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The Randy Lerner thread


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Was thinking, with December looking extremely tough, we could very well be in a precarious position come January if we failed to take many points during that month. This was the case in January of this year too. Randy pulled the wallet out and spent £30 million. Anyone recon he'd do it again? January always difficult time to buy players, if it turns out to be the case, he may have wished he backed the manager during the summer.

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No we shouldn't just be there full stop.

But its really not the end of the world, if you stop and think about it for a min.

You really are desperate to support Randy if you are making this argument.

Its got nothing to do with supporting or not supporting.

As Villa fans seem to think your a decent owner if you just spend shit loads of cash.

When Randy was giving money to O'Neill every week he was a good owner.

Infact back then he was as vocal and around just as much as he is now.

But now as he's not spending shit loads, there is a where's Randy thread for people to abuse him not spending money, or telling them every single detail of what is going on.

If it was down to the average fan we would have bought x, y and z players and probably be bankrupt. We would also have had Jol, Hughes, Sven and Matinez in one season.

Yup great idea.

Villa fans have been spoilt over the recent years having plenty spent, this has then coincided with a larger increase of money you need to buy yourself into the top elite; something our current terrible owner cannot afford.

Villa fans seem to think it will be the apocalypse if relegated, yet the 100's of other clubs in the league below the premier seem to have fans that go and watch them, celebrate a win and celebrate goals. Its obviously celebrations through tears and depression.

Supporting a football club is not how much money they spend, or the obsession in being in the chumps league or winning the league, that only a select few clubs in the whole league can achieve.

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Was thinking, with December looking extremely tough, we could very well be in a precarious position come January if we failed to take many points during that month. This was the case in January of this year too. Randy pulled the wallet out and spent £30 million. Anyone recon he'd do it again? January always difficult time to buy players, if it turns out to be the case, he may have wished he backed the manager during the summer.
Just got this gloomy feeling it won't happen again.
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No we shouldn't just be there full stop.

But its really not the end of the world, if you stop and think about it for a min.

You really are desperate to support Randy if you are making this argument.

Its got nothing to do with supporting or not supporting.

As Villa fans seem to think your a decent owner if you just spend shit loads of cash.

When Randy was giving money to O'Neill every week he was a good owner.

Infact back then he was as vocal and around just as much as he is now.

But now as he's not spending shit loads, there is a where's Randy thread for people to abuse him not spending money, or telling them every single detail of what is going on.

If it was down to the average fan we would have bought x, y and z players and probably be bankrupt. We would also have had Jol, Hughes, Sven and Matinez in one season.

Yup great idea.

Villa fans have been spoilt over the recent years having plenty spent, this has then coincided with a larger increase of money you need to buy yourself into the top elite; something our current terrible owner cannot afford.

Villa fans seem to think it will be the apocalypse if relegated, yet the 100's of other clubs in the league below the premier seem to have fans that go and watch them, celebrate a win and celebrate goals. Its obviously celebrations through tears and depression.

Supporting a football club is not how much money they spend, or the obsession in being in the chumps league or winning the league, that only a select few clubs in the whole league can achieve.

I don't really get what you are saying because of the 100's of clubs in the leagues below us would give their right arm to be in the Premier league and most would be happy just to survive every year. The fact that we have been ever presents makes most of the clubs in the Midalands very envious. As a business the likes of the scum, Coventry, Boggies and Wolves have all been harmed by relegation and it is very difficult to stop the yo-yo process.

The problem that most people have with Randy et al is the fact that money stopped suddenly and we seem to have wasted an awful lot on compo being paid out to departing managers or clubs they arrived from. Even when we have done this we have been stuck with mediorce personell who do not perform but still pick up the dosh week in week out.

It's not all about the spending, it's about running the club as an effective and successful business, which just like the Browns, Randy and his subordinates seem uncapable of doing.

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As Villa fans seem to think your a decent owner if you just spend shit loads of cash.

When Randy was giving money to O'Neill every week he was a good owner.

I'll say it again, most Villa fans aren't asking RL to spend big. They are just asking him to make sure that the club is run properly so that we can achieve our maximum potential.

I am not sure why you are so desperate to paint Villans as glory hunters wanting RL to splash the cash on a par with Abramovich and Mansour. I have seen very few do this.

Infact back then he was as vocal and around just as much as he is now.

When you are winning and the club is progressing you don't need to be vocal. Actions speak louder than words. When things are going in the opposite direction you do!

But now as he's not spending shit loads, there is a where's Randy thread for people to abuse him not spending money, or telling them every single detail of what is going on.

In all seriousness, even the most ardent fan cannot argue that the club has made a good job of its PR over the last 18 months!

Supporting a football club is not how much money they spend, or the obsession in being in the chumps league or winning the league, that only a select few clubs in the whole league can achieve.

It is also about wanting your club to achieve to its maximum potential. Whilst most of us accept that top 4 is beyond us, unless we get it really right, we would also believe that relegation should be beyond us given our resources etc.. I am not sure I can believe a true fan is saying Championship would be okay??

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Just have to have a difference of opinion then, because if Randy spent a shit load in Jan, he would be flavour of the week with the vast majority of fans.

Achieve its maximum potential? Well thats handy isn't it, i just decide our maximum potential is challenging for the title and have a go until it happens.

No owner can ever win, well perhaps thats the point!

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Just have to have a difference of opinion then, because if Randy spent a shit load in Jan, he would be flavour of the week with the vast majority of fans.

If it was well spent of course it would be well received - welcome to human nature. But I don't see a vast number calling for this?

Achieve its maximum potential? Well thats handy isn't it, i just decide our maximum potential is challenging for the title and have a go until it happens.

You can't just decide your maximum potential, it is inherent. I would argue that Villa has had the seventh highest revenue, has a good academy and related catchment area and should be capable of finishing 7th to 10th whilst playing some decent football (If Swansea and Norwich can then I think we should be able to?). To finish above this is punching above our weight BUT would be very acceptable obviously. To not achieve these goals would be very disappointing and reflect a poor out-turn for a club of our resources/stature.

No owner can ever win, well perhaps thats the point!

Most sensible Utd fans would recognise the good job that the Glasiers have done, although would worry whether they will be able to continue this with the loss of Fergie. Most Arsenal fans would have been happy with their stewardship under Dein. Most Norwich fans would be very happy with Delia's reign. Most Baggies fans would be happy with Peace's running of their club I believe. Most Spurs fans would support Levy/Lewis. Most Wigan fans would recognise the sterling job that Whelan has done. Ditto Gartside at Bolton (maybe changing if they get embroiled in a relegation battle). Most Stoke fans would be highly supportive of Peter Coates, who runs a pretty tight ship.

I think all you can ask of an owner is that they deliver an environment where a club can attain the level that its income and infrastructure should be capable of doing.

I don't believe our owner has done that over the last couple of years.

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... Most sensible Utd fans would recognise the good job that the Glasiers have done, although would worry whether they will be able to continue this with the loss of Fergie. Most Arsenal fans would have been happy with their stewardship under Dein. Most Norwich fans would be very happy with Delia's reign. Most Baggies fans would be happy with Peace's running of their club I believe. Most Spurs fans would support Levy/Lewis. Most Wigan fans would recognise the sterling job that Whelan has done. Ditto Gartside at Bolton (maybe changing if they get embroiled in a relegation battle). Most Stoke fans would be highly supportive of Peter Coates, who runs a pretty tight ship.

I think all you can ask of an owner is that they deliver an environment where a club can attain the level that its income and infrastructure should be capable of doing.

I don't believe our owner has done that over the last couple of years.

There lies the nub of the issue. It seems to me that RL went into his affair with Villa without properly assessing what was needed. Perhaps he was ill-advised - his early commitment needed to be maintained, though not necessarily at the level it was 3 or 4 years ago.

Now it appears as though he hardly cares about what's happening - or will make a re-appearance when AM has successfully set Villa back towards the sixth-place level, or near. Which, as things appear right now, will never be.

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I would argue that Villa has had the seventh highest revenue, has a good academy and related catchment area and should be capable of finishing 7th to 10th.

I think all you can ask of an owner is that they deliver an environment where a club can attain the level that its income and infrastructure should be capable of doing.

I don't believe our owner has done that over the last couple of years.

So surely then we have?

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It just seems to me that there is something wrong in our club.

Owners:We all know the purse strings had to be tightened but there seems a big extreme here, I do not see myself as spoilt as I have been enjoying the times where we were never big spenders.

I think Randy wants out, maybe he is trying to get some of his money back I dont know but something is not right, I cant put my finger on it but sometimes ambition does not have to be shown through spending money plus we know we cant attract big name players.

The Fans:Well you can see from the gates that the attendances are down, the atmosphere is apalling and the silence is only killed by the cringeworthy songs of "shit support my lord" to the away fans.

We have had spare tickets going around by us for quite a few home games this season and we can not give them away!! People dont want to come and when previous die hard fans start chatting random shit during a game it says something.

20 years plus we have been season ticket holders, through good times and bad at home and at the club yet I hear comments of "I could of got a new sofa for the cost of this" from a guy who told his mrs to leave a few years ago if she didnt like the fact that he was renewing.

I have lost all my passion, I leave my quote of "villa till I die and not just when we are winning" to remind myself as I am bored! A lot seem to say the same as me that its more about meeting up with the boys, the get together, the banter and getting away from the wife, the football is the depressing part. What the hell happened!!!

The Players:There just isnt any enthusiasm coming from the team in my opinion and in my opinion its because we have no real leader to get the team going, a joey barton type player without the mentalist attitude. AT the moment I can see the likes of Bent leaving in January.

The Premiership:Totally **** up! Too much money and too many egos.

What are we playing for anymore? The title? Out of the question. The Champions League? Out of the question. The Europa League? Pretty much out of our league and a load of shit anyway, loads of Thursday and Sunday games which means more cash and smaller gates. League Cup: Shit and really lost its attraction and though its realistic for any club to aim for this it seems that we cant even challenge for that. How about the FA cup? Again realistic to go for until we get a Manu or City, it dont have the magic it used to hold but it is something still to play for.

I have really had enough at the moment and I dont fancy our chances againsty anybody at the moment and when I hear the championship teams talking about football at work I kind of envy them!!! Maybe I may venture to Tamworth Town or somewhere but I love the Villa.

Overall I think the Premiership holds most of the blame and really cant see it improvong until there is a break away league

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I think all you can ask of an owner is that they deliver an environment where a club can attain the level that its income and infrastructure should be capable of doing.

Sums up pretty well what most sensible fans would expect from Lerner and the board.

Last season was disappointing as we were pretty awful for most over it we managed to finished 9th. A good manager would surely have seen some improvement on this. The board told us they werent happy with how the season had gone and would act. Unfortunately in their world sacking Houlier and replacing with McLeish was the action seen to improve...........

Poor appointment from a poor board. Poor communication since has pretty much left McLeish to carry the can while Lerner appears to have lost his satnav directions to VP.

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I hope so too. He is quickly undoing all the great work he did for the club in his first few seasons here. Lerner deserves a hell of a lot of credit for the MON years but since then our club has been a shambles.

Yes I'm pleased that we are trying to run things on a decent financial level but the PR from the club, or lack of it, has just been ridiculous.

For 18 months now the club has pretty much ignored the fans, which is disgraceful. The whole PR-bullshit from "the General" was embarrassing to read at times, when all we wanted was a bit of info on current events, and the way he disappeared without a trace was laughable.

I will always be thankful for Lerner taking over our club but now we need a change, otherwise we will continue to go backwards.

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I agree, I will forever be grateful to him for providing a breath of fresh air after the Doug Ellis days but I don't think he's got the wealth to fund the needs, wants and ambitions of Aston Villa anymore.

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The fans are a big problem with our club not just the owner/manager/players.

I think it's the lack of fans that is the problem. Even during our best period under Oneill, we never reached the kind of demand for tickets that the likes of Spurs & Liverpool enjoy. You only have to look at the pish attendances achieved by Small Heath to realise that Birmingham is not the best place for a football team to operate.

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He does have a point though. Boo-ing at games isn't great and we have quickly become a bit of a laughing stock among other fans. Everyone knows Villa fans as moaners and although I'm quite proud of that, I'm also bored of hearing so much negativity. Saying that the board have not helped the situation one bit.

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The fans are a big problem with our club not just the owner/manager/players.

Villa fans are no different to any other fans, from the biggest clubs:

- Liverpool fans over Gillett & Hicks

- Arsenal fans moaning about Wenger

- Utd fans protesting over the Glaziers

to the smaller clubs like Blackburn fans re the chicken boys and Kean.

Frankly, its not a bad thing because football is about passion. The minute that the fans stop feeling this way about their clubs the minute the game starts to lose its position at the centre of communities and as a really important part of people's lives.

The passionate interrelationship between the true football fan (as opposed to the armchair or occasional fan) and his club is what makes the game so huge. The minute this is lost then the game is dead IMO.

I do wonder whether you are really a Villa fan with your posts about the Championship and the fans being a problem with the Villa. Maybe you are but it seems to me that you have a very strange view for a football fan. Give me a passionate fan with strong views about his club every time, as long as these don't spill over into unacceptable or stupid behaviour.

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