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The Randy Lerner thread


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Yanks are a different breed. He will sell up soon enough - 2 years Max IMO

They're not actually. They are mainly of Spanish/Italian/Polish/African heritage, and of course all of them, without exception, including the ones who crawl under the wire from Mexico, have a percentage of Irish blood in them :winkold:

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What the hell, let's get back on topic.....

.....just climbing through 23000' en route to Cleveland.

Safe trip, Mr. L. Be sure to wrap up for Indianapolis :D

I wonder what the purpose of his visit was ?

I was going to say that he visits quite regularly, I just don't bother reporting it any more.

I think he comes over to show an interest in the business that he's not interested in :winkold:

Thanks dude. I was hoping he'd flown in to sanction the odd deal or two or at least delay his return to take in the game tomorrow.

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Yeah, Superbowl Saturday right ? Sure Mr Lerner will be there and not in the frozen bleak wastelands of the North East like the rest of us

I have always assumed so, as an NFL owner, but curiously I have only ever seen his aircraft at one SuperBowl in the past, so not sure whether he goes to every one.

I won't see it this year though. Indianapolis is way to cold for me to be arsed to get on a plane....

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Apols if already posted and slightly OT but Krulak has tweeted that he will be at the game tomorrow and although he has no official club role anymore (I think) he does speak to Randy.

Yes, the account appears genuine this time. Hopefully he gets to watch a Villa win otherwise I fear his report to RL may not be very positive...

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I don't think that Randy has lost his love for villa, and I don't think he has lost the passion and will for success. He is a businessman and obviously a very, very successful one. Now tell me how many successful business men are still throwing there money around at the minute? Especially American businessmen?

It's no coincidence that the time Lerner stopped spending big was roughly the same time America and then the world went into recession, a recession that we still haven't got out of and looks just as likely to get worse as it does better. Ay sensible businessman would be doing a similar thing and consolidating what they have and making sure they don't LOSE their money which is exactly what we are seeing here. He is getting rid of the excess baggage/needless expense and I'm sure once the world becomes a stable place again he will start to invest once again.

Obviously when you see City throw cash around like they have it gives a bit of a false picture for everyone else, but they are a bit of an exception it he world at the minute.

I don't think any manager, ,even McLeishwould go to a club knowing that they have no money at all to spend. I think his brief would have been consolidate until the world is financially stable again, and then you will be able to spend.

Fom a business point of view it seems like exactly what any decent businessman would do...

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Is it U2 at half time again ?

No idea, I don't go to the event, just the surroundings!

(But only if it's in FL,CA,GA orTX!)

So you go to the host city to soak up the vibe ?

Or do you go to the stadium but not go in ?

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He is a businessman and obviously a very, very successful one.

based on what???????

he inherited evrything from his dad incuding the Cleveland Browns. He didnt make his own money.

Looking at what he has done at Villa since he has been here in terms of running it as a business I would say he is pretty clueless when it comes to running a business.

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He is a businessman and obviously a very, very successful one.

based on what???????

he inherited evrything from his dad incuding the Cleveland Browns. He didnt make his own money.

Looking at what he has done at Villa since he has been here in terms of running it as a business I would say he is pretty clueless when it comes to running a business.

seems so simple doesn't it...? inherits successful company, things start to go poorly, so must be shit businessman...? in reality, it really isn't that simplistic. the world finance market is chaotic, and the US is right in the middle of it. not to mention the absolute disaster that is europe. Chelsea lost 100m, does that make Roman a bad businessman?

my gut feel is that Lerner is a very astute businessman, and he knows that Villa can't compete with the Man City's of the world. We had a 5yr plan, and got very close to achieving it, but failed....critically by missing a Champions League spot (see 3x 6th place). So, we reset. See out this yr with a Manager who can work with little or no funds, and start again. As an owner, it would not be wise to pop up making promises in a financial world that has so many unknowns at the moment....so Randy is assumedly keeping low and seeing this storm out.

I just hope we survive so we can start the next chapter...

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While its wise to curb the spending i can't see how anyone can argue that hiring someone who was relegated twice was smart.

And why would you want mcleish in charge when you can afford to spend in the future?

Randy has failed and has accepted life as a midtable shit team. **** him!

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While its wise to curb the spending i can't see how anyone can argue that hiring someone who was relegated twice was smart.

And why would you want mcleish in charge when you can afford to spend in the future?

Randy has failed and has accepted life as a midtable shit team. **** him!

Even if you believe that, a midtable team is better than the relegation certainties we were shaping up as before Randy arrived. Whatever else I'll always remember that, so the '**** him' attitude doesn't sit well with me.

You're entitled to your opinion of course!

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....so Randy is assumedly keeping low and seeing this storm out.

To be fair to Randy his lack of communication has been consistant throughout his tenure, even when times were good he very rarely made any noises to the fans. Although we did have the General and his mad rants?

Trees seems to suggest that Randy is here quite often which as he states is probably to look after the business side. That's fair enough as who would actually want to witness the drivell served up at VP these days, I moved 9,000 miles to avoid the crap!

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While its wise to curb the spending i can't see how anyone can argue that hiring someone who was relegated twice was smart.

And why would you want mcleish in charge when you can afford to spend in the future?

Randy has failed and has accepted life as a midtable shit team. **** him!

Even if you believe that, a midtable team is better than the relegation certainties we were shaping up as before Randy arrived. Whatever else I'll always remember that, so the '**** him' attitude doesn't sit well with me.

You're entitled to your opinion of course!

Worth quoting again and again. Lerner has been bloody brilliant for us. A couple of seasons trimming the costs doesnt wipe away the hundreds of millions he has invested into the club. He has been a great owner for us.

**** clueless when it comes to selecting managers of course (I think he has made a bad choice in every single case) but hey nobodys perfect and his current choice may still come good.

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He is a businessman and obviously a very, very successful one.

based on what???????

he inherited evrything from his dad incuding the Cleveland Browns. He didnt make his own money.

Looking at what he has done at Villa since he has been here in terms of running it as a business I would say he is pretty clueless when it comes to running a business.

I'm no apologist for Randy Lerner but I don't think what you are saying is necessarily correct. He was a practising lawyer, ran his own business, became a director of MBNA in 1993, chairman in 2002 on the death of his father and sold MBNA for $35bn to BoA at what must have been the top of the market.

Neither you nor I know what his real role at MBNA was but personally I doubt he was 'clueless'

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