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Our team if we go down..


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The more I think about it, the more I feel we won't do too badly if we are to be relegated this year.

I know its a huge loss of income for the club, but the players we have at the moment I feel could certainly push for promotion in that division.


We'll lose Benteke, N'Zogbia and probably (hopefully) Ireland, but certain players I feel we will keep and with the parachute payments, will perhaps be able to afford to keep for the first season we are down there.


On paper, our team could look a little like this...










That team is more than capable of winning the championship in my opinion and with a couple more hungry young signings, it could get even stronger.


We're doomed this year I'm afraid. Perhaps that has been the plan all along though, to bring in these players so that if we do drop a league, we can start again and build a young, hungry team.


Or am I being a little ambitious.


Who knows. Thoughts?

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I'd expect Guzan and Vlaar to go from that team. It really will be all about recuperating as much money as possible from some of the older players. Gabby would be one of the best players in the league but considering his wages, I think the club would push him out. Obviously Dunne will be released and N'Zogbia, Benteke, Ireland would be shifted as you've said. If we even can shift Ireland. 


Due to the fact we have a lot of young, reasonably experienced players on fresh contracts I think we'd be in a pretty decent position in all honesty.  Lots of clubs that go down struggle because they have older players on biggish wages that have to be sold or released and they have to rebuild an entire squad. I think a core of our squad would remain the same and we could keep hold of them and hopefully add a few here and there with championship experience.


Weimann is key for me, we need to tie him down to a long contract, he'd score a lot of goals in that league. It could prove beneficial to the likes of Albrighton, Delfouneso, Herd whose careers have just sort of faded away - It could be a good time for them to start over. Hopefully it might make kick start the careers of Gary Gardner, Derek Williams, Samir Carruthers and Daniel Johnson too.


We could have a very decent year, who knows. I'm just trying to be optimisitc though :)

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I'm not so sure n zog will leave he's on big enough wages who's gonna take him? All depends on what these idiots in charge do next god knows what Lerner will do and if lamberts allowed continue at the helm after relegating us then he might bring in worse players than he did already


I'd argue, Vlaar, Benteke, Westwood and Lowton have been some of our better players this season.

I don't think he has bought too badly at all.


He came to a club with a very poor team. He was then told to get rid of Cuellar, Collins, Hutton and Warnock. A whole back 4. Bar Hutton, the other 3 would almost certainly be contenders for starting in our current team.


Its not like he had 20m to make us great. He was given 20m and he knew he needed 6/7 new players just so we didn't finish bottom with 10 points.

Lamberts job has been almost made impossible by the powers that be and Ok, there are times he has made strange decisions, but he isn't the main reason we are in this situation.


I do wonder why he took the job though, knowing the extraordinary limitations he would have to work with. We are a big club and I honestly think we will bounce back next year, IF we can keep the likes of Gabby, Weimann, Vlaar, Westwood etc. 

every player from that league would want to play for us so we could cherry pick the best ones along with some good players from abroad and start a-fresh.


Oh, and Lerners a car crash of an owner.

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It's possible that Lerner and Faulkner knew that relegation was a distinct possibility, so that's why they hired Lambert, who has a great record of getting his teams promoted.


Piss poor strategy which really isn't a strategy at all. 


If you knew that someone was going to give you 70 dollars in August, but in order to get that 70 dollars, you had part with 20 right now, why on Earth would you not do it? 


Baffling and really distressing.

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I agree that we would be decent at that level.. the players who it's clear were bought with this possibility in mind would have had a season to settle in & adjust.


I agree we would lose


Benteke for sure

Dunne for sure

Not sure about Gabby

Given possibly

Nzog i think would want out but may get no takers

Ireland hmmm How long has he got now on his contract?

Dawkins likely would go back to Spurs too.


I actually think Guzan would stay as would Vlaar unless he gets pushed away by a call from Holland saying he must be playing at the highest level or to get considered or something.


As for the rest? Well i would hope that Weimann would stay but of course we could lose him too.. Maybe if he was given a good new contract & told he would be the mainstay of the attack?


But the thing is we would surely be the biggest & wealthiest club in the Championship?


So yeah we should be able to attract some decent players & i do think we would have a better chance than most to get promoted.












Subs: New GK?? Stevens, KEA, new Striker? Clark, Bannan


Think we would buy


New CB or possibly 2

New Striker

New GK

New Left sided midfielder

Back up DM for Sylla

Edited by danceoftheshamen
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Gabby and Weimann up front in the Championship would be lethal. Strength, Power, Pace and full of running.

I've accepted relegation now with the clown we have as a chaiman, but if we keep the core players, Guzan, Lowton, Vlaar, Baker, Westwood, Agbonlahor and Weimann, we will have enough to go up i'm sure. 


Then we will get the 70m from TV rights. 


I like Lambert, I've been baffled with a few of his team selections this year, but his job has been made so difficult by our 'custodian'. 


Up the Villa.

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There is nothing to be positive to be about this. We will lose out on the best players we have, pretty sure weimann will leave unless he gets a new contract straight away. Lose out on that 70 million, we also lost sponsorship from Genting which is pretty devastating because there is no chance we will get anything close to that next season. Players will go cheap also, you would probably have gotten more out of benteke now than in the summer. Hopefully bannan would be gone, same goes for bennett. 

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As far as I remember its rare that a team from the premiership gets relegated and then wins the championship the following season. When we do go down I expect us to struggle in the championship and probably end up in the playoffs at the end of the season.

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Benteke is not on particularly high wages (22k a week I think I heard?) With 3 years left on his contract I am not so sure we'd lose him straight away. We paid 7m for him, 3 years left, key player.. it would take a bid of 14-15m to get us to sell, and I'm not sure many clubs would be willing to pay that to a relegated side. At least not until January when Arsenal realise they actually need him.



Wiemann may be ambitious young player, but he's just started new contract talks. If that goes well he'll be commited for a while longer, and he's fully aware of our currently position so is not going to be talking about new contract if he has any doubt about leaving. 


I think we'll get a few offers, but I'm certainly hoping that we won't be selling on the cheap. We've developed this team of young hungry players as a team for the future, so it'd be madness to sell them before they reach their potential, not unless the money is too good.



I think Vlaar may leave sadly. If he wants to hold his place in the national side he needs to be playing in the top division. I can see him going to Germany. Someone like Shalke could make a bid and give him top level football and potential Champions League, he's not beyond that. 


That would leave us with :


----------------- Guzan -----------

Lowton - Baker - Clark - Bennett

---------- Sylla - Westwood ---------

Agbonlahor--------------- N'Zogbia

--------- Benteke - Wiemann ---


Decent championship team that. Which is why we're struggling in the Premiership with it right now.

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I think we would win the championship quite easily. The likes of Given, Ireland and Nzogbia will most likely have to take a pay cut if relegated which would make it easier to shift them. I think we would still have a decent bargaining position for Benteke and with a few more Lambert signings we would be ok, and only Vlaar and Bent would be certain to leave. I still have hope that we will stay up but it almost involves relying on Sylla being brilliant and not getting injured, which is probably not that likely.

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It's possible that Lerner and Faulkner knew that relegation was a distinct possibility, so that's why they hired Lambert, who has a great record of getting his teams promoted.


Piss poor strategy which really isn't a strategy at all. 


If you knew that someone was going to give you 70 dollars in August, but in order to get that 70 dollars, you had part with 20 right now, why on Earth would you not do it? 


Baffling and really distressing.


I do think we are witnessing a "managed decline" but given their past record I doubt many would trust their judgement.


I can hear the conversation now:


PF (on phone to RL): Randy I have a great idea. I have done my research and found that when Villa have been relegated in the past they invariably came back stronger. Lets cut the costs, hire a manager who is good at promoting teams and we will be challenging for Champions League in 5 years time


RL: Do you really think so Paul? You might be onto something there. Hold on a moment....... Sorry just had to scratch my lucky tattoo - its starting to peel. OK tell that little Scots fella - What his name again?


PF: Not sure.... let me just check...... Lambert I think


RL: OK tell Albert, he can have £20 million of your lovely English Pounds but he has to cut the wage bill by £30 million - Daddy would be so proud of me!


PF: He sure would be Randy. OK sorry I interrupted your "Championship Manager" game. How you doing by the way?


RL: Not so good actually. Havent won a game at home in ages. Lost to Tottenham, Wigan, Southampton and Newcastle at home but I am thinking of signing a guy called Stephen Hawking who comes highly recommended by Krulak and Houllier has said I should consider another guy called Sylla.


PF: Maybe I should ask Albert to have a look at them?


RL: Another great idea Paul and they're dirt cheap! Anyhow must go busy, busy, busy - will fly over if and when we win a couple of games - I hear the natives are restless.


PF: OK boss - don't worry about the natives. You know how fickle Villa fans are - they can never see the big picture!

Edited by MikeMcKenna
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I think we would win the championship quite easily. The likes of Given, Ireland and Nzogbia will most likely have to take a pay cut if relegated which would make it easier to shift them. I think we would still have a decent bargaining position for Benteke and with a few more Lambert signings we would be ok, and only Vlaar and Bent would be certain to leave. I still have hope that we will stay up but it almost involves relying on Sylla being brilliant and not getting injured, which is probably not that likely.

What makes you think those players will need to take a paycut? Really can't see any of them having relegation clauses in their contract.

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the fact is people will bid crap money for our players when we go down there is no strategy its lerner just being a cheap sode and gambling with our future and hoping there are three teams worse than us, this was plan last year and same this year lerners injected a disease into this club and he is slowly killing us. if we go down we will be the new nottingham forest just a big club stuck in midtable. it will destroy us when we go down wait and see no positives at all for going down i hope there is a massve protest against faulkner and lerner soon as they are the ones responsible for this mess

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