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O'Neill on transfer window again


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Agree with not being held to ransom ect..........BUT ......there seems to be a notion, that the players we are after will be cheaper in the summer .....and I just can't see it ! - theres another influx on TV money, - every club will be 'active' in the summer - where as some have admitted they aren't now.

Part of being a good manager is the ability to get good players in.....whether the existing clubs want to sell or not. I know you can throw your hands up and say 'what can he do' - the current choice seems to be,

1.Pay over the odds

2.go for lesser players

3. Carry on with the current squad

3. Would be an extremley high risk category - so basically its the choice of lesser players - or paying more than we want. I think O neils trademark, is getting the very most out of decent players - so we could see him go for the lesser names.

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Well, the article that was flying around the other day where MO'N was saying Lerner is doing everything he can, or something like that, seems fairly similar to the Benitez statement.

MO'N also seems to be getting interviewed more than any other manager about the window right now, as we are being linked with anyone & everyone.

I would also say that, as previously suggested, MO'N is deliberately not making light of a situation that is pretty darn serious, so that would explain why he is not being his usual chirpy self.

Finally, the Stuart Pearce comment about Beckham is up there with the Blues going after Maradona.

As usual, I fail to see the point in what has been posted in the first instance, here. Other than to antagonise and get a reaction, that is. Which again, would appear to be the norm.

I am trying very hard not to make this too personal to the poster, as there is certainly more than just he that appears to be guilty of the negative, sarcastic and antagonistic approach to their posting.

But I can fully understand why certain people will no longer be reading the contributions by such people, and I for one am spending less time on here these days because of similar reasoning.

I am all for a good debate, but I am failing to see the point of a lot of posts and threads these days. I would have thought that, with Ellis gone - and to some people, O'Leary gone too - that there were would be no need for all this rubbish, as it is a season of transition. The major changes to the club happened too late in the summer and the problems with the January transfer window are proven fact, no matter how much some people disagree, or call that a 'pathetic excuse'.

Maybe I have consumed too much booze over the years that it has affected my brain cells, but I really do fail to see the reasoning for all this.

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..transfer windows are mad.

They are at that, and they bring out a special sort of madness in all of us.

You know when you watch a wildlife documentary and there are thousands of animals of some ridiculous species or other behaving utterly stupidly because its the mating season for four weeks.

That's us that is.

Transfer windows are mad and I love it.

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when you watch a wildlife documentary and there are thousands of animals of some ridiculous species or other behaving utterly stupidly because its the mating season for four weeks.

That's us that is.

I am familiar with the work of wildlife cameramen.

You see girls running like this? That's you that is. That's how you run. See your bike? It's a girl's bike

I do not own a bicycle

You do, and it's a girl's one

Well I'd just like to say...

It's for girls. You see those workmans' tents in the road?

I have observed them


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What a prat ,its "fans"like you that wreck the confidence of clubs and cause them to end up with no hopers as managers .If you are going to express an opinion about my club ,its manager and its future I would prefer it to be something positive until sufficient time has past to allow the club and its custodians to show what they can truly do. Your negativity is unwarranted and certainly not appreciated.

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As usual, I fail to see the point in what has been posted in the first instance, here. Other than to antagonise and get a reaction, that is. Which again, would appear to be the norm.

I am trying very hard not to make this too personal to the poster, as there is certainly more than just he that appears to be guilty of the negative, sarcastic and antagonistic approach to their posting.

But I can fully understand why certain people will no longer be reading the contributions by such people, and I for one am spending less time on here these days because of similar reasoning.

I am all for a good debate, but I am failing to see the point of a lot of posts and threads these days...

I agree.

For me, this raises a question for the mods.

I suppose it's fine for poorly-argued rants to be posted on the messageboard, as long as they conform to site rules. But if you're going to place something on the front page - and mods have to vet something before it gets there - doesn't it have to pass some sort of test, like there being a point to it, or containing at least some standard of logical reasoning, or not being evidently factually inaccurate?

Do you think the piece in question is one which you really want as a flagship article?

Because for me, it falls rather short of what I would expect to see as the acceptable standard of a front pager. This is the "shop window" of VT, and if you think this stuff is the sort of quality you want in the shop window, I have to say I disagree.

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Whilst I don't agree with Malcolm on many of the points in this article, isn't the point that there is no official line on VT.

It's this that means that any and all opinions are valid, and that's why I come. If I stop reading the people I disagree with, I'll never know why they disagree with me, and I'll never learn anything.

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Whilst I don't agree with Malcolm on many of the points in this article, isn't the point that there is no official line on VT.

It's this that means that any and all opinions are valid, and that's why I come. If I stop reading the people I disagree with, I'll never know why they disagree with me, and I'll never learn anything.

My point is not that the piece fails to follow a "line". You're right, there is no line.

The point is about whether something which is placed as a front page article should reach a certain basic standard, which is something quite unrelated to what the piece argues for. It's not at all about whether you agree with what it says.

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Well if more people wrote and submitted decent articles for the front page maybe we could afford a little more quality control. If some of the people complaining about the quality of this article actually wrote some themselves, they may be in a position to have a more valued criticism. But again it has to be stressed that the message an article sends isn't important, we don't vet articles for opinions everyone's entitled to their own here.

Why do I say this? Because of late we've been rather short of FP articles!! So if anyone would care to oblige, we'd only be too happy to consider it for the FP

And on that note, can we get back on topic please

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