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Paul Lambert


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For a start please quote posts in the right way instead of bolding replies within the post/posts you are replying to. No


'The real world' as you put it is one relegation battle with all the wrong records broken and a second season with a miserable home record with the lowest tally of goals scored in all four divisions and totally inept tactics and performances.


There has been nothing stated to say he couldn't have kept several of those players while committing the club to gradual change. It was his choice to bring in those 16 players you keep banging on about while the Chief Executive has already stated it was up to Lambert how he spent his budget. There's been nothing stated to say that he couldn't have singed Messi, Bale and Ronaldo either but that's about as likely


I don't know how many low cost footballers there are out there as i don't have a scouting network to refer to but i'm sure there are enough who can at the very least have the attribute of being able to pass a ball to a team mate.


So what you're saying is that Lambert didn't have the option of keeping Albrighton and not signing Tonev? Is that what you are actually suggesting? No it's not - again with your straw man arguments


You say Fonz isn't going to cut it yet you think that Bowery will? I don't know if he will but I do know that Fonx sadly won't


Ireland wasn't given a fair chance by Lambert certainly not in the same way that he is getting with Hughes and Stoke are benefitting from that. Just because he had two half decent games and well-known spunk-trumpet, football idiot and bum-chum Naill Quinn was raving over him doesnt make him the answer to our prayers


So in your opinion Kozak is not in any shape or form the same type of player as Bent and is a like for like replacement for Benteke to fit our system? straw man again. no he is not a like for like repalcement for Beneteke nor is he an exact copy of Bent


Concerning Sylla you think him to be limited in ability yet still think he is value for money. So it's ok to purchase poor players just as long as they don't cost too much. and again.....something can be limited in ability but still fit for purpose <insert your own example here> in this case the purpose is maintaining our premiership position whilst balancing the books


Your decision not to post in the Grealish thread anymore is due to being unable to answer the questions presented to you when engaged. No it's not...


And again no-one is demanding superstars on our budget. That is a ridiculous suggestion to make. This is yet another desperate excuse used by you to explain last season and our performances this season. You can get better players on a budget as it has already been pointed out to you on site time and time again It really really hasn't and indeed Lambert has actually proven that with Benteke and Vlaar. However, thats just two players out of 16 and thats why currently we are so poor. In my opinion Lambert is above average at spotting bargains who will play for peanuts, in your imaginary world there is some imaginary super-coach who is unearthing gem after gem. Lambert's buys are in the main u21 or full internationals - you get what you pay for


Ah, now you are describing your comment on Lambert being a 'tactical genius' as a joke. For once you're actually right, yet it is strange that you didn't say this when making the original comment. No I said it immediately after. Let's be clear then - I think Lambert is at around the same level of development as MON was when he was managing Leicester. A young manager who has potential to become a really good, solid top 10 manager. I hope that that will be with Villa whislt you would prefer an unspecified super-coach and world class talent spotter. To add to the "excuses" for Lambert how much resource exactly do you think RL is allocating to the scouting effort - do you imagine we are top quartile or even top half in that respect?


Your comment on Rooney was rightly rebuffed because teams like West Brom, Newcastle and Everton have players on wages much less than Rooney yet those teams did beat Man U which rebuffed your excuse that we couldn't be expected to beat Man U due to our players costing less and being on less wages but you knew that anyway. No just because you don't expect something to happen doesnt mean that it can't happen - long shots come in all the time, but given the disparity of resources i didnt expect it us to beat them and it turned out I was right. If you looked at the team sheets and thought "its very likely that we will roll these over today" then in this instance you were miles of the mark.Just another pathetic attempt to get yourself out of a corner. now, now........I'm not in any corner and am happy that I've taken a sensible view of what is happening at the moment. I don't understand or support everything that Lambert does, however, I personally cannot think of a manager who is available to us who would be better equipped to come in and do a better job (in fact neither can you)


Our team last season was not a step up from the Mcleish era as both teams only secured their Premiership safety with one game to go and that stat can't be argued with. It was clearly a step up....we finished with more points and in a higher position, with a team that was earning a fraction of what McL's team cost...now those are stats that you can't argue with


Eh, no. Your expectations and predictions for last season are well documented and we fell below those.  Your predicition was relegation - that didnt happen. Mine was that we would be safe, and I hoped that if Lambert had decent funds in Janaury we might finish 9th-12th - he wasn't and we finished 15th. We were as far away from relegation as we were from 8th place


Your comments in the last three lines of your reply are actually indicative of your whole response which is one of someone in complete denial of what is happening at the club at the moment and is actually reflective of someone (to use your term) living in a claret & blue imaginary world. No I'm taking a real world view of our situation....Investment that was badly controlled and didnt deliver under MON, the risky appointment of Houllier given known health problems, a debacle under McL whose brief was to control the budget and didn't. The whole club needs to be reset and Lambert is grasping the nettle.....I'll judge him in another 12 months once the purse-strings are loosened.


You solutions of keeping Fonz and Bent and Hotton and Ireland and Collins and Cuellar and Given was never ever ever an option but even if it had been it wouldn't have solved the finance problem that we faced. What is hilarious is that those players got worse and worse and worse under McL and yet you trumpet them as the answer to everything


I'm fed up arguing with you Morpheus - it's the easiest thing in the world to stand on the sidelines sniping - you need to face facts that we are financed like a championship club so the expansive, expressive football you dream of isn't arriving any time soon


It makes me laugh the easy ride Lerner gets whilst Lambert who is our best chance to get out of this mess is pilloried


Edited by VillaCas
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Lambert tries to play football with a mediocre team last season and we get thumped umpteen times.  Puts a good run together at the end of the season and we stay up.


Teams spend millions over the summer and we spend pennies - thus sending us backwards by standing still, but we sacrifice aesthetics for effective (albeit somewhat unattractive) play to amass points.


With better players comes better football.  Even if we can satisfy selling teams with the transfer fund, we can't attract the players that will play for championship wages - hence looking at players with potential. Not all are going to come good, but it's a calculated risk based on need.


In terms of squad quality, where do people think our team is?  If you're of the opinion that it's in the bottom 4 (like me), why do you think we have any right to be doing better than we are?

This is not me being content with things - I long for the Big Ron days of expansive, quality and successful football at VP again, but I think the blame is not with the manager. It's solely with the chairman in my opinion.

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 If AVB wasn't foreign I doubt people would want him. The calls for Lambert's sacking are ridiculous but the calls to replace Lambert with AVB are even worse. He's done a poor job with tons of money, why on Earth would he do a better job than Lambert with hardly any money?


You say we never saw this and that under McLeish for example.


I suppose we never saw record defeats either, or losses to Div 4 sides. What about record runs for inabilities to keep clean sheets we didn't see those under McLeish. What about a whole load of other records broken (mostly if not all negative) did any of those happen under McLeish?


McLeish was a poor appointment as it turns out and was run out of the club in a fair amount of time. Interestingly the same criteria is not being applied to Lambert and that can be clearly showed by the above record that he has inflicted on the club.


He is a poor manager, some of the comments throughout his tenure as Villa boss are farcical building him up to be some superstar manager, He has failed to date to deliver what was expected of him. He is clearly struggling to work under the constraints that Lerner has put on him. Yes Randy has a lot to answer for, but Lambert certainly does also

I don't really give a **** about individual records. We may have had more downs last season but also a lot more ups.


Just because you see Lambert as just as bad as McLeish doesn't mean everyone else has to.



He's just backed his opinion with stats and your reply is 'I don't really give a **** about individual records.'


Excellent stuff.

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For a start please quote posts in the right way instead of bolding replies within the post/posts you are replying to. No


'The real world' as you put it is one relegation battle with all the wrong records broken and a second season with a miserable home record with the lowest tally of goals scored in all four divisions and totally inept tactics and performances.


There has been nothing stated to say he couldn't have kept several of those players while committing the club to gradual change. It was his choice to bring in those 16 players you keep banging on about while the Chief Executive has already stated it was up to Lambert how he spent his budget. There's been nothing stated to say that he couldn't have singed Messi, Bale and Ronaldo either but that's about as likely


I don't know how many low cost footballers there are out there as i don't have a scouting network to refer to but i'm sure there are enough who can at the very least have the attribute of being able to pass a ball to a team mate.


So what you're saying is that Lambert didn't have the option of keeping Albrighton and not signing Tonev? Is that what you are actually suggesting? No it's not - again with your straw man arguments


You say Fonz isn't going to cut it yet you think that Bowery will?


Ireland wasn't given a fair chance by Lambert certainly not in the same way that he is getting with Hughes and Stoke are benefitting from that.


So in your opinion Kozak is not in any shape or form the same type of player as Bent and is a like for like replacement for Benteke to fit our system?


Concerning Sylla you think him to be limited in ability yet still think he is value for money. So it's ok to purchase poor players just as long as they don't cost too much.


Your decision not to post in the Grealish thread anymore is due to being unable to answer the questions presented to you when engaged.


And again no-one is demanding superstars on our budget. That is a ridiculous suggestion to make. This is yet another desperate excuse used by you to explain last season and our performances this season. You can get better players on a budget as it has already been pointed out to you on site time and time again and indeed Lambert has actually proven that with Benteke and Vlaar. However, thats just two players out of 16 and thats why currently we are so poor.


Ah, now you are describing your comment on Lambert being a 'tactical genius' as a joke. For once you're actually right, yet it is strange that you didn't say this when making the original comment.


Your comment on Rooney was rightly rebuffed because teams like West Brom, Newcastle and Everton have players on wages much less than Rooney yet those teams did beat Man U which rebuffed your excuse that we couldn't be expected to beat Man U due to our players costing less and being on less wages but you knew that anyway. Just another pathetic attempt to get yourself out of a corner.


Our team last season was not a step up from the Mcleish era as both teams only secured their Premiership safety with one game to go and that stat can't be argued with.


Eh, no. Your expectations and predictions for last season are well documented and we fell below those.


Your comments in the last three lines of your reply are actually indicative of your whole response which is one of someone in complete denial of what is happening at the club at the moment and is actually reflective of someone (to use your term) living in a claret & blue imaginary world.     



No other than just common sense.  :lol: 

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 If AVB wasn't foreign I doubt people would want him. The calls for Lambert's sacking are ridiculous but the calls to replace Lambert with AVB are even worse. He's done a poor job with tons of money, why on Earth would he do a better job than Lambert with hardly any money?


You say we never saw this and that under McLeish for example.


I suppose we never saw record defeats either, or losses to Div 4 sides. What about record runs for inabilities to keep clean sheets we didn't see those under McLeish. What about a whole load of other records broken (mostly if not all negative) did any of those happen under McLeish?


McLeish was a poor appointment as it turns out and was run out of the club in a fair amount of time. Interestingly the same criteria is not being applied to Lambert and that can be clearly showed by the above record that he has inflicted on the club.


He is a poor manager, some of the comments throughout his tenure as Villa boss are farcical building him up to be some superstar manager, He has failed to date to deliver what was expected of him. He is clearly struggling to work under the constraints that Lerner has put on him. Yes Randy has a lot to answer for, but Lambert certainly does also

I don't really give a **** about individual records. We may have had more downs last season but also a lot more ups.


Just because you see Lambert as just as bad as McLeish doesn't mean everyone else has to.



He's just backed his opinion with stats and your reply is 'I don't really give a **** about individual records.'


Excellent stuff.



The "stats" are completely biased though and individual records are fairly meaningless. We may have conceded far more goals under Lambert for example but we still finished with more points.


We will see how people feel when palace and stoke bully us and Swansea outplay us. Reckon we will be 17th by jan. No villa fan can honestly be happy with what they've been seeing the last 5 games including the Southampton result

Can I have tomorrow's lottery numbers please?


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'The real world' as you put it is one relegation battle with all the wrong records broken and a second season with a miserable home record with the lowest tally of goals scored in all four divisions and totally inept tactics and performances. And we're still 1 point off being in the top half! Mentalllllllllll


There has been nothing stated to say he couldn't have kept several of those players while committing the club to gradual change. It was his choice to bring in those 16 players you keep banging on about while the Chief Executive has already stated it was up to Lambert how he spent his budget. Yes I'm sure Lambert getting rid of players was out of his love for the club and Randy, he was sick of Randy having to pay all of the ridiculous wages and took it into his own hands.


I don't know how many low cost footballers there are out there as i don't have a scouting network to refer to but i'm sure there are enough who can at the very least have the attribute of being able to pass a ball to a team mate. So with an average of £2.5m per player, probably with many players initially on between £10k-£15k a week if not less, we could have gotten better players who would have us higher than 11th place this season?


So what you're saying is that Lambert didn't have the option of keeping Albrighton and not signing Tonev? Is that what you are actually suggesting? No it's not - again with your straw man arguments Albrighton was sent out on loan this season to Wigan, that loan has clearly rejuvenated him and I hope it is permanently. Maybe he realised he didn't want to play in the Championship, Lambert has now given him a chance, what more is he to do?


You say Fonz isn't going to cut it yet you think that Bowery will? Bowery is a squad filler that cost about £500,000 and I'd imagine is on less than £10k a week, he is there as a back-up to do a job when needed and also to develop. Fonz is widely known to be on £25k+ a week.


Ireland wasn't given a fair chance by Lambert certainly not in the same way that he is getting with Hughes and Stoke are benefitting from that. Ireland was given a chance at the start of last season, in a quality to wages ratio, Ireland is completely pants. What is the point continuing to play somebody that you do not want in the squad if they aren't performing? 


So in your opinion Kozak is not in any shape or form the same type of player as Bent and is a like for like replacement for Benteke to fit our system? He is an alternative to Benteke, Lambert likes to play with a strong/tall/big however you want to put it, target man. Benteke (or at least the Benteke from last season) is a different breed, he is a rarity, he is a target man who is just as good on the floor with his feet. 


Concerning Sylla you think him to be limited in ability yet still think he is value for money. So it's ok to purchase poor players just as long as they don't cost too much. The £1m or so we spent on Sylla in January gave balance to our midfield and arguably helped to keep us up so yes I think that was value for money myself.


And again no-one is demanding superstars on our budget. That is a ridiculous suggestion to make. This is yet another desperate excuse used by you to explain last season and our performances this season. You can get better players on a budget as it has already been pointed out to you on site time and time again and indeed Lambert has actually proven that with Benteke and Vlaar. However, thats just two players out of 16 and thats why currently we are so poor. We can't expect to get a squad full of Benteke's and we can't expect to pick up international defenders for the same price as Vlaar. I would also imagine Vlaar is on significantly more a week than many of Lambert's other signings, he is the leader, that is the job Lambert clearly brought him in to do. 


Our team last season was not a step up from the Mcleish era as both teams only secured their Premiership safety with one game to go and that stat can't be argued with. Do you want McLeish back over Lambert?


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 If AVB wasn't foreign I doubt people would want him. The calls for Lambert's sacking are ridiculous but the calls to replace Lambert with AVB are even worse. He's done a poor job with tons of money, why on Earth would he do a better job than Lambert with hardly any money?


You say we never saw this and that under McLeish for example.


I suppose we never saw record defeats either, or losses to Div 4 sides. What about record runs for inabilities to keep clean sheets we didn't see those under McLeish. What about a whole load of other records broken (mostly if not all negative) did any of those happen under McLeish?


McLeish was a poor appointment as it turns out and was run out of the club in a fair amount of time. Interestingly the same criteria is not being applied to Lambert and that can be clearly showed by the above record that he has inflicted on the club.


He is a poor manager, some of the comments throughout his tenure as Villa boss are farcical building him up to be some superstar manager, He has failed to date to deliver what was expected of him. He is clearly struggling to work under the constraints that Lerner has put on him. Yes Randy has a lot to answer for, but Lambert certainly does also

I don't really give a **** about individual records. We may have had more downs last season but also a lot more ups.


Just because you see Lambert as just as bad as McLeish doesn't mean everyone else has to.



He's just backed his opinion with stats and your reply is 'I don't really give a **** about individual records.'


Excellent stuff.



The "stats" are completely biased though and individual records are fairly meaningless. We may have conceded far more goals under Lambert for example but we still finished with more points.


We will see how people feel when palace and stoke bully us and Swansea outplay us. Reckon we will be 17th by jan. No villa fan can honestly be happy with what they've been seeing the last 5 games including the Southampton result

Can I have tomorrow's lottery numbers please?


Ah, stats are now being described as 'biased.'  :lol:


I see our current placement isn't.  :rolleyes:

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We will see how people feel when palace and stoke bully us and Swansea outplay us. Reckon we will be 17th by jan. No villa fan can honestly be happy with what they've been seeing the last 5 games including the Southampton result

I seem to remember George Foreman out boxing and bullying a certain Muhammad Ali in 1974.  ;)  They may bully and put play us, but will they beat us?


Why wouldn't you be happy with the Southampton result.  The amount of possession was down to the way we were set-up that day.  Achieving 23% when aiming for 50% possession is very different to achieving 23% when aiming for circa 23%.  Had we taken Southampton on at their own game, they would've walked all over us as their players are better than ours. Sad state, but they have the money and we seemingly don't.


Our aim is to pick up points. It's not always going to work, but winning ugly is better than losing pretty.  The problem is when you don't win then you lose ugly too, but what choice is there when the wage budget is sufficient to attract players of below Premier League standard?  Name a player that would improve us and I'll wager he's out of our reach.

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 If AVB wasn't foreign I doubt people would want him. The calls for Lambert's sacking are ridiculous but the calls to replace Lambert with AVB are even worse. He's done a poor job with tons of money, why on Earth would he do a better job than Lambert with hardly any money?


You say we never saw this and that under McLeish for example.


I suppose we never saw record defeats either, or losses to Div 4 sides. What about record runs for inabilities to keep clean sheets we didn't see those under McLeish. What about a whole load of other records broken (mostly if not all negative) did any of those happen under McLeish?


McLeish was a poor appointment as it turns out and was run out of the club in a fair amount of time. Interestingly the same criteria is not being applied to Lambert and that can be clearly showed by the above record that he has inflicted on the club.


He is a poor manager, some of the comments throughout his tenure as Villa boss are farcical building him up to be some superstar manager, He has failed to date to deliver what was expected of him. He is clearly struggling to work under the constraints that Lerner has put on him. Yes Randy has a lot to answer for, but Lambert certainly does also

I don't really give a **** about individual records. We may have had more downs last season but also a lot more ups.


Just because you see Lambert as just as bad as McLeish doesn't mean everyone else has to.



He's just backed his opinion with stats and your reply is 'I don't really give a **** about individual records.'


Excellent stuff.


I think we were the better team yesterday as we had more shots on goal with more on target.  I can back that nonsense with stats if I wanted to.



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We will see how people feel when palace and stoke bully us and Swansea outplay us. Reckon we will be 17th by jan. No villa fan can honestly be happy with what they've been seeing the last 5 games including the Southampton result

The football has not been great but catastrophising is not going to help your mood. If what you say occurs then we need to worry about it then, not now. I am confident we can pick up points against those teams.

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We will see how people feel when palace and stoke bully us and Swansea outplay us. Reckon we will be 17th by jan. No villa fan can honestly be happy with what they've been seeing the last 5 games including the Southampton result

I seem to remember George Foreman out boxing and bullying a certain Muhammad Ali in 1974.  ;)  They may bully and put play us, but will they beat us?


Why wouldn't you be happy with the Southampton result.  The amount of possession was down to the way we were set-up that day.  Achieving 23% when aiming for 50% possession is very different to achieving 23% when aiming for circa 23%.  Had we taken Southampton on at their own game, they would've walked all over us as their players are better than ours. Sad state, but they have the money and we seemingly don't.


Our aim is to pick up points. It's not always going to work, but winning ugly is better than losing pretty.  The problem is when you don't win then you lose ugly too, but what choice is there when the wage budget is sufficient to attract players of below Premier League standard?  Name a player that would improve us and I'll wager he's out of our reach.



Results don't matter in football mate, just how pleasing to the eye you are on the highlights, just ask Wigan fans.


We will see how people feel when palace and stoke bully us and Swansea outplay us. Reckon we will be 17th by jan. No villa fan can honestly be happy with what they've been seeing the last 5 games including the Southampton result

The football has not been great but catastrophising is not going to help your mood. If what you say occurs then we need to worry about it then, not now. I am confident we can pick up points against those teams.



Bang on, what is the point making up negative situations to complain about?

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Oh my god you guys, I just realized that if you sack enough, you will eventually get in the top 8. 

Don`t really feel we are there yet with the squad since it`s still pretty young, but if we say..hmm sack two more times we should have more stability in the squad to finish in the top 8.

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Oh my god you guys, I just realized that if you sack enough, you will eventually get in the top 8. 

Don`t really feel we are there yet with the squad since it`s still pretty young, but if we say..hmm sack two more times we should have more stability in the squad to finish in the top 8.


Only if we buy Berbatov and get Ireland to sign a new bumper contract though.

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For sure. Anelka might be available next season, could be a great prospect


Why not, while we're at it we could see if Ryan Giggs would like a few season away from United, maybe try and bring Paul Scholes out of retirement? 


In a few years we can just splash a few more million on some new ones anyway.

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I've asked it before, but if the budget and the quality of the team is bottom 4 standard, but we're 11th is the manager not doing a pretty reasonable job with the tools at his disposal?


We're like the Williams F1 team. Used to be great but now quite poor in many respects with newer teams outspending and finishing above them.  

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I've asked it before, but if the budget and the quality of the team is bottom 4 standard, but we're 11th is the manager not doing a pretty reasonable job with the tools at his disposal?


We're like the Williams F1 team. Used to be great but now quite poor in many respects with newer teams outspending and finishing above them.  


I believe those who think we are bottom 4 standard would put it down to 'luck'. 

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