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The Randy Lerner thread


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If Randy Lerner sells today, he leaves the club in better shape than when he arrived. Unfortunately that is in terms of the facilities, both at VP and BH, and of course the (apparent) debt free financial position, rather than any improvement on the pitch.


The £ sign protests that we had against Ellis could never be levelled at Lerner, as he has backed all of his managers with substantial amounts of cash for players.


With O'Neill he was unlucky and foolish, with Houllier unlucky, and with McLeish just plain foolish.


When he goes, which I think is a foregone conclusion, and I will be happy for him to do so,  it is he who will be licking his wounds.


I worry about what will follow.....

Sounds like Lerner is selling sooner rather than later.

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Oh, and the advance info that he would be here for the Arsenal game. Unless he has started flying scheduled, and I doubt whether he has had to ever present a boarding pass in his life, then there is no physical evidence that he will be present at the game this evening.


You never know though.

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Well you must be posting from some kind of parallel universe where Villa are in the top 6 playing scintillating football.

Meanwhile the rest of us are having to put up with a Villa team who over the last year or so have seen some of the most humiliating defeats in our entire history.

You're having a laugh mate.


I've been putting up with `The Villa` since 1968.


I was putting up with Villa around 6 years before that too. The times between 1962 and 68 were much much worse than this - then it was an even playing field - no rich owners - but we were bankrupt (nearly) - the fans came and helped restore the ground by painting the stadium and tending the pitch. 


I really do wonder what some of the 'modern day' fan would do if we were in that situation. IF and this is a BIG IF we got relegated I am sure some would disappear into the internet ether and only return when we are successful. Not having a go but my opinion based on lurking and only just string to post.


Think some of those with the loudest voices are those who have only followed Villa post 1981/2 (or since the Preeemeirship) came into being - not having witnessed what to me personally were much worse times than these.


Not having a go but I read about getting banners and leaflets out - well myself and quite a few others got up off our arses and put our money where our mouth was - the £ signs galvanised the fans and we managed to get Angel. The Ellis Out stuff may not have been successful but kept the pressure on the 'owner' (or the man who thought he was the owner). 


If you feel so much hate or animosity against Lerner - do something - don't fight amongst yourselves - you all have something in common - a love of the Villa.


But I think you feel safer in moaning on the boards and fighting amongst each other than putting your head above the parapet.


Times are not as bad as you think (It's great in hindsight to point to everything). 


Things can only get better and mark my words after all the shit since the revolution of 68 - this is nothing. We came back stronger and we will again. Flame me all you want but I have been through worse shit than the last 3 odd years.


I liked the post. But as you credit, I can't be held responsible the date on which I was born... I was born in December 1974.  So no, I don't remember division 3 (though excited and proud of what I have read about that time), I don't remember Ron Saunders all that much, other than my older brother showing me his posters and naming all the famous names of the team from the late 1970s era. I vaguely remember watching the European Cup win... but my Star Wars toys were quite a big distraction for me if I am being honest.


I remember relegation...


My only issue really with your post relates to 'modern day' fans. You obviously started watching Villa when it was comparatively cheap to go... you started watching when there was comparatively little for football to compete with in terms of disposable income. I wouldn't blame anyone for disappearing off from Villa Park and instead spending their money on something they enjoy these days. There will come a point when I just can't justify the spend any more... Won't make me any less passionate about the success of the club - just an opportunity for me to get value for my money, and let some others do the match day worrying and stress for me. But I take your point... for now, if anyone ever got to sing 'where were you when you were shit' at me, I can rightly say, I was right there in it.


In the past, even when we were shitter than we appear to be now, I always got a buzz out of going to B6. Win, lose or draw, it was always exciting... an experience to look forward to. An event... Sorry to say, I just don't get that buzz any more. It's a chore. I have other things to spend my money on, including a family. I think what did it for me was the dismal 2010 World Cup (not just England), then MON leaving, and then later, the appointment of Eck. I think, had the owner have picked a progressive, winning manager from our rivals, it would have been lauded as a masterstroke - and rightly so. But we took on (and had to pay for... both incoming and when he went) a negative manager with a dour brand of football, who merely helped relegate a reasonable Birmingham side and spawn a cup final win. It really was spawny.


So for me, it's not all about the owner adding to my angst. The whole package is starting to become 'meh' to me. I'm starting to care less about it all. What will be will be, huh?


But, if the ground needs re-painting, if they need someone to clear snow off the pitch etc... Even if they need someone to chop up the oranges at half time (do they still do that?) - bring it on. At least I would feel part of what is going on. Instead of having to sit in the stands getting bored off my tits and wishing I was somewhere else and doing something more constructive with my time and money.


Good post... But I can't help being 'only' 39 :-)

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Interesting reading Naz's post





Well you must be posting from some kind of parallel universe where Villa are in the top 6 playing scintillating football.
Meanwhile the rest of us are having to put up with a Villa team who over the last year or so have seen some of the most humiliating defeats in our entire history.
You're having a laugh mate.


I've been putting up with `The Villa` since 1968.


I was putting up with Villa around 6 years before that too. The times between 1962 and 68 were much much worse than this - then it was an even playing field - no rich owners - but we were bankrupt (nearly) - the fans came and helped restore the ground by painting the stadium and tending the pitch. 


I really do wonder what some of the 'modern day' fan would do if we were in that situation. IF and this is a BIG IF we got relegated I am sure some would disappear into the internet ether and only return when we are successful. Not having a go but my opinion based on lurking and only just string to post.


Think some of those with the loudest voices are those who have only followed Villa post 1981/2 (or since the Preeemeirship) came into being - not having witnessed what to me personally were much worse times than these.


Not having a go but I read about getting banners and leaflets out - well myself and quite a few others got up off our arses and put our money where our mouth was - the £ signs galvanised the fans and we managed to get Angel. The Ellis Out stuff may not have been successful but kept the pressure on the 'owner' (or the man who thought he was the owner). 


If you feel so much hate or animosity against Lerner - do something - don't fight amongst yourselves - you all have something in common - a love of the Villa.


But I think you feel safer in moaning on the boards and fighting amongst each other than putting your head above the parapet.


Times are not as bad as you think (It's great in hindsight to point to everything). 


Things can only get better and mark my words after all the shit since the revolution of 68 - this is nothing. We came back stronger and we will again. Flame me all you want but I have been through worse shit than the last 3 odd years.


I liked the post. But as you credit, I can't be held responsible the date on which I was born... I was born in December 1974.  So no, I don't remember division 3 (though excited and proud of what I have read about that time), I don't remember Ron Saunders all that much, other than my older brother showing me his posters and naming all the famous names of the team from the late 1970s era. I vaguely remember watching the European Cup win... but my Star Wars toys were quite a big distraction for me if I am being honest.


I remember relegation...


My only issue really with your post relates to 'modern day' fans. You obviously started watching Villa when it was comparatively cheap to go... you started watching when there was comparatively little for football to compete with in terms of disposable income. I wouldn't blame anyone for disappearing off from Villa Park and instead spending their money on something they enjoy these days. There will come a point when I just can't justify the spend any more... Won't make me any less passionate about the success of the club - just an opportunity for me to get value for my money, and let some others do the match day worrying and stress for me. But I take your point... for now, if anyone ever got to sing 'where were you when you were shit' at me, I can rightly say, I was right there in it.


In the past, even when we were shitter than we appear to be now, I always got a buzz out of going to B6. Win, lose or draw, it was always exciting... an experience to look forward to. An event... Sorry to say, I just don't get that buzz any more. It's a chore. I have other things to spend my money on, including a family. I think what did it for me was the dismal 2010 World Cup (not just England), then MON leaving, and then later, the appointment of Eck. I think, had the owner have picked a progressive, winning manager from our rivals, it would have been lauded as a masterstroke - and rightly so. But we took on (and had to pay for... both incoming and when he went) a negative manager with a dour brand of football, who merely helped relegate a reasonable Birmingham side and spawn a cup final win. It really was spawny.


So for me, it's not all about the owner adding to my angst. The whole package is starting to become 'meh' to me. I'm starting to care less about it all. What will be will be, huh?


But, if the ground needs re-painting, if they need someone to clear snow off the pitch etc... Even if they need someone to chop up the oranges at half time (do they still do that?) - bring it on. At least I would feel part of what is going on. Instead of having to sit in the stands getting bored off my tits and wishing I was somewhere else and doing something more constructive with my time and money.


Good post... But I can't help being 'only' 39 :-)




Interesting opinions from slightly different era's 


I was in attendance of those meetings that Naz refers to where, Jonathan Fear, Carl Chinn and to a lesser degree Howard Hodgson attempted to enlighten the " faithful" as to the exploits of HDE and the finer points of discord that he managed to bestow upon us.


I perfectly understand where Naz is coming from in that we have have had much worse than this to contend with, but I equally empathise with Raver50032 with his rendition.


I too am from an earlier era, so my take on the present competition for signings MAY be a bit outdated....But I am also mindful that in life whist everything changes, much remains the same, when you boil it all down.We was still being out bid by all the the same teams as we are now, maybe with the only difference that THEY have moved much further away from us than they was back then. In other words they still out bid us but with a lot more ease now.


The pitch is still green, the goal posts are the same size, the pitch is still the same size as it was a hundred years ago, we still wear boots and all the skills that won games a hundred years ago, come in useful today...


I also believe and this is just me..... that the transfer market represents the best opportunity to get the best team......If you know what your doing and get the right support to do it.


My point is and Naz will know this : we have had much worse owners than Randy Lerner and made a much better fist of assembling a football team....so I'm naturally dubious of the amount of blame towards him in terms of our demise.


Randy Is by no means " blameless" in my view his biggest failing is appointing staff on the basis of nepotism rather than Nous, just my view ,he may ague that.


He has relatively speaking, put money in.....until recently of course, but we have not spent that money wisely by any means and that could be the responsibility of many folk on the staff.


some of our managers of yesteryear would have been in clover with the money Randy put in during his earlier time with us.

Edited by TRO
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Randy Is by no means " blameless" in my view his biggest failing is appointing staff on the basis of nepotism rather than Nous.



Would have thought setting up a squad on wage levels he couldn't sustain, so having to sell off all our best players and start paying wages that only attract league 1/lower half championship/ untried overseas level players, would also be something to criticise him for, i.e., financial ineptitude.

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Randy Is by no means " blameless" in my view his biggest failing is appointing staff on the basis of nepotism rather than Nous.

Would have thought setting up a squad on wage levels he couldn't sustain, so having to sell off all our best players and start paying wages that only attract league 1/lower half championship/ untried overseas level players, would also be something to criticise him for, i.e., financial ineptitude.

I still think the wage bill could have been sustainable e.g. Spending £50k a week on Heskey to play shit for years to then leave on a free is unsustainable but say giving Benteke £50k a week for a few years and selling him for triple what you paid for him is sustainable. It was the fact that we had such poor value for the wages we paid that caused the financial mess (though the managerial pay offs didn't help).

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If they change the name to Red Bull Villa etc or the colours then I'll be finished with the club, changing the name of VP to the Red Bull Arena or something than that wouldn't be ideal but I'd be willing to put up with it if it meant seeing world class players play for us every week and success.

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