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Paul Lambert


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That doesn't change the fact that we were far more defensive under McLeish. It just means our attacking player under Lambert has been largely unsuccessful so far.

So perhaps Lambert needs to change his system to one that is more successful? It is a bit embarrassing to be out scored by McLeish's style of football.

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So perhaps Lambert needs to change his system to one that is more successful? It is a bit embarrassing to be out scored by McLeish's style of football.

I think it's very embarrassing. I don't know how its defended and also used as evidence of improvement.

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Which is a bit worrying when you also consider how poor our defence has also been.

No shit, but that doesn't mean things can't change.

So perhaps Lambert needs to change his system to one that is more successful? It is a bit embarrassing to be out scored by McLeish's style of football.

Or perhaps he needs to find a way of making this one work. **** McLeish and **** his negative football.
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No shit, but that doesn't mean things can't change.

Or perhaps he needs to find a way of making this one work. **** McLeish and **** his negative football.

No ones saying that we should go back to the negative tactics of mcleish, but at the same time surely the ones we are using need to changed to get more from the team?

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Something else to worry about. Thank god you're finally starting to see sense.

And if your best argument is 'things can change' it shows how poor its actually been.

I never said the lack of goals wasn't a worry.

No ones saying that we should go back to the negative tactics of mcleish, but at the same time surely the ones we are using need to changed to get more from the team?

We're plagued by injuries at the moment and have many new, young players. It will take time.
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I never said the lack of goals wasn't a worry.

We're plagued by injuries at the moment and have many new, young players. It will take time.

We haven't been plagued all season though..no ones saying itt will happen instantly, but it still doesn't mean we can't alter tactics now...

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We haven't been plagued all season though..no ones saying itt will happen instantly, but it still doesn't mean we can't alter tactics now...

This is what happens when you have a new young team trying to play a different way. It gets worse before it gets better.
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I think it's very embarrassing. I don't know how its defended and also used as evidence of improvement.

Since he has been with us he has tried a number of systems, sometimes to suit the players available, sometimes to suit a particular game - 4-4-2, 3-5-2, 4-2-3-1 etc. Some have worked, some quite patently have not.

Much has been dictated by injuries andtherefore the players available. Playing raw youngsters is bad enough but playing them out of position makes things doubly hard - I watched Herd closely on Wednesday and positionally he was all over the place. I think the greatest coach in the world could not make Herd into a Premier League class CB

I think during the five game unbeaten run we were seeing real signs of improvement but obviously the last two performances were poor and a step backward. With such a young and inexperienced squad we are always going to have ups and downs and what progress there is, is likely to be slow and stuttering.

Whatever you say PL's first 19 games have returned more points than McL's last 19 so that is some sign of improvement

I guess it all depends on your point of view - No one knows what will happen but I think we will get better in the second half of the season whilst others think that our form will stay the same or deteriorate

Whatever Saturday is a crucial game - on any given day any team in the premiership can beat any other but this is one of those that we must not lose (I don't think we will)

At the end of the day he has had 19 games in charge - I would challenge any manager to take over the mess PL was given and make huge improvements with such limited resources. But what are the options anyway - if we got rid of PL (which I'm certain we won't) who could come in a do better? by the time a new manager got to grips the season would be over

I'm mysterified by some of the posts here - what is it that you want done?

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This is what happens when you have a new young team trying to play a different way. It gets worse before it gets better.

Given how shit we were last season it is actually quite an achievement that things have gotten worse. I genuinely thought last season we had reached an all time low and things couldn't get any worse.

I like Lambert, he was my first choice to replace McLeish but I have to front up and say I have been unpleasantly surprised that he hasn't made a more positive impact yet. He hasn't been helped by injuries but in all fairness the only ones we really miss are Vlaar and Gabby. Weimann has so far missed one game. Bent was out in the cold and fitness permitting in my opinion likely to be sold in January. NZogbia in the same boat as Bent.

Lambert certainly hasn't been helped by the backing he has received. In the summer I get the impression he had to balance the signings with departures to at best balance the wage bill and at worse try to reduce it. We needed numbers and proven quality at this level and I don't think he was given the funds to achieve both. He therefore pretty much put his faith in buying players with potential but totally unproven at this level. Some have done well - Benteke, Lowton and to a lesser extent Westwood. The others are unsurprisingly taking longer to settle. The two experienced players he did sign have been hit - Vlaar and miss - KEA.

The trouble for me has been that he has tried to integrate too many new signings not used to playing at this level alongside our own youngsters who also have little experience of playing at this level. It has been all too common this season that heads have dropped quickly when things have gone against us and these lads have looked totally lost. It is not their fault but on the pitch we lack any leadership and this desperately needs addressing in January.

What I'd like to see now is for Lambert to be backed by Lerner and for him to bring in 2 or 3 players of proven quality at this level that can come straight into the side and make an instant impact. These young lads need help and a few experienced heads around them that can help them along and give them a little more time to realise their potential whilst ensuring we still maintain our Premiership status.

Edited by markavfc40
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Well I'd like us to not be one of the worst teams in the league. I don't think that's asking too much actually.

I guess it all depends on your point of view - No one knows what will happen but I think we will get better in the second half of the season whilst others think that our form will stay the same or deteriorate

If we made no signings in January do you think things would get a lot better?

Mark superb post as usual.

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So every team trying to play a new way with a new manager has to set new records in shitness?

no, but every team hasnt gone through 3 years of selling our best players, the nightmarish manager appointments, wage cutting and the complete rebuild of the squad. were in a incredibly shit possition, we were never going to do great straight of the bat. as long as we stay up this year and improve even if it means taking a step back we should be happy, lambert should be judged on the next season not this one.

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no, but every team hasnt gone through 3 years of selling our best players, the nightmarish manager appointments, wage cutting and the complete rebuild of the squad. were in a incredibly shit possition, we were never going to do great straight of the bat. as long as we stay up this year and improve even if it means taking a step back we should be happy, lambert should be judged on the next season not this one.


Patience is needed.

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