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Paul Lambert


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We could have saved a hell of a lot of money on Darren Bent too. Loved the idea at the time but thinking back 24million for Darren Bent, my god!

It would have cost a lot more than £24m if we hadn't bought him at the time IMO.
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We could have saved a hell of a lot of money on Darren Bent too. Loved the idea at the time but thinking back 24million for Darren Bent, my god!

That was only with add-ons, some of which I don't think were met.


I agree that it was a lot of money and that he was objectively never worth that but I guess taking into account the situation we were in at the time and the effect he had he was still worth it.

Edited by Mantis
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I believe Lambert has spent the £10m well (and will be shown in time) but I also think we are £10m short of what we should have been spending in order to progress.


And before "M" jumps on this, I mean pushing ourselves beyond teams such as Norwich, Fulham, West Brom.

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To divert the topic from existential reasons of where the club should be and how bad previous seasons were and what players we theoretically could have bought with the money we didn't know we had with the wages we don't know were offered, etc. etc.


Here's a continuing study of faux statistics that might/might not have any relevance.


Aston Villa crosses per game: Last - with 14. Cardiff and Crystal Palace have 17 crosses per game to round out the bottom.


Aston Villa long balls per game: 2nd - with 68. Only Tottenham have more with 70. For reference, United are third with 67.


Aston Villa short passes per game - 18th - with 307. West Ham and Sunderland are 19th and 20th with 296 and 294 respectively.


Aston Villa possession % - 19th with 41.8%. Only Sunderland are worse with 41.6%


Aston Villa pass success % - 18th with 41.8%. Only Sunderland and West Ham are worse.


Aston Villa also lead the league with 16 fouls, tied with United.


Random stat - Aston Villa are last in the league at shots within the 6 yard box with 3% of their shots.

Edited by Kwan
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Or we could have saved ourselves 6m by not purchasing Kozak, Helenius and Bowery.


Which still wouldn't have been enough for the targets he wanted. Next.


Interesting point of view not taking into consideration that we may have had more than the 6m I suggested to spend on a AM and the cumulative wages of the trio of players?


That being said i was actually referring to the affordability of barry's wages bringing him here on loan. :rolleyes:  


Ah it would have. His targets were Kozak, Helenius & Bowery so by not buying Kozak, Helenius & Bowery he'd have saved up exactly enough money to go out and buy Kozak, Helenius & Bowery :P

I refer you to above reply.

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Or we could have saved ourselves 6m by not purchasing Kozak, Helenius and Bowery.

We could have never signed anyone. We could have never made signings ever. This is old ground though isn't it, MoMo? Bowery and Helenius cost how much? Kozak has been here for how long? How were the results when he played? Etc. etc. etc. etc. 


I say for the millionth time, it is perfectly logical that not signing an attacking midfielder was down to the player (or players) we were after being over-priced by their club (or clubs). It is reasonable that Kozak was a target we agreed to buy, and we would also have agreed a deal with, say, Stuttgart for Kiyotake if Stuttgart hadn't priced him too high (because they didn't want to sell him and didn't have to sell him). Clubs don't have to sell. Stuttgart, for example, didn't want to sell. So we didn't get the elusive AM. Did you see those other clubs, Man Utd and Arsenal, struggling all summer to buy players? Or Tottenham not paying enough for Benteke? And so on and so on throughout the football world. Lambert clearly wants an AM. 


It's not as simple as you make out, and I am aware that you're a mature man, Mo, so I'm confused why you're consistently so simplistic with your reasoning.


In reference to the post i was replying to my comments were directed to the affordability of Barry coming to us on loan.


Secondly please quote where on site i have excluded the possibility of clubs not willing to sell being the reason why we didn't get an AM? You could be right of course but hasn't a renowned ITK on site confirmed that Lambert wasn't backed on all of his targets?


Lastly it doesn't take a high IQ, maturity, or someone with a simplistic view to exclude any opinion. All it takes is arrogance.

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To divert the topic from existential reasons of where the club should be and how bad previous seasons were and what players we theoretically could have bought with the money we didn't know we had with the wages we don't know were offered, etc. etc.


Here's a continuing study of faux statistics that might/might not have any relevance.


Aston Villa crosses per game: Last - with 14. Cardiff and Crystal Palace have 17 crosses per game to round out the bottom.


Aston Villa long balls per game: 2nd - with 68. Only Tottenham have more with 70. For reference, United are third with 67.


Aston Villa short passes per game - 18th - with 307. West Ham and Sunderland are 19th and 20th with 296 and 294 respectively.


Aston Villa possession % - 19th with 41.8%. Only Sunderland are worse with 41.6%


Aston Villa pass success % - 18th with 41.8%. Only Sunderland and West Ham are worse.


Aston Villa also lead the league with 16 fouls, tied with United.


Random stat - Aston Villa are last in the league at shots within the 6 yard box with 3% of their shots.

That's an unhappy set of stats, I must say. Probably feeds into why some people are not enjoying watching us play at the moment.


You also have to look at end product as well


At home we are 18= in terms of points gained(3) and 16= on goals per game (0.9). Fortunately we have done better away (4= on points and 10=on average goals).


But it's home games that gets the crowds (and the gate money) in and generate excitement and a sense of momentum amongst supporters, so we really do need some improvement in the way we play and the results we get at home.

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To divert the topic from existential reasons of where the club should be and how bad previous seasons were and what players we theoretically could have bought with the money we didn't know we had with the wages we don't know were offered, etc. etc.


Here's a continuing study of faux statistics that might/might not have any relevance.


Aston Villa crosses per game: Last - with 14. Cardiff and Crystal Palace have 17 crosses per game to round out the bottom.


Aston Villa long balls per game: 2nd - with 68. Only Tottenham have more with 70. For reference, United are third with 67.


Aston Villa short passes per game - 18th - with 307. West Ham and Sunderland are 19th and 20th with 296 and 294 respectively.


Aston Villa possession % - 19th with 41.8%. Only Sunderland are worse with 41.6%


Aston Villa pass success % - 18th with 41.8%. Only Sunderland and West Ham are worse.


Aston Villa also lead the league with 16 fouls, tied with United.


Random stat - Aston Villa are last in the league at shots within the 6 yard box with 3% of their shots.

That's an unhappy set of stats, I must say. Probably feeds into why some people are not enjoying watching us play at the moment.



Its funny that when stats are used in the opposite to show progress i.e. on last season, goals conceded, its often deemed as clutching at straws, but these stats are liked for some reason. Hmmm.

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I challenge you, oh mighty and wise SikhInTrinity, to find anyone who will "like" those stats.


Liked in a way to put the boot in IMO. Thought you had enough about you to understand that, obviously not. Point being you could go under the MON era and find some damning stats, but the most important stat was where we finished.

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I'm not saying to draw any concrete conclusions, but there has been a definitive change in our style of play. We might not get any hidings like Chelsea or City last year but at what cost?

Of course, it will be interesting to see how we play against weaker teams

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To divert the topic from existential reasons of where the club should be and how bad previous seasons were and what players we theoretically could have bought with the money we didn't know we had with the wages we don't know were offered, etc. etc.

Here's a continuing study of faux statistics that might/might not have any relevance.

Aston Villa crosses per game: Last - with 14. Cardiff and Crystal Palace have 17 crosses per game to round out the bottom.

Aston Villa long balls per game: 2nd - with 68. Only Tottenham have more with 70. For reference, United are third with 67.

Aston Villa short passes per game - 18th - with 307. West Ham and Sunderland are 19th and 20th with 296 and 294 respectively.

Aston Villa possession % - 19th with 41.8%. Only Sunderland are worse with 41.6%

Aston Villa pass success % - 18th with 41.8%. Only Sunderland and West Ham are worse.

Aston Villa also lead the league with 16 fouls, tied with United.

Random stat - Aston Villa are last in the league at shots within the 6 yard box with 3% of their shots.

Terrible stats but not surprising.

We played some great football for the first 3 games against top opposition and have seemed to have just stopped attempting to play any kind of decent football since. I don't know why? Were we found out and had to resort to this way? Is it a loss of confidence from our players or in our players from the manager?

Considering how exciting we were at the end of last season it's this change in style that's been so disappointing.

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To divert the topic from existential reasons of where the club should be and how bad previous seasons were and what players we theoretically could have bought with the money we didn't know we had with the wages we don't know were offered, etc. etc.

Here's a continuing study of faux statistics that might/might not have any relevance.

Aston Villa crosses per game: Last - with 14. Cardiff and Crystal Palace have 17 crosses per game to round out the bottom.

Aston Villa long balls per game: 2nd - with 68. Only Tottenham have more with 70. For reference, United are third with 67.

Aston Villa short passes per game - 18th - with 307. West Ham and Sunderland are 19th and 20th with 296 and 294 respectively.

Aston Villa possession % - 19th with 41.8%. Only Sunderland are worse with 41.6%

Aston Villa pass success % - 18th with 41.8%. Only Sunderland and West Ham are worse.

Aston Villa also lead the league with 16 fouls, tied with United.

Random stat - Aston Villa are last in the league at shots within the 6 yard box with 3% of their shots.

Terrible stats but not surprising.

We played some great football for the first 3 games against top opposition and have seemed to have just stopped attempting to play any kind of decent football since. I don't know why? Were we found out and had to resort to this way? Is it a loss of confidence from our players or in our players from the manager?

Considering how exciting we were at the end of last season it's this change in style that's been so disappointing.


You're certainly not as positive as you were a couple of months ago! I don't know if anyone noticed, but last season we had some ups and downs, and things really started to pick up through the course of the season, so maybe we should take a lesson from that. 


We're in a better position, look much less like getting smashed (we don't look like getting smashed at all)—we could/should have beaten Everton—we have a young team clearly patience is a virtue here. 

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