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The Randy Lerner thread


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7 minutes ago, Marka Ragnos said:

Well, people are frustrated, and they're looking for scapegoats, and there are some good ones to be found. Even so, I also truly hope fans aren't awful towards Randy, Tom Fox, Paddy Reilly, etc. This can be a somewhat dignified process or it can be ugly, and I don't think some ugly reckoning helps the club in the long run.

I strongly suspect that some top-brass resignations will be forthcoming in the near future, but I don't believe for a second that Fox, etc. had anything but the best interests of the club in their hearts and minds. It's a brutal league. Every year, three clubs go down, no matter what, and Villa's long-term problems and some short-term gambles finally caught up with them this year. Why SHOULDN'T it have happened to us? What makes us so immune to that? Nothing, it turns out.

Let's just hope some lessons have been learned. 

Really can't agree with any of that. 

1. 'Frustrated' is  massive understatement. I don't give a ****  about 'scapegoats' - I want the board and owner gone. 

2. I hope the fans really go for Lerner at every home game till the end of the season. He will not be there as usual but he will get the message. It may make no difference but unlike him we turn up week in week out and hopefully will vent our spleens! 

3. You say you suspect there will be some 'top brass resignations' - I think you are kidding yourself. 

4. Our 'long term problems' have been self inflicted by an incompetent owner who no longer has our 'best interests at heart' who hasn't been to a game in years - he wants out. 

5. We have had nearly five seasons of this **** and lessons haven't been learnt, 

6. It shouldn't happen to us because we are ASTON VILLA - I don't give a damn if that sounds conceited. 

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1 hour ago, MikeMcKenna said:

Really can't agree with any of that. 

1. 'Frustrated' is  massive understatement. I don't give a ****  about 'scapegoats' - I want the board and owner gone. 

2. I hope the fans really go for Lerner at every home game till the end of the season. He will not be there as usual but he will get the message. It may make no difference but unlike him we turn up week in week out and hopefully will vent our spleens! 

3. You say you suspect there will be some 'top brass resignations' - I think you are kidding yourself. 

4. Our 'long term problems' have been self inflicted by an incompetent owner who no longer has our 'best interests at heart' who hasn't been to a game in years - he wants out. 

5. We have had nearly five seasons of this **** and lessons haven't been learnt, 

6. It shouldn't happen to us because we are ASTON VILLA - I don't give a damn if that sounds conceited. 

I'm actually glad you don't agree. I pretty sure I'm right, but I would be disturbed if there weren't supporters saying exactly what you just said. ;)

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3 hours ago, OutByEaster? said:

In fairness Gent, from what I can gather, the main gist of Barton's interview was sympathetic and saddened - obviously that's a quote that sticks out - and despite being a thug of a man and a pretty average footballer, I like listening to him talk about football, he's sharp, direct and thoughtful.


Barton is all talk, coming out with little substance when he speaks - "It came from Randy Lerner or a Randy Lerner source" - terrible research. There was plenty of contradictions and hearsay during that interview. What does the day to day running of a football club involve? He kept mentioning it and never explained what was necessary on a day-to-day basis. But Joey now knows who is qualified to run a football club, and the day-to-day roles of people employed by the club - give me a break. The arse kissing towards Ellis and Pearson made me want to throw up, stop re-writing history! I really hope we turn it around and shove it down their throats.

To be honest, it was the same thoughtless garbage that Jenas spewed out a few months ago, a lot of misinformation being spread/leaked about the club and individuals. The media are loving every single minute of our demise, do not be fooled into believing they feel for us or upset in any way - we are a massive story/joke to them. Barton and Murphy were giggling about our situation throughout that interview. Joey Barton does not give two shits about the Villa, and neither do the BBC - they love (and are notable for) giving incorrigible scum air time and power. Cast your mind back to the reporting of the pitch invasion by that poisonous organisation, it sums up their attitude towards us.

I am angry at the way Randy has run this great club for the past few years (and I really do hope he sells the club to a decent owner), but I would love nothing more than everybody at the Villa to turn it around and prove these people wrong. UTV

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42 minutes ago, lexicon said:

Very well put OBE. 

Don't know if the 'get da yank out lol' types will agree, but hey-ho. 

You mean the types who have predicted the downfall for a long time while others bought into every PR message sent from the club. 


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8 minutes ago, Villan4Life said:

General krulak has been mouthing off to media again saying eleven points villa needs to catch up is like fighting in gulf war

He is allowed his opinion, cant jump on him every time he talks.

Lerners the big problem not him. lerner hasnt addressed the fans at all since these difficult times. Pathetic weasel.

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2 hours ago, OutByEaster? said:

What is that message?

That they don't have the support of the fanbase? I hardly think that'll come as a surprise - we're bottom of the league and a mile from moving - they'll know how the fans feel about that.

That revenues will be reduced? As a message, that would just mean they'd need to react by coming up with plans that involve us spending less.

That the fanbase want Lerner to walk away? I think he knows that - I think he agrees, I think he's trying. Reducing the price is the only action he could take, but we have to appreciate that's not entirely his choice, there's a family trust involved, there's layers of law and finance - there are people who protect money from people who are daft with it - there are people who ensure that emotion doesn't get mixed in with investment - there are people that would prevent Lerner throwing his toys out of the pram, saying "screw this" and giving away another £100m of the family silver.

The problem we have here - and it's different to the problem we had with Doug - is that Lerner isn't a majority shareholder of a listed company - he's the only shareholder in the company, to a very real extent, he is the company and whilst the company isn't the football club, whilst a football club is more than that, all those ethereal things, community, history, emotion - the bones of it, the bricks, the mortar, the accounts, the players, the stadium are all Randy Lerner's - we share an interest, but they are intrinsically his. He's wound into the fibre of the football club to the extent that it's impossible to separate him and it.  So whilst it is a natural reaction to pain to want to punish the source of that pain, it can't be done without hurting the football club - you can't punish Randy Lerner without hurting Aston Villa.

The way out of this isn't in finding a way to get our own back on the owner, it's about finding ways to move forward, to find a new owner, or to get the best we can out of this one. Removing our support on matchday, turning our back on the club at this point is like beating a sick child to get our own back on the flu. It might feel good for a moment, but it achieves absolutely nothing and it doesn't do a thing to change where we are.

If we're going to be sending messages, then Lerner shouldn't be our target - he's over, gone in terms of what we can do. Our message should be to the wider football world and more pertinently to any passing billionaire who might be thinking - I wonder if there's a bargain to be picked up in that there broken football club.




Its a shame Lerner couldn't have hired such said folk for the running of Aston Villa Football Club!

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2 hours ago, OutByEaster? said:


The problem we have here - and it's different to the problem we had with Doug - is that Lerner isn't a majority shareholder of a listed company - he's the only shareholder in the company, to a very real extent, he is the company and whilst the company isn't the football club, whilst a football club is more than that, all those ethereal things, community, history, emotion - the bones of it, the bricks, the mortar, the accounts, the players, the stadium are all Randy Lerner's - we share an interest, but they are intrinsically his. He's wound into the fibre of the football club to the extent that it's impossible to separate him and it.  So whilst it is a natural reaction to pain to want to punish the source of that pain, it can't be done without hurting the football club - you can't punish Randy Lerner without hurting Aston Villa.




and people think he isnt worse than Ellis.  he is and this is a very big part of the reason why

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15 hours ago, OutByEaster? said:

Maybe instead of £ signs for Doug we could just hold up signs that say "For Sale"?

You know, give the fella a bit of a hand.



Said this on twitter a couple of days ago. Far more effective than any petition or random abuse-fest in car park. 

Just like the Ellis £ stuff a dignified powerful symbolic gesture that even the knobs in the media cannot misinterpret. 

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2 hours ago, OutByEaster? said:

What is that message?

That they don't have the support of the fanbase? I hardly think that'll come as a surprise - we're bottom of the league and a mile from moving - they'll know how the fans feel about that.

That revenues will be reduced? As a message, that would just mean they'd need to react by coming up with plans that involve us spending less.

That the fanbase want Lerner to walk away? I think he knows that - I think he agrees, I think he's trying. Reducing the price is the only action he could take, but we have to appreciate that's not entirely his choice, there's a family trust involved, there's layers of law and finance - there are people who protect money from people who are daft with it - there are people who ensure that emotion doesn't get mixed in with investment - there are people that would prevent Lerner throwing his toys out of the pram, saying "screw this" and giving away another £100m of the family silver.

The problem we have here - and it's different to the problem we had with Doug - is that Lerner isn't a majority shareholder of a listed company - he's the only shareholder in the company, to a very real extent, he is the company and whilst the company isn't the football club, whilst a football club is more than that, all those ethereal things, community, history, emotion - the bones of it, the bricks, the mortar, the accounts, the players, the stadium are all Randy Lerner's - we share an interest, but they are intrinsically his. He's wound into the fibre of the football club to the extent that it's impossible to separate him and it.  So whilst it is a natural reaction to pain to want to punish the source of that pain, it can't be done without hurting the football club - you can't punish Randy Lerner without hurting Aston Villa.

The way out of this isn't in finding a way to get our own back on the owner, it's about finding ways to move forward, to find a new owner, or to get the best we can out of this one. Removing our support on matchday, turning our back on the club at this point is like beating a sick child to get our own back on the flu. It might feel good for a moment, but it achieves absolutely nothing and it doesn't do a thing to change where we are.

If we're going to be sending messages, then Lerner shouldn't be our target - he's over, gone in terms of what we can do. Our message should be to the wider football world and more pertinently to any passing billionaire who might be thinking - I wonder if there's a bargain to be picked up in that there broken football club.



Loud, sustained, rapturous standing ovation.gif 

This x infinity. 

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I love it how people try to find anything to show how worse Randy is than Ellis; even if it's seemingly an totally irrelevant point. I'm yet to see anything pointed out that's worse than purposely and spitefully dismantling a European championship winning team so that they end up relegated. And then removing any reference of that great team from the stadium. 

amazing how bitter one can get over losing their favourite seat. 

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Here's link to article he is also talking about Randy (So hope this is right thread to put the article in?)





GENERAL Charles Krulak says Aston Villa will summon the spirit of the US Marines to escape the drop.

The rock-bottom Midlands outfit are marooned on eight points — a whopping 11 adrift of safety.

And they have had more managers than wins this season!

Tim Sherwood at least guided Villa to a 1-0 victory at Bournemouth on the opening day of the Premier League season.

Following Sherwood’s sacking, new boss Remi Garde has picked up just four points from nine games.

But board member Krulak — reclusive owner Randy Lerner’s right-hand man — claims Villa should draw inspiration from his own glittering military career.

The 73-year-old was a commander in the first Gulf War and also served in Vietnam.

He told SunSport: “I faced way bigger 'losing battles' than this — and won them.

“You can’t tell me this is impossible. Three wins in a row and we are back in the mix.

“That’s what Randy believes and what everyone at the Villa believes. The day you don’t believe is the day you quit.

“Let’s just look at Desert Storm. It was 4am and we were standing next to minefields separating Saudi Arabia and Kuwait. There were trenches filled with gas, massive artillery ready to rain down on us and the threat of chemical attack.

“My next in command looked at me and said, ‘How are we gonna get through this?’

“I said, ‘We’re gonna do it, we’re gonna go through this like a knife through butter

“It’s easy to give up but you can’t do that. We fought our way through those minefields and the rest is history.

“Never forget that Randy’s father was also in the US Marines and he shares these values, these beliefs.”

A belief in miracles would probably be handy right now.

Villa have gone 19 games without a Premier League win and still need four points to pass Derby’s record low of 11 points during a Prem season, set in 2008.

There are suspicions Villa will keep their powder dry in this month’s transfer window and save their money for the Championship.

But Krulak added: “I speak to Randy almost every day.

“He is a man of high values and integrity — the equal of anyone I have ever known.

“His word is his bond. Nobody has their sights set on anything other than staying up and Randy is backing the manager 100 per cent.”


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3 minutes ago, Villan4Life said:

Here's link to article he is also talking about Randy (So hope this is right thread to put the article in?)





Just look at Desert Storm! Yeah thanks for that Krulak

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7 minutes ago, KHV said:

Just look at Desert Storm! Yeah thanks for that Krulak

Lerner probably asks him to speak to the media every so often in place of himself but reading the Daily Mail link on the article other clubs fans have commented and are amazed that he has said this and see him as a joke and is deluded.

Edited by Villan4Life
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possibly the most pointless football article in history by the Mirror, 1 mention of Villa and none of football


“Let’s just look at Desert Storm. It was 4am and we were standing next to minefields separating Saudi Arabia and Kuwait. There were trenches filled with gas, massive artillery ready to rain down on us and the threat of chemical attack.

“My next in command looked at me and said, ‘How are we gonna get through this?’

“I said, ‘We’re gonna do it, we’re gonna go through this like a knife through butter

“It’s easy to give up but you can’t do that. We fought our way through those minefields and the rest is history

players are going to be pumped reading this, can imagine French lads wondering what they have got themselves into. Also his military tactics sound like some of our horrible tactics of recent times

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