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Paul Lambert


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It's a bit sad when people are arguing over whether an injury prone player or a suspension prone player is our best player.


Don't say much for the rest of the shit does it.


Yeah because the propensity to pick up a yellow card or an injury has any bearing on a player's ability.

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Would u say our home form is down to the tactics or quality of players?

Bit of both but I think some of it could be psychological. We've been poor at home for ages.


:crylaugh: Some fantastic excuses on here this morning.


Someone blamed the fans and now this morning we're crap at home because it's psychological.


Maybe, just maybe, we're crap because our manager purchased poor players and doesn't have the nous to get the best out of them.


Just an idea?



Hold on, if you think the players he signed are poor then surely you must think he is getting the best out of these poor players. How else are we 11th?





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Would u say our home form is down to the tactics or quality of players?

Bit of both but I think some of it could be psychological. We've been poor at home for ages.


:crylaugh: Some fantastic excuses on here this morning.


Someone blamed the fans and now this morning we're crap at home because it's psychological.


Maybe, just maybe, we're crap because our manager purchased poor players and doesn't have the nous to get the best out of them.


Just an idea?


Perhaps you should read my posts before trotting out the tired old "excuses" line. I even said "bit of both". Fact is though we were poor at home under a completely different set of players and we haven't been a strong team at home for as long as I can remember.


If it really was because these players are supposedly crap and he can't get the best out of them then why is our away record so good?


Our away record and performances such as against Fulham you mean.

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Lambert and Randy both have the privilege to be the ones who have followed much hated predecessors. They'll both be given more time in result to this and be judged in an entirely different, hypocritical manner. I'm pretty sure that's for the good of Villa when it comes to Lambert, but not so sure about Randy at all. Currently his main saving grace is that he's not Deadly.

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No-one has said we expect to sign 16 superstars on a budget but what we do expect is that they are able to either keep possession or pass to a team mate on a regular basis and you can be a leader on the pitch while not costing much (Roy Keane) just one example.



hahahaha...hilarious....Lambert should have scouted 16 Roy Keane's ...........they're out there you know!!   :crylaugh:


...."just one example".........hahahaha


Funny how you didn't answer any of my questions in my previous post to you and then select something in which i have quoted just one example.


Yeah hilarious alright.

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Our away record and performances such as against Fulham you mean.


This is just cherry-picking now. What about Southampton, Norwich and Arsenal? What about the fact that before last weekend we hadn't lost away to a team outside the top 4 for over a year? What about the fact that before the Fulham game we'd lost just once away from home all season, and that was a narrow loss to Chelsea to a goal that shouldn't have been allowed.


Edited by Mantis
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Lambert and Randy both have the privilege to be the ones who have followed much hated predecessors. They'll both be given more time in result to this and be judged in an entirely different, hypocritical manner. I'm pretty sure that's for the good of Villa when it comes to Lambert, but not so sure about Randy at all. Currently his main saving grace is that he's not Deadly.

Randy initially did a lot of good things at the club maybe this has earned RL more time from supporters.

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Only posting negative "stats" under Lambert but omitting things like us scoring more goals, finishing with more points and playing objectively better football last season is biased.


What, 11th place? Woe is us. We're surely the worst team in the world with the worst manager in the world.


And yet those stats were more prevalent due to last season's performances or are you conveniently forgetting that we only secured our Premiership status with one game to go which emulated the performance of the great Mcleish.


And this is the type of ridiculous statement (bolded) that I would expect from another poster on site. It seems desperation is spreading.



I could ask you if you're "conventionally forgetting" that in spite of losing to Bradford and getting thumped badly by several teams we still got more points, scored more goals and looked good for more periods of last season.


Yes, I agree that desperation is spreading. Some seem desperate to see Lambert fail and now that we haven't been in a relegation battle this season they're clutching at things like playing style.


Or could some be conveniently forgetting that mentioning goals scored they've ignored that we've the lowest tally of goals scored at home in all four divisions but then that would be biased wouldn't it.


Not desperation to see Lambert fail at all as he has already failed last season and some think that the season has already finished.



Okay, I'm done now and I hope anybody else trying to understand you is done also. Lambert failed last season? He was given the task overhauling the squad, he HAD to do this, it was not a choice. He completed this task and kept us in the Premier League, I do not know what you expected personally but if he had failed he wouldn't of been our manager at the start of the season as we'd have been in the Championship.


Have a good day mate.


Where does it say that Lambert 'had' to overhaul the squad in the way that he did and he completed his task by keeping us in the Premiership?


So our expectancy now has gotten so low that staying in the Premiership is seen as an achievement!!


Have a good day also mate and i'm sure with that expectancy level you'll not be too disappointed if we are relegated in the future.  

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Our away record and performances such as against Fulham you mean.


This is just cherry-picking now. What about Southampton, Norwich and Arsenal? What about the fact that before last weekend we hadn't lost away to a team outside the top 4 for over a year? What about the fact that before the Fulham game we'd lost just once away from home all season, and that was a narrow loss to Chelsea to a goal that shouldn't have been allowed.




For what it is worth, you may as well use stats Mantis, we're the 6th best team in the league away from home with 12 points from 8 games. Better than Newcastle, Chelsea, Swansea, Southampton, Man City, WBA, West Ham, Cardiff, Fulham, Norwich, Stoke, Hull, Palace and Sunderland.

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Lambert and Randy both have the privilege to be the ones who have followed much hated predecessors. They'll both be given more time in result to this and be judged in an entirely different, hypocritical manner. I'm pretty sure that's for the good of Villa when it comes to Lambert, but not so sure about Randy at all. Currently his main saving grace is that he's not Deadly.

Randy initially did a lot of good things at the club maybe this has earned RL more time from supporters.


Initially he said all the right things and spent a lot of money. Not sure this can be classified as having done a lot of good things when looking back with hindsight.

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Only posting negative "stats" under Lambert but omitting things like us scoring more goals, finishing with more points and playing objectively better football last season is biased.


What, 11th place? Woe is us. We're surely the worst team in the world with the worst manager in the world.


And yet those stats were more prevalent due to last season's performances or are you conveniently forgetting that we only secured our Premiership status with one game to go which emulated the performance of the great Mcleish.


And this is the type of ridiculous statement (bolded) that I would expect from another poster on site. It seems desperation is spreading.



I could ask you if you're "conventionally forgetting" that in spite of losing to Bradford and getting thumped badly by several teams we still got more points, scored more goals and looked good for more periods of last season.


Yes, I agree that desperation is spreading. Some seem desperate to see Lambert fail and now that we haven't been in a relegation battle this season they're clutching at things like playing style.


Or could some be conveniently forgetting that mentioning goals scored they've ignored that we've the lowest tally of goals scored at home in all four divisions but then that would be biased wouldn't it.


Not desperation to see Lambert fail at all as he has already failed last season and some think that the season has already finished.



Okay, I'm done now and I hope anybody else trying to understand you is done also. Lambert failed last season? He was given the task overhauling the squad, he HAD to do this, it was not a choice. He completed this task and kept us in the Premier League, I do not know what you expected personally but if he had failed he wouldn't of been our manager at the start of the season as we'd have been in the Championship.


Have a good day mate.


Where does it say that Lambert 'had' to overhaul the squad in the way that he did and he completed his task by keeping us in the Premiership?


So our expectancy now has gotten so low that staying in the Premiership is seen as an achievement!!


Have a good day also mate and i'm sure with that expectancy level you'll not be too disappointed if we are relegated in the future.  



I do not expect miracles, I do not expect relegation - it is pretty clear that Lambert had to overhaul the squad, he has said himself many a time that 'we had to sort the wage structure' and other quotes along those lines. The players we had in our squad were no better than the ones we have now, as you pointed out yourself last season we did just as good as we did under McLeish. 


Last season yes my expectancy was to not get relegated, this season I would like us to be away from the relegation battle, so far so good on that note. I expect reasonable, sustainable and steady progression, season by season. So far that is going to plan although I cannot judge properly until the season is over as, which you've also pointed out, the season does not end tomorrow.

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Initially he said all the right things and spent a lot of money. Not sure this can be classified as having done a lot of good things when looking back with hindsight.


Hindsight is a wonderful thing. Investing more money into the playing side is not doing a good thing? Rebuilding the training ground is not doing a good thing?

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Whilst I agree that Lerner is 'the making' of the problem I would suggest that if Lambert is doing everything he knows to put things right that he doesn't actually know enough.

You're entitled to your opinion. My opinion is that there are few if any managers who could do a better job with the resources available - if we agree that resources are very limited, I feel we need to support someone who is willing to trash their reputation, whilst going the hard yards to put things right

Lambert wasn't my first choice (I would have prefered OGS or Poyet - choices that actually I now feel would have been worse) but for the good of the club I feel we need to get behind someone for a sustained period.

Any manager would struggle cobbling a team together from lower league bargain buys - if we were to bring another guy in, we would have to wait three or four windows for him to 'rebuild' , during which time we would be bottom half of the table and everyone on here would be calling for his head.

He's had £43m to spend over 2 years. Not a fortune, but enough to at least get a team capable of playing halfway decent football, and he's failed to do that. He also failed to get anything out of most of the players who were here, which if he had done, would have made his money go further. His transfers have mostly been atrocious, that midfield today was abysmal, and they're all his buys. He's also spent money on the likes of Bowery, Helenius and Kozak which could all have been better spent elsewhere. That's the thick end of £10m gone right there on players who haven't made a shred of difference.

£43m divided by 16 incoming players = £2,687,500 per player.

How many teams have spent that sort of money on so many players? How many teams have spent that sort of money on so many players yet are mid table in the Premier League nearing the half way point of the season?

People need to stop seeing this big shiny £43m figure and realise the extremity of what Lambert has HAD to do with his overhaul. I'm pretty sure when he arrived that he would have been told not only will you be getting this budget but you MUST overhaul the squad and get rid of X Y Z as we do not want to be paying such high wages anymore.

Brilliant post.

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Or could some be conveniently forgetting that mentioning goals scored they've ignored that we've the lowest tally of goals scored at home in all four divisions but then that would be biased wouldn't it.


Not desperation to see Lambert fail at all as he has already failed last season and some think that the season has already finished.


Don't think anyone has been trying to argue that we've been prolific in front of goal this season.


Depends how you define failure. I get the impression that some will deem him as a failure regardless of what happens.


Who thinks the season has ended already? Find me one person that's said that.


Hold on, if you think the players he signed are poor then surely you must think he is getting the best out of these poor players. How else are we 11th?




Show me where anyone has said he would be a failure regardless of what happens and the reference to the season not ending is answering those who keep putting forward our current placement as an achievement. 

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Show me where anyone has said he would be a failure regardless of what happens and the reference to the season not ending is answering those who keep putting forward our current placement as an achievement.


I never said that's what anybody said, it's just the impression some give.


Some people are just highlighting the progress on last season. It doesn't mean they think the season ends now. I'm sure if things were reversed and we were doing worse at this point than last season you'd be quick to point that out.

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Our away record and performances such as against Fulham you mean.


This is just cherry-picking now. What about Southampton, Norwich and Arsenal? What about the fact that before last weekend we hadn't lost away to a team outside the top 4 for over a year? What about the fact that before the Fulham game we'd lost just once away from home all season, and that was a narrow loss to Chelsea to a goal that shouldn't have been allowed.



Accusing me of cherry picking yet you doing exactly the same with stats.


What about the performances against West Ham and Hull and mentioning a goal that shouldn't have been allowed.


We were two down against WBA and could have been four down with missed chances. All conjecture and what ifs.

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This is a tough one for me as I am someone that actually rates Lambert but I am also someone who refuses to be blinded by that and have to be honest. With that in mind I can't say anything other than that what I have seen us serve up over the last 3 months or so has in the main been dire.

I also have to say that beyond our first 11, which is good enough to finish around mid-table, then the squad as a whole is arguably one of the worst I have seen in my 30 odd years following this great club.

The blame for both the standard of our performances and quality of our squad though for me doesn't rest solely with Lambert. The majority of the blame rests with Lerner. You pretty much in football reap what you sow. In the main the more you are willing to pay players in wages the better standard of player you will attract. There will of course always be exceptions to this but those clubs with the biggest wages bills, providing they have a good manager, will be the clubs that are the most successful.

With the above in mind then for me Lambert hasn't been given a chance to build a squad capable of consistently playing good football and achieving decent results. The quality of the players he has been able to bring in simply aren't of a high enough standard. The reason for this is that we seem no longer willing to pay the level of wages that quality players will want.

I am really frustrated by what we are serving up currently and do believe that our points total isn't a reflection of our performances and that we have more points than we deserve. With that in mind I do genuinely fear that if performances don't improve dramatically then we will find ourselves in the mire again this season.

Lambert needs some major backing from Lerner. The squad needs rebuilding for me as despite the players never giving less than 100% the quality isn't good enough. You could have Lambert or Mourinho with Guardiola as his assistant in charge but without backing then the squad will never improve from where it is now and the performances will continue to reflect the overall quality of that squad.

Couldnt have said it better.

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Show me where anyone has said he would be a failure regardless of what happens and the reference to the season not ending is answering those who keep putting forward our current placement as an achievement.


I never said that's what anybody said, it's just the impression some give.


Some people are just highlighting the progress on last season. It doesn't mean they think the season ends now. I'm sure if things were reversed and we were doing worse at this point than last season you'd be quick to point that out.


Show me where anyone has given the impression that no matter what Lambert does its doomed to failure?


As you are now very quick to point out the reverse, so far and it isn't yet a constant.

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