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Paul Lambert


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I expected us to not be fantastic at defending but we are the lowest scorers in the Prem. Being bad at defending and attacking = relegation.

You couldn't have put it any simpler. Even the most optimistic people must surely realise that the worst attack + the worst defence = going down.

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How is Lambert's first 19 games vs McLeish's last 19 signs of an improvement!?!

Comparing the first 19 games of two managers from two different seasons is pushing it, but first 19 v last 19 is bizarre.

Bizarre??? comparing the last 19 games with the 19 games that went directly before them???

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I find it strange that ones who keep telling us we're improving are also now telling us this level of record breaking shitness is to be expected.

How does that work?

Making up your own quotes again aren't you.

I expect progress to be slow and stuttering. I expect setbacks along the way. The last two performances were unexpectedly bad

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How is Lambert's first 19 games vs McLeish's last 19 signs of an improvement!?!

Comparing the first 19 games of two managers from two different seasons is pushing it, but first 19 v last 19 is bizarre.

How is it? Lambert's first 19 games came directly after McLeish's last 19.

You couldn't have put it any simpler. Even the most optimistic people must surely realise that the worst attack + the worst defence = going down.

And yet we're 3 points clear of the relegation zone and have been out of it for most of the season. This suggest that although we do have the worst defence and the worst attack we are also inconsistent. I'd be more worried if we were consistently shit but we're not. Edited by Mantis
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How is it? Lambert's first 19 games came directly after McLeish's last 19.

And yet we're 3 points clear of the relegation zone and have been out of it for most of the season. This suggest that although we do have the worst defence and the worst attack we are also inconsistent. I'd be more worried if we were consistently shit but we're not.

We are 3 points clear of the relegation zone and sit marginally above it so be worried. If you are accepting that it is okay to compare 19 games of Lamberts with 19 games of McLeish's then fine, let's compare MCleish's first 19 games whereby we were 9th in the league on 23 points. Were you at all concerned last season?

Edited by pacbuddies
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How is it? Lambert's first 19 games came directly after McLeish's last 19.

And yet we're 3 points clear of the relegation zone and have been out of it for most of the season. This suggest that although we do have the worst defence and the worst attack we are also inconsistent. I'd be more worried if we were consistently shit but we're not.

McL's second half of last season returned .78pts per game with the average return getting worse

PL's first half of the season returned .94pts per game with the average return trending upwards

Two comparable periods directly following one another - one in which the trend of points return was getting worse and one where the trend for points return is getting better

No one is saying that we are great - it is obvious from the last two performances that we are not, but we have started this season better than we finished last season

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Lambert took the squad McLeish finished with and added circa £20M worth of players to it! How on earth is it a fair comparison!?

It's more fair when you consider that one player was sold for 2.5 mill (Collins), and two players bought for 11 mill pounds (Cuellar and Heskey) left the club.

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We are 3 points clear of the relegation zone and sit marginally above it so be worried. If you are accepting that it is okay to compare 19 games of Lamberts with 19 games of McLeish's then fine, let's compare MCleish's first 19 games whereby we were 9th in the league on 23 points. Were you at all concerned last season?

PL picked up from where McL left off so obviously it makes sense to see if PL has made any improvement

McL first 19 games were average (1.21pts per game), the next 19 were really bad (.74ppg) (the last ten of these averaged only .5ppg). PL then took over and has returned .94ppg with a trend that is upwards

There are plenty of things to moan about but you can't argue with the fact that under McL our return got worse and worse and under PL it is recovering - obviously we have a long way to go

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Its heartbreaking reading this thread at the moment. I can't believe I am reading stats that we have taken 0.94 points per game under Lambert, less than a point a game and this is seen as improvement. **** me how low we have fallen over the last couple of years when we are clinging to stats like these for hope.

Edited by markavfc40
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Said it in the relegation thread.

If things were actually much better like we keep getting told then people wouldn't have to be selective in the periods they choose to compare.

Its heartbreaking reading this thread at the moment. I can't believe I am reading stats that we have taken 0.94 points per game under Lambert, less than a point a game and this is improving. **** me low we have fallen over the last couple of years when we are clinging to stats like these for hope.


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Benteke > Heskey (by light years)

Vlaar > Collins (by miles)

Clark > Cuellar

So it's still a ridiculous comparison.

And that is why I am looking forward to the January window. We have a manager that is good at finding decent players. Add in that I think Westwood and Lowton has been decent, I think that things will improve once we have gotten the midfielders we desperately needs. Sorry to say it (I have kept hoping they would turn out to be good), but neither Bannan, Delph or El Ahmadi (will give El Ahmadi a bit more time, but patience is fading quickly) are good enough to start Premier League games.

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Its heartbreaking reading this thread at the moment. I can't believe I am reading stats that we have taken 0.94 points per game under Lambert, less than a point a game and this is seen as improvement. **** me how low we have fallen over the last couple of years when we are clinging to stats like these for hope.

Mark, I agree entirely. I WANT to believe in the Lambert project so it's bloody soul destroying that it's not going as I thought it would. I honestly thought that we'd improve massively from the dark days of McLeish, but we're clinging onto distorted stats to show any improvement.

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Okay, my last straw's just been broken. I have lost my faith in the Lambert project; we aren't hosting one of this seasons's Topps Swap & Play tour dates anymore, it's gone to the **** Hawthorns instead! :rant:

Lambert, Lerner, Faulkner, Nicky Keye, all the players, Doris the tea lady and all of you lot OUT. :bang:

Edited by GarethRDR
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Villa fans back to not understand giving someone time after a couple of losses.

Will understand it after a couple of wins.

if we get that couple of wins, when was the last time we got two wins in a row in the Prem?

Lambert does deserve time and i was glad he joined us, you can see what he is trying to do, but how much worse can it get before it gets better.

It is possible if Lambert had his prefered players available then we could probably comfortably sit mid (ish) table.

But surely he and the staff at Villa must have known we would get the same amount of injuries this season as last, virtually every team in the premiership has 3-4 key players out injured at any given time. Why have we not learned this? Why have we not brought in more players than have sold to plug the gaps. Under Lambert the squad has not got bigger or really improved much, he has gambled three key defensive positions on youngsters, this became 5 when Vlaar got injured. Maybe January he will bring in another 9 players and half of those will be ready to improve us?

Lambert's choices

on loan: 4 players

sold: 1 player

released: 2 players

long term injured: 2 players (Dunne being one)

Total: 9

players brought in: Vlaar, Westwood, KEA, Lowton, Bennett, Benteke, Guzan, Holman, Bowery

Total: 9

Players being driven out: Nzogbia, Bent, Ireland. Ireland has played but only when no other option - Lambert prefers Bannan and Westwood over him and he would play my mum rather than Bent if he could get away with it.

Now I am not saying Lambert isn't right to do things his way, even if that means experienced players out on loan or not being played. But right now we need everyone we can get and I would welcome Hutton and Warnock back in a heartbeat.

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