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Paul Lambert


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Of course there's no certainty at all that we could have signed either one of them

KEA has been poor so far and was particularly disappointing on Wednesday.

We really need to sign someone to add some strength to midfield in January

We've been needing that for quite some time now and we're still waiting.
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Very true. All of our midfielders are either small and weak or flatter to deceive when it comes to playing football, or sometimes both. Lambert needs to ship out Ireland this window as his reported 62k per week could easily be better utilised elsewhere in the squad. He's probably the highest paid CM outside of the top 5 and it's ridiculous. Lamberts hands are tied by stupid deals completed by our foolish owner. I doubt Dembele or Sigurrdson are on that at Spurs.

Lerner needs to give Lambert the necessary tools this window to do the job properly as it doesn't matter who is in charge when we have a squad built on average youth team players.

A lot of players have been given a fair crack now and Lambert needs to demand every available £ from Lerner this window, and **** spend it.

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A lot of players have been given a fair crack now and Lambert needs to demand every available £ from Lerner this window, and **** spend it.

Exactly what I'm thinking and hoping, IMO we have the right manager and now we need the funds to back him in the transfer market to give this great club a chance of retaining its Premier League status. UTV SOTC

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In a lot of games teams took their foot off the gas once they'd scored a goal or two because they knew we we content with losing by a small margin under McLeish.

Why is it bollocks? Did you not watch us last season?

you also have to look at the mentality of the opposition in the last two games, Both of them kept attacking after scoring a couple of goals, knowing that we wouldn't sit back and take a 2-0 loss, if we'd have nicked a goal back at any point during 1-0/2-0 it starts to change the momentum in the game.

I'm truly struggling to comprehend how people could say that McLeish was doing better. the fact is, we had no cohesion, no forward planning, no idea how to attack as a team. and i saw no signs of improvements, infact we can all agree results got worse as the season went on. Typical example of this were his transfer signings, Hutton/Given/N'Zogbia, anyone would any foresight wouldn't have signed a wide attacker like N'Zogbia, and would have gone for a proper winger, the money spent on Given was poor but to top that off with a 5 year contract is laughable.

Now you look at Lambert, arguably his signings have been our best players (westwood/benteke/lowton), we've seen spells and patterns of the swift passing/attacking style of play he wants to integrate. and up until X-Mas we were on our longest unbeaten run as a side for quite sometime.

However people want to paint us, we are not apologists for Lambert/Lerner. We are simply looking further than the end of our noses. Looking beyond the computer monitor.

We have been poorly managed for 3 years by football managers and Lerner, Now Randy has woken up and given Lambert the full reigns to rebuild our great club, Lambert had built a pretty good reputation at Norwich and simply could have rested on his laurels, what he saw here was a prestigious old club, fallen on hard times. He had the hunger and desire to come and try to rebuild us. It will take longer than 6 months to see the fruits of his labour, but the pieces are there, clear to see.

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you also have to look at the mentality of the opposition in the last two games, Both of them kept attacking after scoring a couple of goals, knowing that we wouldn't sit back and take a 2-0 loss, if we'd have nicked a goal back at any point during 1-0/2-0 it starts to change the momentum in the game.

I'm truly struggling to comprehend how people could say that McLeish was doing better. the fact is, we had no cohesion, no forward planning, no idea how to attack as a team. and i saw no signs of improvements, infact we can all agree results got worse as the season went on. Typical example of this were his transfer signings, Hutton/Given/N'Zogbia, anyone would any foresight wouldn't have signed a wide attacker like N'Zogbia, and would have gone for a proper winger, the money spent on Given was poor but to top that off with a 5 year contract is laughable.

Now you look at Lambert, arguably his signings have been our best players (westwood/benteke/lowton), we've seen spells and patterns of the swift passing/attacking style of play he wants to integrate. and up until X-Mas we were on our longest unbeaten run as a side for quite sometime.

However people want to paint us, we are not apologists for Lambert/Lerner. We are simply looking further than the end of our noses. Looking beyond the computer monitor.

We have been poorly managed for 3 years by football managers and Lerner, Now Randy has woken up and given Lambert the full reigns to rebuild our great club, Lambert had built a pretty good reputation at Norwich and simply could have rested on his laurels, what he saw here was a prestigious old club, fallen on hard times. He had the hunger and desire to come and try to rebuild us. It will take longer than 6 months to see the fruits of his labour, but the pieces are there, clear to see.

Lambert has broken all the wrong records yet you still feel its obvious that the pieces are there to build success?

We have been abysmal this season and continue to be so.

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why do i bother, if only to be sniped at by people suiting there own agenda,

I accept results aren't great this season (this was never going to be a season of success, stability at best, Survival at the worst).

You say you've seen little evidence of attacking play, yet how do you explained and crafted goals at Liverpool and Norwich even in a home defeat to Man Utd.

The simple thing for me, is rather than make this a toxic forum, i'm going to step away. I'm obviously too much of a glass half full type atm.

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why do i bother, if only to be sniped at by people suiting there own agenda,

I accept results aren't great this season (this was never going to be a season of success, stability at best, Survival at the worst).

You say you've seen little evidence of attacking play, yet how do you explained and crafted goals at Liverpool and Norwich even in a home defeat to Man Utd.

The simple thing for me, is rather than make this a toxic forum, i'm going to step away. I'm obviously too much of a glass half full type atm.


I hardly sniped at you did I? If you put your opinion on a message board then I'm afraid you're going to get people responding to it. And not all of those people are going to agree with you.

I think there have been odd spells where we looked good attacking but they've been very rare and like I said from what I've seen overall we are probably the worst attacking side in the league. There have been plenty of games where we struggled to create any decent chances and no team in the league has scored less goals.

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ha, not checked in here for a while but congratulations VT, it's worse than i expected :)

PL is great, he is the right man for the job, we've been spanked by 2 really good teams in the last 2 games. **** it though, beat wigan and we're 6 points clear of the relegation zone and the rebuilding work can continue.

despite the last two results i think once the dust has settled and we've played 5 or 6 more games it'll be hard to argue we aren't progressing with our youngest ever prem team.


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I think Mark made some very good points a few pages back.

We have all of the last two seasons problems rearing their heads again; injuries and a small squad.

If you look at the players currently available then we have very little to choose from and a chronic midfield.

I have a lot of faith in this manager though. I think he has the ability to take us forward, but we've decayed so badly in two seasons that we're at a very low base. The league is devoid of quality, which is a bonus. We will hopefully pull 6 points clear on Saturday.

There is hope. January is critical and the second of many critical windows on the way back. Come West Ham, we will hopefully have Vlaar and a new centre half, a dynamic and physically imposing central player to sit with Westwood, an attacking midfielder to replace Ireland and Bent, Benteke and Gabby up top.

It doesn't have to cost the earth either, as if the Albion can do it, then so can we.

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The thing is though we also scored more goals under McLeish's system than Lambert's.

That doesn't change the fact that we were far more defensive under McLeish. It just means our attacking player under Lambert has been largely unsuccessful so far.
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one of the issues we have is we still think like a top 6 team, we try and play fast pace passing football but we don't have the talent to pull this off.

Look at Stoke, West Brom, West Ham - they play ugly physical direct football which also revolves a lot around set pieces.

1) Our set piece taking is next to useless, we score **** all from corners and free kicks and this has been an issue since MON left.

2) We don't have any ugly, big physical players in midfield, as close as we come are some moody tackles by Delph, KEA and Lichaj - none of which are good at it. Herd is about as good as it gets for us and i don't rate him at all plus he is playing in defence.

We need to be bigger and uglier, we need some players to do the donkey work so others are free to be creative. Most of our midfielders are jack of all trades masters of jack shit.

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I'm afraid the jury is still very firmly out on this.

I'm a big supporter of Lambert but I agree that saying he is the right man for the job at the moment is an act of faith

For me, he has got the record to suggest that he can progress to be a top half manager and I like the approach he is taking to building his squad, his backroom staff and his tactics (I have high hopes for the talent the new scouting network will uncover) I think many here do not fully appreciate what a mess he inheirited and the limited resources at his disposal to do anything about things.

The fact that he has got us out of the relegation spots with the dismal raw materials he has to work with, signals to me, that he is a good manager. His first 19 games have returned more points than McLs last 19 so that again is progress to a point. Unlike McL who started badly and got worse, I personally beleive that PL will get better and better as he brings in more of his own players and gets the team playing the way he wants

We've had a couple of awful performances but I hope that come the end of the season you like me are are certain that he is the right man for the job

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