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Paul Lambert


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It never ceases to amaze me on this site that when a link to an article is posted concerning criticism of the club or a player linked to the club which the consensus doesn't want it is dismissed out of hand yet when something positive is printed it is normally universally accepted as gospel. :rolleyes:

Overlooking the fact that nobody's even reacted to that article yet so you're jumping to conclusions a bit...


It depends on the source.


An article in the Guardian (as above) is much more likely to be taken seriously than an article in the Sun or from Tribalfootball.com and such, where you get a lot of the transfer rumours you mention.


But ultimately we're football fans. We're obviously going to see complimentary articles more favourably than negative ones. We (supposedly) support our team, so it's natural.


Although if you find a creditable article citing Lambert as one of the poorer managers of this season I'm sure it'll be intelligently discussed. But I imagine you'll struggle.

Edited by Stevo985
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I'd say it's the other way around, especially when it comes to transfers. This article is someone putting his thoughts to something and there are probably many who will agree with it. And also many that thinks it's nice to see something good written about our club, or as in this this instance, about our manager.

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I'm very aware like you and everyone else that he had a difficult job to do here within the circumstances he was given. No-one is disputing that. However is it such an uncommon occurrence for a manager to be sacked and the new manager having to sort out existing problems at the club? If you agree that its not such an uncommon occurrence then you must judge at what level those problems were for the new manager to manage.



In my opinion those problems where not at a level that would justify the season we have just experienced and could have been avoided with better preparation by the manager.  



Is it uncommon for a manager to inherit a club in need of some sorting out? No.


Is it uncommon for a manager to inherit a club which has gone through multiple managers in a short space of time who have made some woeful signings with the little more available. A club which has consistently sold its best players and been left with a squad full of inexperienced kids, average players on huge unsustainable wages, more holes than the West Yorkshire police's collective memory and several players with at best questionable attitudes.


It isn't common to inherit a club with all of these things and a chairman who only provides around £17m to sign around 8 players while at the same time giving a brief of significantly reducing the wage bill while turning around a team that has struggled against relegation the previous 2 years.


Few manager do a Moyes and go into a club on a high and few take over a club in quite such a mess as we were in.


So yes, I agree with your basic point and I agree you need to then judge a manager on his performance in respect of what he inherited. Oddly you seem to be failing to follow the principle that you yourself are stating.



You spent much of the season banging on about players like Berbatov seemingly either completely unaware that Lambert is working under constraints that would stop him making those sort of signings. 


I think you are completely failing to judge Lambert against these conditions and what is more you are doing him a discredit in doing so.


You logic appears to be he should have signed more experienced players and therefore we would have done better. Well aside from the issue of the wages, there is little to suggest this would have been the result. Just take a look at QPR and the impact of their transfer policy both before and after the appointment of the man you wanted here not so long ago.


It is a short term approach which offers no guarantee other than a bigger wage bill and players that will decrease in value rather than ones which might increase.


Lambert not only inherited a total mess but he showed a great deal of balls in taking the approach he has to sorting it out. He could have taken a McLeish style approach signing has been crap like Jenas (something Redknapp did as well ironically) which would have been the easier option and certainly the safer option in terms of his reputation.


Only Lambert didn't do this, he put his hard earned reputation on the line and back his judgement to sign young and promising players with a view to improving them and improving us as a club in the medium to long term as well as the here and now. Was the season more bumpy because of this approach? Almost certainly, is the club in a damn sight better position now than the day he walked through the door? Again almost certainly I would suggest.


He has added some gems to our squad like Lowton, Westwood and your friend the new Heskey and a few others who might go on to be gems we will have to see. What he hasn't done is saddle us with shite like Boswinga or Jenas that managers like Redknapp would have done and which you would have welcomed.


You talk about the manager needing better to have prepared better, well I'd love to hear you expand on that one I really would.


Has this season been great? No but he has achieved what were his two primary objectives, reduce the wage bill and keep us up and not only has he done this but he has built foundations of a good young side worth far more than what it cost to assemble which should help us move forward in the next couple of years.


Before the season I predicted we would finish 13th, now granted I didn't expect some of the heavy defeats or the loss to Bradford but we are tonight 15th and 1 point of 13th. So I can't really judge Lambert's performance this season as being anything other than a success overall with a few blips along the way.


If you see it differently, fine that is up to you but I think you are judging him too quickly just as you did Benteke and you are doing so without fully taking into account both what he inherited and the potential benefits to the club in the approach he has taken.


Oh and just to add, you saw fit to call for Lambert to be sacked a few short months into his time here yet you say a season is too soon to judge for those who think he has done a good job. And you want to talk about hypocrisy? 


I thought you wanted to withdraw from the debate?


You are the one who actually seems fixated with Berbatov constantly mentioning the player when everyone else has moved on here. I mentioned Berbatov in light of him being available for a nominal fee and of our failed attempt to sign Dempsey in that if we were prepared to pay the wages of someone like Dempsey then the signing of a player such as Berbatov wouldn't at that time been out of the question. Do you remember that Lambert stated Lerner had given him the option of signing more established Premiership stars but he had decided not to take up the option? Or is it convenient for you to forget that and ignore the fact that Berbatov has been Fulham's best player this season?


I haven't needed to discredit Lambert. He has done that himself with the performances of the team this season due to bad preparation and i state again in several posts throughout the season you stated that we were down yet now criticise me for having an objective view on coming so close to being relegated and thats what i consider being a hypocrite.


If you actually take a look at my view on signing experienced players i did highlight certain areas in the team, namely midfield and defence. Where have we suffered most this season due to a dearth of experience?


I see you've also stated in your further attempt to discredit me that i would have welcomed signings such as Boswinga and Jenas this season. Take a look back in the thread and see in what context i have mentioned Boswinga. That pretty much makes you a liar doesn't it along with previous accusations of not admitting i was wrong about Benteke and misjudging Lambert when we've just gained Premiership safety with one game to go but then you seem to think that is some sort of success to do that.


I have highlighted Lambert's mistakes and also praised him when warranted and was one of the few posters who consistently stated that we would be safe after the system change. I was right about that as i was right about our prospects this season under a transfer policy that very nearly saw us relegated and as you said we would go down i don't think you are in any position to try and take the higher moral ground on anything this season.  



Yes I did but then you started calling me a hypocrite.


To suggest I'm the one fixated with Berbatov is rather laughable seeing as you spent most the season being critical of Lambert for not signing him. And yes I remember Lambert saying that but I also remember him saying it was difficult because of wages that those players ask, do you remember that? If you don't take a look at Sky Sports there is an article there still with quotes from Lambert on this very topic. As for me supposedly forgetting that Berbatov is Fulham's player of the year, that isn't the point, in fact isn't even close to the point I haven't said he isn't a good player or had a good season. You are just trying to shift the focus of the debate.


I find it ironic that you earlier accused someone of not being able to read in this thread yet don't seemingly actually read what I post which is why you are repeating the same bollocks accusation that I'm being hypocritical in having thought we were going down while still thinking that Lambert is doing a good job. I'm not going to repeat myself when you seemingly don't actually read what I post the first time. You seemingly also don't grasp what the word hypocritical means.


I didn't say you wanted Boswinga, I said you would welcome experienced signings like those which you have said you would have done. Those players were simply examples. Read what I actually post rather than what you think I'm posting.


I notice you completely ignore that I highlighted the hypocrisy of your view in terms of time scales for judging Lambert. Odd, perhaps you didn't read that either.


I'm struggling to understand how me thinking we would go down affects more moral standing but frankly I'm not much bothered. I've made my views clear, I think you are wrong about Lambert but we are never going to agree because you seemingly think a club should be run in a way that is predominately concerned with the short term while I think we've done that for too long and we need a manager like Lambert who is brave enough to take a longer term view.

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I think the turn around was great and I think we're set up nicely for the future but I still struggle to claim what he's done this year as a success.

We had our worst ever premiership start to a season.

You have to go back to the 1986/87 season to find a year that we let in more goals.

We lost by 8 goals for the first time in the clubs history.

The run of 3 games when we lost 15-0 was ridiculously bad.

You also have to go back to the 1986/87 season to find a year where we lost more games.

In the entire history of the club there have only been 7 seasons in which we've won less games

Saying that though I'm excited about next year and I think our progression should continue under him.

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I think the turn around was great and I think we're set up nicely for the future but I still struggle to claim what he's done this year as a success.

We had our worst ever premiership start to a season.

You have to go back to the 1986/87 season to find a year that we let in more goals.

We lost by 8 goals for the first time in the clubs history.

The run of 3 games when we lost 15-0 was ridiculously bad.

You also have to go back to the 1986/87 season to find a year where we lost more games.

In the entire history of the club there have only been 7 seasons in which we've won less games

Saying that though I'm excited about next year and I think our progression should continue under him.

We never had any of these records broken last season yet we finished with 3 less points, less wins and less goals scored then.


Just goes to show that statistics such as these mean **** all, particularly the worst start one.

Edited by Mantis
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I think the turn around was great and I think we're set up nicely for the future but I still struggle to claim what he's done this year as a success.

We had our worst ever premiership start to a season.

You have to go back to the 1986/87 season to find a year that we let in more goals.

We lost by 8 goals for the first time in the clubs history.

The run of 3 games when we lost 15-0 was ridiculously bad.

You also have to go back to the 1986/87 season to find a year where we lost more games.

In the entire history of the club there have only been 7 seasons in which we've won less games

Saying that though I'm excited about next year and I think our progression should continue under him.


I hate stats. Who cares about all of this? The only thing that matters is how many points you end up with, and what position that puts you in. Records being broken really mean **** all to me.


Though, i'm excited too 

Edited by PieFacE
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I think the turn around was great and I think we're set up nicely for the future but I still struggle to claim what he's done this year as a success.

We had our worst ever premiership start to a season.

You have to go back to the 1986/87 season to find a year that we let in more goals.

We lost by 8 goals for the first time in the clubs history.

The run of 3 games when we lost 15-0 was ridiculously bad.

You also have to go back to the 1986/87 season to find a year where we lost more games.

In the entire history of the club there have only been 7 seasons in which we've won less games

Saying that though I'm excited about next year and I think our progression should continue under him.


Fair point but you are only looking at it in terms of the context of this season rather than as the start of a longer process.


All the things you state are true and uncomfortable facts but for me when you take everything into account and the state of the club now compared to the day he arrived I have to say he has been successful regardless of the above stats.


We have needed a manager to take a longer term sustainable approach to trying to build the club since the days of Taylor, ironically who came into a similar mess following that 67/68 season. Had the internet existed at the time I'm sure people would have grumbled about signing some kid from Crewe and a player with a drink problem and dodgy knees plus some kid we found on pre-season tour.


It is difficult to call such a traumatic season a success, it goes against the grain but ultimately now safety is secured I can't view it as being anything other than that.

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I think the turn around was great and I think we're set up nicely for the future but I still struggle to claim what he's done this year as a success.

We had our worst ever premiership start to a season.

You have to go back to the 1986/87 season to find a year that we let in more goals.

We lost by 8 goals for the first time in the clubs history.

The run of 3 games when we lost 15-0 was ridiculously bad.

You also have to go back to the 1986/87 season to find a year where we lost more games.

In the entire history of the club there have only been 7 seasons in which we've won less games

Saying that though I'm excited about next year and I think our progression should continue under him.

We never had any of these records broken last season yet we finished with 3 less points, less wins and less goals scored then.


Just goes to show that statistics such as these mean **** all, particularly the worst start one.

What are you on about?

No one classed last year as a success.

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Good post Trent.  Would anyone, even those who have doubts about Lambert, not consider the club to be in an immeasurably better position now than when he took over?  That has to be a success, despite some of the troughs along the way.  I know there were views at different stages this season that we should spent money like Sunderland on Johnson and Fletcher, we should have signed Sissoko and all the other Frenchmen like Newcastle, or we should have hired Redknapp and gambled loads of money on wages to keep us up like QPR.  In the end we finished above all of them and had a decent cup run, albeit ending in chaotic fashion in that mental period.  All at the same time reducing the wage bill and increasing the value of so many players.

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I think the turn around was great and I think we're set up nicely for the future but I still struggle to claim what he's done this year as a success.

We had our worst ever premiership start to a season.

You have to go back to the 1986/87 season to find a year that we let in more goals.

We lost by 8 goals for the first time in the clubs history.

The run of 3 games when we lost 15-0 was ridiculously bad.

You also have to go back to the 1986/87 season to find a year where we lost more games.

In the entire history of the club there have only been 7 seasons in which we've won less games

Saying that though I'm excited about next year and I think our progression should continue under him.

We never had any of these records broken last season yet we finished with 3 less points, less wins and less goals scored then.


Just goes to show that statistics such as these mean **** all, particularly the worst start one.

What are you on about?

No one classed last year as a success.


I'm just pointing out that despite breaking none of those bad records last season we still had a much worse season then than we did this season. It also shows that those kinds of stats mean very little.


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I would call the fact that we were NOT relegated a success as we live to fight another day. After the Wigan home defeat I thought we were dead and buried and saw no way back. There were some terrible lows but thankfully a number of highs when we needed them.


Lambert undoubtedly made big tactical mistakes but he learned from them and turned it round.We all remember times under MON when he dogmatically stuck to his plan - thankfully Lambert is not dogmatic, recognised his errors and given the stress he must have felt I am certain he will get better as a manager.


In terms of his signings, given the constraints he was under I would definitely say he was successful and did very well with some exceptions. Whether he can do it again this close season remains to be seen, but we can expect to see more of the same. If he is able to sign 6-8 players of whom 3/4 can fit in immediately and have potential I will be happy.


As it stands I think there are more reasons to be cheerful than the reverse and for the first time in several seasons I am optimistic if not wildly so.


As for the past, ultimately what is done is done (but the debate will boringly run and run) - I am positive for the future and intend not to stress one iota over the summer!

Edited by MikeMcKenna
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It is difficult to call such a traumatic season a success, it goes against the grain but ultimately now safety is secured I can't view it as being anything other than that.

Again I agree with a lot of what you say. We are better off now than last summer. We are building something and i do feel more confident and excited about what next season will be like.

Maybe I'm just being petty with the word success but for me it just doesn't feel right using that word to describe last season.

At the end of the day it's done, its over, we've survived and I think we can all comfortably look forward and not worry about what might happen.

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It is difficult to call such a traumatic season a success, it goes against the grain but ultimately now safety is secured I can't view it as being anything other than that.

Again I agree with a lot of what you say. We are better off now than last summer. We are building something and i do feel more confident and excited about what next season will be like.

Maybe I'm just being petty with the word success but for me it just doesn't feel right using that word to describe last season.

At the end of the day it's done, its over, we've survived and I think we can all comfortably look forward and not worry about what might happen.



I agree, I think we agree on far more than we disagree here it is just an issue of terminology really.

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It never ceases to amaze me on this site that when a link to an article is posted concerning criticism of the club or a player linked to the club which the consensus doesn't want it is dismissed out of hand yet when something positive is printed it is normally universally accepted as gospel. :rolleyes:

Overlooking the fact that nobody's even reacted to that article yet so you're jumping to conclusions a bit...


It depends on the source.


An article in the Guardian (as above) is much more likely to be taken seriously than an article in the Sun or from Tribalfootball.com and such, where you get a lot of the transfer rumours you mention.


But ultimately we're football fans. We're obviously going to see complimentary articles more favourably than negative ones. We (supposedly) support our team, so it's natural.


Although if you find a creditable article citing Lambert as one of the poorer managers of this season I'm sure it'll be intelligently discussed. But I imagine you'll struggle.


No not really jumping to conclusions at all as i wasn't just referring to the article in the 'Guardian' but articles in general which appear here and are discarded on the assumption of criticism rather than actually reading what they say.


I also haven't looked for any other articles concerning Lambert one way or the other either during the season or now and as stated before i will back Lambert next season if we are comfortably mid table which should be achievable.

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Out of interest Morpheus, do you still think Lambert got it wrong signing Benteke instead of Berbatov? :)





Out of interest Morpheus, do you still think Lambert got it wrong signing Benteke instead of Berbatov? :)

Out of interest do you still think Warnock was a good signing? ;)



I will take that as a no.


You were wrong about Benteke and you seemingly were wrong about Lambert. You were also wrong when you said we would be better off sacking Lambert and getting Redknapp or when you were envious of Jol's signings for Fulham who now have a squad packed with high paid players past their best on the decline.


There is no harm in being wrong, I'm happy to admit I was wrong about Warnock being a good signing although I did say at the time we had paid far too much for him.


The key is to know when you are wrong and hold your hands up, you don't seem able to do this. You tried to wriggle off the hook with Benteke, back tracking on what you'd said and claiming you weren't wrong. Now you appear to be doing the same.


You got it wrong, Lambert got his approach right, he got his signings right (not everyone but in terms of his policy) with the budget he had to work with (which I hope you have finally accepted he had a budget) and despite some horrible results this season he kept us up which I think ultimately alongside reducing wages was his remit from the chairman this season.


Is he our best ever manager? No clearly not but then I'm not sure I've seen anyone claim he is. What I do see are some people who had a belief in him this season feeling vindicated for doing so, I see others who had some doubts but held back expressing great relief that they did and I see you, who wanted him sacked desperately trying to avoid admitting that you probably got this one wrong as well.





Morpheus had said he was wrong about Benteke over and over again?



Only after trying to avoid doing so.







I'm very aware like you and everyone else that he had a difficult job to do here within the circumstances he was given. No-one is disputing that. However is it such an uncommon occurrence for a manager to be sacked and the new manager having to sort out existing problems at the club? If you agree that its not such an uncommon occurrence then you must judge at what level those problems were for the new manager to manage.



In my opinion those problems where not at a level that would justify the season we have just experienced and could have been avoided with better preparation by the manager.  



Is it uncommon for a manager to inherit a club in need of some sorting out? No.


Is it uncommon for a manager to inherit a club which has gone through multiple managers in a short space of time who have made some woeful signings with the little more available. A club which has consistently sold its best players and been left with a squad full of inexperienced kids, average players on huge unsustainable wages, more holes than the West Yorkshire police's collective memory and several players with at best questionable attitudes.


It isn't common to inherit a club with all of these things and a chairman who only provides around £17m to sign around 8 players while at the same time giving a brief of significantly reducing the wage bill while turning around a team that has struggled against relegation the previous 2 years.


Few manager do a Moyes and go into a club on a high and few take over a club in quite such a mess as we were in.


So yes, I agree with your basic point and I agree you need to then judge a manager on his performance in respect of what he inherited. Oddly you seem to be failing to follow the principle that you yourself are stating.



You spent much of the season banging on about players like Berbatov seemingly either completely unaware that Lambert is working under constraints that would stop him making those sort of signings. 


I think you are completely failing to judge Lambert against these conditions and what is more you are doing him a discredit in doing so.


You logic appears to be he should have signed more experienced players and therefore we would have done better. Well aside from the issue of the wages, there is little to suggest this would have been the result. Just take a look at QPR and the impact of their transfer policy both before and after the appointment of the man you wanted here not so long ago.


It is a short term approach which offers no guarantee other than a bigger wage bill and players that will decrease in value rather than ones which might increase.


Lambert not only inherited a total mess but he showed a great deal of balls in taking the approach he has to sorting it out. He could have taken a McLeish style approach signing has been crap like Jenas (something Redknapp did as well ironically) which would have been the easier option and certainly the safer option in terms of his reputation.


Only Lambert didn't do this, he put his hard earned reputation on the line and back his judgement to sign young and promising players with a view to improving them and improving us as a club in the medium to long term as well as the here and now. Was the season more bumpy because of this approach? Almost certainly, is the club in a damn sight better position now than the day he walked through the door? Again almost certainly I would suggest.


He has added some gems to our squad like Lowton, Westwood and your friend the new Heskey and a few others who might go on to be gems we will have to see. What he hasn't done is saddle us with shite like Boswinga or Jenas that managers like Redknapp would have done and which you would have welcomed.


You talk about the manager needing better to have prepared better, well I'd love to hear you expand on that one I really would.


Has this season been great? No but he has achieved what were his two primary objectives, reduce the wage bill and keep us up and not only has he done this but he has built foundations of a good young side worth far more than what it cost to assemble which should help us move forward in the next couple of years.


Before the season I predicted we would finish 13th, now granted I didn't expect some of the heavy defeats or the loss to Bradford but we are tonight 15th and 1 point of 13th. So I can't really judge Lambert's performance this season as being anything other than a success overall with a few blips along the way.


If you see it differently, fine that is up to you but I think you are judging him too quickly just as you did Benteke and you are doing so without fully taking into account both what he inherited and the potential benefits to the club in the approach he has taken.


Oh and just to add, you saw fit to call for Lambert to be sacked a few short months into his time here yet you say a season is too soon to judge for those who think he has done a good job. And you want to talk about hypocrisy? 


I thought you wanted to withdraw from the debate?


You are the one who actually seems fixated with Berbatov constantly mentioning the player when everyone else has moved on here. I mentioned Berbatov in light of him being available for a nominal fee and of our failed attempt to sign Dempsey in that if we were prepared to pay the wages of someone like Dempsey then the signing of a player such as Berbatov wouldn't at that time been out of the question. Do you remember that Lambert stated Lerner had given him the option of signing more established Premiership stars but he had decided not to take up the option? Or is it convenient for you to forget that and ignore the fact that Berbatov has been Fulham's best player this season?


I haven't needed to discredit Lambert. He has done that himself with the performances of the team this season due to bad preparation and i state again in several posts throughout the season you stated that we were down yet now criticise me for having an objective view on coming so close to being relegated and thats what i consider being a hypocrite.


If you actually take a look at my view on signing experienced players i did highlight certain areas in the team, namely midfield and defence. Where have we suffered most this season due to a dearth of experience?


I see you've also stated in your further attempt to discredit me that i would have welcomed signings such as Boswinga and Jenas this season. Take a look back in the thread and see in what context i have mentioned Boswinga. That pretty much makes you a liar doesn't it along with previous accusations of not admitting i was wrong about Benteke and misjudging Lambert when we've just gained Premiership safety with one game to go but then you seem to think that is some sort of success to do that.


I have highlighted Lambert's mistakes and also praised him when warranted and was one of the few posters who consistently stated that we would be safe after the system change. I was right about that as i was right about our prospects this season under a transfer policy that very nearly saw us relegated and as you said we would go down i don't think you are in any position to try and take the higher moral ground on anything this season.  



Yes I did but then you started calling me a hypocrite.


To suggest I'm the one fixated with Berbatov is rather laughable seeing as you spent most the season being critical of Lambert for not signing him. And yes I remember Lambert saying that but I also remember him saying it was difficult because of wages that those players ask, do you remember that? If you don't take a look at Sky Sports there is an article there still with quotes from Lambert on this very topic. As for me supposedly forgetting that Berbatov is Fulham's player of the year, that isn't the point, in fact isn't even close to the point I haven't said he isn't a good player or had a good season. You are just trying to shift the focus of the debate.


I find it ironic that you earlier accused someone of not being able to read in this thread yet don't seemingly actually read what I post which is why you are repeating the same bollocks accusation that I'm being hypocritical in having thought we were going down while still thinking that Lambert is doing a good job. I'm not going to repeat myself when you seemingly don't actually read what I post the first time. You seemingly also don't grasp what the word hypocritical means.


I didn't say you wanted Boswinga, I said you would welcome experienced signings like those which you have said you would have done. Those players were simply examples. Read what I actually post rather than what you think I'm posting.


I notice you completely ignore that I highlighted the hypocrisy of your view in terms of time scales for judging Lambert. Odd, perhaps you didn't read that either.


I'm struggling to understand how me thinking we would go down affects more moral standing but frankly I'm not much bothered. I've made my views clear, I think you are wrong about Lambert but we are never going to agree because you seemingly think a club should be run in a way that is predominately concerned with the short term while I think we've done that for too long and we need a manager like Lambert who is brave enough to take a longer term view.


Your original point to this so called debate was to accuse me of the above which is highlighted. I have no problem whatsoever in any poster engaging me but where i take issue is being accused of something i haven't done which other posters have taken the time to point this out to you and i find it rich you are now accusing me of changing the point of debate.


You will also note that when debating with another poster in this thread over the past few days i have indeed pointed out my ideas on where Lambert had gone wrong in his preparation. There is no need for me to do that again.


If you read your comment again on Boswinga and Jenas you will note that you have implied that i would have welcomed such players to our club. There is a marked difference in quality between those and who i have actually put forward and you knew exactly what you were doing with those examples.


A further accusation of having a short term view on the club. Again you're very wrong about that as i have stated many times on site and in different threads that my view was more balance in Lambert's transfer policy. Not at any stage have i ever said that we should fill our team with overaged experienced players. What i did say was that we needed more experience in the team particularly in midfield and defence and i would still suggest i have been right about that.


It is therefore again hypocritical of you to suggest that i am responding to what i think you've said rather than what you've actually stated when you've been guilty of doing exactly that yourself concerning my posts and yes i do know what hypocritical means certainly after reading  your above posts. 

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