most clubs today operate under.

Which is what he is trying to do.

If Randy spent 100mill tomorrow on players nobody would be saying jack shit, all your above points would overnight be forgotten.

That how fickle and daft most arguments against him are.

When we're actually doing consistently shit, not just poor performances without actually losing a league game then fair enough. But if the ball had gone in off someone's arse and we'd won 1 nill in one of these supposedly terrible performances, again people would be quite happy.

A thin line..

You may be right BUT he is not spending £100m on players. I am not expecting him to either. I personally think idiots who put £'ms of their own cash straight into muppet players pockets are stupid and I am not asking him to do this. If he did and we were winning games then most fans would be happy. That is the nature of football. BUT he is not and we are not.

We are playing really poorly and scraping draws against teams we should be competing with. It is performances as much as results that are getting people really annoyed. If we had looked good last night and competed BUT still lost people would not have been half as upset. McLeish just doesn't have a clue about setting up a front 6 and its shows, painfully so. We all (or most of us) knew this when he was appointed. Some seem to want to ignore it though!

It is a thin line BUT RL is very much to the wrong side of that thin line at the minute as far as I and probably, IMO, 90% of the fan base are concerned.

To quote: "We're not fickle, we just don't like RL/PF/AM [delete as appropriate] because they are ruining our club".

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All that sounds very reasonable but in practice it is either unreasonable or simply not possible.

For example:

"A decent manager the fans can get behind" - read: We don't like this one, we didn't want McClaren, try again. Oh and pay whatever compensation is owed regardless of the fact you are trying to cut costs and balance the books a bit."

Hughes = free. Big Eck = compo and even worse it went to the Scum????

"appoint a decent CEO, either with experience of football ...and put someone in who understands football alongside him." - read: Even though most us have no idea what makes a decent CEO, we don't like PF. Please change him.

I have responded to this above. I do know about PF and his behaviour at the club BUT equally we see how his management manifests itself in the running of the club every day.

" communicate with the fan base in a reasonable and grown up manner" read: We didn't/don't like what you have said to us. Please go away and send someone who will tell us what we want to hear/agree with us.

Not sure they have said a great deal. As a non-renewing ST holder I have seen one letter from PF and, frankly, it was pathetic. I don't want someone feeding me BS but I would like some decent informed communication about the direction of the club and explaining why they have appointed McLeish. Just saying he is a decent, hard working bloke doesn't cut it for me. If you are happy with this then good for you but I think the majority of the fan base want more.

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Would not trust him to appoint another manager he has proven to be totally inept at that.

He is no longer investing in the team, merely taling the interest on the loans he has given the club.

He no longer has any ambition of us achieving success on the pitch and if he did he does not have the wherewithall to achieve that

Just being in charge of the club he is holding us back

But at leats he has a tattoo

Where is Randy? I hope to god he is chatting up wealthier men than him with an ounce of ambition to come and buy the club.

The sooner he goes the better.

And if this magical new owner is anything like say Small Heath's or Blackburns?

Do they just sell up to someone else when your not happy with them?

Just keep ignoring the point and posting snide remarks.

It is not the points I am ignoring.

As for making snide remarks again you are wrong. They may be opinions you do not like or do not agree with but that does not make them snide remarks.

As to what if the next owner is bad concern well let me explain it like this.

Ellis = Bad

Lerner = Most people seem to think we could do not better, I guess your question is worded that way because you think we could do no better, ergo you and others defending Lerner think Lerner = Good

So if the bad man Ellis managed to find and sell to such a good owner in Lerner, why would the good lerner sell to a bad owner?

Mind you given his record in managerial appointments you probably have a valid arguement and Lerner probably could not pick a decent owner for us.

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At what point do we have to start questioning randy lerner and the board? The last managerial appointment, and farcical circus surrounding it, was an embarrassment. It wasn't that long ago the General was telling us not to say nasty things about Randy in case he read it and wanted to throw the towel in. Well it appears the General has already done so. how long before Randy does as well. is it time for him to go? I think he has time to save the situation and get rid of the manager and try and recruit a better man for the job. not the cheapest. We can all see what's happening at games but obviously he is doing his ostrich impression.

For Lerner this was purely a business move / toy thing and he's now lost interest

For all we harassed HDE, he actually had/has genuine passion for the club. Still goes to the games as he loves the club

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At what point do we have to start questioning randy lerner and the board? The last managerial appointment, and farcical circus surrounding it, was an embarrassment. It wasn't that long ago the General was telling us not to say nasty things about Randy in case he read it and wanted to throw the towel in. Well it appears the General has already done so. how long before Randy does as well. is it time for him to go? I think he has time to save the situation and get rid of the manager and try and recruit a better man for the job. not the cheapest. We can all see what's happening at games but obviously he is doing his ostrich impression.

For Lerner this was purely a business move / toy thing and he's now lost interest

For all we harassed HDE, he actually had/has genuine passion for the club. Still goes to the games as he loves the club

A lot of us have been to games because we love the club but we'd all make a shite owner.

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When reason fails resort to scare tactics - 'be careful what you wish for' etc.

The Club is heading downhill very fast. it is time pressure was put on Randy in the same way as it was with Ellis - tehir differences are now outweighed by more important similarities.

Why do people quote Blues or Portsmouth etc when talking about the perils of new owners ? They were small time Clubs who attracted and were attracted by poor quality buyers.

What about Spurs, Man City, Chelsea, United, Sunderland, Liverpool, Stoke, even Wolves for starters. All have new or relatively new owners who, whilst in each case having varying degrees of faults, have - so far - progressed their Clubs.

I loved Randy but he is now doing no more for the Club than I could, but with less passion.

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When reason fails resort to scare tactics - 'be careful what you wish for' etc.

The Club is heading downhill very fast. it is time pressure was put on Randy in the same way as it was with Ellis - tehir differences are now outweighed by more important similarities.

Why do people quote Blues or Portsmouth etc when talking about the perils of new owners ? They were small time Clubs who attracted and were attracted by poor quality buyers.

What about Spurs, Man City, Chelsea, United, Sunderland, Liverpool, Stoke, even Wolves for starters. All have new or relatively new owners who, whilst in each case having varying degrees of faults, have - so far - progressed their Clubs.

I loved Randy but he is now doing no more for the Club than I could, but with less passion.


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When reason fails resort to scare tactics - 'be careful what you wish for' etc.

The Club is heading downhill very fast. it is time pressure was put on Randy in the same way as it was with Ellis - tehir differences are now outweighed by more important similarities.

Why do people quote Blues or Portsmouth etc when talking about the perils of new owners ? They were small time Clubs who attracted and were attracted by poor quality buyers.

What about Spurs, Man City, Chelsea, United, Sunderland, Liverpool, Stoke, even Wolves for starters. All have new or relatively new owners who, whilst in each case having varying degrees of faults, have - so far - progressed their Clubs.

I loved Randy but he is now doing no more for the Club than I could, but with less passion.



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For all we harassed HDE, he actually had/has genuine passion for the club. Still goes to the games as he loves the club

Let us not forget why we "harrassed" him. He came to us from the Small Heath board and called us merely "the men of the terraces". He turned EC winners into a relegated team in 5 years and ignored the best team we have had during the last century during his time at the club because he was not at the helm when they were at their peak. He took a huge amount of money out of the club in salary and when he sold to RL and he was also happy to name a stand after himself. Does he buy a ticket like we do to go to the games? HDE had a passion for money and the status that being our chairman gave him. His most recent claim was that he hand picked our new owner and MON. But enough of our former ruler. What makes it so sad for me now is that our bright future appears to have been allowed to become a bleak one so soon. :(

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For all we harassed HDE, he actually had/has genuine passion for the club. Still goes to the games as he loves the club

Let us not forget why we "harrassed" him. He came to us from the Small Heath board and called us merely "the men of the terraces". He turned EC winners into a relegated team in 5 years and ignored the best team we have had during the last century during his time at the club because he was not at the helm when they were at their peak. He took a huge amount of money out of the club in salary and when he sold to RL and he was also happy to name a stand after himself. Does he buy a ticket like we do to go to the games? HDE had a passion for money and the status that being our chairman gave him. His most recent claim was that he hand picked our new owner and MON. But enough of our former ruler. What makes it so sad for me now is that our bright future appears to have been allowed to become a bleak one so soon. :(

Excellent post

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For all we harassed HDE, he actually had/has genuine passion for the club. Still goes to the games as he loves the club

Let us not forget why we "harrassed" him. He came to us from the Small Heath board and called us merely "the men of the terraces". He turned EC winners into a relegated team in 5 years and ignored the best team we have had during the last century during his time at the club because he was not at the helm when they were at their peak. He took a huge amount of money out of the club in salary and when he sold to RL and he was also happy to name a stand after himself. Does he buy a ticket like we do to go to the games? HDE had a passion for money and the status that being our chairman gave him. His most recent claim was that he hand picked our new owner and MON. But enough of our former ruler. What makes it so sad for me now is that our bright future appears to have been allowed to become a bleak one so soon. :(

Excellent post

So excellent its almost pointless. We had some good times and crap times under Ellis. It was going downhill quickly but to be fair at least his managerial appointments were by and large decent ones with odd exception. We know his faults - and there were many - but he did love the club. he loved his legacy too and we were his own fiefdom. But do you think after Randy et al have gone we'll still see them anywhere near Villa Park?

The present group seem to lurching from one bad call after another. Lauded for their superior PR teh first mistake was letting the General come on all message boards. I always said it would end up like this and that would stir up resentment when he tried to shut a door he had barged open.

Randy has done a lot of good things and for that he stilld eserves credit but when we have to take a look, restock and re evaluate he seems to have got it wrong. throwing the money aropund was teh easy thing. Since MON walked out its been one error after another. What's the plan? Where's the ambition? At least under Ellis - for all his faults - we knew what he was trying to do. Randy? Not a clue and I'm beginning to think he calls it the same way.

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For all we harassed HDE, he actually had/has genuine passion for the club. Still goes to the games as he loves the club

Let us not forget why we "harrassed" him. He came to us from the Small Heath board and called us merely "the men of the terraces". He turned EC winners into a relegated team in 5 years and ignored the best team we have had during the last century during his time at the club because he was not at the helm when they were at their peak. He took a huge amount of money out of the club in salary and when he sold to RL and he was also happy to name a stand after himself. Does he buy a ticket like we do to go to the games? HDE had a passion for money and the status that being our chairman gave him. His most recent claim was that he hand picked our new owner and MON. But enough of our former ruler. What makes it so sad for me now is that our bright future appears to have been allowed to become a bleak one so soon. :(

Excellent post

Brilliant Post. ... by all means.....lets discuss Randy and his strategy on the club ... however .....

Lets not start start thinking Ellis would be better.

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